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Are you struggling to create healthy meals for your family?

It's the end of November, coming up to the beginning of December, and it is also the festive

Are you struggling to feed your family healthy meals?

Do you find that at the end of the day, you come home from work or after-school activities of
your kids, then you feel tired and hungry, so you open the pantry, or the fridge and you say,
"What am I going to feed the family?"

What do I cook next because I'm too tired, I don't have all the ingredients, and I don’t know what
to do next?

Is this a scenario that happened to you?

I know years ago I used to suffer from that. I used to look at the kitchen by the end of the day
and go, “What am I going to feed my family?

How am I going to get through the afternoon and into the evening to create this and make sure
that I'm feeding my kids the best nutrients that I can give them, plus feeding myself as well?

When you just arrived at home felling tired and run down, you are probably going to opt for
something less healthy, something that might be takeaway.

You might even be wasting on delivery foods, on takeaway foods or foods that are quite
processed and don't deliver the nutrition.

The following will manifest to you, if you eat low-quality foods or foods that don't provide
your body with key nutrients.
 Fatigue
 Tiredness
 Sense of being run down
 Contribute to weight gain and disease
 Lack of ability to cope with the stresses and strains that are going on.

Ensure that you are eating healthy and nutritionally so that you can get all those key nutrients
that your body needs to run on an everyday basis and to get you through, especially with the
holiday season coming up.

Create Healthy, and Easy meals with these 4 simple tips.

Tip #1. Make salad, fruits, and veggies the Hero of your Plate.

Traditionally we were taught to have a piece of meat and a side salad. Say if you go to a
trational or something, they give you a, a big piece of meat or, or a meal, and you get this little
side salad that's maybe a couple of mouthfuls of salad. But instead, let's turn it around. Let's
have the salad, fruits and veggies as the mainstay of the meal, and then add whatever else you
need to it.
So it could. The meat, the chicken, the fish, eggs, beans, legumes, grains, whatever else you
wanted to add to it. But make the salad, fruits and veggies being the hero of your plate because
that's where your nutrition's coming from. That's what that is, the nutrients that feeds your
bacteria of your digestive system to create good health.

So it's very important that we look at, we change the way we're. And think, okay, I'm going to
have say a salad or stir fried veggies. What else can I add with that? What flavors can I have to
make this taste nice? And guess what? Healthy eating doesn't have to be bland. It doesn't have
to be time consuming.

And that's what I also wanna point out with, um, with you today. Secondly, choose whole foods
instead of processed foods. So try to to look at foods when you're planning a meal. Foods that
come as close to nature as possible. So again, that comes back to the salad fruits and the
veggies rather than packet foods and foods that really don't resemble what they look like when
they came from the ground or from nature.

And if you're wanting flavor, like I said, healthy foods don't need to be bland. They don't need to
be tasteless, they don't need to be boring. Add herbs and spices for flavor. So when you're
adding those beautiful herbs and spices, not only is it giving your food absolutely gorgeous
flavors and enticing those taste buds, but it's also giving you some great key photo chemical
nutrition because a lot of these herbs and spices have a lot of actions inside our body.

So for instance, parsley helps to provide, ion, helps to cleanse the blood. Turmeric helps with
liver detoxification, helps with as anti-cancer. As far as helping reduce the cancer cycle helps as
an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Um, coroner helps to eliminate a lot of heavy metals and
helps with liver detoxification.

So these flavors are amazing when we add to our meals, but secondly, they really support your
health and your nutri. And we're only, we're only putting smatterings in in each meal. And it
doesn't really matter whether you know what they're doing or not, but if you can have a variety
of herbs and spices in your meals to give the flavor, then that's going to contribute to your health
and your wellbeing.

And speaking of variety, ensure that you're getting a rainbow of colors when you look at your
plate or when you look at the food that you've been eating during the day, that there's a rainbow
of colors. That you're getting a plethora of colors. So the blue blacks, the reds, the oranges, the
whites, the greens, and it's not that hard.

If you walk through a green grocer, you can see all the colors as you walk down the aisles of the
fruit and veg section. And just putting those in together can ensure again that you're getting a
wide variety of nutrients and that your, and it tantalizes your eyes. So that you are more excited
about eating the food that's in front of you and the plate that's in front of you.

And my biggest two tips, and these are the two tips that have particularly changed, um, the way
that I do my, um, my meals in the kitchen. And I am so not, uh, a natural chef as far as a natural
cook. I, I'm not, it's not my favorite place to be in the house. So I wanna make sure I optimize
my time while giving my family the best nutrition.

So the two biggest things that I've found over the years that have worked for me is one that I
plan my meals, I take time and I work out during the week what is it that I'm going to feed the
family This. And by planning the meals, I then I write them out on a template and then I can,
from that work out my shopping list and I can get all the growth, all the ingredients that I need,
and so that they're there ready for me when I'm wanting to cook those meals so that I don't open
the fridge up and go, right, I'm going to cook a stir fry tonight, but I don't have three ingredients
or two ingredients, and so therefore I get more de more depressed or dejected because I, I don't
have those things and it's gonna take more energy for me to.

So I always make sure that I plan my meals and from that, like I said, I can get my shopping list
and that saves me time and money as well. And in doing so, when I'm planning the meals and
when I'm cooking, I double up on all my ingredients. So when I do make, um, so for instance, if I
make a stir fry, I'll double the ingredients so that I've got enough for two lots of meals and I'll
freeze that second meal.

I'll put it in a parex container, label it and put it in the freezer for another night for either when I'm
working late or where late home from after school activities. But I know that I've got meals
always in my freezer for the times that I need it. And so what I find in effective doing this when
I'm planning my meals, I pretty much only have to plan half the week's meals because the other
half is.

Taken care of as leftovers from the half, the half the week that I have cooked and that I have
prepared meals. So it saves me so much time, so much effort. And I know that I know that my
kids are getting a great variety of nutrients and foods and it's helping with their energy levels,
but it's also supporting my energy, my ability to cope and my ability to, um, do everything that,
that a working mom needs to.

But if you are finding it a little bit hard to do this and you're wanting help with this, I do have a
brand new 28 day Healthy Family Meal program, eating program, eating plan that's developed
by naturopath. These are all the meals, all the snacks, breakfast, lunches, dinners all planned
out for you, and all the recipes are there as well.

So if you want a hand in helping to plan out some. Maybe some guidance, maybe some recipes
to take away some of that decision fatigue that we can get when we have to sort of think about
what, what is it we're going to make for dinner tonight? Or what are we going to pack for lunch?
What are we gonna make for lunch?

There's this 28 day healthy eating family meal plan for you, so as a December special. I'm
offering it half price. It's an introductory special. I'm offering it half price. And like I said, it
includes all the main meals, all the snacks, they're all done for you. You just follow the recipes.
Um, follow the daily plan for the next 28 days so this plan could get you through to the other
side of Christmas and help you through the festive season, and it can help not only with the
nutrition for yourself and your family, and therefore helping with your energy.

And your sanity as well. But it can also help with weight loss as far as each of the meals are
structured, and you're less likely to go for the quick and easy sugary snacks that can put on
weight, and it can help with supporting or preventing weight gain in the festive season because
the majority of meals.

Well, the meals are all planned out for you and you can just follow that. And then you could
have the odd, festive dinner or festive event in amongst this 28 day plan. So it can help with
your waistline, it can help with your energy levels. It reduces decision fatigue cause you don't
have to think about what you're gonna make for the next 28 days and it will help you to save
Preparing meals and save money on wasted food, oral take away foods as well. So you're
saving, you could save up to. Um, it's estimated that you could save up to one to $4,000 a year
by planning your meals and making your meals at home instead of getting take away or having
food that you are throwing out that you're not using.

So if you, you're wanting some help, if you're wanting the next, um, 28 days, pretty much done
for you as far as recipes, knowing that they're healthy, knowing that they've been devised by a
naturo. I'd be happy to help. Please get in contact with me. Love to be able to support you with
the 28 day Healthy Family Meal Plan.

Um, like I said, introductory price is half price, so contact me and I'd love to be able to help you
out. I'm there. Todd Conquering Health Naturopath and buy a chemist. Buy for now.

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