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Interview Assessment #2

Name of Professional:

Stacy Graham


Business/Company name:

Date of interview:

Business Symposium

During Business Symposium my second interview was with Ms. Graham. My goal going

into the business symposium was to improve my interview skills and I think this interview

helped me gain a few insights on how I can accomplish this.

When being interviewed by Ms. Graham, she started with a few questions based on the

sample list that was given to them. She asked me about my ISM topic that I am researching,

which is Artificial Intelligence, and why I chose it. I told her about my interest in computer

science and the growing job opportunities. She responded with an insightful anecdote about how

much Artificial Intelligence is being used by everyone already without us noticing. I didn’t

completely grasp what her job was, but from my understanding Ms. Graham works in some form

of cybersecurity, and would monitor bank accounts to screen for any suspicious activity showing

signs of credit card theft. Ms. Graham told me about how she sometimes uses programs that have

artificial intelligence algorithms in order to help her in her job. She assured me that artificial

intelligence was indeed a growing field with plenty of potential. This solidified what I’ve learned

through research about the Artificial Intelligence field and its future growth, and increased my

confidence in this by being able to see an example of how Artificial Intelligence is already being
integrated into many diverse industries that you wouldn’t think had anything to do with Artificial

Intelligence or machine learning.

Later in the interview, I asked Ms. Graham for feedback on how I did in the interview.

She gave me compliments on my interview skills and said that I was better at being interviewed

than some people are going into jobs, which really reassured me in myself and my ability to

handle interviews. But more importantly, Ms. Graham also gave me tips on how to improve. She

said that sometimes it seemed like I was nervous and cut myself off at the end of some of my

responses to a question. When asking myself why this was, I concluded that I was because I

wasn’t ‘landing the plane’ very well. I didn’t feel very nervous, at least not as much as I was

before the interview, so I don't think that caused this issue. I think that I was instead just cutting

myself off to end my answers by saying something like “...uh, yeah” or “, yeah” instead of

concluding my answer in a better, more conversational way that didn’t feel as abrupt of an

ending. Ms. Graham also said that I should work on elaborating my answers more. I think I need

to work on spreading my answers out and being more specific, and should describe my reasoning

in more detail. I think I was able to convey the general idea that I was trying to make when

responding to questions, but I needed to go into more depth so that my interviewer would be able

to better understand me as a person through my answers.

Looking back on this interview, I think I was able to take away a few helpful insights on

the field of AI, my Interview skills, and how I can improve them.

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