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Accenture_How our Mindset can Affect our Actions

[Narrator] In this video we will be looking at the importance of our mindset, and how it can affect both the

decisions that we make and the outcomes we achieve.

[Anna’s internal thoughts] This looks like an interesting role, let’s have a look at it.

[Anna’s internal thoughts] Hmmm some of the responsibilities sound quite intimidating. I’m not that

comfortable using different computer systems and I’m not sure I can really see myself in this role. I’m just not

really a techy and I feel it’s a skill you either have or you don’t have. I don’t think I should apply for it; I really

don’t think I’ll get very far.

[Narrator] Although Anna has most of the key skills mentioned, she’s afraid of failing the interview, and not

being able to do the role. She doesn’t feel comfortable with some of the responsibilities, such as using different

computer systems, and doesn’t believe she can improve her skills in that area. This limiting belief is stopping

her from being able to see her other skills that would be great for the role! So, she doesn’t even try to apply for

the job, despite the fact she has lots of the other skills mentioned and could learn the ones she doesn’t. This is

an example of a fixed mindset kicking in. It keeps her in her comfort zone, where she isn’t developing her skills

or reaching her full potential. Let’s see how she might have thought about this with a growth mindset.

[Anna’s internal thoughts] Hmmm, the job looks interesting but some of the responsibilities sound quite

intimidating. I’m not that comfortable using different computer systems. Maybe I should just apply for it anyway

- I can practice and learn the skills I need. I’ve also developed the other skills they’re asking for in previous

roles. Perhaps I could see if there’s any training online that could help me learn more about using different

computer systems. I think it’s something I could learn more about if I put my mind to it.

[Narrator] Anna applies for the role and gets an email saying, ‘Congratulations, we would like you to come for a

face to face interview.’

In this example, Anna’s attitude and willingness to learn new skills has opened herself up to new possibilities

and challenges - showing her growth mindset in action. This is important as Anna is pushing herself out of her

comfort zone and is open to learning new things.

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