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TEL 311 - Marzano Strategies

TEL 311: Marzano Strategies - A Personal Re ection

Jennifer Hand, PharmD

ASU MLFTC Spring 2021

TEL 311 - Marzano Strategies

Following the viewing of the Sanford Inspire Marzano Presentation, a few items
resonated with me.

I participated in ASUPD Math 7 drop-in tutoring sessions. While helping students learn
the steps to solve math problems, the use of cues and questions are important when
talking a student through the steps. I found that it’s best to give more cues initially, then
start asking questions when moving to similar problems. This helps to get them thinking
about the process, and leads them to a deeper understanding of the concepts behind
the solutions. If a student has difficulty progressing to the point where they can work
the problem without prompts, and tell me what they will do at each step, then I report to
my lead instructor that the student would benefit from additional practice.

Regarding the use of nonlinguistic methods of representation, my internship lead

instructor found an excellent online interactive tool for demonstrating the 2-dimensional
shapes that are created when slicing 3-dimensional figures- here’s the link - it should be
seen, rather than described:
One moving picture is worth a thousand words!

My content area is Middle and Early Secondary Mathematics. It goes without saying
that you cannot learn math without practice! Assigning homework and providing
practice is essential. Formative assessments in class only go so far - students must
also demonstrate that the learning is durable, hence homework and exams. Students
whose homework indicates a lack of mastery should be given extra instruction, tutoring,
and additional practice before they take tests & exams. This also ties in with providing
timely and specific feedback.

All in all, the Marzano Strategies make sense, and I will refer to them periodically, as I
continue through my education and teaching career.

TEL 311 - Marzano Strategies

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