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Disturbances in the current schedule:

Week 7 Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday
Week 8
Week 9 and 10
Strikes meaning modules will not be happening


-authenticity-presenting other cultures as exotic and more primitive than

another nation where patriotism is promoted.

Hegemonic notions of globalisation

-that it is inherently good and that it is inevitable

Expansion of consciousness:
Cultures becoming similar to one another, global recognition, the linking of
countries and cultures.

Can breed fear and resentment, i.e what caused BREXIT to win.

Globalised culture:
-The interconnection of world cultures

20th Century Globalisation:

Three situations where capitalism hid behind national boundaries
-Russian Revolution
-Wall Street

Rise of neoliberalism-deregulating capitalism, taking down barriers to allow free


Issue is that a single large market becomes dominated by specific brands and

PLAY THAT ENGAGES THIS: Sarah Kane’s Blasted where setting becomes
untethered to a place as they all become all too similar and deviant from
tradition and cultural norms.

Mc Theatre:
Economies of scale very hard to achieve in theatre, performances tend to be
unique and hard to reproduce. Technology does not enable actors to perform
Hamlet quicker today than in Shakespeare’s day.

There is a commodification of theatre however, i.e west end musicals that have
been commercialised and reproduced to be put into a moneymaking machine.
Standardisation: in theatre
Uniqueness is lost, spontaneity is lost, ability to respond to time and place, with
shows that are miked, attention is lost to acoustics

Creative control is lost, meaning that each performance simply becomes and
assembly line

For seminar: Make notes on the positives and negatives of globalisation.

Seminar Discussions:


Pros: Cons:
Free movement A sense of a loss of identity
Cultural intertwining Creates a large single market where
monopolistic behaviour is formed due
to multinational corporations.
If multinational corporations strive for Does not close the gap between the
global sustainability, they may begin world’s poorest and richest
start ups in under developed areas of
the world hence improving welfare in
that area
More and better choice of Whilst often freer trade between
goods/services countries is positive as leads to higher
competition and essentially lower
prices, if foreign companies are better
at producing the product than would
be domestically possible, then
domestic firms, and hence domestic
economy is harmed.
Higher labour availability on a global
scale, firms can choose where to
produce their goods and who to offer
jobs to.
Threatens global cultural diversity, can
harm local economies
-Capacity to transcend geographical barriers, integration into creating a
symbiotic relationship between cultures. Creates a symbolic unity.

-higher communication between nations

-Trade: Interdependence, efficient allocation of the factors of production,

accessibility to resources

-Higher labour availability, i.e jobs that usually experience shortages suddenly
are filled up.



-NGOs –ebola relief, global relief

-Music, i.e would cease without globalisation, cultural interconnectedness.

Fundamentally, exchange leads to greater and more efficient outcomes


-Doctors example for jobs where there would be a shortage of labour without

-Music as an example for cultural relationships like despacito

-Foreign medicines developed overseas.Larger area of knowledge of diseases.

More people dedicated to globally working on these diseases, more output,
acupuncture that all major athletes use

-United nations: global democracy, combatting global threats i.e North Korea
through presenting unity

-Natural disaster response through global countries i.e Haiti relief

-global environment agency, UNICEF, FAIRTRADE global charitable initiatives

that aim through globalisation to improve the lives of individuals in lesser
developed countries.

-Millennium development goals,

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