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SAMR Model is one of the models of technology integration.

In order to explain its main concept, create a

progressive scenario that focuses in every level that the model has. Use the template below for your
activity. After giving examples, give the importance of the said model in the field of education.

Technology Integration Model Scenario

Instead of providing visual aids such as manila

paper, as a teacher you can make use of a Portable
Document Format (PDF) that includes your lesson
and send it to your students by means of the group
chat or group page. In that way a teacher can save
time and space by not changing the learning
process or outcome.

After giving the PDF as a teacher you can ask your

students to summarize the lesson and highlight the
important details by instructing them to use
PowerPoint that contains multimedia elements, so
that the discussion will be more engaging as well as

When the PowerPoint has been done they can

make such as podcasts in which can then be
accessed by other students as a revision resource.
ModificATion This allows students to generate inspired and
innovative work that isn’t confined to paper.

Instruct your students to publish their work online

such as in YouTube, making an E-Portfolio or a
specific Face book Page where it can be viewed by
peers and the community. It has the possibility to
Redefinition connect learning with the real world and produce
authentic outcomes. It also gives students
technological skills such as technological literacy,
and the ability to adapt to new technological
Its importance:

Technology, in the hands of a skilled educator, will transform traditional teaching and learning in four distinct y
to understand what technological literacy is.

2. Explain the significance of the merging of the different knowledge that completes the TPACK Model

a. Pedagogical knowledge with Content Knowledge

It is said that this knowledge is the intersection of pedagogical and content knowledge this merging
is important because as a teacher you need to know how to effectively engage your students in learning
concepts and skills. It also includes different approaches that could be the key in addressing different
learning styles and a teacher adds support for students in order to enhance learning for deeper
understanding of the specific content in different disciplines. Therefore, the teachers’ perspective towards
the subject contents influences their teaching and interpretation method.

b. Technological knowledge with Content Knowledge

It is important to merge the technological and content knowledge because it explains the teachers
understanding of how technology and content can both influence each other. It also involves in
understanding how the subject can be delivered using a variety of educational technology and what
educational technology tools is the best and suited for a specific subject for a deep and lasting learning.

b. Technological knowledge with Pedagogical knowledge

It is important to merge technological and pedagogical knowledge because it describes the
teachers’ understanding of how a particular technology can change both the teaching and the learning
experience by introducing new pedagogical resources. It also concerns in understanding how such tools
can be use along with the pedagogy in an appropriate manner and in line with lesson. You as a teacher is
responsible for choosing and managing technology for your students.

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