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The Effect of Incision

Depth for Measuring

Membrane Potential
By: Hayley Jackson, Caitlyn Warne, Megan Jenkinson
❏ What was the experiment?
❏ What were the independent and dependent variables?
❏ Why did we conduct this experiment?
❏ What are the potential benefits?
❏ What is the background research?

❏ Two virile crayfish were used to compare membrane
potential values of superficial and deep muscle fibers.
❏ They both were cut through the abdomen using large
scissors and submerged into a 5.4 potassium normal
crayfish saline solution the entire time.
❏ A deep incision was made into crayfish #1 & a shallow
incision into crayfish #2; scalpel #11 blade, forceps, and
vannas scissors were used.
❏ A micromanipulator was attached to an intracellular
microelectrode head stage and held an electrode filled with
3M KCI solution.

❏ The electrode was first placed into the saline solution (not muscle)
❏ A silver pellet ground was placed in the solution that was connected to an intracellular
amplifier which displayed the membrane potential values.
❏ In some instances it was not at 0.00, so we turn the DC offset knob to zero out the
membrane potential value.
❏ When time to record we recorded values from both types every five minutes the first 45
minute segment, and then every 15 minutes for the second 45 minute segment.

❏ Data collection was inputted into an excel spreadsheet
❏ IBM SPSS Statistics 27 software was used to generate:
❏ Independent samples t-tests ran at each time point to directly compare the measured potential of the
superficial muscle fibers to the deep muscle fibers.
❏ A correlation test was run to determine the impact of time on membrane potential values collected
from each muscle fiber type.


Pearson correlational analyses for the

relationship between time and resting
potential in superficial and deep
muscles both yielded statistically
insignificant results.


An independent sample t-test was performed to compare the average resting membrane potential of
superficial and deep muscle fibers. This test also yielded statistically insignificant results.


Average resting
membrane potential was
recorded over a period of
90 minutes in both
superficial and deep
muscle fibers. An
independent samples
t-test was performed and
yielded statistically
insignificant results.

❏ Refresher: what was the point of the experiment?
❏ What did we find? What do the results mean?

❏ Why should we care?
❏ What were the limitations?
❏ What does this mean for the future of neuroscience?


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