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Name : .............................

Class : X-TKJ
Topic : Let Me Introduce Myself
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Setelah mengamati video pembelajaran tentang teks pemaparan jati diri yang telah
diberikan, membaca materi serta diskusi kelompok pada grup WA terkait Let Me
Introduce Myself peserta didik dapat menentukan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
teks lisan dan tulis tentang pemaparan jati diri meliputi kalimat Present Tense
nominal dan verbal serta penggunaan personal pronoun dan possessive pronoun
dengan tepat.
2. Setelah mengamati video pembelajaran tentang teks pemaparan jati diri yang telah
diberikan, membaca materi serta diskusi kelompok pada grup WA terkait Let Me
Introduce Myself siswa dapat membuat resume tentang materi teks pemaparan jati

Dengan rasa rasa ingin tahu, tanggung jawab, displin selama proses pembelajaran, bersikap
jujur, santun, percaya diri dan pantang menyerah, serta memiliki sikap responsif (berpikir
kritis) dan pro-aktif (kreatif), serta mampu berkomukasi dan bekerjasama dengan baik.
Learning Step 1:
Activity 1
Answer the following questions
1. When was the last time you meet a new people ?
2. What did you say to introduce yourself?
3. What did you ask to your name friend?

Activity 2
Look at example of both, can you introduce yourself after look this!

Example self introduction : Another example :

 I am .....
Hello, Good morning everyone,
My name is .......
 You can call me..... Let me introduce myself first, as a new
My nickname is ..... student in BEC English Course. My name
 I come from...... is Adi winata. I was born in Kediri, June
I am from...... 20, 2004. My hobby is writing and
 I have been living in ..... for ..... reading. I am very grateful because now I
I have been living in ......since ..... have a chance to study in this university.
I have been living in..... for all my life OK, that’s all that I can tell you a little
I have been living in ...... since I was about myself.
Thank you

Task 2
Students are required to read and understand the dialogue and monologue on introducing.
Then, students are asked to make a monologue containing an introduction to themselves!

Activity 3

Please watch the video with link in the below, to get an understanding of introducing,
especially greetings, introduction expressions, self identity, and leave taking / closing.
Task 3

Make a note of important information from the video

Write Here

Activity 4
Look at this video with the link below !
Task 4
1. After you watch this video, do you know about them?, who are they ?
2. With your friends please explain the purpose of the dialog below, generic structure and
language feature about this text!

The purpose is

The generic structure


The Laguage Feature


Task 5
Make a learning note of teh material you have learn about Introducing. Make it based on your
own creativity !

Submit your learning note to your teacher google form .
Name : .............................
Class : X-TKJ
Topic : Let Me Introduce Myself
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Setelah mengamati video pembelajaran tentang teks pemaparan jati diri yang telah
diberikan, membaca materi serta diskusi kelompok pada grup WA terkait Let Me
Introduce Myself peserta didik dapat Membuat Teks terkait jati diri dan hubungan
keluarga menggunakan personal pronoun dan possessive pronoun dengan benar dan
2. Setelah membuat teks caption, peserta didik dapat menyajikan teks terkait
pemaparan jati diri secara tertulis dengan benar.

Dengan rasa rasa ingin tahu, tanggung jawab, displin selama proses pembelajaran, bersikap
jujur, santun, percaya diri dan pantang menyerah, serta memiliki sikap responsif (berpikir
kritis) dan pro-aktif (kreatif), serta mampu berkomukasi dan bekerjasama dengan baik.
Learning Step 2 :
Activity 1
Please watch the video with link in the below.

Task 1
After you watch this video, explain the step and elements in this material “Let Me Introduce


Task 2
Students are required to read and understand the dialogue and monologue on introducing.
Then, students are asked to make a monologue containing an introduction to themselves.
Make a monologue introducing yourself and practice it!

Task 3
Now you must to work on questions to test their understanding of the expressions commonly
used in introducing.
1. ______ (I/my/me) name is Tatjana
2. My father is a teacher. _____ (he/his/him) works in SMK Mitra Sehat
3. My mother is a nurse. She loves _____ (she/her/hers) job.
4. I love _____ (they/their/them) very much.
5. I have a little sister. In the future, _____ (she/her/hers) wants to be a dentist.
Task 4
Fill in the blank spaces!

Last week was my friend Shannon birthday party. She celebrated (1) __ 18th birthday. She
held the party in a famous café. (2) ___ is located in Rodeo street. I came there with my best
friend Kayla and Rob. Kayla was Shannon’s neighbor and (3) ____ was my classmate. Rob
was living out of town. Shannon didn’t know about (4) ___ yet. Kayla, Rob, and I came
together.(5) ___ came there by Taxi. First, Kayla came to Rob’s apartment and then (6) ___
picked me up. When we arrived, the room was crowded. (7) ___ was full of people. All of (8)
___ were Shannon’s friends.

Activity 2

Students are given an explanation of the simple present tense! With Slide Show before that
share in google classroom.

Task 5

Choose the best answer!

1. Children always …….. their parents.

a. are loving
b. is loving
c. love
d. loves

2. The man always……… the truth.

a. tells
b. is telling
c. telling
d. are telling

3. The students usually……… fifteen minutes before the class starts.

a. to come
b. came
c. come
d. are coming

4. Everybody…….. work hard everyday.

a. doesn’t
b. isn’t
c. don’t
d. aren’t

5. ……… to Mosque every day?

a. Does you go
b. Do you go
c. Are you go
d. Have you go

6. He doesn’t ………. that Mr. Buhima is our maths teacher.

a. know
b. knows
c. knew
d. known

7. Rini and her sister always….. English conversation at home.

a. are practicing
b. practiced
c. practice
d. practices

8. How often …… coffee?

a. mother drinks
b. mother does drink
c. did mother drink
d. does mother drink?

9. It …… a lot of money to buy that car.

a. cost
b. costed
c. costs
d. costes

10. My brother and my sister ………….. to work early in the morning.

a. drive
b. drives
c. driving
d. are driving

Task 6
Create with your own word when you intorduce your self in front of class in google meet.
Key Answer
Task 1-5 the answer may vary
Task 1 – 2 the answer may vary
Task 3
My, He, Her, them She
Task 4
Key Answers:
(1) Her (2) It (3) She (4) him (5) We (6) They/she (7) It (8) us

Task 5
Key Answers:
(1) C (2) A (3) C (4) A (5) B (6) A (7) C (8) D (9) C (10) A

Task 6
The answer may vary
References: accessed on May 1, 2021 at 11.12 a.m

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