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The most wonderful aspect of our country is its
strength from time being. We are united because of our
ancestors have taught us to live with all kinds of people and
embrace them like brothers and sisters. Though we grow in a
particular system we cannot deny that we have friends and
neighbors who are different cultures.
This unity in diversity should continue for
generations to come, this can be done only by sharing the
importance of Unity to us students in school. We should be
aware of our values and history our country has come through.
Elders should take responsibility in transferring the valuable
thoughts to kids at home so that our pride of our nation does
not fall down for any reason. Although difference of ethnicity
and religion may prove detrimental in the short run but tend to
make society more tolerant.
As a result, eventually people irrespective of
class and creed work together for the development of nation. It
is beneficial from a long-term perspective and would help the
society to prosper not just economically but also socially. We
should always remember that, “United We Stand, Divided We
Fall” and We can’t have unity without diversity.

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