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Definition of Skimming :-

Skimming is reading a text quickly to get a general idea of meaning.

Skimming is a specific reading skill which is common in reading newspapers,

messages and e-mails. It is important for learners to understand that there
is no need to read every single word when skimming, so often teachers set
this as a timed task to encourage speed.

Definition of Scanning :-
Scanning is a technique that Rapidly covers a great deal of material in order
to locate a specific piece of fact or information.

Scanning is very useful for finding a specific name, date statictic or fact
without reading the entire article.

Definition of Intensive Reading:-

Intensive reading involves learners reading in detail with specific learning
aims and tasks. intensive reading is a type of reading which is more time consuming
than scanning or skimming. This type of reading has indeed beneficial to language
learners as it helps them understand vocabulary by deducing the meaning of words in
context. It moreover, helps with retention of information for long periods of time and
knowledge resulting from intensive reading persists in your long term memory.

Definition of Extensive Reading:-

Extensive reading involves reading for pleasure. Because there is an element of
enjoyment in extensive reading. it is unlikely that students will undertake extensive
reading of a text they do not like. In extensive reading student choose their own text and
read for pleasure so that general language improvement can take place.

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