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Creative Writing Week 3

F. Developing Mastery Learning Task 3: Sense it!

Directions: Read the excerpts with understanding. Identify what sensory imagery
is used in each statement. Write your answers on your answer sheet. Identify
too those words used as descriptive in each excerpt. Copy the table and write
your answers on their proper column.
1. Gustatory Imagery
2. Tactile
3. Visual
4. Olfactory
5. Auditory

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Directions: Define the following words based on your personal connotation or its
general connotation. Do this on your answer sheet.

1. Fire consumes, warms, and illuminates, but can also bring pain and death; thus, its
symbolic meaning varies wildly, depending upon the context of its use. ... Many cultures view fire as
a symbol of wisdom and knowledge
2. Ice symbolizes death, sadness, hate and slow moving
3. The connotation for rain is that of abundance, overabundance, or just sheer magnitude.
4. The symbolism of stones centers on ideas of endurance, stability, and permanence. They
represent the ability to be grounded and connected with the earth. Stones are strong, versatile,
and easily accessible.
5. a rock is a hard mass of stone, or a broken off piece of a boulder, or is slang for a piece of crack
6. While GREEN leaves depict hope, renewal, and revival, dead leaves represent decay and
sadness. In general, leaves are symbolic of fertility and growth, and in the Chinese tradition the
leaves of the Cosmic Tree represent all of the beings in the universe
7. light has symbolic attachment to illumination, awareness and wisdom etc. Therefore, in terms of
spiritual symbolism, mirrors reflect truth
8. It is a tool with loaded symbolic meaning; the knife signifies severence, death, sacrifice,
division, or liberation. In Buddhism, cutting with a knife represents deliverance, as in cutting the
bonds of ignorance. In Christianity, it represents martyrdom
9. It helps you speak through it with no other noises that it may hear.

Learning Task 5: Celebr8!

Directions: Create a paragraph about Fiesta in the Philippines. Choose only one type
of diction in writing. Write your paragraph on your answer sheet.
A festival, also known as a "Fiesta," is an important part of Filipino culture. Every city or province
has its own fiesta. Because Mexico is a deeply religious country, a fiesta is typically associated with
the celebration of a city or province's patron saint or of harvest. In the Philippines, there is always a
fiesta going on.
I. Evaluating learning
Writing Time! Directions: Now that you have learned about the essential lessons on
introduction to Creative Writing, you can now write your first ever output as your
final output in this module. Produce short paragraphs or vignettes using the learned
lessons on Imagery, Diction, Figures of speech using YOUR OWN specific experiences
while you are taking this module. Ask your teacher regarding the mode of
submission of your output
Vignette - a short descriptive literary sketch; a brief incident or scene

Once upon a time, there was an egg that wished she could become a tomato.

“When I become a tomato, people will like me.” She tells herself.

She holds her breath so hard that her face became redder and redder, gradually resembling a tomato.

Finally, the egg had just tried too hard and burst into pieces.

The pieces of eggshells glimmer in the yolk and the white.

Just like the look of a galaxy.

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