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Date Episode & Summary Activity/Discussion

10/12 The Dark Side of the Video Game First day activities
Industry: Hasan covers the movement -student flashcards
to unionize in tech, sexism in the -overview of course/me
workplace, crunch, and the layoff of -introductions
employees after a game release. Exit task
-have them write down any qs
about the class/episode

10/19 Student Loans: Hasan covers the -Debrief of last class’ discussion
issue of the cost of college and then -Ask students to say name, favorite ice
discusses the problems of having cream, and a fun fact
private for profit companies in charge -Ask who wants to go to college?
of loan servicing. -Watch episode
-Post episode discussion: whose fault is
it and how does the cost of college feed
into discrimination
-Exit task: On half sheet of paper take a
stance on whose fault it is for the over
trillion dollar student loan debt in the US
++ write any comments on the class/how
things are going

10/26 Immigration Enforcement: Hasan -Debrief last class and pass back exit
covers the branches of ICE as well as tasks
the migrant caravan and rise of hate -Ask if anyone has any halloween plans
crimes -Go over learning goal for the day,
emphasize our focus on globalization
-Watch episode
-Post episode activity: Have students
stand up and complete the interactive
-Have them discuss exit task questions if
there is time
-Exit task: on paper write out either a
solution or if we have a responsibility to
take in refugees

11/2 The Broken Policing System: Hasan -Debrief, check in about the class, ask
covers police training, warrior about what they are watching right now
policing, qualified immunity, -Go over learning goal for day,
confidential police records, police emphasize civil discourse
unions, their separate bill of rights, and -Watch episode
the relationship between prosecutors -Post episode discussion: Ask about
and police. warrior policing, prosecutors, and
qualified immunity
-Exit task: 3-5 sentences about what they
think is the biggest problem and a solution
for it.

11/16 Why Your Internet Sucks: Hasan -Discuss newly released episode
covers the monopoly that Comcast and -Go over learning goal for day
Spectrum hold over fixed broadband. -Watch episode
-Post episode discussion: Ask about
monopolies, municipal broadband (pros
and cons), and ALEC
-Exit task: 3-5 sentences on the value on
municipal broadband/who should hold the
power over the internet and fixed

11/23 Mental Health: Hasan discusses the -Discuss thanksgiving plans/what's been
difficulty of obtaining mental health up since we last met
help in relation to insurance and -Watch episode
available psychiatrists/therapists. -Post episode discussion: Discuss how to
make mental health less interpretative and
close loopholes in the Parity Act
-Exit task: no official exit task, just
discuss with them about utilizing break to
unwind and focus on their mental health

12/7 Why Billionaires Won’t Save Us: -Discuss how thanksgiving went and how
Hasan discusses the modern state of break was
wealth inequality and how billionaires -Go over learning goals
use big philanthropy to benefit -Watch Episode
themselves and personal goals. -Post episode discussion: Citizens United
v FEC, should there be billionaires?
Should billionaires be restricted or freed?
-Exit Task: What is the most impactful
way billionaires are changing the country?
12/14 Trump’s Worst Policy: Killing -Discuss how last class went
Asylum: Hasan revisits asylum and -Go over learning goal and define asylum
the new policies such as the transit -Watch episode
rule, MPP, and private violence being -Post Episode Discussion: Do we have to
put in place to decrease asylum seekers take asylum seekers in legally or morally?
in the US. What is the path to asylum?
-Exit task: None, go over plan for
January and discuss their plans for winter

1/11 Why Your Public Transportation -Sub showed these episodes due to my
GONE Sucks absence and teacher shortage so they
could not facilitate a post episode
Supreme discussion.

2/1 Don’t Ignore the Asian Vote in 2020: -Discuss break and January--long time
Hasan covers the growing importance since I held class!
of the Asian community in elections -Go over learning goal
and the potential impacts for 2020 -Watch episode
-Post Episode Discussion: What is
pandering? Why was Andrew Yang put
through a media blackout? How is voter
suppression used in modern America?
-Exit task: Write 4+ sentences about the
modern state of voting in America,
pandering, and how you can make a

2/8 The NRA’s Global Impact: Hasan -Discuss what the NRA is according to
discusses how the NRA has been their current knowledge
responding to recent gun law changes -Go over learning goal
around the world and how straw -Watch Episode
purchasing is impacting Central/South -Post Episode Discussion: How do gun
American countries. laws around the world affect our 2nd
amendment? How have your thoughts on
asylum seekers and our responsibility
-Exit task: Write 4+ sentences to describe
the most important impact of the NRA, is
the second amendment “at risk?”
2/22 Affirmative Action: Hasan discusses -Discuss what is affirmative action
the importance of affirmative action -Go over learning goal
and why a conservative lawyer is -Watch Episode
trying to take another student to the -Post Episode Discussion: How does
SCOTUS to shut it down. “white affirmative action” impact
minority groups and what the values and
harms of holistic review are.
-Exit task: Write 4+ sentences on how
merit should be defined and what should
be considered in the admissions process

2/29 Content Moderation and Free -Discuss what is free speech

Speech: Hasan discusses how content -Go over learning goal
on social media is moderated and the -Watch Episode
extent of responsibility given to these -Post Episode Discussion: Should good
providers. faith removals be allowed and can free
speech go too far on the internet?
-Exit task: Take a stance on if FB did
enough during the 2016 election

3/7 Saudi Arabia: Hasan discusses the -Discuss what is Saudi Arabia
killing of journalist Jamal Kashoggi, -Go over learning goal
the crisis in Yemen, and the United -Watch Episode
States’ relationship with Saudi Arabia -Post Episode Discussion: Should we
through it all. continue our relationship with SA and is
the financial gains more important?
-Exit task: Are we global citizens?
Should we continue our relations with

3/21 Drug Pricing: Hasan CANCELLED due to COVID

3/28 The Two Sides of Canada: Hasan -Get list of allergies and snack
recommendations (5-10 minutes)

4/4 PARTY!!! And Feedback time --Circle set up for this class (table in
middle with snacks/treats)
-Ask them to say what their favorite
episode was and why
-What is one thing they learned either
directly or indirectly this year?

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