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Academic Assignment TA8 – Discuss essay

Extract 1:

1. Environmental degradation:
Increasing demand for goods put extensive pressure on natural resources such as water and raw
materials. Consumerism also results in the excessive use of energy. Consumerism also encourages the
use of chemicals which are known to degrade the environment. In a nutshell, consumerism does more
harm than good to the environment.

Extract 2:

2. Moral degradation:
Increasing consumerism tends to shift away societies from important values such as integrity. Instead,
there is a strong focus on materialism and competition. People tend to buy goods and services they
don’t need socriteria:
that they can be at par or at a higher level than everyone else.
Write your essay here.

Today the economic system makes possible to people find all kinds of products and goods for consumption,
from the most
Introductory paragraph is error-free, parallel structure highlighted. 3 pts. basic, such as
Body paragraphs are error-free. 3 pts. food or clothes,
to Topic sentences clearly state the main point of each paragraph 1 pts. the strangest,
such as caps
Complex sentences are used in body paragraphs efficiently (highlighted). 2 pts.
that can hold
Powerful language used effectively (highlighted) 2 pts.
soda cans or
Negative structures to create special emphasis is used effectively (highlighted) 3 pts.
invisible ink
Specific examples are supported with academic evidence by effectively 4 pts. pens.
paraphrasing the sources.
Concluding paragraph is error-free, contains one complex sentence. 2 pts.
as a concept does
not refer to anything bad. We can define it as the simple fact of consuming to satisfy needs or desires. The
problem comes when this activity becomes pathological. So, we are no longer talking about consumption, but
yes about consumerism. The Real Academia Española (RAE) defines consumerism as “the immoderate
tendency to acquire, spend or consume goods, not always necessary.”

The welfare model of today s society is based on the possession and accumulation of goods, which serves as a
justification for consumerism to proliferate among people. If the goal of your life is to have many things, the
main activity that benefits is, consumption.

Thus, the main argument for the defense of the consumer society is based on consumption contributes to
improving the quality of life of people and helps societies to develop, improve and grow. The aforementioned
could be false, because one of the features of the current economic system is that creates to us artificial needs.
Through constant advertising, they convince us and trap in this vicious circle of consumption, from which it is
very difficult to get out once we have entered. In my opinion, consumerism is not negative as long as it is
moderate, all excesses are bad and this is not going to be the exception.

In conclusion, we have become a materialistic, consumerist and highly competitive society. Competitiveness is
also reflected in consumption, since we buy a new mobile phone or bag every year does not respond to a real
need, but to a desire to appear better in this world in which we live. The people who only has a coat, or who
lives in an apartment and can live in a chalet, is considered a loser. Because it is much better to have a closet
full of coats to carry a different one every day, it is better to have two cars than a one, it is better to have many
things than to have just enough.

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