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Prosecution (P) : We call Carlo E. Jose to the witness stand.

Interpreter (I): Raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth?
Witness (W): I do.
I : Please state your name and personal circumstances.
W : ( state your name, age, civil status, residence ).
I: Your witness.
P: We offer the testimony of the witness to prove that the vessel sailed through without securing
pertinent clearances from the authorities and for all other matters, facts and circumstances relevant and
material to this case.

J : Comment from the defense?

D: Subject to cross- examination.
J : Prosecution, proceed with your direct examination.
P : Thank you your honor.
Mr. Witness, do you remember having executed any document in relation to this case?
W: Yes, maam.
P : What document did you execute?
W: A judicial affidavit, maam.
P: If this judicial affidavit will be shown to you, will you be able to identify it?
W: Yes, maam.
P: Showing you this document marked as Exhibit B, Please go over the affidavit. Is this the affidavit that
you executed?
W: Yes, maam.
P : Please look at the second page of the document. Can you identify whose signature appears above the
name Carlo E. Jose?
W: Yes , maam. That is my signature.
P: Your honor, we pray that the said signature of Carlo E. Jose be marked as Exhibit____.
J: Mark it.
P: Mr.Witness, can you recall when you executed the said affidavit?
W: Yes, maam. It was executed on ___________________.
P: Can you recall where you executed the said affidavit?
W: Yes,maam. In the office of Atty. Irene Chris Ecleo at Boromeo St., Surigao City.
P: Before whom did you execute the said affidavit?
W: Before Atty Irene Chris Ecleo.
P: Kindly look at the third or last page of the affidavit. Can you identify the signature above the name
Irene Chris Ecleo?
W: Yes, maam. The signature is hers.
P: How do you know that the signature is hers?
W: Because she signed it in my presence maam.
P : Your honor, we pray that the said signature of Atty Irene Chris Ecleo be marked as Exhibit ______.
J: Mark it.
P: Mr. Witness, when you executed this affidavit, were the contents explained to you in a manner which
you understood?
W: Yes,maam.
P: Do you confirm and affirm the validity of this document?
W: Yes, maam.
P: That will be all for the witness your honor. Thank you.

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