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Saffana Dirah Intani Lalu1, Moh. Fajri2

Student Of The Statistical Study Program, Department Of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Tadulako University
Professor Of The Statistical Study Program, Department Of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Tadulako University
*e-mail: email corresponding author

Hospitals forget the key parts of the health system. The continuing spread of covid-19 pandemics can
lead to psychosis in overnight patients, especially with patients dying of covid-19 continuing,
increasing as the number of confirmed patients covid-19 grows. Health care and a limited amount of
medical and non-medical personnel are required to provide the best assistance. The inclusion of the
number of inpatient patients and the covi-19 cases of death may have a positive effect on the Nigerian
cumin spread throughout the province of Indonesia.

Keywords: Covid-19, death, hospitalization, hospital.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a new disease that has never happened before. This
Covid-19 is caused by the Severe Acute Respirator (Ministry of Health, 2020).
Southeast Asia accounts for 21% of the total global case, with 11% of deaths (who, 2020). The
first case in Indonesia is found on March 2, 2020, and continues to close and spread rapidly
throughout the region of Indonesia. As of September 27, 2020, the ministry of health reported 275,213
confirmed cases of covid-19 with 10,386 dead (CFR 3.8%) (covid task force. 2020.)
As the society grew more and more frantic as the affected patients grew it spreads out of China
including Indonesia. The number of patients infected with covid-19 in Indonesia is growing with time.
This is no match for the large Numbers of medical personnel and hospitals that are dispersed
throughout Indonesia. So no fewer than the number of covid-19 patients are encouraged for
independent isolation, resulting from the lack of government-provided health facilities.
The number of covid-19 patients treated at the hospital can affect a doctoral physiology and
other health-care workers at a covid-19 unaffected hospital. Psychological responses by health
workers to the pandemic of infectious diseases are increasing asa result of prolonged feelings of
anxiety over self- health and the spread of the family (cheng et al., 2020).
The death rate from Covid-19 continues to increase. The high mortality rate due to the corona
virus is caused by two factors, namely factors from within the individual such as congenital diseases
that have been experienced and the lack of awareness of each individual against this virus and external
factors such as inadequate hospital facilities, ineffective government regulations, and so on (Ilpaj &
Nurwati, 2020). Based on the above problems, the authors are interested in further analyzing the effect
of the number of hospitalized Covid-19 patients and the number of cases of death due to Covid-19 by
province on the number of Covid-19 referral hospitals according to provinces in Indonesia.


Research Variables and Research Types
This type of research used in this research is quantitative research with descriptive approaches.
This study uses a descriptive approach with the aim of describing or research results. The descriptive
understanding according to Sugiyono (2012: 29) is a method that serves to describe or give an
overview of the object under study through data or samples that have been collected as they are,
without analyzing and making generally accepted conclusions.


Types and Sources of Data
The type of data used in this study is included in the type of secondary data obtained from the
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (BPS) Indonesia and the Covd-19 Confectionery
Committee and National Economic Recovery.

Variable Identification
A variable is an attribute or nature or value of a person, object or activity that has certain
variations that are determined by the researcher to study and then draw conclusions (Sugiyono, 2013).
In this study, the variables used are two independent variables or independent variables and one
dependent variable.
The independent variable is given the notation X and the Y variable is given the notation Y.
- Independent variable (X)
X1: Number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized
X2: Number of patients who died from Covid-19
- dependent variable (Y)
Y: Number of referral hospitals for Covid-19 patients by province

Data Analysis Method

Regression Analysis
The data analysis technique in this study used a regression research model, namely multiple
linear regression analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis is a method that focuses more on
determining the cause-and-effect relationship between one or more variables and other variables.
The research model used in this study are:
Y =a+b1 X 1 +b 2 X 2
Y = Number of referral hospitals for Covid-19 patients by province
X1 = Number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized
X2 = Number of patients who died due to Covid-19
a = Constant value
In this study, multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to determine whether there was a
linear relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. In this case the
influence between the number of hospitalized Covid-19 patients and the number of patients who died
due to Covid-19 on the number of referral hospitals by province in Indonesia. To test the model
parameter values hypothesis, the linear regression model must also first fulfill the classical assumption
test and then perform regression analysis.

Classic assumption test

a. Normality Test
According to Ghozali (2012: 160) the normality test aims whether the dependent variable
and independent variable in the regression model have a contribution or not. A good regression
model is normal or near normal distribution data, to detect normality it can be done by looking at
the distribution of data (points) on the diagonal axis of the graph. Data for data normality decision-
making, namely if the data spreads around the diagonal line and follows the direction of the
diagonal line, the regression meets normality, whereas if the data spreads further and does not
follow the line direction, the regression model does not meet the assumption of normality. This
study was conducted using the Shapiro-Wilk test, with the criteria for rejection if the P-value is
more than 0.05, the data is normally distributed.

b. Multicollinearity Test
According to Ghozali (2012: 105), the multicollinearity test aims to test whether a regression
model has a correlation (relationship) between independent (independent) variables. A good
regression model should not have correlation between independent variables. Multicollinearity
testing is seen from the amount of VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) and tolerance. Tolerance
measures the selected independent variable that is not explained by other independent variables. So
a low tolerance value is the same as a high VIF value (because VIF = 1 / Tolerance). The cutoff
value that is commonly used to indicate multicollinearity is a tolerance value> 0.01 or equal to a
VIF value <10.
c. Heteroscedasticity Test
According to Ghozali (2012: 139) the heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in the
regression model there is an inequality of variants from the residuals of one observation to another.
If the variance of the residuals from one observation to another observation remains, it is called
homoscedasticity and if it is different it is called heteroscedasticity.

d. Autocorrelation Test
According to Ghozali (2012: 110), the autocorrelation test aims to test whether in the regression
model there is a correlation between the confounding error in the t-period and the confounding
error in the t-1 period (before). Autocoleration testing is done by using the watson durbine test by
comparing the calculated durbine watson value (d) with the durbine watson table value, namely the
upper limit (du) and the lower limit (dL). The test criteria are as follows:
a). If D-W <dL or D-W> 4 - dL, the conclusion is that there is autocorrelation in the data.
b). If dU <D-W <4 - dU, the conclusion is that there is no autocorrelation in the data.
c). There is no conclusion if: dL ≤ D-W≤ dU or 4 - dU ≤ D-W≤ 4 - dL.
If the results of the Durbin-Waston test cannot be concluded whether there is autocerrelation or not,
then proceed with a run test.
After all the requirements for researching a regression model are met, the full step to determine
whether the hypothesis is accepted or not is the simultaneous test (F test) and significance test (T
test). F test is performed to determine whether all independent variables have a significant effect on
the dependent variable. Meanwhile, the T test was conducted to determine whether in the
regression model, the independent variables partially had a significant effect on the dependent


After the classical assumption test was carried out, it turned out that the sample was not
normally distributed and there were symptoms of multicollinearity. So that the data used does not
pass the normality test and the multicollinearity test. Then do the data transformation with the
logarithmic transformation type. This is done to change the original data measurement scale into
another form so that the data can fulfill the assumptions underlying the variance analysis.

Handling Classical Assumptions

Normality Test
Table 1.1 Result Of Normality
Model W P-Value
1 0.97253 0.5346

Based on the results of the normality test output using the Shapiro-Wilk test table 1.1, the P-
value in the P-value column for the first model is 0.5346. Because the significance value is more than
0.05, it can be said that the data is normally distributed.

Multicollinearity Test
Table 1.2 Result Of Multicollity
Model VIF
1 (Constant)
X1 1.080279
X2 1.080279
Based on the results of the multicollinearity test output above the VIF value on the VIF colo for
values x1 and x2, the values are the same, namely 1.080279. because the VIF value <10, it can be said
that the data does not have multicollinearity symptoms or it can be said that there is no close
relationship between the independent variables.

Regression Analysis
The regression model in this study is multiple linear regression which is used to determine the
effect of the number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized (X1) and the number of patients who died due
to Covid-19 (X2) in the number of Covid-19 patient referral hospitals by province (Y).

Table 2.2 Result Of Linear Regression Analysis

Model Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
1 (Intercept) 2.07229 0.40608 5.103 1.6e-005
X1 −0.01889 0.04595 -0.411 0.6838
X2 −0.17523 0.07071 -2.478 0.0189

Table 2.3 Result A Of Linear Regression Analysis

Multiple R- Adjusted R- F-Stattistic P-value
square squared
1 0.1671 0.1133 3.109 0.05882

From the table above, the multiple linear regression equation model can be obtained as
Y = 2.0723-0.0189X_1-0.1752X_2
Based on the above equation, it can be concluded that the value of a = 2.0723 means that
without being influenced by other variables, the number of referral hospitals for Covid-19 patients by
province is 2.0723.
For a B1 value of -0.0189, it means that each value (X1) decreases, the value of the number of
Covid-19 patients hospitalized decreases by -0.0189, and for a B2 value of -0.1752 means that each
value reduction (X2) is the number of patients who die due to Covid. -19 will decrease by -0.1752.
From the output above, the F value is 3,109 with a p-value <0.05, so it can be concluded that the
number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized and the number of patients who died due to Covid-19
collectively contributed to the number of patients who were hospitalized. died from Covid-19. From
the output, you can also see the multiple R-squares (R2) of 0.16. This means that the variable number
of Covid-19 patients hospitalized and the number of patients who died due to Covid-19 was able to
explain 0.16% of the variable variation in the number of Covid-19 patient referral hospitals by
province, while the remaining 84% were explained by other variables.
From the t test, we see the t value of the number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized is -0.41 and
the regression coefficient is -0.01, while the t value of the number of patients who died due to Covid-
19 was -2.47 and the regression coefficient is -0.17. The significance test of the two variables was
found that both the number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized and the number of patients who died due
to Covid-19 were significant (p> 0.05), this means that between the two independent variables there is
no significant effect. number of referral hospitals for Covid-19 patients by province.

Residual Examination
The remaining plot
a) Distribution Form Checking
Diagnosis results:
Based on the histogram above, the distribution of the rest is sticking out to the right.
b) Normal Distribution Checking

Diagnosis results:
The residual scatter pattern can be considered normal spread because the dots do not follow
the normal line.
c) Model Uncertainty Check

Diagnosis results:
The residual scatter pattern can be considered normal spread because Most of the dots do not
follow the normal line.
d) Examination Of MKT Assumptions

Diagnosis results:
Based on the pattern above, it can be seen that the data distribution is centered on the zero
e) Respect freedom check


Diagnosis results:
Based on the distribution pattern above, no pattern is formed so it can be concluded that the data
are mutually independent.

Based on the results of the research described above, we can know that by using the
multicollinearity test it is said that there is no close relationship between the number of Covid-19
patients being treated at home and the number of patients who died due to Covid-19. Based on the
regression model, it was found that the variable number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized and the
number of patients who died due to Covid-19 was able to explain 0.16% of the variable variation in
the number of referral hospitals for Covid-19 patients by province, while the remaining 84% were
explained by other variables. In addition, there is no individual influence between the number of
Covid-19 patients hospitalized and the number of patients who died due to Covid-19 on the number of
referral hospitals for Covid-19 patients by province.

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Web Covid-19 (2020). Via Retrieved January 03, 2020.

Web bppsdmk 9 (2020). PPSDM Health Human Resources Information Agency for Health. Via. Accessed January 1, 2020.

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