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T.A 2020/2021
Praise our gratitude to the Presence of Allah SWT., For blessings and
His gift is the family medicine skills module: Patient Home Visits
(Home Visit) can be structured. This module was prepared by the FK Field Lab module
revision team
UMPRI. This module revision is the first revision of input and evaluation from
puskesmas, management team and students who have carried out the topic Field Lab
A doctor will be faced with a lot of society at large, moreover
society's demands for doctors are different from those in the past. Doctor
the future is expected to be a qualified doctor, in dealing with problems
especially health problems, both individuals and communities. Core Education Curriculum
Dokter Indonesia III, will answer the demands of society for competent doctors.
In implementing KIPDI III, the Faculty of Medicine UNS implemented it
Competency Based Curriculum. One of the competencies that must be possessed is
Community Medicine, thus it is necessary to do a form of learning
support the achievement of these competencies, namely in the form of a Field Laboratory.
Finally, the Field Lab team would like to thank both parties profusely
who helped put together this manual. There is no ivory that is not cracked, so we are
ask for criticism and suggestions for improving the implementation of the topic field
Family Medicine: Home Visit.

KATA PENGANTAR....................................................................................................... i
DAFTAR ISI...................................................................................................................... ii
1.1 Latar Belakang........................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Rumusan Masalah................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Tujuan..................................................................................................................... 2

A. Definisi Uterotonika................................................................................................ 3
B. Macam-macam obat Uterotonika .......................................................................... 4


3.1 Kesimpulan.............................................................................................................22
3.2 Saran.......................................................................................................................22
DAFTAR PUSTAKA........................................................................................................23

1.1 Latar Belakang



A. Background

Indonesia is a country that is considered lagging behind in the health sector

compared to other countries in Southeast Asia. Infant Mortality Rate

high (34 per 1000 live births), high maternal mortality rate

(228 per 100,000 inhabitants), low life expectancy (6.9 per year), high

the average prevalence rate of malnutrition and infectious diseases, exacerbated by

these issues

related to unequal and low quality of public health services and

uncontrolled increase in the cost of treatment are the contributing factors

deteriorating health sector in Indonesia.

WHO (2003) emphasizes that the key to improving health status

and achieving the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is by

strengthening the primary health care system. It is necessary

integration from Community Oriented Medical Education (COME) to Family


Medical Education (FOME), one of which is by providing medical services

Families that carry out holistic health services include promotional efforts,

preventive, curative, and rehabilitative with a family approach.

Family Medicine is growing rapidly as part of the ministry

primary health. In January 1995, WHO and WONCA have formulated an action

plan written in "Making Medical Practice and Education Move Relevant to

People's Needs: The Role of Family Doctor ”(Fujiati, 2005). In Indonesia, through

Permenkes No. 916 of 1997 concerning General Practitioner Services directed

be a family doctor service. In fact, family medicine later

could result in family doctors being included in the Core Curriculum

Indonesian Medical Education (KIPDI) II in 1993, which is part of science

community medicine.

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

A. Apa itu definisi Uterotonika?

B. Apa saja macam-macam obat uterotonika?

1.3 Tujuan

A. Tujuan Umum
B. Learning Objectives
After participating in this lesson, students are expected to be able to do
home visit as a family medical service ..
The learning outcome of this learning is expected by students:
1. Explain the basics of home visits in medicine
2. Carry out the stages and procedures for home visit activities
in the family medicine service.
3. Identifying family health problems based on family function
and formulating management recommendations in a holistic and comprehensive
B. Tujuan Khusus
1. Mengetahui tentang definisi uterotonika.
2. Mengetahui Tentang macam-macam obat uterotonika.



A. Definisi
A. Family Medicine
According to the National University of Singapore (2004) family medicine is
science that emphasizes the importance of providing personalized health services,
primary, comprehensive and sustainable (continuous) to the individual in
relationship with family, community, and environment. Another term of
Family medicine is Primary Care Medicine, General Practice, Family
Medicine. Family medicine emphasizes the family as a social unit
provide support to individuals. Patient health problems are often caused
by problems in the family and vice versa by health problems
the patient can cause family health problems.
Some of the main values espoused in family medicine include:
 Patient centered care and special attention
to the patient doctor relationship,
 Holistic approach: the patient's disease problems are not only due to the physical
but also in terms of the psychology and social (bio-psycho-social) of the patient,
family and
community. A holistic approach is very important in this day and age
high-tech medicine has led to the dehumanization of patients and
fragmentation of health services,
 Preventive medicine: provides an impact on more health status
long than curative medicine,
 Includes all ages (Life cycle): serves patients of all ages, so it is called
"Specialist in breadth",
 Place of service: clinic, patient's home, other service settings.
Family medicine services are comprehensive /
comprehensive which focuses its service to the family as a unit in
where the doctor's responsibility for health services is not limited by
age group or gender of the patient, nor by organ or sex

only certain diseases. In addition, family medicine services are services
a broad specialist who starts from a subject of science that is developed from
various other disciplines, especially internal medicine, children's health

1. Time to visit the patient:

A. Monday - Friday: 16.30 - 18.00

B. Saturday - Sunday and National Holidays

Morning: 10.30 - 12.00

Afternoon: 16.30 - 18.00

2. Entrance / exit visits only from designated entrances

3. For health purposes, healthy children under 14 years are not and are not allowed /
prohibited from entering the hospital treatment area

4. For the safety and comfort of the patient:

a. The number of visitors who enter the treatment room at the same time is not more than 3
(three) people

b. Visitors are not allowed to bring flowers to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Lung
Inpatient Rooms or other rooms where patients are allergic to flowers

c. Visitors who have flu, throat or have infectious diseases are not allowed to visit the

d. Speak as needed in a soft voice

e. Keep visiting times as short as possible

f. It is prohibited to bring pets into the hospital environment

5. Not allowed to bring valuables, mats / sleeping mats, tools / electronic goods (Rice
Cookers, laptops / notebooks, irons or other similar items (into the RSHS environment and
we are not responsible for loss, theft or damage to these items)

6. Smoking is prohibited while in the RSHS environment including the RSHS parking area

7. After visiting hours (Tomorrow) ends, security guards will close / lock all the inpatient
room doors

8. Security officers are authorized to enforce control in accordance with the provisions
mentioned above

Procedure for visiting patients:

1. Pay attention to the time of arrival

Be careful, inappropriate visiting times can interfere with the rest of the person who is sick.
Therefore, avoid visiting at nap time or at night before recess.

It is better if this timing is communicated in advance with the person who will be visiting or
the relatives who look after it. So, people who visit will feel more comfortable and their
portion of sleep will not be disturbed by your arrival.

2. Limit visiting time

You should not be too long when you come to visit the sick. Remember, coming to see a sick
person is only to show concern and provide support so that he or she will recover quickly, not
to talk about things that are not currently the focus of the patient.

So, limit your visiting time to a maximum of only 30 minutes, so that these visits do not
interfere with sleep hours and waste the energy of people who are sick just to greet guests.

3. Avoid discussing illness if the person who is sick doesn't tell the story

Some people choose to keep their own medical history and do not want to tell at length about
their body condition. Therefore, if there is no story that comes out of a relative who is sick,
you should not ask about the disease.

In the medical world itself, the history of the disease is the absolute right of the patient, and
the patient has the right not to tell it to anyone, even their immediate family.

4. Consider when choosing "souvenirs"

Bringing “souvenirs” when visiting has become a visiting culture in Indonesia. If you are
going to take it with you when you visit a sick person, first know the history of their illness.
Adjust what you carry with the patient's health condition.

For example, when going to visit relatives who have a history of diabetes, you should avoid
bringing "gifts" that contain high sugar or carbohydrate levels such as cakes. Instead, bring
fresh fruits which are more friendly to health.

Something special can also happen to people who are sick due to immune system disorders.
Generally they avoid "souvenirs" in any form, in order to minimize exposure to germs that
can aggravate the disease.

5. Avoid criticizing their physical condition

"You look pale, don't you?" Or "How much decreased, how thin." These two examples of
questions will only discourage the person being visited and can have a negative impact on the
progress of their recovery.

Instead, provide words that can boost his enthusiasm for recovery. You can insert the
sentence, "We are all there whenever we need it." Thus, he will always feel like he has
support and hope.

6. Tells a history of a similar illness that ended in horror

A person who is sick will definitely find out as much as possible about the course of his
illness, including the worst that he can experience. So, it's better not to add to the burden on
his mind by comparing the patient's condition with the conditions of others, especially if the
end of the story ends tragically.

Visiting the sick is not as simple as you think. However, by paying attention to all the ethics
above, your arrival will provide the enthusiasm needed to accelerate the healing of people
who are sick..


Article 26

In receiving services from the Hospital, Patients

have an obligation:

a. comply with applicable regulations in the hospital

b. using Hospital facilities responsibly

c. respect the rights of other patients, visitors and the rights of health workers and other
working officers

in the hospital

d. provide honest, complete and accurate information

according to their abilities and knowledge

about his health problems

e. provide information about financial capabilities

and health insurance it has

f. adhere to the therapy plan recommended by

Health Personnel at the Hospital and approved by

the patient is concerned after getting

explanation in accordance with the provisions of the regulations


g. accept all the consequences for the decision

personal to reject the therapy plan recommended by the Health Worker and / or

does not comply with the instructions given by the personnel

Health for healing disease or

his health problems and

h. provide compensation for services

be accepted.


A. Kesimpulan

The conclusion above explains that the Islamic spiritual nurse is deep

carry out the main duties and functions, namely providing guidance and

spiritual and human services to inpatients at the hospital

Bandung City has a positive impact on patients,

so that the patient's psychology is helped and is able to grow - attitude

a positive attitude that can help with the patient's physical health

such as a fighting spirit to recover, optimism, calm, resignation and

patient. Therefore, the Islamic spiritual nurse in Bandung City Hospital

has an important role, especially in helping to recover

patient health.


After knowing the main duties and functions and implementation

as well as programs carried out by Islamic spiritual nurses in RSUD

Bandung City in helping to restore patient health. Then

formally according to the authors of the program is sufficient and very

helpful especially for patients who need spiritual support.

On this occasion the author would like to make suggestions

hopefully it can be of particular benefit to the author



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