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© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.

Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission

Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO
(Start timing yourself when you start) 3. A study commissioned by the Department of
1. Delighted with the productivity increase for East-Coast Fisheries showed that if Seals
the last quarter of the fiscal year, the staff were exercise and associated with other seals, they
given a raise by the President of the company. will require less medication and gain weight
quicker than do those raised in captivity.
(A) the staff were given a raise by the President
of the company. (A) associated with other seals, they will require
less medication and gain weight quicker than do
(B) a raise was given to the staff by the President
of the company. (B) associate with other seals, then they required
less medication and gained weight more quickly
(C) it was the decision of the President of the than
company to give a raise to the staff.
(C) associate with other seals, they require less
(D) the President of the company gave a raise to medication and gain weight more quickly than
the staff. do
(E) the staff was given a raise by the President of (D) associated with other seals, they required
the Company. less medication and gained weight more quickly
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) than

This sentence as given has the following (E) associated with other seals, they require less
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.) medication and gain weight more quickly than
_______________________________________ do
_______________________________________ Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
This sentence as given has the following
2. Displays of aurora borealis, or “northern problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
lights,” can heat the atmosphere over the arctic _______________________________________
enough so as to affect the trajectories of _______________________________________
ballistic missiles, induce electric currents that _______________________________________
can cause blackouts in some areas and corrosion
in east-west pipelines. 4. The grubby crab of the Gulf of St.Lawrence
has not been fished commercially in great
(A) so as to affect the trajectories of ballistic numbers, primarily on account of them living at
missiles, induce great depths - some 3,000 feet down.
(B) so that trajectories of ballistic missiles are (A) on account of them living
affected, inducing (B) because they live
(C) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles (C) because of their living
and to induce (D) because it lives
(E) on account of their living
(D) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles,
induce Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(E) such that the trajectories of ballistic missiles This sentence as given has the following
are affected so badly that they induce problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) _______________________________________
This sentence as given has the following _______________________________________
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO
5. A recent study has found that within the past
few years, many surgeons had elected early
7. According to a recent poll, owning and living
retirement instead of facing the threats of
in a detached house on its own land is still the
lawsuits and the rising costs of malpractice
dream of a majority of generation x-ERs, like
that of the baby-boomers.
(A) had elected early retirement instead of facing
(A) like that of the baby-boomers.
(B) have elected early retirement instead of (B) much like the baby-boomers
facing (C) as it was of the baby-boomers
(D) like the baby-boomers
(C) have elected to early retirement to avoid
(E) as it was with the baby-boomers
(D) have elected to retire early rather than face Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(E) had elected to retire early rather than face This sentence as given has the following
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
This sentence as given has the following _______________________________________
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.) _______________________________________
8. In 1990, only a third of the women granted
child support by a court received the amount
awarded; at least as many as a million or so
6. In astronomy, the term “red shift” denotes the others had not any support agreements
extent to which light from a distant galaxy has whatsoever.
been shifted toward the red end of the light (A) at least as many as a million or so others had
spectrum by the rapid motion of galaxy away
not any
from the Earth.
(B) at least as many as or greater than a million
(A) to which light from a distant galaxy has been
others had no
(C) more than at least a million others had not
(B) to which the light from a distant galaxy has
received any
(D) more than a million others had no
(C) to which the light from a distant galaxy had
shifted (E) at least a million others had not any
(D) of the light shifting from the distant galaxy Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(E) of the shift of light from a distant galaxy This sentence as given has the following
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) _______________________________________
This sentence as given has the following _______________________________________
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.) _______________________________________

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO
9. As the baby emerges from the darkness of 10. The Gorton-Dodd bill requires that a bank
the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, disclose to their customers how long they will
it would be rated about 20/500, or legally delay access to funds from deposited checks.
blind if it were an adult with such vision.
(A) that a bank disclose to their customers how
(A) As the baby emerges from the darkness of long they will delay access to funds from
the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it deposited checks.
would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it
(B) that a bank should disclose to its customers
were an adult with such vision.
how long it will delay access to funds from
(B) As the baby emerges from the darkness of deposited checks.
the womb, it has a rudimentary sense of vision
(C) a bank to disclose to its customers how long
rated at about 20/500, or legally blind if it were
it will delay access to funds from checks
an adult.
(C) As the baby emerges from the darkness of
(D) that a bank disclose to its customers how
the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision
long it will delay access to funds from deposited
rated about 20/500, it would be considered blind
legally if it were an adult.
(E) that banks disclose to their customers how
(D) As the baby emerges from the darkness of
long they will delay funds’ access from
the womb, it has a rudimentary sense of vision
deposited checks.
that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with
such vision would be deemed legally blind. Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(E) A baby emerging from the darkness of the This sentence as given has the following
womb has a rudimentary sense of vision which problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
is legally considered blind for an adult because it _______________________________________
is rated only about 20/500. _______________________________________
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
11. Seismologists believe that the warning signs
This sentence as given has the following
for a major earthquake may include sudden
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
fluctuations in local seismic activity, tilting and
other deformations of the Earth’s crust,
changing the measured strain across a fault
zone, and varying the electrical properties of
underground rocks.
(A) changing the measured strain across a fault
zone, and varying
(B) changes in the measured strain across a fault
zone with variations in
(C) changes in the measured strain across a fault
zone, and variations in
(D) changing of the measured strain across a
fault zone and varying of
(E) changing strain measured across a fault zone,
and varying
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
This sentence as given has the following
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO
12. Some analysts argue that true capitalism _______________________________________
obtains only when the ownership of both _______________________________________
property and the means of production are _______________________________________
regarded as an inalienable right of an
15. It was the loss of revenues from declines in
individual’s, and not a license granted by the
tourism that led the United Arab Emirates
government and revocable at whim.
authorities’ granting a concession for oil
(A) are regarded as an inalienable right of an exploration to the company that would later
individual’s, and not be known by the name of Emiroil.
(B) are regarded as an inalienable right of an (A) authorities’ granting a concession for oil
individual’s, not as exploration to the company that would later be
known by the name of
(C) is regarded as an inalienable right of an
individual rather than (B) authorities to granting a concession for oil
exploration to the company later to be known as
(D) is regarded as an individual’s inalienable
right, not as (C) authorities to grant a concession for oil
exploration to the company later to be called
(E) is regarded an individual’s inalienable right,
and not as (D) authorities to grant a concession for oil
exploration to the company later to be known as
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(E) authorities to grant a concession for oil
This sentence as given has the following
exploration to the company that will later be
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
known as
_______________________________________ Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
This sentence as given has the following
13. A huge flying reptile that died out with the problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
dinosaurs some 75 million years ago, the _______________________________________
Surreptitiococcus had a wingspan of 44 feet, _______________________________________
believed to be the largest flying creature the _______________________________________
world has ever seen.
16. Found guilty of Christine Jessop’s murder,
(A) believed to be Guy Paul Morin was incarcerated for twelve
(B) which is believed to be years before there was exoneration and
(C) that is believed to be achieving his freedom.
(D) and it is believed to have been
(A) before there was exoneration and achieving
(E) and it was believed to be
his freedom.
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) (B) before achieving exoneration and his
This sentence as given has the following
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.) (C) before being exonerated and freed
(D) before he was exonerated and freed
_______________________________________ (E) before his achieving exoneration and
14. Nowhere in Calcutta is the influence of
Victorian era architecture more apparent than Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
their government buildings.
This sentence as given has the following
(A) more apparent than their problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
(B) more apparent than in their _______________________________________
(C) more apparent than in its _______________________________________
(D) more apparent than _______________________________________
(E) more apparent than from its
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
This sentence as given has the following
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

17. By studying the primitive visual systems of 19. As many as 300 of the over 700 paintings
single-cell aquatic organisms, scientists have attributable to Rembrandt may actually be the
discovered a striking similarity of algae to works of his students or other admirers.
cows, a similarity that indicates the common
(A) 700 paintings attributable to Rembrandt may
evolutionary origin of plants and animals: both
algae and cows produce a light-sensitive protein (B) 700 paintings attributed to Rembrandt may
called Rhodopsin.
(C) 700 paintings that were attributed to
(A) scientists have discovered a striking Rembrandt may
similarity of algae to cows,
(D) 700 paintings of Rembrandt’s might
(B) scientists have discovered a striking
similarity between algae and cows (E) 700 paintings of Rembrandt may
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(C) scientists have discovered a similarity
striking algae and cows This sentence as given has the following
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
(D) scientists have discovered between algae
and cows
(E) scientists have discovered a striking _______________________________________
similarity of algae with cows,
20. The lawyer for the defense charged that he
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) suspected the police of having illegally taped his
confidential conversations with his client and
This sentence as given has the following
then used the information obtained to find
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
evidence supporting their charges
_______________________________________ (A) used the information obtained to find
_______________________________________ evidence supporting
18. Because young children do not organize (B) having used the information obtained to find
their perceptions systematically, as adults, they evidence supporting
may notice and remember details that their elders
ignore. (C) of using the information they had obtained to
find evidence supporting
(A) as adults
(b) like adults do (D) of using the information such as they had
(C) as adults do obtained to find supporting evidence of
(D) in contrast with adults (E) of using the information obtained in finding
(E) which is what adults do evidence to support

Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

This sentence as given has the following This sentence as given has the following
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.) problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

21. Federal incentives now encourage capital 23. With only half the human intelligence,
investment in commercial office buildings Chimpanzees can be remarkably perceptive.
even though vacancy rates in existing
(A) With
structures are exceptionally high and there is
(B) Although it has
no demand for new construction.
(C) Even though with
(A) capital investment in commercial office (D) Although they have
buildings even though vacancy rates in existing (E) Despite having
structures are exceptionally high and there is
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(B) investing capital in commercial office
buildings although vacancy rates in existing This sentence as given has the following
structures are exceptionally high with problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
(C) investment of capital in commercial office
buildings despite having exceptionally high
vacancy rates in existing structures and
24. Depending on the weather forecast, we
(D) capital to be invested in commercial office
will decide to go to Washington D.C.
buildings with exceptionally high vacancy rates
and having (A) Depending on the weather forecast, we will
decide to go to Washington D.C.
(E) capital investment in commercial office
buildings despite exceptionally high vacancy (B) Weather forecast depending, we will decide
rates in existing structures and having to go to Washington D.C.
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) (C) Our decision to go to Washington D.C. will
be depending on the weather forecast.
This sentence as given has the following
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.) (D) Our decision to go to Washington D.C. will
_______________________________________ be based on the weather forecast.
(E) We will decide to go to Washington D.C.
depending on the weather forecast.
22. Most nations regard their airspace to extend
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
upward as high as an aircraft can fly; no
specific altitude, however, has been officially This sentence as given has the following
recognized as a boundary. problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
(A) to extend upward as high as an aircraft can
fly; 25. Downsizing, zoning that typically results in
the reduction of housing density, allows for more
(B) extending upward as high as an aircraft can
open space in areas where little water or
services exist.
(C) as extending upward as high as an aircraft (A) little water or services exist
can fly;
(B) there is little water and fewer services.
(D) to be extending upward as high as an aircraft
(C) there are few services and little available water.
can fly;
(D) there are few services and water availability.
(E) as extending upward enough so an aircraft
(E) little waters and services exist.
can fly;
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
Your Choice: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
This sentence as given has the following
This sentence as given has the following
problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.) problems: (e.g.: misplaced modifier, etc.)
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO
3. The only way for growers to salvage frozen
citrus is to process them quickly into juice
concentrate before they rot when warmer
Directions: The underlined part of the sentence needs to weather returns.
be corrected. Choose the best answer which is at once
correct and effective. Keep in mind all the elements of (A) to process them quickly into juice
grammar and sentence construction we have covered in our concentrate before they rot when warmer
module III study materials. A “Correct” Sentence must be weather returns.
clear, concise, correct and effective.
(B) to process them quickly into juice
concentrate before warmer weather returns to rot
1. The McLaren study indicates that even after a
decade or two, young women and men
experience some of the effects of emotional and (C) to quickly process them into juice
physical abuse occurring when a child. concentrate before the returning of warmer
weather to rot them.
(A) occurring when a child
(B) that occurred when they were children (D) to have it quickly processed into juice
(C) occurring as children concentrate before warmer weather returns and
(D) that occurred while they were child rots the fruit.
(E) occurred when being children
(E) to have them quickly processed into juice
concentrate before warmer weather returns and
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
rots them.
2. Some bat caves, like honeybee hives, have
‘guards’ that take on different duties like Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
defending the entrance, acting as sentinels
and to sound a warning at impending danger,
and scouting outside the caves for new food and 4. Since 1981, when the farm depression began,
roosting sites. the number of acres under the care of farm-
management companies have grown from 40
(A) like defending the entrance, acting as million to nearly 60 million, an area about
sentinels and to sound a warning at impending Colorado’s size.
(A) have grown from 40 million to nearly 60
(B) such as defending the entrance, acting as million, an area about Colorado’s size
sentinels and to sound a warning at impending
danger, (B) has grown from 40 million up to nearly 60
million, the size of Colorado
(C) such as defending the entrance, acting as
sentinels and sounding a warning at impending (C) has grown from 40 million to nearly 60
danger, million, an area about the size of Colorado

(D) such as to defend the entrance, act as (D) has grown from 40 million to nearly 60
sentinels and sound a warning at impending million, Colorado’s size
danger, (E) has grown from 40 million up to nearly 60
(E) like the defending of the entrance, acting as million which is the size of Colorado
sentinels to sound a warning at impending
danger, Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO
5. Language scholars argued that Sanskrit is at 7. Based on their study of the paintings on the
least 2,000 years as old as any of their walls of ancient temples in Eastern India,
supposed European counterparts. scholars have concluded that the cult of tantra,
as practiced in Vedic times, considered Lingam
(A) as old as any of their supposed
and Yoni to be symbolic of reproductive
(B) older than any of their supposed
functions of human species.
(C) older than any of its supposed
(D) as old as any of its supposed (A) Based on their study of the paintings on the
(E) older than any of its supposedly walls of ancient temples in Eastern India,
(B) From a study of the paintings on the walls of
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
ancient temples in Eastern India,
6. Financial Concepts of assets turnover and
liquidity ratios do not apply to new small (C) Using the information obtained from their
businesses in the same way as they do to study of the paintings on the walls of ancient
established big businesses, because they are temples in Eastern India,
growing and are seldom in equilibrium. (D) By their study of the paintings on the walls
(A) Financial concepts of assets turnover and of ancient temples in Eastern India
liquidity ratios do not apply to new small (E) Basing on their study of the paintings on the
businesses in the same way as they do to walls of ancient temples in Eastern India
established big businesses, because they are
growing and are seldom in equilibrium
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(B) Financial concepts of assets turnover and
8. Astronomers at the Navajo Laboratory have
liquidity ratios do not apply to new small
discovered a distant supernova explosion, one
businesses because they are growing and are
that they believe is a type previously unknown
seldom in equilibrium, unlike established big
to science.
(A)one that they believe is
(C) New small businesses are not subject to
(B) one they believe to be
financial concepts of assets turnover and
(C) one they believe to be of
liquidity ratios in the same way as established
businesses are, because they are growing and (D) one that is believed to be
seldom in equilibrium (E) that is believed to be

(D) Because new small businesses are growing Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

and seldom in equilibrium, financial concepts of 9. However much the graduate schools of
assets turnover and liquidity ratios do not apply management may agree that a cut-off GMAT
to them in the same way as to established big score may exclude minorities and applicants
businesses whose native language is not English but who
(E) Financial concepts of assets turnover and are otherwise well qualified to pursue the
liquidity ratios do not apply to new small graduate study program, it is difficult to use any
businesses that are growing and seldom in other criterion in the face of growing number of
equilibrium; but these concepts apply to applications to M.B.A programs.
established big businesses (A) However much the graduate schools of
management may agree that
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) (B) As much as they agree that
(C) Although the graduate schools of
management may agree
(D) Even though the graduate schools of
management may agree
(E) Despite the graduate schools management
agreeing that

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

10. Lacking information about energy use,

people tend to overestimate the amount of energy
12. Ministry of Health officials in the province
used by equipment , such as lights, that are
of Manitoba in Canada report that soaring rates
obvious and must be turned on and off and
of liability insurance have risen to force
underestimate that used by unobtrusive
doctors to prescribe laboratory tests hitherto
equipment, such as water heaters.
considered unnecessary and avoidable.
(A) equipment, such as lights, that are obvious
(A) rates of liability insurance have risen to
and must be turned on and off and underestimate
(B) rates of liability insurance are forcing
(B) obvious equipment, such as lights, that must
be turned on and off and underestimate that (C) rates for liability insurance are forcing
(C) equipment , such as lights, that is obvious (D) rates for liability insurance are such as to
and must be turned on and off and underestimate force
(E) rates of liability insurance force
(D) obvious equipment, like lights that must be
turned on and off, and underestimate that
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(E) equipment that are obvious and must be
turned on and off, like lights, and underestimate 13. In addition to having more protein than
it when wheat does, the protein in rice is higher
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) quality than that in wheat, with more amino
acids essential to the human diet.
(A) the protein in rice is higher quality than
11. In virtually all types of tissues in every that in
animal species, dehydroepiandrosterone induces (B) rice has higher quality protein than
the production of antibodies that are the
organism’s trying to metabolize, or render (C) rice has protein of higher quality than that in
harmless, the chemical that is irritating it. (D) the protein in rice is of higher quality
than that in
(A) trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the
chemical that is irritating it. (E) rice protein is higher in quality than in

(B) trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

irritating chemical
(C) attempt to metabolize, or render harmless,
the irritating chemical
(D) attempt to metabolize, or render harmless,
the chemical irritant
(E) attempt to metabolize, or render harmless,
the irritant chemical

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

14. In her research paper, Dr. Samantha Hoar, 16. Most modern inventions that we take so
the medical director of sexual health clinic, much for granted in our daily lives came into
distinguishes regular dhea, which may elevate existence not in a serendipitous manner but
testosterone levels leading to sexual evolved gradually through improvements over
aggression, from micronized dhea sulfate, prior accomplishments of inventors.
which may promote overall well-being.
(A) not in a serendipitous manner but evolved
(A) regular dhea, which may elevate testosterone gradually through improvements over
levels leading to sexual aggression, from (B) not in a serendipitous manner but gradually
micronized dhea sulfate, through improvements over
(B) between regular dhea, which may elevate
testosterone levels leading to sexual aggression, (C) not only in a serendipitous manner but also
and micronized dhea sulfate, evolved gradually through improvements over
(C) between regular dhea, which may elevate (D) not in a serendipitous manner but rather
testosterone levels and lead to sexual aggression, evolving gradually through improvements over
and micronized dhea sulfate,
(D) regular dhea elevating testosterone levels (E) not in a serendipitous manner but gradually
and leading to sexual aggression from evolving through improvements over
micronized dhea sulfate,
(E) between regular dhea elevating testosterone Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
levels leading to sexual aggression and
micronized dhea sulfate,
17. Like GRE, GMAT is an aptitude test used
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) by the graduate schools as one determinant of
success in the first year of the graduate study
15. Defense attorneys have used the program.
“intoxication” defense and argued successfully
(A) Like GRE
that their clients’ alleged criminal act stemmed
(B) Just as GRE,
from a reaction to something imbibed, but in
(C) As is GRE,
attributing criminal or delinquent behavior to
(D) Much like GRE,
some chemical reaction of the imbibed
(E) Similar to GRE,
substance, the perpetrators are being told that
they need not take responsibility for their
actions. Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

(A) in attributing criminal or delinquent behavior to

some chemical reaction of the imbibed substance,
(B) by attributing criminal or delinquent behavior to
some chemical reaction of the imbibed substance,
(C) if criminal or delinquent behavior is attributed to
some chemical reaction of imbibed substance,
(D) attributing criminal or delinquent behavior to
some chemical reaction of imbibed substance means
(E) if some chemical reaction of imbibed substance is
attributed to criminal or delinquent behavior,

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

18. Native American burial sites dating back

20. Paleontologists believe that fragments of a
5,000 years indicate that the residents of Maine
primate jawbone unearthed in Mayanmar and
at that time were part of a widespread culture
estimated at 40 to 44 million years old
of Algonquian-speaking people.
provide evidence of a crucial step along the
(A) were part of a widespread culture of evolutionary path that led to human beings.
Algonquian-speaking people.
(B) had been a part of a widespread culture of (A) at 40 to 44 million years old provide
Algonquian-speaking people. evidence of
(C) were part of a widespread culture of people (B) 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence
speaking Algonquian. of
(D) were people speaking Algonquian, part of a (C) to be 40 to 44 million years old provide
widespread culture. evidence of
(E) were a people who spoke Algonquian and (D) to be 40 to 44 million years old provides
part of a widespread culture. evidence of
(E) as 40 to 44 million years old provide
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) evidence of

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

19. Each of Hemingway’s wives - Hadley,

Pauline, Martha, and Mary - were strong and
interesting women, very different from the
other, often pallid women who populate his
(A) Each of Hemingway’s wives - Hadley,
Pauline, Martha, and Mary - were strong and
interesting women,
(B) Each of Hemingway’s wives - Hadley,
Pauline, Martha, and Mary - was strong and
interesting women,
(C) Hemingway’s wives - Hadley, Pauline,
Martha, and Mary - were each strong and
interesting woman,
(D) Hemingway’s wives - Hadley, Pauline,
Martha, and Mary - were all strong and
interesting women,
(E) Each one a strong and interesting woman,
Hemingway’s wives - Hadley, Pauline, Martha,
and Mary - were
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

21. Mirium Zdravkovic has traveled to remote 22. Nevada will gain another quarter-million
dwellings in Nagaland to photograph the jobs this year alone, many of them in high-
intricate art of the Naga women, whose murals paying fields like electronics, computers, and
are brilliantly colored, their geometrical banking, making the state’s economy far
symmetry embellished with old and new more diversified than ten years ago.
iconography and in a style that varies from
(A) high-paying fields like electronics,
woman to woman and house to house.
computers, and banking, making the state’s
(A) whose murals are brilliantly colored, their economy far more diversified than
geometrical symmetry embellished with old and
(B) high-paying fields such as electronics,
new iconography and in a style that varies from
computers, and banking, to make the state’s
woman to woman and house to house.
economy far more diversified than
(B) whose murals are brilliantly colored, and
(C) high-paying fields such as electronics,
their geometrical symmetry embellished with old
computers, and banking, job gains making the
and new iconography in a style that varies from
state’s economy far more diversified than it was
women to women and house to house.
(D) such high-paying fields as electronics,
(C) whose murals brilliantly colored and their
computers, and banking and make the state’s
geometrical symmetry embellished with old and
economy far more diversified than
new iconography have a style that varies from
women to women and house to house. (E) such high-paying fields as electronics,
computers, and banking to make the economy
(D) with their murals brilliantly colored, their
far more diversified than
geometrical symmetry embellished with old and
new iconography and in a style that varies from
women to women and house to house. Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(E) whose murals are brilliantly colored, their
geometrical symmetry is embellished with old
and new iconography and are in a style that End of Section 3.
varies from women to women and house to How long did you take to complete this
house. section? Minutes

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

Hint: “ Naga women, whose murals were

brilliantly colored, the geometrical
symmetry of murals embellished with old
and new iconography and (embellished) in a
style that varies from woman to woman, and
house to house.”

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Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

3. The federalist papers, a strong defense of the

United States Constitution and important as a
Directions: The underlined part of the sentence needs to be
body of work in political science as well,
corrected. Choose the best answer, which is at once correct represents the handiwork of three different
and effective. Keep in mind all the elements of grammar and authors.
sentence construction we have covered in our module III
study materials. A “Correct” Sentence must be clear, concise, (A) and important as a body of wok in political
correct and effective. science as well, represents
1. Based on a recent study by the National (B) and an important body of work in political
Institute of Health, a conclusion was reached science, represents
about the need to mass immunize teen-aged
(C) as well as an important body of work in
boys and girls against Hepatitis B.
political science, represent
(A) a conclusion was reached about the need to
(D) as well as important as a body of work in
mass immunize teen-aged boys and girls against
political science, are representative of
Hepatitis B.
(E) ,an important body of work in political
(B) it was concluded that the need exists to mass
science as well, and representative of
immunize teen-aged boys and girls against
Hepatitis B.
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(C) mass immunization of teen-aged boys and
girls against Hepatitis B was concluded as
needed. 4. Despite protests from some waste disposal
(D) teen-aged boys and girls, it was concluded, companies, state health officials have ordered
needed to be mass immunized against Hepatitis the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular
B. beaches to be monitored and the results
should be published.
(E) the need to mass immunize teen-aged boys
and girls against Hepatitis B was concluded. (A) the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular
beaches to be monitored and the results should
Your Answer: A( )B( )C( )D( )E( ) be
2. The Myron Manufacturing company has been (B) the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular
consistently following a policy aimed at beaches should be monitored and the results
decreasing the operating costs and
improvements in the efficiency of its (C) that the levels of bacteria in seawater at
distribution system. popular beaches be monitored and the results
(A) aimed at decreasing the operating costs and (D) to monitor the levels of bacteria in seawater
improvements in at popular beaches with the results to be
(B) aimed at decreasing the operating costs and (E) that the levels of bacteria in seawater at
achieving improvements in popular beaches be monitored and the results to
(C) aimed at decreasing the operating costs and
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(D) with the aim to decrease the operating costs
and improving
(E) of decreasing the operating costs and
improving of

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

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5. Parliament did not accord full refugee

benefits to the recent claimants because it
7. What was as remarkable as the
believed that to do it is rewarding them for
development of the compact disc has been the
entering the country illegally.
use of the new technology to revitalize, in better
(A) to do it is rewarding sound than was ever before possible, some of the
(B) doing so would be rewarding to classic recorded performances of the pre-LP era.
(C) doing so would reward
(A) What was as remarkable as the development
(D) to do it would be rewarding
of the compact disc
(E) to do so would be rewarding
(B) Remarkable and equal to the development of
the compact disc
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(C) Just as remarkable as the development of the
compact disc

6. Published in a small rural town in New (D) No less remarkable than the development of
Brunswick, the owner and editor of the “Tight the compact disc
Wad” newsletter were two young journalism (E) Equal in remarkability to the development of
graduates, Mary Tot and John Lops, who the compact disc
would later make their reputation as a local
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(A) Published in a small rural town in New
Brunswick, the owner and editor of the “Tight
Wad” newsletter were two young journalism
students, Mary Tot and John Lops, who would 8. Unlike verbal and quantitative skills, there
later make their reputation as a local Mayor. is a disinclination on the part of many people
to recognize the degree to which their
(B) Published in a small rural town in New analytical writing skills are weak.
Brunswick, the “Tight Wad” newsletter was
owned and edited by two young journalism (A) Unlike verbal and quantitative skills, there is
students: Mary Tot, who would later make her a disinclination on the part of many people to
recognize the degree to which their analytical
reputation as a local Mayor, and John Lops.
writing skills are weak.
(C) The “Tight Wad” newsletter was owned and
(B) Many people are inclined to accept that their
edited by two young journalism students, Mary
verbal and quantitative skills are weak but they
Tot and John Lops, one of them making their
are disinclined to recognize that their analytical
reputation as a local Mayor, and published in a
writing skills are weak to a degree.
small rural town in New Brunswick.
(C) Many people, willing to accept that they are
(D) Mary Tot, who would later make her
weak in verbal and quantitative skills, are
reputation as a local Mayor, and John Lops, two
disinclined to recognize that they are weak in
journalism students, were the owners and editors
of the “Tight Wad’ newsletter, published in a their analytical writing skills.
small rural town in New Brunswick. (D) Unlike verbal and quantitative skills,
analytical writing skills bring out a disinclination
(E) Mary Tot, who would later make her
on the part of many people to recognize that they
reputation as a local Mayor, and John Lops were
are weak to a degree.
the owners and editors of the “Tight Wad”
newsletter, published in a small rural town in (E) Many people are willing to admit that they
New Brunswick, being two journalism students. lack verbal and quantitative skills but are
unwilling to recognize that their analytical
writing skills could be weak at least to a degree.
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

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11. For members of the seventeenth-century

9. A report by the Health and Environment
Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields
department has concluded that much of the
with wooden shields were essential items of
currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North
military equipment, as a means to protect
Americans are exposed comes from the
warriors against enemy arrows and spears.
incineration of garbage.
(A) as a means to protect
(A) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins
(B) a means to protecting
to which North Americans are exposed comes
(C) as a means to protecting
(B) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to (D) to protect
which North Americans are exposed come (E) protecting
(C) many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to
which North Americans are exposed comes
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(D) many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins
to which North Americans are exposed come
12. Using RU486, fetuses can be aborted
(E) much of the dioxins currently uncontrolled within the first trimester of pregnancy.
and expose North Americans come
(A) Using RU486, fetuses can be aborted within
the first trimester of pregnancy.
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(B) Using RU486, pregnancy within the first
trimester can abort fetuses
10. Native to South America and fierce predators (C) Pregnancy within the first trimester can
that thrive on frogs, lizards, and even small abort fetuses using RU486.
birds, Florida introduced Bufo Marinus toads
(D) Using RU486, a woman can abort her fetus
during the 1930’s in trying to control pests in
within the first trimester of pregnancy.
the state’s vast sugarcane fields.
(E) A woman using RU486 can abort her fetus
(A) Florida introduced Bufo Marinus toads
within the first trimester of pregnancy.
during the 1930’s in trying to control
(B) Florida introduced Bufo Marinus toads
during the 1930’s in an attempt to control Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

(C) Bufo Marinus toads were introduced into 13. Many policy experts say that shifting a
Florida during the 1930’s in an attempt to control portion of health-benefit costs back to the
(D) Bufo Marinus toads were introduced into workers helps to control the employer’s costs,
Florida during the 1930’s in trying to control but also helps to limit medical spending by
making patients more careful consumers.
(E) Bufo Marinus toads were introduced by
Florida during the 1930’s in trying to control (A) helps to control the employer’s costs, but
also helps

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) (B) not only helps to control the employer’s

costs but also helps
(C) not only helps to control the employer’s
costs but in addition
(D) helps to control the employer’s costs besides
(E) helps to control the employer’s costs while
also helping

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

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14. For almost a hundred years after having 16. The commission has directed the advertisers
its beginning in 1788, England exiled some to restrict the use of the word “natural” to foods
160,000 criminals to Australia. that do not contain color or flavor additives,
chemical preservatives, and nothing that has
(A) For almost a hundred years after having its
been synthesized.
beginning in 1788
(A) and nothing that has been
(B) Hundred years after beginning in 1788,
(B) or anything that has been
(C) Over a period of a hundred years (C) nor anything that has been
beginning in 1788 (D) nor anything that was
(E) and anything
(D) Beginning after a hundred years in 1788
(E) Over a period of a hundred years after
beginning in 1788 Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) 17. Unlike the funded pension system, in which

contributions are invested to pay future
beneficiaries, a pay-as-you-go approach is the
15. James Warner, Personnel Director of Royal basis of Social Security.
Bank, has recommended that the use of any
dangerous or illegal drug in the five years (A) a pay-as-you-go approach is the basis of
prior to application for a job be grounds for social security.
not hiring the applicant. (B) the basis of social security is a pay-as-you-
(A) the use of any dangerous or illegal drug in go approach.
the five years prior to the application for the job
(C) Social Security is based on a pay-as-you-go
be grounds for not hiring the applicant.
(B) the use of any dangerous or illegal drug in
(D) Social Security’s approach is pay-as-you-go.
the five years prior to the application for the job
should be grounds for not hiring the applicant. (E) Social Security’s basis is pay-as-you-go
(C) the use in the five years prior to application
for a job of dangerous or illegal drug are
grounds that the applicant not be hired. Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )
(D) an applicant’s use of any dangerous or illegal 18. Critics of the trend toward privately
drug in the five years prior to application for a operated prisons consider corrections facilities to
job be grounds not to hire them. be an integral part of criminal justice system
and question if profits should be made from
(E) any dangerous or illegal drug use in the five incarceration.
years prior to the application for the job should
be a ground for not hiring the applicant. (A) to be an integral part of criminal justice
system and question if

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) (B) an integral part of criminal justice system

and question if
(C) an integral part of criminal justice system
and question whether
(D) as being an integral part of criminal justice
system and question whether
(E) as an integral part of criminal justice system
and question if

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

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19. Several years ago the diet industry 21. A collection of 38 poems by Phyllis
introduced a variety of appetite suppressants, but Wheatley, a slave, was published in the 1770’s,
some of these drugs caused stomach disorders the first book by a black woman and it was only
severe enough to have been banned by the Food the second published by an American woman.
and Drug Administration.
(A) it was only the second published by an
(A) stomach disorders severe enough to have American Woman.
(B) and the second published by an American
(B) stomach disorders so severe enough as to woman.
have been
(C) only the second published by an American
(C) severe enough stomach disorders that they Woman.
(D) the second only published by an American
(D) such severe stomach disorders that they were woman.
(E) such severe stomach disorders that the drugs (E) the second only to be published by an
were American Woman.

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( ) Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

20. More than five thousand years ago, the

Chinese scholars accurately described the flow
of blood as a continuous circle controlled by the 22. Although just inside the orbit of Jupiter,
heart, but it went unnoticed in the west. amateur astronomers with good telescopes
should be able to see the comet within the next
(A) but it went
few weeks.
(B) but it was
(C) and it was (A) Although just inside the orbit of
(D) and the discovery was (B) Being just inside the orbit of
(E) but the discovery was (C) Even though it was just inside the orbit of
(D) Although it is just inside the orbit of
(E) Orbiting just inside
Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

Your Answer: A ( ) B ( ) C ( ) D ( ) E ( )

End of Test
Time you took to complete: Minutes.

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Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

Sentence Correction 5
22 Questions Time ---- 25 Minutes 3. Of all the possible disasters that threaten
world food production, the possibility of an
Directions: The underlined part of the sentence needs to be
corrected. Choose the best answer which is at once correct
adverse change in climate is maybe the most
and effective. Keep in mind all the elements of grammar and difficult for analyzing.
sentence construction we have covered in our module III
study materials. A “Correct” Sentence must be clear, (A) is maybe the most difficult for analyzing.
concise, correct and effective. (B) is probably the more difficult to analyze.
(C) is probably the most difficult for analysis.
(D) is maybe the most difficult for analysis.
1. Statistics Canada report for November 1995 (E) is probably the most difficult to analyze.
indicates that the numbers of businesses filing A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
for bankruptcy protection grew by more than
forty percent increase in the past decade and
predicts that the trend will continue for the rest
of this decade.
4. The rise in Commerce Department’s index of
(A) numbers of businesses filing for bankruptcy leading economic indicators is suggestive that
protection grew by more than forty percent the economy should continue its expansion into
increase the coming months, but that the mixed
(B) numbers of businesses filing for bankruptcy performance of the index’s individual
protection grew by more than forty percent components indicates that economic growth will
proceed at a more moderate pace than in the first
(C) number of businesses filing for bankruptcy quarter of this year.
protection was increasing by more than forty
percent (A) is suggestive that the economy should
continue its expansion into the coming months,
(D) number of businesses filing for bankruptcy but that
protection grew by an increase of more than
forty percent (B) suggest that the economy should continue its
expansion into the coming months, but
(E) number of businesses filing for bankruptcy
protection increased by more than forty percent (C) suggests that the economy will continue to
expand in the coming months, but
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
(D) suggest that the economy will continue to
2. Recession-ravaged economies of industrialized expand in the coming months, but
countries spawned a new breed of savvy investors
turning away from fixed rate investment vehicles like (E) suggests that the economy will continue its
the GIC’s and Time Deposits and they put their expansion into the coming months, but that
money in mutual funds and blue chip stocks.
(A) fixed rate investment vehicles like the GIC’s and time
deposits and they put their money in mutual funds and blue
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
chip stocks.
(B) fixed rate investment vehicles like the GIC’s and time
deposits and putting their money in mutual funds and blue-
chip stocks.
(C) fixed rate investments such as the GIC’s and time
deposits and putting their money in mutual funds and blue-
chip stocks.
(D) fixed rate investments such as the GIC’s and time
deposits; instead they put their money in mutual funds and
blue-chip stocks.
(E) fixed rate investments of GIC’s and time deposits and
putting their money in mutual funds and blue-chip stocks.

A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )

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5. Scientists have observed large concentrations 7. The most common reasons for an employee’s
of heavy-metal deposits in the upper twenty unwillingness to accept a transfer to a new
centimeters of Baltic Sea sediments, which are location are that the mortgage rates are high,
consistent with the growth of industrial activity housing in the new area costing more, and the
there. old home is difficult to sell.
(A) Baltic Sea sediments, which are consistent (A) that the mortgage rates are high, housing in
with the growth of industrial activity there. the new area costing more, and the old home is
difficult to sell.
(B) Baltic Sea sediments, consistent with the
growth of industrial activity there. (B) high mortgage rates, housing costing more
in the new area, and the difficulty of selling the
(C) Baltic Sea sediments, discovery consistent
old home.
with the growth of industrial activity in the area.
(C) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of
(D) Baltic Sea sediments, where there is
housing in the new area, and the difficulty of
consistency between the growth of industrial
selling the old home.
activity and the findings.
(D) high mortgage rates, the cost of housing in
(E) Baltic Sea sediments, which are consistent
the new area being greater, and the old home
with the growth of industrial activity in the area.
being more difficult to sell.
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
(E) high mortgage rates, the new area housing
6. Inflation in fuel costs increased in 1995 for the costing more, and the difficulty to sell the old
fifth consecutive year but were still about 20 home.
percent lower than the rate of price increases for
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
other items included in the consumer price index.
(A) Inflation in fuel costs increased in 1995 for
the fifth consecutive year but were 8. Displays of aurora borealis, or “northern
lights,” can heat the atmosphere over the arctic
(B) Inflation in fuel costs increased in 1995 for
enough to affect the trajectories of ballistic
the fifth consecutive year but was
missiles, induce electric currents that can cause
(C) In 1995, inflation in fuel costs was blackouts in some areas and corrosion in north-
increasing for the fifth consecutive year south pipelines.
(D) 1995 was the fifth consecutive year of (A) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles,
increase in inflation in fuel costs but was induce
(E) The fifth consecutive year of inflation in fuel (B) so as to affect the trajectories of ballistic
costs was in 1995 which was missiles inducing
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( ) (C) such that the trajectories of ballistic missiles
are affected, and induced are
(D) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles,
and induce
(E) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles,
which induce
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )

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Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

9. The cameras of Voyager II spacecraft detected 11. William H. Johnson’s artistic debt to
six small, previously unseen moons circling Scandinavia is evident in paintings that range
Uranus, which doubles to twelve the number of from sensitive portraits of citizens in his wife’s
satellites now known as orbiting the distant Danish home, Kerteminde, and awe-inspiring
planet. views of fjords and mountain peaks in the
western and northern regions of Norway.
(A) which doubles to twelve the number of
satellites now known as orbiting (A) sensitive portraits of citizens in his wife’s
Danish home, Kerteminde, and awe-inspiring
(B) doubling to twelve the number of satellites
views of fjords and mountain peaks
now known to be orbiting around
(B) sensitive portraits of citizens in his wife’s
(C) doubling to twelve the number of satellites
Danish home, Kerteminde, with awe-inspiring
now known to orbit
views of fjords and mountain peaks
(D) that doubles to twelve the number of
(C) sensitive portraits of citizens in his wife’s
satellites now known to orbit
Danish home, Kerteminde, to awe-inspiring
(E) which doubles to twelve the number of views of fjords and mountain peaks.
satellites now known to be orbiting
(D) sensitive portraits of citizens in his wife’s
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( ) Danish home, Kerteminde, along with awe-
inspiring views of fjords and mountain peaks
(E) sensitive portraits of citizens in his wife’s
10. While Jackie Robinson was a Brooklyn
Danish home, Kerteminde, in addition to awe-
Dodger, his courage in the face of physical inspiring views of fjords and mountain peaks
threats and verbal attacks was not unlike that of
Rosa Parks, who refused to move to the back of A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
(A) not unlike that of Rosa Parks, who refused
12. Studies of the human “sleep-wake” cycle has
(B) not unlike Rosa Parks’, who refused
practical relevance for matters ranging from duty
(C) like that of Rosa Parks, in that he refused
assignments in nuclear submarines and air-traffic
(D) like Rosa Parks, who refused
control towers to the staff of shifts in 24-hour
(E) like Rosa Parks for refusing
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( ) (A) has practical relevance for matters ranging
from duty assignments in nuclear submarines
and air-traffic control towers to the staff of
(B) has practical relevance for matters ranging
from duty assignments in nuclear submarines
and air-traffic control towers to the staffing of
(C) have practical relevance for matters ranging
from duty assignments in nuclear submarines
and air-traffic control towers to the staffing of
(D) have practical relevance for matters ranging
from duty assignments in nuclear submarines
and air-traffic control towers and to the staff of
(E) have practical relevance for matters ranging
from duty assignments in nuclear submarines to
air-traffic control towers, in addition to the
staffing of
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )

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Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

13. One of Ronald Reagan’s first acts as 15. A recent national study of public schools
President was to rescind President Carter’s shows that there are now one microcomputer for
directive that any chemical banned on medical every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than
grounds in the United States be prohibited from there were four years ago.
sale to other countries.
(A) there are now one microcomputer for every
(A) that any chemical banned on medical thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there
grounds in the United States be prohibited from were
sale to other countries.
(B) there is now one microcomputer for every
(B) banning on medical grounds in the United thirty-two pupils, four times as many as there
States any chemical prohibited from sale to were
other countries.
(C) there is now one microcomputer for every
(C) that any chemical banned on medical thirty-two pupils, four times the numbers
grounds in the United States should be
(D) there are one microcomputer for every thirty-
prohibited from sale to other countries.
two pupils, four times as many as there was
(D) prohibiting the sale to other countries of any
(E) there is one microcomputer for every thirty-
chemical banned on medical grounds in the
two pupils, four times as many compared to
United States.
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
(E) that prohibited to sell to other countries any
chemical banned on medical grounds in the 16. Having the right hand and arm being crippled
United States. by a sniper’s bullet during the First World War,
Horan Pippin, a Black American painter, worked
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
by holding the brush in his right hand and
14. A huge flying reptile that died out with the guiding its movements with his left.
dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the
(A) Having the right hand and arm being
Giantwingocoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet,
crippled by a sniper’s bullet during the First
believed to be the largest flying creature the
World War,
world has ever seen.
(B) Despite having the right hand and arm being
(A) believed to be
crippled by a sniper’s bullet during the First
(B) believing it to be
World War,
(C) which, it is believed, is
(D) and which is believed to be (C) The right hand and arm being crippled by a
(E) and it is believed to have been sniper’s bullet during the First World War
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
(D) His right hand and arm crippled by a sniper’s
bullet during the First World War,
(E) Although during the First World War, his
right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper’s
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
17. Never before had taxpayers confronted so
many changes at once as they had in the Tax
Reform Act of 1986.
(A) so many changes at once as they had
(B) as many changes at once as
(C) as many changes at once as they did
(D) so many changes at once that they had
(E) so many changes at once as they did
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

18. It is well-known in the computer industry 21. Referring to the current hostility toward
that how often the technology changes and the smoking, it is frequently felt by smokers that
frequency of software upgrades can be crucial to their prospects for being hired and promoted are
profits. being stunted by their habit.
(A) the frequency of software upgrades can be (A) Referring to the current hostility toward
smoking, it is frequently felt by smokers that
(B) how frequently the software is upgraded can be
(C) the software upgrade frequency can be (B) With reference to the current hostility toward
smoking, it is frequently felt by smokers
(D) the frequency with which the software is upgraded is
(C) With reference to the current hostility toward
(E) frequent software upgrades can be smoking, smokers frequently felt about
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( ) (D) Referring to the current hostility toward
smoking, smokers frequently felt that
19. Visitors to the zoo have often looked up into
the leafy canopy and saw monkeys sleeping on (E) Smokers, while frequently referring to the
the branches, whose arms and legs hang like current hostility toward smoking, felt that
socks on a clothesline.
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
(A) saw monkeys sleeping on the branches,
whose arms and legs hang 22. While larger banks can afford to maintain
their own data-processing operations, many
(B) seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, smaller regional and community banks are
whose arms and legs hang finding that the cost associated with upgrading
data-processing equipment and with the
(C) seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with
development and maintenance of new products
arms and legs hanging
and technical staff are prohibitive.
(D) seen monkeys sleeping on the branches, with
(A) cost associated with
hanging arms and legs
(B) costs of
(E) seen monkeys, while sleeping on the (C) costs associated with
branches with arms and legs that hang (D) costs to keep
(E) cost arising from
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )
20. Those who come to Church with a
predisposition to religiously belief will be happy
in an auditorium or even a storefront, and there is End of Section
no doubt that religion is sometimes better served Time you took to complete this Section:
by adapted spaces of this kind instead of by _______Minutes.
some of the buildings actually designed for them.
Are you one of those incorrigible mortals who cannot
(A) adapted spaces of this kind instead of by resist the temptation to always read choice A? Try
some of the buildings actually designed for them. reading the choices from E back up.
(B) these kinds of adapted spaces rather than On an average, each answer choice takes about 15
some buildings actually designed for them. seconds to read. Since choice A is the same as the
underlined part of the stem, your insistence on reading
(C) such adapted spaces than by some of the it will cost you 5 minutes and 30 seconds over 22
buildings actually designed for it. questions. You can spend this time more usefully to
answer more questions more correctly. Think about it.
(D) such adapted spaces rather than by some of
the buildings actually designed for them. If you have the habit, lose it pronto.

(E) adapted spaces of this kind more than by You will be glad you did.
some of the buildings actually designed for it.
A( )B ( )C( )D( ) E( )

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

Sentence Correction Exercise 6 3. The National transportation Safety Board has

22Questions 25 Minutes recommended the use of fail-safe mechanisms on
airliner cargo door latches assuring the doors are
Directions: The underlined part of the sentence needs properly closed before takeoff and to prevent
to be corrected. Choose the best answer, which is at them from popping open in flight.
once correct and effective. Keep in mind all the
elements of grammar and sentence construction we
(A) assuring the doors are properly closed
have covered in our primer and misplaced modifier (B) so that they can assure that the doors are
segments. closed properly
(C) to assure proper closing of the doors
1. The psychologist William James believed that (D) to assure that the doors are properly closed
facial expressions not only provide a visible sign (E) a means of assuring the doors are properly
of an emotion, actually contributing to the closed
feeling itself.
(A) emotion, actually contributing to the feeling
itself Your Choice: ____
4. Iguanas have been an important food source in
(B) emotion but also actually contributing to the
Latin America since prehistoric times, and it is
feeling itself
still prized as a game animal by the Campesinos,
(C) emotion but also actually contribute to the who typically cook the meat in a heavily spiced
feeling itself stew.
(D) emotion; they also actually contribute to the (A) it is still prized as a game animal
feeling of it (B) they are still prized as game animals
(C) it is still prized as game animals
(E) emotion; the feeling itself is also actually
(D) being prized as a game animal
contributed to by them
(E) they are still prized as being game animal

Your Choice: _____

2. Along with the drop in producer prices Your choice: _____
announced yesterday, the strong retail sales
figures released today seem like it is indicative
5. The Crash of 1987 demonstrated that the
that the economy, although, growing slowly, is
world’s financial markets are integrated more
not nearing a recession.
closely than never before and events in one part
(A) like it is indicative that of the global village may be transmitted to the
(B) to indicate that rest of the village - almost instantaneously.
(C) as if it is indicative of
(A) integrated more closely than never before
(D) as if to indicate
(E) indicative of
(B) closely integrated, more than ever before, so
Your Choice: ______ (C) more closely integrated than ever before and
(D) more than ever before closely integrated as
(E) more closely integrated like never before

Your Choice: ________

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

6. New theories propose that catastrophic 9. Except for a concert performance that the
impacts of asteroids and comets may have composer himself staged in 1911, Scott Joplin’s
caused reversals in the Earth’s magnetic field, ragtime opera ‘Treemonisha’ was not produced
the onset of ice ages, splitting apart continents 80 until 1972, sixty-one years after its completion.
million years ago, and great volcanic eruptions.
(A) Except for a concert performance that the
(A) splitting apart continents composer himself staged
(B) split apart continents
(B) Apart from the concert performance that the
(C) continents splitting apart
composer himself staged
(D) the splitting apart of continents
(E) beginning of continental split (C) Excepting one concert performance that the
composer staged himself
(D) With the exception of a concert performance
Your choice: _______ the composer staged on his own
(E) Besides a concert performance having been
7. Wisconsin, Florida, Illinois and Minnesota staged by the composer himself
have begun to enforce statewide bans prohibiting
landfills to accept leaves, brush, and grass
clippings. Your Choice: ___________
(A) prohibiting landfills to accept leaves, brush,
and grass clippings 10. Students in the metropolitan school district
(B) prohibiting that landfills not accept leaves, lack math skills to such a large degree as to make
it difficult to absorb them into a city economy
brush as well as grass clippings
becoming ever more dependent on information-
(C) that prohibit landfills from accepting leaves, based industries.
brush, not to mention grass clippings
(A) lack math skills to such a large degree as to
(D) that prohibit the following: leaves, brush and make it difficult to absorb them into a city
grass clippings economy becoming
(E) prohibiting landfills from accepting leaves, (B) are so lacking in math skills that it will be
brush, and grass clippings difficult to absorb them into a city economy

Your Choice: _____ (C) are lacking in math skills so much so that it
is difficult to absorb them into a city economy
(D) lack math skills so much so that it will be
8. Even though the direct costs of malpractice difficult to absorb them into a city economy that
disputes amounts to a sum lower than one has become
percent of the $541 billion the nation spent on
health care last year, doctors say fear of lawsuits (E) lacking math skills to such a large extent they
plays a major role in health-care inflation. are making it difficult for the city economy to
absorb them having become
(A) amounts to a sum lower
(B) amounts to less
(C) amount to less Your Choice: _________
(D) amounted to less
(E) are lower

Your Choice: ______

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

11. The diet of the ordinary Hindu in Vedic 13. Inuits of the Bering Sea were in isolation
times was largely vegetarian - vegetables, dairy from contact with Europeans longer than Aleuts
products and rarely meat. or Inuits of the North Pacific and northern
(A) rarely meat
(B) meat was rare (A) in isolation from contact with Europeans
(C) rare meat longer than
(D) with meat as a rarity
(B) isolated from contact with Europeans for a
(E) raw meat
period greater than
(C) isolated from contact with Europeans longer
Your Choice: ________ than
(D) isolated from contact with Europeans longer
than were
12. As business grows more complex, students
majoring in specialized areas like those of (E) isolated from contact with Europeans longer
finance and marketing have been becoming than either
increasingly successful in the job market.
(A) majoring in specialized areas like those of Your Choice: _______
finance and marketing have been becoming
14. Once the economic and social usefulness of
(B) who are majoring in specialized areas such
as those of marketing and finance have become the motor car was demonstrated and with its
superiority to the horse being proved, much of
the early hostility to it in rural regions
(C) who major in such specialized areas as disappeared.
finance and marketing are becoming more and
(A) and with its superiority to the horse being
(B) and its superiority over the horse
(D) who major in specialized areas of finance (C) and its superiority to the horse having been
and marketing are becoming more and more (D) and its superiority to the horse
(E) and its superiority to the horse being
(E) having majored in specialized areas such as
finance and marketing are being increasingly
Your Choice: _______
Your Choice: ______
15. Minnesota is the only one of the contiguous
forty-eight states that still has a sizable wolf
population, and where this predator remains the
archenemy of cattle and sheep.
(A) that still has a sizable wolf population, and
(B) where the population of wolves is sizable
(C) with a sizable wolf population where
(D) where there is still a sizable population of
wolves, and where
(E) where a sizable population of wolves exist,

Your Choice: _______

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO

16. Discovery rules in many states require that

the identities of all prosecution witnesses are
18. The colorization of black-and-white films by
made known to defendants so they can attempt to
computers is defended by those who own the
rebut the testimony, but the constitution
film rights, for the process can mean increased
explicitly requires only that the defendant have
revenues for them; many others in the film
the opportunity to confront any accuser in court.
industry, however, contend that the technique
(A) that the identities of all prosecution degrades major works of art, which they liken to
witnesses are made known to defendants so they putting lipstick on a Greek statue.
can attempt to rebut
(A) which they liken to putting lipstick on a
(B) that the identities of all prosecution Greek statue
witnesses be made known to defendants so as to (B) which is like putting lipstick on a Greek
rebut statue
(C) likening it to putting lipstick on a Greek
(C) that the identities of all prosecution
witnesses be made known to defendants so that
(D) likening it to lipstick being put on a Greek
they can attempt to rebut
(D) that the identities of all prosecution (E) like a Greek statue with lipstick put on it
witnesses should be made known to defendants
so that they can attempt to rebut
(E) that the identities of all prosecution witnesses Your Choice: ____
are made known to defendants so that they can
attempt to rebut 19. Defying death and braving cold in the
middle of a jungle in Central America,
insects like cricket, and worms were all the
Your Answer:___________ marines could eat to survive.

(A) insects like cricket and worms were all

17. Quasars, at billions of light-years from Earth the marines could eat to survive.
the most distant observable objects in the (B) the marines survived by eating insects
Universe, believed to be the cores of galaxies in like crickets and worms.
an early stage of development. (C) insects like cricket, and worms had to
(A) believed to be be eaten by the marines to survive.
(B) have been believed as (D) the marines could survive by eating
(C) and believed to be insects like cricket, and worms.
(D) are believed to be (E) the marines survived on insects like
(E) it is believed are cricket, and worms.

Your Answer:______ Your Choice: ______

© Educational Training Services, A Division of MLI Consulting, Inc.
Not to be copied or reproduced without our consent and written permission
Name of the Registrant: PARTICIPANTS Registration Number: 0099USA-2452TURBO
22. Unlike auto insurance, the frequency of
20. Spanning more than 50 years, Fred Muller claims does not affect the premiums for
started his career in an unpromising personal property coverage, but if the
apprenticeship as a Sanskrit scholar and insurance company is able to prove
culminated in virtually every honor that excessive loss due to owner negligence, it
European governments and learned societies may decline to renew the policy.
could bestow.
(A) Unlike auto insurance, the frequency of
(A) Muller started his career in an
claims does not affect the premiums for
unpromising apprenticeship as
personal property coverage
(B) Muller’s career was in an unpromising
(B) Unlike auto insurance, personal
apprenticeship being that of
property coverage premiums are not
(C) Muller’s career began in an
affected by frequency of claims
unpromising apprenticeship as
(C) Unlike with auto insurance, the
(D) Muller’s career began in an
frequency of claims does not affect the
unpromising apprenticeship as that of
premiums for personal property
(E) Muller’s unpromising apprenticeship
was in a career as
(D) Unlike the premiums of auto insurance,
the premiums for personal property
coverage are not affected by the
Your Choice:________ frequency of claims
(E) Unlike the premiums for auto insurance,
the premiums for personal property
21, The physical structure of the human eye coverage are not affected by the
enables it to sense light of wavelengths up to frequency of claims
0.0005 millimeters; infrared radiation, however,
is invisible because its wavelength - 0.1
millimeters - is too long to be registered by the
eye. Your Choice: ______
(A) infrared radiation, however, is invisible
because its wavelength- 0.1 millimeters End of Test
- is too long to be registered by the eye.
(B) however, the wavelength of infrared Did you complete the Test in 25 minutes?
radiation - 0.1 millimeters - is too long Yes No
to be registered by the eye and therefore If No, How much longer than 25 minutes did you
invisible. take to complete it? Minutes
(C) the wavelength of infrared radiation -
0.1 millimeters - is too long to be
visible and registered by the eye.
(D) infrared radiation, however, is 0.1
millimeters in wavelength the reason
why it is not registered by eye and
remains invisible.
(E) infrared radiation, however, is invisible
because 0.1 millimeters is its
wavelength, which is too long to be
registered by eye.

Your Choice: _______


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