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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Spelling and Phonics Groups

Students will be able to arrange letters to form a word they know
Students will be able to recognize letters based on their sounds
State Standards:

5.4 Spell simple words phonetically.

5.3 Write letter(s) for familiar consonant and vowel sounds.

Context: This lesson will help students with standard English spelling and writing. It is
important for students to know how to spell different words and be able to recognize those words
when they hear and read them. By knowing the sounds that make up basic words, they will learn
how to sound out and spell larger words in the future. The lesson before this is learning how to
write and recognize individual letters. After this lesson is forming short sentences and putting the
words together. This lesson teaches students how to sound out words and spell them to help form
sentences with few spelling and grammar errors.

Data: There will be a lower, middle, and higher group so that small group instruction can be
more catered to what the students’ needs and comprehension levels are. Students will be grouped
based on previous exit ticket scores. The exit ticket gathered how well the student understood the
5.4 standard. This lesson with collect data with an exit ticket that focuses on spelling words like
the ones they worked on in class in their groups.
Materials: Bucket with foam letters, iPads, whiteboards, dry erase markers, QR code,
headphones, projector for beginning of the lesson video

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (20 minutes):
This will be a lesson after the students come back from lunch. While they were at lunch, I will
have put the buckets with foam letters along with the QR code on their desks that will be
arranged in pods. Students will enter the classroom and put away their lunch things. Once
everyone is settled, I will review the phonics sounds they worked on in the previous class. For
the hook, I will show a video of the ABC phonics song to help the students practice their sounds.
After the video is over, I will instruct them to pull out their iPads and leave them on their desk
for one of the stations. I will explain how the students will be learning how to spell words when
given the phonetic sound as well as being able to recognize the letters individually. I will explain
the different stations and expectations to them and dismiss them to their groups.

Teacher Directed (15 minutes):

In this group I will have the students sit with me at the round table and grab a whiteboard and a
dry erase marker. I will then read out one word at a time and they will have to spell the word on
their whiteboard. The words will be along the lines of boy, play, cat, and big. After each student
has had enough time to write the word, they will all show their board one at a time and I will
either give it a check or have them try again. After the students have had two tries, we will go
over the correct spelling and sound of the word, that way the students understand why it is
spelled the way it is. I will do this for the majority of the time and leave about 2 minutes for them
to ask any questions. I will write down who is getting the hang of it and who might need more
practice. I will dismiss them to the next station when the timer is up.

Collaborative (15 minutes):

In this station the students will be grouped in their desk pod that will have a bucket filled with
foam letters. There will also be a QR code that they will scan with their iPads. It will take them
to a document with a series of recordings of me saying different words. They will play the sound
of me saying the word and work as a group to find the letters and spell the word they hear. This
encourages teamwork and also helps with letter and sound identification. After they have spelled
each of the words from the recording, they will check their work at the bottom of the document
which will have the correct spellings for each word the students know that they are supposed to
stay on task and work together. If there is extra time, they are encouraged to work on spelling
words of their own and wait for the timer to switch stations.

Independent Digital (15 minutes):

This station will have the students use the iPads they previously pulled out to use the ABC
Spelling app on the carpet. This is an app that they have already been introduced to, so they will
be familiar with how to use it. They will also pull-out headphones from the bucket on the carpet
and use them with the app. The use of the carpet gives them an opportunity to sit in a different
place other than their desk. The app has different spelling games and activities that are used for
their grade level. This station reinforces the lesson with an interactive game. This lets them be
accountable for their work and show me that they can be independent. They will play the
different games until the timer is up and they can switch stations. They will put their iPads in
their desk when they leave.

Closure (20 minutes):

At the end of the rotations, I will have the students clean up the materials they were using and
return to their desks. I will ask if they have any questions about anything that we did during the
lesson or if there were any fun words they spelled. After the students share their favorite words, I
will pass out pieces of paper for the exit ticket. I will read out one word at a time, just like the
teacher directed small group. They will have time to write each word and I will repeat as needed.
There will be three words they have to spell. As with all my previous exit tickets, they will be
instructed to write if they have any questions and draw the number of stars for their level of
understating. They know form previous exit tickets, they can draw 0-5 stars to show their

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of
Multimedia 1: ABC video
I chose this piece of multimedia because it has great visuals and educational use. This
video demonstrates to students different examples of words that start with certain letters and how
to pronounce them. This is a useful resource for all types of diverse learners because it has
visuals, audio, and the ability to go back and watch it multiple times. This video follows the
LORI criteria because this gives the students the motivation to want to learn phonics and how to
spell words while having fun doing it. This is a great educational resource for students to learn
while enjoying what they are watching.
Multimedia 2: ABC Spelling App
I chose this app because of the different resources it offers students. This app works on
spelling, fill in the blank, and blank spelling. Students can choose from these 3 games on which
skill they would like to practice. Using the LORI criteria, this gives students motivation and
choice when playing these educational games, however it will also track students progress. This
app has very high rating and reviews from parent and teachers of students who have used it

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