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Names Hayley Jaquess, Sabina Coronado, Julia Asher Subject Biology
Unit Name and Unit Name: Inheritance and Variation of Traits (Leave this
Week (Leave this blank for
Driving Unit Driving Question: How can siblings have the blank for EDSC to
of EDSC 442C)
Question same parents, yet look so different? 442C)
Anchoring Phenomenon: Siblings look different from one another even though they have the same parents.
Observe these girls. What do you notice- similarities/differences? What do you wonder?


Anchoring Activity:
Anchoring It's the holiday season. Your parents decided to host your relatives this year for a family dinner. Your mom has
Phenomenon or told you and your brother to be on your best behavior, but of course, he has been on your last nerve all day. At
Design Problem the dinner table, as you are taking a bite of mashed potatoes, your brother decides to blurt out that you do not
(with Anchoring look like the rest of the family! You ignore him, but as you look around the table, you notice that you really do
Activity for the not look like the rest of your family. You start to think about your features, and notice that your brother looks
unit) more similar to your mom and dad than you do. You decide to collect evidence to support your membership in
your family using your knowledge of genetics, and how traits are passed down from parents to offspring.

Throughout this unit you will create a model that incorporates your knowledge of the structure and function of
DNA and chromosomes and their role in inheritance of traits, the impact of crossing over during meiosis and
independent assortment, the impact of environmental factors on genetics, at least one Punnett square about the
inheritance of a simple trait found in your parents, and a pedigree to trace the inheritance of a trait in your
family on a poster paper to be presented to your family. This model will prove to your brother that although you
may look different you still share the same parents.

HS-LS3-1. Ask questions to clarify relationships about the role of DNA and chromosomes in coding the instructions
NGSS Performance
for characteristic traits passed from parents to offspring.

Provide the Standard and Element(s) that Students Will

Where in the lesson can this be found?
be Engaging In
The activities on day 2 of the lesson plan will cover this
Disciplinary Core LS1.A: Structure and Function portion of the standard because it will discuss the structure
Ideas (DCIs)
and function of DNA and then allow students to look at and
● All cells contain genetic information in the form of DNA explore the different physical models associated with DNA
molecules. Genes are regions in the DNA that contain after watching a video clip about the founders of the
the instructions that code for the formation of proteins. structure of DNA.

LS3.A: Inheritance of Traits

● Each chromosome consists of a single very long DNA Days 2,3,4, and 5 cover aspects of this part of the objective.
molecule, and each gene on the chromosome is a The activity on day 2 with direct teaching helps cover the first
particular segment of that DNA. The instructions for portion by describing gene locations and chromosomes. Days
forming species’ characteristics are carried in DNA. All 3 and 4 cover the content about central dogma which
cells in an organism have the same genetic content, but includes the concepts that gene expression is different in
the genes used (expressed) by the cell may be regulated
different cells and protein synthesis. Day 5 specifically covers
the fact that not all DNA codes for proteins and creates
in different ways. Not all DNA codes for a protein; some
connections to the real world.
segments of DNA are involved in regulatory or structural
functions, and some have no as-yet known function.

Asking Questions and Defining Problems

Asking questions and defining problems in 9–12
builds on grades K–8 experiences and progresses After students have created their initial models, they will
participate in a group discussion to identify commonalities
to formulating, refining, and evaluating empirically
and differences between the different models in order to
Science and testable questions and design problems using come to a basic consensus model for the class. Here, they will
models and simulations. see how their peers interpreted and explained how siblings
Practices (SEPs)
can have the same parents, yet look so different. They will be
able to ask questions about each other’s models and be able
● Ask questions that arise from examining models or a to identify relationships portrayed in the models.
theory to clarify relationships.

Practice(s) (Bundled Modeling
Cause and Effect The entire lesson plan is focusing on cause and effect, but
● Empirical evidence is required to differentiate between specifically, the physical manipulatives use on days 2 and 3 do
Cross Cutting cause and correlation and make claims about specific
a good job of expressing the concept of cause and effect for
Concepts (CCCs) students because it shows the relationships between the
causes and effects.
physical structures of the cell parts and the resulting cell
parts that develop.
3D Learning
Objective Students will create an initial model about DNA and chromosomes, and their relation to variation in sibling
(Lesson-Level appearances, using prior knowledge and information from the anchoring phenomenon.
Introducing Anchoring phenomenon: Siblings look different from one another even though they have the
same parents. Observe these girls. What do you notice- similarities/differences? What do you wonder?

Phenomenon Video

Connections to
other standards RST.9-10.9 - Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into a
(CCSS ELA, CCSS coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible.

Target Vocab to be
chromosomes, DNA, mRNA, trait, gene, intron, exon, transcription, translation,

The 5E Model

Day 1
● Introduce new unit (Inheritance and Variation
of traits) and objectives
● Students will listen to the introduction and
● Inquire about a student's prior knowledge of
instructions for the upcoming unit
genetics. ie. Have you heard this term before?
● Students will use input their thoughts on the
What does “genetics” make you think of? etc.-
Genetics jamboard word bubble activity
Lesson Intro using jamboard word bubble activity
● Students will think about their families and answer
(Engage) ● Solicit student’s experiences/ relationships with
questions about the relationship of their appearance
their family: Do you look like your parents?
TIME: Day 1 and traits to those of their family members. They
Siblings? grandparents? etc.- another quick use
will share their thoughts verbally or on the classwide
of jamboard to solicit ideas
● introduce anchoring phenomena- look at the
● Students will make observations about the initial
images of the girls, what do you notice about
image of the girls. They will make inquiries about
them? what are you curious about?
why we are looking at them etc
● watch video and have students share what they
● Students will watch the video about the twins that
learned/ what surprised them, etc.
do not look alike. What is interesting or surprising?
● Introduce the unit driving question to guide ● Use the guiding question of the unit to give them a
their observations and their initial model hint about what to pay attention to and begin
● introduce initial model with clarification of what thinking of how they will create their model
should be included: figure caption, zoom in ● students will create their initial models using
bubble to cells, two people who are siblings jamboard using their own drawings or images from
● allow students time to complete model and the internet as well as typing to add their labels and
answer any questions they might have figure captions.
● gallery walk models as a class without ● students will participate in the classwide gallery walk
identifying the students who created them and and comment on the similarities and differences
look for consensus or disagreements about between the models created by themselves and
what is occurring. their classmates
● ***Notice that most students included
something to do with DNA in their models, so
lets investigate DNA more next lesson.

Day 2: DNA Day 2: DNA

● teacher direct teaches about the structure and ● Students will listen and take notes during direct
function of DNA and chromosomes instruction of the structure and function of DNA
● watch a video clip about watson and crick and ● Students will watch a video, and take notes in their
rosalind franklin notebooks of important details
● use physical models/ manipulatives to create ● Students will participate in a group activity/ lab
the model of DNA and fill out a worksheet partner activity where they use physical
about the base pairs, sugar backbone etc manipulatives to explore the structure of DNA. They
● low stakes quiz to check for understanding of will match the correct base pairs with one another,
the base pair combinations, and have students and fill out a worksheet during the activity.
explain what they think the function of DNA is ● Students will complete the low stakes quiz at the
Lesson Body end of the class period
(Explore, Explain, Day 3-4: transcription and translation and gene
expression Day 3-4:
TIME: Days 2, 3 & 4 ● direct teaching about RNA (mRNA/tRNA) and ● Students will listen and take notes during direct
(55 min each class ) functionality, importance of proteins in teaching
expression of traits, protein structure and ● Students will participate in another group activity
function where they use physical manipulatives to “act out”
● use physical manipulatives to trace the location the process of transcription and translation
of and behaviors that are occurring inside the ● Students will participate in another activity where in
nucleus, at the ribosome etc. groups they will be given a step in transcription or
● students take the roles of different parts of the translation and have to teach their part to the class
transcription/translation pathway and describe ● Students will complete a gene expression worksheet
what is happening in their assigned step (they ● Students will work as a class with teacher assistance
will teach this to the class) to create a diagram in their lab notebooks that
● students complete a worksheet with different shows the process of protein synthesis and gene
examples of genes leading to proteins that code expression
for coloration, texture, or features in puppies
and describe what the offspring will look like
based on gene expression.
● have students create a diagram with teacher
assistance to encapsulate the process of protein
synthesis and gene expression to include in lab
Day 5:
● direct teach students that: dna controls what
Day 5:
proteins are created in our cells which in turn
● Students will listen and take notes in their science
impacts our body development and
notebooks during the direct teaching portion of the
appearance. Not all DNA codes for proteins
because some of it (introns) is used for other
● Students will watch and listen to the teacher as they
functions and is “edited out”
explain how the ncbi website works
● Teacher explains how students will use the ncbi
● Students will work in pairs and explore the ncbi
website to locate a gene. Go through the
website and complete the worksheet in order to be
process with them to look up a gene and give a
able to finish the lesson
list of examples to peruse
● students are given a guiding worksheet to help
them select a gene and focus on the important
factors, what are the letters represented?
Lesson Closure
length of DNA strand? length of RNA? What
does this gene do? Teacher acts as guide and
TIME: Days 5 & 6 helps with technology issues

Day 6:
Day 6:
● Teacher guides students through a discussion/
● Students will participate in a whole class
reflection activity in the form of a group
discussion/reflection of what we have learned about
discussion where they consider the driving
DNA structure/function, chromosomes, RNA,
question and connect back to how this would
transcription/translation, and gene expression. They
make siblings look different
will connect this new information back to the driving
● Teacher directs students to revise their initial
question and how it could make siblings look
models to include the concepts taught during
different from one another
this lesson plan including transcription,
● Students will make their first revisions on their
translation, and differential gene expression.
models and participate in a gallery walk
● Teacher facilitates a gallery walk were students
write their critiques on sticky notes, using
sentence frames


We will assess the Students will get feedback
students prior knowledge from their peers by looking This will inform future
Students will complete a
about the concept of
jamboard submission where at their contributions to the teaching by informing the
genetics and their
they share information and jamborad discussion and will teacher about the depth of
connections to the
knowledge about what they gain verbal feedback from understanding students
content material by
know about genetics and if the teacher in the form of already have about the
asking them to connect
they think they look like
the ideas to their own verbal praise or additional content.
their families/siblings
familial relationships questions.
Entry Level
Initial models will help inform
Students will express Students will get verbal future teaching by
their preconceptions feedback from the teacher as recognizing what is already
Students will complete their
about why siblings can
initial models of how/why they go through the understood and what needs
look different even
they think siblings look student’s initial models in to be focused on in the
though they have the
different. order to create a class middle of the lesson plan.
same parents using
proper modeling consensus model.
Observe students We will gauge how deep the
Students will get feedback
thinking, checking if their students’ understanding of
thinking has changed as from the teacher and their
the content material has
they have gathered peers through correction of
Students will complete developed and if there needs
evidence through worksheets, verbal feedback
PM (Formative) worksheets, activities, to be more time spent in this
mini-lesson, physical to their participation in “act
physical manipulations, etc. phase of teaching or if they
manipulatives, group it out scenarios,” and low
activities, “acting” of are ready to move on to the
stakes quiz scores.
transcription and closure portion of the lesson.
Students will get feedback
The purpose of this We will use this feedback in
from their peers in the form
assessment is to see how order to understand how
of a gallery walk where
far the students’ much students have learned
understanding of the This activity will include a students will provide
from the lesson plan and
material has come from discussion/reflection after commentary on the models
what concepts they need
the activities in this students learn the lesson of their peers using
more time to master. This will
Summative lesson plan. They should specifically focusing on anonymous sticky notes and
be able to connect their connecting back to the impact the future lessons for
sentence frames. This will
new knowledge about driving question and an edit the unit because more
inform their decision making
DNA, protein synthesis, of their initial models. emphasis can be placed on
in their future iterations of
and gene expression to prior learning to increase
the driving question in a the model in later lesson
student understanding.
meaningful way. plans.

English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Needs Advanced Students
Teachers will use scaffolds
throughout the lesson to
English learners will be assist students (initial models
provided vocabulary will include essential
sheets that will have vocabulary, pictures they must
translations in their Striving readers will be rearrange to create their
native language, the given a list of vocabulary model, sentence frames, etc). Advanced students will be
definition, and picture terms with the definitions. Additional time will also be assigned leadership roles in
representation. By having Scaffolds, such as sentence given to help them develop group activities. They may
a model in this unit ir also frames or pictures, will be their models. Students will also be asked to provide
provides ELs with the provided throughout the work in groups throughout the limitations on their first
opportunity to draw their lesson to support students lesson, giving them multiple revision of the model.
ideas and “act out” produce high quality work. opportunities to process the
situations instead of just information, gather their
writing. thoughts , and to practice
what they will say before
speaking in front of the entire
Materials Needed
and Links to
Instructional various worksheets
DNA physical manipulation tool
slide presentations when direct teaching
This lesson is important for students because it can often be difficult for students to understand why they obtained
certain traits from their parents, while their siblings may have obtained different traits. This is the first lesson in the
Inheritance and Variation of Traits unit, and students will be learning about where their genes come from (DNA). We
want students to understand DNA, RNA, protein synthesis, gene expression, etc. because this will be setting the
foundation for future lessons.
Most students understand the basics of genetics but may struggle with understanding the difference between genes and
chromosomes. As the teacher, we need to provide clear definitions and examples for students to understand these
differences. For example, we can provide written definitions, as well as pictures. Another challenge we foresee is having
students feel like they need to make their models “perfect”. We need to direct the focus away from making their
Implementation drawings perfect, and have them instead focus on displaying the connections to each component in their model. A way to
meet this challenge we will emphasize that they are not being graded on the quality of their art.
In addition, this is a relatively complex standard to cover in the context of genetics, so it will be difficult to help the
students understand how all of the pieces including protein synthesis is related to the overall idea of genetic variation.
This lesson will address this challenge because it explicitly ties back to the anchoring question multiple times and focuses
on the visualization of processes rather than the specifics of chemicals involved. It will also be difficult to get students
interested in participating in interactions with physical manipulatives or working with technology to investigate their own
genes because it takes more initiative and creativity that they may not want to put into the activity. This lesson will
address this challenge by utilizing group work as a way to encourage students to work together to accomplish the more
difficult tasks rather than having to figure out the higher level thought processes on their own.

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