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// sample animation script

// commands:
// Animate <panel name> <variable> <target value> <interpolator> <start time>
// variables:
// FgColor
// BgColor
// Position
// Size
// Blur (hud panels only)
// TextColor (hud panels only)
// Ammo2Color (hud panels only)
// Alpha (hud weapon selection only)
// SelectionAlpha (hud weapon selection only)
// TextScan (hud weapon selection only)
// interpolator:
// Linear
// Accel - starts moving slow, ends fast
// Deaccel - starts moving fast, ends slow
// Spline - simple ease in/out curve
// Pulse - < freq > over the duration, the value is pulsed (cosine)
freq times ending at the dest value (assuming freq is integral)
// Flicker - < randomness factor 0.0 to 1.0 > over duration, each
frame if random # is less than factor, use end value, otherwise use prev value
// RunEvent <event name> <start time>
// starts another even running at the specified time
// StopEvent <event name> <start time>
// stops another event that is current running at the specified time
// StopAnimation <panel name> <variable> <start time>
// stops all animations refering to the specified variable in the
specified panel
// StopPanelAnimations <panel name> <start time>
// stops all active animations operating on the specified panel
// SetFont <panel name> <fontparameter> <fontname from scheme> <set time>
// SetTexture <panel name> <textureidname> <texturefilename> <set time>
// SetString <panel name> <string varname> <stringvalue> <set time>

event LevelInit

event OpenWeaponSelectionMenu
StopEvent CloseWeaponSelectionMenu 0.0
StopEvent WeaponPickup 0.0

// make the display visible

Animate HudWeaponSelection Alpha "128" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudWeaponSelection SelectionAlpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudWeaponSelection FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.1
//Animate HudWeaponSelection TextColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudWeaponSelection TextScan "1" Linear 0.0 0.1

event CloseWeaponSelectionMenu
StopEvent CloseWeaponSelectionMenu 0.0
StopEvent WeaponPickup 0.0

// make the display visible

Animate HudWeaponSelection Alpha "128" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudWeaponSelection SelectionAlpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudWeaponSelection FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.0 0.1
//Animate HudWeaponSelection TextColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudWeaponSelection TextScan "1" Linear 0.0 0.1

event MenuOpen
StopEvent MenuClose 0.0

// fade in
Animate HudMenu Alpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudMenu SelectionAlpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudMenu FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudMenu MenuColor "MenuColor" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudMenu ItemColor "ItemColor" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudMenu TextScan "1" Linear 0.0 0.1

// Undo any blur

Animate HudMenu Blur "1" Linear 0.0

event MenuClose
// Hide it
Animate HudMenu Alpha "0" Linear 0.0 1
Animate HudMenu SelectionAlpha "0" Linear 0.0 1
Animate HudMenu FgColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 1
Animate HudMenu MenuColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 1
Animate HudMenu ItemColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 1

event MenuPulse
Animate HudMenu Blur "7" Linear 0.0
Animate HudMenu Blur "2" Deaccel 0.1
Animate HudMenu Blur "7" Linear 0.2
Animate HudMenu Blur "2" Deaccel 0.3
Animate HudMenu Blur "7" Linear 0.4
Animate HudMenu Blur "2" Deaccel 0.5
Animate HudMenu Blur "1" Deaccel 0.6

event TimerIncrement
Animate HudTimer Blur "7" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudTimer Blur "2" Deaccel 0.1
Animate HudTimer Blur "0" Deaccel 1.1

event TimerDecrement
Animate HudTimer Blur "7" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudTimer Blur "2" Deaccel 0.1
Animate HudTimer Blur "0" Deaccel 1.1

event ResourceIncrement
Animate HudResources Blur "3" Linear
0.0 0.0
Animate HudResources PulseAmount "0" Linear
0.0 0.01
Animate HudResources Blur "1" Deaccel
0.1 1.5
Animate HudResources PulseAmount "1" Linear
0.1 2

Animate HudResources PulseAmount "0" Linear

2 2

event ResourceDecrement
Animate HudResources Blur "7" Linear
0.0 0.0
Animate HudResources PulseAmount "0" Linear
0.0 0.01
Animate HudResources Blur "1" Deaccel
0.1 1.5
Animate HudResources PulseAmount "1" Linear
0.1 2

Animate HudResources PulseAmount "0" Linear

2 2

event ResourcePickup
Animate HudResourcesPickup Alpha "255" Linear
0 0
Animate HudResourcesPickup Position "80 r40" Linear
0 0
Animate HudResourcesPickup Position "80 r120" Deaccel
0 1
Animate HudResourcesPickup Blur "7" Deaccel 0
Animate HudResourcesPickup Alpha "0" Deaccel
.8 0.2
Animate HudResourcesPickup Blur "1" Deaccel
0.2 0.3

event PrimaryAmmoIncrement

event PrimaryAmmoDecrement
Animate HudAmmoPrimary FgColor "HudIcon_Red" Linear 0.0 0.0001
Animate HudAmmoPrimary FgColor "FgColor" Accel 0.0 3.0

event PrimaryAmmoEmpty

event SecondaryAmmoIncrement

event SecondaryAmmoDecrement
Animate HudAmmoPrimary FgColor "HudIcon_Red" Linear 0.0 0.0001
Animate HudAmmoPrimary FgColor "FgColor" Accel 0.0 3.0

event SecondaryAmmoEmpty

event ShowPrimaryAmmoClipShowSecondaryAmmo
// Turn on secondary
Animate HudAmmoSecondary Alpha "255" Linear 0.0
// Turn on secondary
Animate HudAmmoPrimaryClip Alpha "255" Linear 0.0

// Move primary to left

// Animate HudAmmoPrimary Position "r125 400" Deaccel 0.0
// Animate HudAmmoPrimaryClip Position "r55 400" Deaccel 0.0

event ShowPrimaryAmmoClipHideSecondaryAmmo
// Turn off secondary
Animate HudAmmoSecondary Alpha "0" Linear 0.0
// Turn on secondary
Animate HudAmmoPrimaryClip Alpha "255" Linear 0.0

// Move primary to left

// Animate HudAmmoPrimary Position "r100 400" Deaccel 0.0
// Animate HudAmmoPrimaryClip Position "r30 400" Deaccel 0.0

event HidePrimaryAmmoClipShowSecondaryAmmo
// Turn on secondary
Animate HudAmmoSecondary Alpha "255" Linear 0.0
// Turn off secondary
Animate HudAmmoPrimaryClip Alpha "0" Linear 0.0

// Move primary to left

// Animate HudAmmoPrimary Position "100 400" Deaccel 0.0
// Animate HudAmmoPrimaryClip Position "r30 400" Deaccel 0.0

event HidePrimaryAmmoClipHideSecondaryAmmo
// Turn off secondary
Animate HudAmmoSecondary Alpha "0" Linear 0.0
// Turn off secondary
Animate HudAmmoPrimaryClip Alpha "0" Linear 0.0

// Move primary to left

// Animate HudAmmoPrimary Position "r70 400" Deaccel 0.0
// Animate HudAmmoPrimaryClip Position "r30 400" Deaccel 0.0

//activecolor - instantly turn red, fade back to yellow

event AccountMoneyRemoved
Animate HudAccount FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0001
Animate HudAccount FgColor "255 255 255 255" Accel 0.0 3.0

Animate HudAccount Ammo2Color "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0001
Animate HudAccount Ammo2Color "0 0 0 0" Accel 0.0 3.0

//activecolor - instantly turn green, fade back to yellow

event AccountMoneyAdded
Animate HudAccount FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0001
Animate HudAccount FgColor "255 255 255 255" Accel 0.0 3.0

Animate HudAccount Ammo2Color "255 255 255 255" Accel 0.0 0.0001
Animate HudAccount Ammo2Color "0 0 0 0" Accel 0.0 3.0

event AccountMoneyInvisible
Animate HudAccount FgColor "255 255 255 255" Accel 0.0 0.0001
Animate HudAccount Ammo2Color "0 0 0 0" Accel 0.0 0.0001

event HealthLow
Animate HudHealth FgColor "HudIcon_Red" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudHealth FgColor "255 255 255 255" Pulse 2000 0.1

event HealthTookDamage
Animate HudHealth FgColor "HudIcon_Red" Linear 0.0 0.1
Animate HudHealth FgColor "255 255 255 255" Pulse 4 0.1
Animate HudHealth Blur "7" Deaccel 0.0 0.2
Animate HudHealth Blur "1" Deaccel 0.2 0.3

event HealthRestored
StopPanelAnimations HudHealth 0.0
Animate HudHealth FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.01
Animate HudHealth Blur "7" Deaccel 0.0 0.2
Animate HudHealth Blur "1" Deaccel 0.2 1.0

event HintMessageShow
// show the hints
Animate HudHintDisplay Alpha 255 Linear 0.0 0.5
Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "HintMessageFg" Linear 0.0 0.01

// hide the panel after a while

Animate HudHintDisplay Alpha 0 Linear 6.0 1.0

event HintMessageHide
Animate HudHintDisplay Alpha 0 Linear 0.0 0.5

event MapOff
Animate overview Position "0 0" Linear 0.0 0.001
Animate overview Size "0 0" Linear 0.0 0.001

event MapZoomToSmall
Animate overview Position "16 16" Linear 0.0 0.2
Animate overview Size "160 120" Linear 0.0 0.2

StopAnimation overview zoom 0.0

Animate overview zoom "1.0" Linear 0.0 0.0001
Animate overview zoom "3.0" Spline 0.0001 1.0

event MapZoomToLarge
Animate overview Position "c-300 20" Linear 0.0 0.2
Animate overview Size "600 440" Linear 0.0 0.2

StopAnimation overview zoom 0.0

Animate overview zoom "1.0" Spline 0.0 0.2

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