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(Contingente 153 Workshop Week Jun 1st)

NAME: ___GTE1 CORDERO GOMEZ JAVIER SNEIDER _________________________

DATE: ________O1 /06/20__________
GROUP: _____8_________________. SCORE: ______/50

A) Write a paragraph about music. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you like music?
2. Can you sing?
3. Can you play the guitar?
4. Can you play the piano?

1. .yes i like music much for its melodies

2. yes i can sing i like it so much to sing

3. yes i can and i like this instrument very much

4. yes i can play the piano it is a very interesting instrument

5. If I really like music for its melodies I also like to sing it and for its instruments such as
the guitar I like to play it and make good music just like with the piano I like to play this
instrument for its melodies
B) Write a paragraph about the kinds of games you play. Answer the following
1. What kinds of games can you play?
2. Can you play chess?
3. Can you play video games?
4. When do you play games?

1. I can play board games like chess or parks and video games or recreation games
like soccer
2. I really like playing chess because it is a strategy game

3. If I really like playing video games of all kinds___

4. _ I play in my spare time and I really enjoy doing it

5. I like to play board games like chess or video games like fifa and sports like
soccer. I really like to play chess because it is a strategy game. I like many video
games like free fire and I play in my spare time

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