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PROFESORES : 2º1ª Prof. Zulma Palermo

2º 2ª y 2º 3ª Prof. Ardilez

2º 4ª Prof. Alejandra Coronel.

Objetivos :

 Reconocimiento y uso del tiempo presente simple y adverbios de frequencia.

 Diferenciación y uso de sustantivos contables e incontables
 Comprensión y uso de adjetivos en sus formas comparativas y superlativas.
 Reconocimiento de forma y uso del presente continuo.
 Reconocimiento y uso del verbo TO BE en pasado simple
Set 1: Simple present & adverbs of frequency

I always listen to music at weekends. She usually plays cards with her grandparents.
( el adverbio de frecuencia en general va antes del verbo, pero después del verbo to be , por ejemplo:
I am never late for school. )

a) Think about what you do and write an adverb of frequency next to each activity.
1. read in bed ___sometimes____
2. play computer games usually
3. watch videos always
4. go out with friends sometimes
5. surf the Internet often

b) Write sentences about yourself ( escribe sobre vos)

1. I sometimes read in bed.

2. I usually play computer games.
3. I always watch videos
4. I sometimes like to go out with friends
5. I often surf on the internet

2. PLAY , DO or GO ?
- Play + ball games and board games + musical instruments
- Go + activities that end in –ing
- Do + other activities
a- Classify the free time activities . Add five more.
- pottery basketball cycling chess photography athletics tennis bowling
- …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

basketball cycling photography
football swimming pottery
chess fishing athletics laundry
tennis bowling

b- Order the words to make sentences

1- Alan plays tennis on Mondays
Alan / plays / on Mondays / tennis _____________________________________________
2- never / I / cards / play I never play cards
3- They always go swimming
They / swimming / go / always _____________________________________________
4- yoga / she / every Friday / does She does yoga every Friday
5- go / sometimes / dancing / I I sometimes go dancing
6- We don´t go skating everyday
We / go / skating / everyday / don’t _______________________________________________
7- Sheila / do / athletics / doesn’t / at school Sheila doesn´t do athletics at school

3- Fill in with DO or DOES

a- Do
__________ you play football?
b- Do
__________ John and Laura go bowling at weekends?
c- Do
__________ we go walking often ?
d- Does
__________ Joel do karate ?

4- Complete the sentences with do / don’t / does / doesn’t.

1. __________ do
you like Maths? Yes, I __________.
2. __________ does
Sally like reading? Yes, she __________.
3. __________ doesn´t
Mathew play handball every Saturday? No, he __________.
4. __________ don´t
Jane and Mary go to the cinema on Sunday? No, they __________.
5. __________ don´t
you like writing letters? No, I __________.
6. __________ does,´t
Angela get up late? No, she __________.
7. __________ do
we spend the afternoon together? Yes, we __________.
8. __________ doesn´t
Paul like skate-boarding? No, he __________.
9. __________ does
the cat like lying in the sun? Yes, it __________.
10. __________ don´t
they speak German? No, they __________.

5 – Answer about you:

I like to play football and watch videos
a- What do you do in your free time ? __________________________________________________
b- Do you like listening to music ? Yes, I do
Set 2: Countable and uncountable nouns

1- Classify the following nouns into countable and uncountable.

screw money helicopter furniture table water sand food

day juice car electricity bed hammer picture chair dog


screw, helicopter, table, day, car, bed, hammer, money, furniture, water, sand, food, juice, electricity
picture, chair, dog
2- Complete the dialogue between a customer and a shop keeper with the words in the box.

how many how much what colour tins

A: shop- keeper B : customer
( tin = lata )
A: Good morning. Can I help you ?
B: Hello. Do you have any nails ( nail = clavo )
How many
A: Certainly. ________________ do you need ?
B: Fifty, please.
A: Here you have. Anything else?
B: Yes, I need some paint, please.
What colour
A: ______________________?
B: White.
how much
A: OK, and _____________________ white paint do you need?
B: Six large _____________, please.
A: Anything else?
B: No, that’s all, thanks.

3- Order the words to make sentences

a- have / I / screwdrivers / some I have some screwdrivers

How many tools do you have?
b- How / tools / do / many / have / you / ? _________________________________________
c- needs / He / bag / sand / a / of He needs a bag of sand
Do you need any nails?
d- Do / need / you / nails / any / ? _________________________________________________
He doesn´t use any tools
e- doesn’t / He / use / tools / any ___________________________________________________
I want some new shoes
f- want / I / new / some / shoes ____________________________________________________
She has some money in the bank
g- has / some / in / the / She / money / bank __________________________________________
I don´t like any computer games
h- don’t / I / any / like / computer / games ____________________________________________
How much sugar do you want?
i- much / sugar / do / How / you / want / ? ___________________________________________
They need two bags of cement
j- They / two / cement / need / bags / of ___________________________________________

Set 3: Present continuous


is sitting on the floor

She isn´t reading a ook
She isn´t playing the piano
She is laughing
She is wearing a hat.
She isn´t writing a letter
2- Complete the following sentences with an appropriate verb. Use present continuous tense.
a- is watching
My sister _____________________ TV in the living room.
b- is teaching
Mrs Smith ______________________ English to her students.
c- aren´t playing
My friends ______________________tennis now. ( not )
d- isn´t eating
The cat _______________________ its food. (not)
e- is watering
My husband ____________________the plants in the garden.
f- is sleeping
Sara is very tired today. She ____________________.
g- is drinking
Mr Brown ___________________ is reading
a cup of coffee while he ________________ the newspaper.
h- am not going out very
I ____________________ much this year. ( not )

SET 4 – SIMPLE PAST of the verb TO BE

Write the sentences below in the past simple

a. I am late. I was late.

b. Are they hungry ? Were they hungry?
c. Thomas isn’t at school. Thomas wasn´t at school
d. Why is she late again? Why was she late again?
e. My husband is a doctor. My husband was a doctor
f. They aren’t here. They weren´t here
g. Eva is a teacher. Eva was a teacher
h. My brother is a hairstylist. My brother was a hairstylist
i. The firefighters were on the corner
The firefighters are on the corner. _________________________
j. What is that ? What was that?
k. What are those? What were those?
l. Am I the winner ? Was I the winner?
m. Is she right? Was she right?
Set 5: Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives

Mirar cuadro donde se comparan las alfombras. Los dos adjetivos que aparecen en el cuadro son : small
( chico/a) que es un adjetivo corto, de una sola sílaba y expensive (caro/a) que es un adj. largo.
Más abajo hay otro cuadro sobre los adjetivos irregulares ( good and bad ).

the most modern

the oldest
the most comfortable

the best

the worst
older than

more modern than

cheaper than

more comfortable than

better than

worse than

I wouldn´t like to buy the old lamp. I think it is the most expensive of all and also small.
I would like to buy the big desk. I think it is the cheapest and the most modern.
I would like to buy a nice watch. I would like it to be the most modern and comfortable of all.
The end

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