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VERSIÓN: 01 Código: SGOECCT-FO-EA-17 Página 1 de 2


ESTUDIANTE: _______________________________________________CÓDIGO: _________ FECHA: _____________

I. Read and listen the interview with expert 2 lie spotter” and complete the gaps again

A: Can you tell us how you became involved in lie- 1spotting?

B. Well, before I started working for the police, I'd studied Business and Psychology at university. On my course
we studied body language. I found it fascinating, especially the way people behave when they´re trying to hide
something or tell et lie.

A: So, how exactly can you tell if someone is lying?

B: First, you need to watch the face. A fake smile is the first sign that something isn´t right. It means somebody is
trying to hide a real feeling. It’s easy to do a fake smile- you just turn the sides of your mouth up. But a real smile
changes a person's whole face - the eyes light up and the cheeks and eyebrows rise. And lots of lines appear
around the eyes.

A: I've heard that if someone is lying, they can't look at you directly in your eyes, is that true?
B: No, that's not true- in fact, if someone is lying, they often stare a little bit too much in your eyes. I .. ]

A: So, the eyes can give you a lot of information.

B: Yes. indeed. The eyes can tell you a lot But there are other signs that indicate a person is lying: crossed arms,
for example or a hand in front of the mouth ( ... ]And then there are the things people say [. ] They sometimes
give too much information.
A typical example is the suspect who tells you that he had been at home all evening and then tells you In detail
what he´d watched on television, who he had been with, exactly what time he'd gone to bed and so on it's
unnatural to give so much detail and I would be suspicious.

VERSIÓN: 01 Código: SGOECCT-FO-EA-17 Página 2 de 2

II. Match the underlined words and phrases a-e in the interview with their definitions.

1. keep something secret or where others can't find it hide

2. show or suggest that something is probably true. indicate
3. you feel this way when you think that someone is guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest.
4. communication without words, through gestures posture and face, especially eyes and smile with all the
important information. body language

III. Complete the sentences about hobbies with the words in the box. There are two extra words.

bird – car – celebrity – cloud – dolphin – plane – train – tree

1. My uncle and his friends go train -spotting every Sunday. They sit by the railway station for hours.
2. Steve spends a lot of time at the airport because he loves plane spotting.
3. If you want to do some celebrity -spotting, the expensive bars and restaurants in London are a very good
place to start.
4. Chris is very keen on bird ·spotting. He travelled all the way to Africa to see the pelicans and the flamingos
that live there.
5. Until I started cloud -spotting. I didn't realize that there are at least ten different types I check the sky
every time I go outside.
6. The dolphin -spotting boat leaves every morning at 10 a.m. Yesterday we saw them actually jumping up
out of the water.

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