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MD Year 5: 2020-2021
Prepared by: Dr. Seng Serey

20 MCQs with Single answer

1. What is the inner layer of the eye?

A. Cornea
B. Choroid
C. Retina
D. Sclera
E. Uvea

2. How many layers of retina ?

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
E. 25

3. How many layers of fovea?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6

4. Which artery that nourrish the retina ?

A. Central retinal artery
B. Long posterior ciliary artery
C. Branch of external carotide artery
D. Lacrimal artery
E. Ethomoid artery

5. What is the origin of central retinal artery?

A. Ophthalmic artery
B. Carotid artery
C. Ethmoid artery
D. Long posterior ciliary artery
E. Lacrimal artery

6. What is the origin of cilioretinal artery?

A. Central retinal artery
B. Ethmoid artery
C. Lacrimal artery

D. Long posterior ciliary artery
E. Short posterior ciliary artery

7. What is the origin of ophthalmic artery?

A. External carotid artery
B. Internal carotid artery
C. Central retinal artery
D. Short posterior ciliary artery
E. Facial artery

8. How many types of photoreceptor cells?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6

9. Photoreceptors of retina of eye consist:

A. cons only
B. rods only
C. melanocytes
D. cons and rods

10. How many vortex veins of eye?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6

11. Which one is not the Virchow’s triad?

A. Alteration of the vessel wall
B. Alterations in the blood
C. Alterations in blood flow.
D. Alteration of red blood cells

12. Cherry red spot see in:

E. Hemi retinal vein occlusion

13. Developing BRVO in one eye increases the risk of BRVO in the fellow eye:
A. 1% to 5%
B. 7% to 10%
C. 17% to 20%
D. 15% to 20%
E. 10% to 17%

14. Common localization of BRVO:

A. Supero nasal
B. Supero temporal
C. Inferotemporal
D. Inferonasal

15. Which type of Interleukin that increase in aqueous and vitreous, correlate with the severity of
macular edema and the degree retinal ischemia?
A. Interleukin-1
B. Interleukin-3
C. Interleukin-6
D. Interleukin-8
E. Interleukin-10

16. Central retinal vein occlusion is further divided into:

A. 2 types
B. 3 types
C. 4 types
D. 5 types
E. 6 types

17. Sign of acute ophthalmic artery occlusion:

A. Retinal hemorrhage 4 quadrants
B. Cherry red spot with white retina
C. Retinal hemorrhage 4 quadrant with cherry red spot
D. Entire retina become white without cherry red spot
E. Narrowing of arteriolar with retinal hemorrhage 4 quadrants

18. The fovea is the mammalian eye is the centre of the visual field wherein
A. The optic nerve exits the eye
B. only rods are found
C. more rods than cones are found
D. no rods but a high density of cones occur

19. A 60-year-old man comes to hospital because he completely losed the vision on right eye,
white eye and painless with the vision perception of light since yesterday. He has history of
hypertension and diabetes for 20 years . What is your primary diagnosis to consider for this
patient ?
A. Acute angle closure glaucoma
B. Cataract

C. Keratoconjunctivitis
D. Central retinal artery occlusion
E. Acute anterior uveitis

20. A 50-year-old male slowly decreased vision in his left eye for 2 months. Visual acuity is
6/60. His fundus examination and OCT are shown in Figures A and B.

Which of the following best represents the pathophysiology of this patient’s condition?
A. Embolic phenomenon
B. Thrombosis at the level of the lamina cribrosa
C. Carotid stenosis
D. Compression of the central retinal vein due to an atherosclerotic arteriole

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