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Derma final 19/05

1. Connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves belong to:

a. Papillary and reticular dermis
b. Epidermis
c. Papillary dermis
d. Reticular dermis
e. Epidermis, papillary and reticular dermis
2. Palpation of the localized lesion identifies:
a. Size
b. Consistency
c. Surface
d. Mobility
e. All the above
3. Mark the secondary lesion:
a. Scale
b. Macule
c. Erosion
d. Fissure
e. A, C, D
4. What is a bulla?
a. A large hive
b. Excoriated vesicle
c. A large vesicle
d. A large pustule
e. A large cyst
5. The difference between a macule and a patch is:
a. Presence of infiltration
b. Thickness of the lesion
c. Surface (macula is shiny, patch is scaled)
d. Diameter of the lesion
e. Extension into the dermis
6. Mark the correct statement about gingivostomatitis herpetica:
a. Herpes simplex virus primoinfection can proceed this way
b. Occurs mostly in elder people
c. Infection occurs as a chronic illness without fever
d. Blisters are healing with scars
e. All the above
7. Mark the disease in which the virus as an etiological agent has not been proved so far:
a. Molluscum contagiosum
b. Condylomata acuminata
c. Condylomata lata
d. Warts
e. None of the above
8. Where can develop infectious processes caused by Candida albicans?
a. On the nails
b. On the oral cavity mucosa
c. In gastrointestinal tract
d. On the mucosa of genitals
e. All the above
9. Contagious bacterial skin infection with pustules that rupture typical for child age:
a. Epidermolysis bullosa
b. Dermatitis herpetiformis
c. Morphea
d. Impetigo
e. Erythrasma
10. Facial signs of atopy include:
a. Hertoghe’s sign
b. Darier’s sign
c. Apple jelly sign
d. Auspitz sign
e. None of the above
11. What condition is contraindicated to perform prick and intradermal testing:
a. Physical urticaria induced by scratching/pressure
b. Fear of needles
c. There are no contraindications
d. History of allergy
e. Immunosuppressive condition
12. How does a skin drug eruption typically present?
a. Urticaria and angioedema
b. Exanthema maculopapular
c. Lichenoid drug eruption
d. Fixed drug eruption
e. All the above
13. Herald patch is the first lesion of:
a. Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
b. Lyme disease
c. Lichen planus
d. Psoriasis vulgaris
e. Pityriasis rosea
14. Treatment of psoriasis include:
a. Terbinafine
b. Vitamin B analogue
c. Methotrexate
d. Systemic steroids
e. Antihistamines
15. All are causes of erythematosquamous lesion except:
a. Parapsoriasis
b. Seborrheic dermatitis
c. Psoriasis
d. IgA linear dermatitis
e. Pityriasis rosea
16. Which histological and morphological manifestation does occur in bullous pemphigoid?
a. Munro's microabscesses
b. Acanthosis
c. Intraepidermal blisters
d. Subepidermal blisters
e. Subcorneal blisters
17. IgA granular deposits in papillary dermis is seen in:
a. Herpes gestationis
b. Pemphigus vulgaris
c. Dermatitis herpetiformis
d. Impetigo herpetiformis
e. Paraneoplastic pemphigus
18. Choose the appropriate therapy for dermatitis herpetiformis:
a. Retinoids
b. Diet restriction of purines
c. Antiviral agents
d. Corticosteroids
e. None of the above
19. What is infective agent of implicated acne?
a. Staphylococcus aureus
b. Propionibacterium acnes
c. Streptococcus pyogenes
d. Staphylococcus epidermidis
e. Micrococcus acnes
20. Variants of basal cell carcinoma are all except:
a. Vesicular
b. Sclerodermiform
c. Superficial
d. Nodular
e. Pigmented
21. Assign the clinical form of secondary syphilis:
a. Ulcus molle
b. Ulcus durum
c. Tuberous syphilis
d. Alopecia
e. All the above
22. Assign the clinical forms of tertiary syphilis:
a. Plaques opalines
b. Condylomata accuminata
c. Tuberous syphilis
d. Roseola syphilitca
e. Condylomata lata
23. Histopathology of lupus erythematosus reveals:
a. Thickening of basal membrane zone and follicular plugging
b. Epidermolysis
c. Finger-like acanthosis
d. Munroe microabcesses
e. Localized hyperkeratosis and hypergranulosis
24. Clinical features of migratory glossitis (lingua geographica) are:
a. Well-demarcated area of erythema with smooth surface, without whitish coating
on keratinizing surface of tongue
b. Well-demarcated erosions and ulcers
c. Focal manifestations of lingua villosa nigra with hypertrophy of filiform papillae
d. Focal hyperkeratotic papillae which peel off sometimes and leave erosions behind
e. Well-demarcated areas of erythema with smooth surface, with white borders
25. A Man, age 24, is coming to your office with palmo-plantar distribution of dark red papules
with hyperkeratotic surface, lesions are non-itchy nor painful. He also noticed some hair
loss. From anamnesis- heterosexual man with multiple sexual partners in last months.
a. Secondary stage of syphilis
b. Condylomata accuminata
c. Third stage of syphilis
d. Condylomata lata

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