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Look for any video or news article that discusses the 500 years of Christianity in

the Philippines.
Submit the LINK in this dropbox along with a 5- sentence essay that answers the
following questions:

Who is the author(article) or host(video)?

 Franz Jan Santos

When was the article published or the show aired?

 In March 22, 2021

What is the article about?

This article is about the Remembering and celebrates the 500th anniversary of the
arrival of Christianity in the Philippines this year. Five hundred years ago was still a time
of colonization in the world and the time when the Spanish colonizers discovered,
conquered and brought the Christian faith in most areas of the Archipelago that they
named “Philippines.” The reflection here is focused on the challenge to make the event
of the 500 years celebration a good occasion to reaffirm the importance of dialogue
among peoples of different cultures and religions in the Philippines. The history of all
religions, including Christianity and Islam, the two biggest religions of the country, has
been always along the years a history of great and good stories, but also of dark times
and conflicts. We are called to appreciate the good stories and to recognize also some
dark pages of history.

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