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Communications in Organizations

Name Daniel Plesca

Unit 1 Communications in the organization

Word count 2000

Date 03-03-2020


S. No. Description Page No

1. Analyse communications in the organization

1.1: What is the importance of communication in your organization? 3

1.2A: Identify and explain communication practices & systems that allow the
organization policy& procedures to be understood and fallowed. 3

1.2B: State how ideas, new initiatives and development can be shared within your
organization. 4

1.3: Evaluate how workforce commitment to organizational change can be achieved

using different communication practices. 4

1.4: Analyse communication barriers and weaknesses in your organization. Suggest

remedies to such problems. 5

2. Understand and develop personal interpersonal communications. 5

2.1: Explain briefly interpersonal communications and communication styles. 6

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2.2 A: Write a brief report that shows you are aware of personal interpersonal
communication skills. 6

2.2 B: Make a list of events and work that you performed, that should provide evidence
of your skills including presentation style, meetings management and networking. 7

2.3: State and Apply approaches that would improve your personal communication
style. 7

3. Evaluate the management of internal and external workplace

communications. 8

3.1: Identify and explain how management can support teams and other groups,
departments or sections within and outside your organisation to communicate
effectively. 8

3.2: Investigate organisational practices that support internal and external workplace
communications. Suggest changes in practices if required. 9

3.3: For your organisation, evaluate communication tools, approaches and practices
that support effective internal and external communications. Suggest and justify
changes, if and where you think are required. 9

3.4: Plan improvements in workplace communications. How can the plan be

implemented? 10

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1.Analyse communications in the organization

Communication is one of the most important activities of an organization.

Communication helps individuals and groups to coordinate their activities in order to
achieve their goals and is vital in the processes of socialization, decision making,
problem solving and management change.

1.1 What is the importance of communication in your organization?

Communication is the vital flow that makes the performance of an organization possible.
Its quality and functionality depend on how the resources are used and the goals are
achieved. The efficiency of an organization is based on the specialization of functions at
the level of departments and individuals and the complementarity of these functions.
From these basic characteristics of the organizational activity results the necessity of
the exchange of information between compartments, between individuals, between the
organization and its socio-economic environment. Any organization consists, as
Graham and Bennett points out, of "premises (the goals of joint activity.), employees,
management, equipment, materials, funds." In the work process, communication plays
an essential role because any socio-technical system presupposes the existence of an
informational flow that makes it possible to function as a whole. The management
communicates its decisions to the employees, controls their execution, and the
decisions are based in turn on the flow of information.

1.2A: Identify and explain communication practices & systems that allow
the organization policy& procedures to be understood and fallowed.

The development of formal written or oral communication is governed by a series

of implicit and explicit rules regarding the content (what kind of information is
transmitted), responsibility (who issues and who controls and signs - in the case
of written messages), the form (oral / written, the way the structure of the
message, the content of the identification part, the address formulas), the
moment (occasions, terms) and the destination of the messages (to whom they
are addressed). An organizational communication system implies the existence
of formal principles and norms (legal regulations, internal regulations,
procedures), traditions, etc. of an informal nature, which govern the
communication process and results. To these are added communication

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networks, means and techniques of communication, communication roles played
by process actors (individuals and departments), responsibilities.

1.2B State how ideas, new initiatives and development can be shared
within your organization.

In the formal communication network, the messages circulate through official channels.
The communication is realized through channels such as general meetings, monthly
newsletters, notices, letters addressed to the staff on different occasions. In terms of
upright communication, the channels are: e-mail, face-to-face communication, and
horizontal communication is via intranet, e-mail, fixed telephony.

In order to optimize vertical communication, team-building or focus groups can be

created. Encouraging verbal feedback in the group is beneficial to both parties -
employees appreciate that they are listened to and that their opinion is taken into
account. Another suggestion is to make a suggestion ballot box, in which each
employee can make proposals, so that they can be consulted by the general manager.
This method encourages upright vertical communication and is a unique way for
employees to express their ideas.

1.3 Evaluate how work force commitment to organizational change can be

achieve using different communication practice.

Upward communication can be a response to requests for management situations and

data or issuing requests, complaints, opinions. The forms used can be service notes,
reports, reports, regulated by the rules of organization and operation. In addition, the
management can use to substantiate its decisions data provided by opinion polls or
attitudes, forms of collecting proposals and suggestions of employees. Recent
techniques for channeling employee dissatisfaction are the so-called "hot-lines" and
"open door". Employees communicate in this way their opinions and the extent to which
they understood the communication from top to bottom, which has the role of relieving
the emotional tensions and creating the feeling of personal value. For each level of
resistance to change there are specific strategies to overcome the resistance, the
element common of these strategies be in the best communication leaders-employees:

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honest and transparent, inclusive and constructive. In any change in the organization,
the exchange of information between people interested or affected by the situation is a
catalyst. It helps by obtaining and clarifying the information about the present and the
desired state. It brings out the emotional and rational reactions of those involved. It
offers the opportunity to empathize and release tension.

1.4 Analyse communication barriers and weaknesses in your organization.

Suggest remedies to such problems.

Communication can be obstructed or disturbed by a number of factors that interpose

between the intended and perceived meaning. Communication barriers can be
determined by the lack of any communication between the components of the
communication (sender, message, channel, receiver) or their interaction. There are
status barriers, understood as communication difficulties that arise in the interaction
between characters with statutes that are far apart in the hierarchy. For example, a
manager may not be willing to listen to a subordinate because of a superiority complex.
This problem is the most important barrier in the listening process because it blocks it
before it starts. The barriers of conception are represented by the assumptions made by
the people in the company and are represented by the suspicions and hasty
conclusions, but also by the incorrect expression of the messages. The feedback
techniques are considered extremely useful in improving the interpersonal
communication within the groups / teams, receiving feedback is a way for the sender to
check if the message was perceived as intended. The requirement of any
communication is the concordance between the message transmitted and the one
perceived by the receiver.

2. Understand and develop personal interpersonal communication.

Interpersonal communication it is the most important and most often used form of
communication. We communicate to get to know each other, to share emotions with
each other, to exchange information efficiently, to make others understand our point of
view and to build harmonious relationships.

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2.1 Explain briefly interpersonal communications and communication

Interpersonal communication involves face-to-face meetings between two participants.

Each time, interpersonal communication occurs in both directions. The communication
also requires that statements made by the broadcaster can be verified, in one way or
another, by the other participants in the discussion. Almost any statement that one
could make at any given time can be interpreted in several ways. That is why, in order
to understand the process of communication, it is necessary to analyze how individuals
give meaning to their situations.

Irena Chiru (2003) describes five types of communication styles. The emotional style
characteristic of expressive individuals, who speak quickly, gesture, sometimes inhibit,
sometimes hurry. The directorial style characteristic of individuals who have a serious,
concerned attitude; express clear opinions, in a resolute, sometimes rigid manner. The
flexible style characteristic of individuals who permanently try, deliberately to change
their own style, is adopted by individuals in specific situations. The reflective style
characteristic of individuals who are strongly controlled emotionally, see the details and
do not make quick decisions, has low sociability. The obligatory style, characteristic of
individuals who are patient and do not get involved in making decisions, listen carefully
and with understanding, express the decisions in a serious, impersonal manner.

2.2A Write a brief report that shows you are aware of personal
interpersonal communication skills.

To communicate effectively it is important that the message is clear. This means that
the vocal flow is medium, neither too fast nor too slow. In order to master this ability, it is
advisable to keep calm, to be polite, focused and to balance the mood with the situation
or the context. Who can communicate well non-verbally, will send the verbal message
and it will be understood in most cases. It is good to have a balance in everything we
do: when we talk, listen, give confidence, when we are assertive or when we receive
criticism. The success of the individual in building human relationships is largely
influenced by the communicative style he adopts. The style used is usually adapted to
the interlocutor, the context and the subject addressed.

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2.2B Make a list of events and work that you performed, that should
provide evidence of your skills including presentation style, meetings
management and networking.

When I start my job in a new company, I found out that oral communication is essential.
I created the concept of senior leader talent summits, which are forums for leaders to
discuss their talent, the development activities that have occurred and next steps in
development.  Talent summits typically cover discussions of the top two to three levels
of management below the executive level and a small number of other top talent
employees who leaders wish to highlight. Problem-solving meetings have even more
interaction. The purpose is to reach a decision or coordinate the efforts of other people.
Recently I organized a problem-solving meeting to work out a program of half-care
benefits for temporary employees. Then I draw up an agenda that supplied as much
background information possible. I sent out the agenda in advance and then contacted
all the participants by phone. Oral communication techniques like this are a key to
achieving that sort understanding.

2.3 State and apply approaches that would improve your personal
communication style.

The ability to communicate effectively and assertively is the ability we all need daily,
especially when our position is one of leadership, and other people depend on our
actions. The way you keep eye contact, vocabulary, speech, all are necessary to be
able to speak properly in front of the audience. Active listening means understanding
the people you talk to and especially understanding what you are asking. Show your
interest in any communication around you, without interrupting and without intervening
when this is not the case. Every time you have a dialogue, try to be as clear and
concise as possible. The more you convey information in a simpler way, the easier it will
be to understand. Pay attention to nonverbal communication. In many cases, more
precisely in a percentage of 93%, nonverbal communication puts its mark in a dialogue.
To communicate effectively you need to understand the emotions of others. The ability
to understand and overcome daily stress is extremely important in relation to others, a
component that ensures control and allows you to be confident in front of a diverse
audience. In any business and relationship, trust is crucial. Efficient communication can
help you convince the caller faster and easier and can help you convey in a firm way
everything you have to say. Respect your ideas, promises, but also all the opinions

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around. The basis of effective communication, respect is ultimately the foundation of a
successful collaboration.

3 Evaluate the management of internal and external workplace


Internal and external communication is a complex and dynamic process. Organizational

leaders and communication specialists first develop strategies to achieve the goals,
then build relevant messages they send through various channels to stimulate
communication with employees.

3.1 Identify and explain how management can support teams and other
groups, departments or sections within and outside your organization to
communicate effectively.

Today, within the organizations communication elements can be encountered which

include work rules, hierarchies, policies, training programs, work teams, job description,
socializing rituals, human resources departments, attention to the needs of consumers
and so on. Also, communication practices are found at a formal level, in top-down
communications, in bottom-up suggestions transmission programs, within horizontal
communication between team members, in sets of communications through printed or
electronic channels and in the framework of new social media that changes the usual
communication structures and practices. Formal communication is increasingly focused
on the needs and problems of the recipients. Employees also communicate informally
with each other inside and outside the organization through quick communications.
Management can support the communication by encouraging an open plan environment
where everybody feels part of the team and encourage communication on a regular
basis. Knowing how to give detailed and constructive feedback it’s a method to increase
team communication. Clarifying the roles and responsibilities also helps the
communication in a team as everyone knows what’s expected of them.

3.2 Investigate organizational practices that support internal and external

workplace communications. Suggest changes in practices if required.

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In order to have communication within an organization, one must know who is
communicating to, in what atmosphere, and especially what is communicating.
Employees state that the most commonly used methods of transmitting information
specific (tasks, objectives) to the field in which it operates are achieved through verbal
(90%) and written (72%) information from the direct supervisor. Another method of
communication widely used is written information at the institution level (notes, circulars,
decisions). The first aspect that employees feel should be improved in terms of internal
communication is transparency in communication. Also, other aspects that it requires
immediate improvement in terms of the dissemination of information and the speed of
its transmission, as well as the ways of communicating and interacting with colleagues
and superiors. More than half of the employees appreciate that the institution's website
is the most important effective way of information, followed by the traditional media.
A communication channel represents the environment through which messages are
transmitted and received. The channels are of three types: printed, electronic and
interpersonal. Printed channels include memos, brochures, newsletters, reports,
corporate identity manuals, annual reports and posters. With new technologies, more
and more electronic channels, such as email and voice mail, intranet networks, video
conferencing, instant messaging systems, and electronic meetings, have started to be
used more and more. The "face to face" channels include speeches, team meetings,
focus groups, business lunches and social events or gatherings.

3.3 For your organization evaluate communication tools approaches and

practices that support effective internal and external communications.
Suggest and justify changes if and where you think are required

The internal communication includes both official communication channels (newsletter,

memos, political statements) and informal communication channels (intranet, email,
meetings during lunch breaks).
The applicable internal communication channels are of 3 types:
- printed
- electronic
- interpersonal.
Printed channels include: memos, brochures, newsletters, reports, corporate identity
manuals, annual reports and posters. Internal and external communication strategy.

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Electronic channels include: email and voice mail, intranet networks, blogs, chat rooms,
video conferences, instant messaging systems and electronic meetings.
Interpersonal channels include: speeches, team-building, business lunches and social
events or meetings
Regarding the tools chosen for internal communication, recent studies reveal a direct
correlation between a high level of inertia between the participants in the
communication process and the efficiency of the respective communication activities.

3.4 Plan improvements in workplace communications. How can the plan

can be implemented?

An effective communication within the organization contributes to the creation of a

motivating organizational climate, and the barriers that appear can be overcome by
taking measures that lead to the improvement of the communication. A communication
plan will follow the achievement of objectives by ensuring the coherence of the
communication actions of the company. The plan will provide a global outline in which
communication outlines its place and role. At the level of an organization, this plan can
be realized through the sub-summary coherent actions of internal and external
The internal communication plan integrates the internal communication function into the
company's strategy and raises it to the same rank as the other functions.
 It must be articulated on the organization and strategy of the company and adapt to the
needs and objectives of the moment, that is to be realistic, precise and pragmatic. I
consider that it is necessary to separate the internal communication strategy both in
theory and in practice and to define it clearly in a separate document, which is vital for
large organizations and especially for those that have undergone certain changes.
Communication becomes multidirectional and related to relationships. Feedback is used
to better solve problems and stimulate the sharing of ideas. The communication
introduces innovative content, in addition to the social content and the one related to the
fulfillment of tasks. Concepts such as employee trust and devotion become important
issues, and organizations begin to involve employees in the decision-making process.
Communication is vital for the exchange of information within the subsystems and from
one to the other through the multidirectional channels used in internal communication.
Feedback processes help systems adapt, change, and maintain control. Collective
decision-making processes and shared responsibilities become prevalent.

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1. Mucchielli, A. (2008), Communication in institutions and organizations, Iasi, Polirom

2. Şoitu, L. - Communication and Action, European Institute, Iasi, 1997
3. Buţiu, C., A. - Interpersonal communication, Aeternitas Publishing House, Alba Iulia,
4. Andre de Peretti, "Communication Techniques", Polirom Ed., Iasi, 2001
5. Mucchielli, Alex, Jean-Antoine Corbalan, Communication Process Theory, translation
by Livia Iacob, European Institute Publishing House, Iasi, 2006.

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