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a) Your name: Marylin Diaz

b) Title of the video you chose to watch: The Sensory Room: Helping Students with Autism
Focus & Learn

c) URL of the video you chose to watch:
d) One paragraph summary that details what you WATCHED, LEARNED, and
This video focuses on the use of a sensory room for students with autism to calm their bodies so
they can focus easier on their upcoming assignments. I learned that there can be different ways a
student with autism can calm their bodies. The thing that stood out the most to me in this video
was a student who must throw a ball either at the ground or the wall to help himself calm down.
One may not realize that to calm down one does not simply have to lay down and close their
eyes, these students all need different things to calm their bodies. I agree with it being extremely
important to have this time set apart for students with autism because it does create a routine for
them and assists them in their education, with their bodies being calmed they are more relaxed
and ready to continue with their education throughout the day.
e) Author 3 (three) OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS that would evaluate comprehension that
YOU would ask other students who might want to consider watching the same video.
Consider researching Bloom's Taxonomy from your text or online to choose different levels
of questioning and verbs typically associated with each.
1. How would you have a student illustrate to you how they like to calm their bodies down?
2. How would you justify what type of sensory equipment can be included in the sensory
room depending on student needs?
3. How would you evaluate how the sensory room makes students feel?
a) Your name: Marylin Diaz

b) Title of the video you chose to watch: Fall-Hamilton Elementary: Transitioning to Trauma-
Informed Practices to Support Learning

c) URL of the video you chose to watch:
d) One paragraph summary that details what you WATCHED, LEARNED, and
This video focuses on how students are being helped with traumas to assist their learning.
Students here have a one on one teacher or school administrator to be reached out at the
beginning and end of day every day. I feel like many of the things within this video I happen to
appreciate. Although a teacher is supposed to be that, a teacher, with everything happening
around our students we will become one of their biggest support systems they have. I agree with
the techniques they are using, especially the tap in-tap out for the teachers. It is known teaching
is a tough job and the tap in-tap out system Fall-Hamilton Elementary has in place allows for
teachers to ask to be covered for a moment while they pull themselves together to be able to get
back to teaching. A lot of our job has to do with our own control of emotions and if we are not
well ourselves how are we able to assist our students. They also have in place in classrooms
called peace corner where students can go and write about their feelings if they are feeling like
they are losing themselves which helps because if not they will lash out in the middle of the
e) Author 3 (three) OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS that would evaluate comprehension that
YOU would ask other students who might want to consider watching the same video.
Consider researching Bloom's Taxonomy from your text or online to choose different levels
of questioning and verbs typically associated with each.
1. Express why you feel it's important for students to feel the support of their teacher.
2. Justify how you think the tap in-tap out system the teachers have may harm the students.
3. Tell us how a support system in school helps the students on their day to day basis.
a) Your name: Marylin Diaz

b) Title of the video you chose to watch: 60-Second Strategy: Pom-Pom Jar

c) URL of the video you chose to watch:
d) One paragraph summary that details what you WATCHED, LEARNED, and
This video focuses on a way for students to show their kindness. The way students show their
kindness is by putting a pom-pom in a jar and let their classmates know whom they helped and
how. The students then yell “fantastic!” to show the student who did the kind act thankfulness.
This video let me agree with something I truly wasn’t fond of 100% previously. I agree now
more than ever that students do need a little push to show their kindness and they need a way to
show they were kind. I don’t feel like it is about bragging but more so to be an example for other
students. I don’t encourage exaggerated rewards for students being kind because that is honestly
something we should all be, but I do encourage to have something in place for our students to
look forward to. I’ve learned while we are shaping these young minds, we need to start to show
that being kind is such an amazing thing at a young age.
e) Author 3 (three) OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS that would evaluate comprehension that
YOU would ask other students who might want to consider watching the same video.
Consider researching Bloom's Taxonomy from your text or online to choose different levels
of questioning and verbs typically associated with each.
1. How else would you have a student illustrate to the class that he/she showed kindness?
2. Identify other methods you would use in your classroom to encourage kindness.
3. Explain how kindness can create a more enjoyable classroom for everyone.
a) Your name: Marylin Diaz

b) Title of the video you chose to watch: Demonstrating Self-Regulation with Tone of Voice

c) URL of the video you chose to watch:
d) One paragraph summary that details what you WATCHED, LEARNED, and
This video focuses on how teachers using a tone of voice that is calm, neutral, and assertive, help
students feel cared for—and ready to learn. I feel in a sense this is something people can agree to
a certain degree. I feel students do need to hear neutral and calm voices but in order to get them
excited about a certain experiment or show enthusiasm their tone will shift from calm and neutral
to loud and possibly fast. With a calm, neutral and assertive tone as a teacher you will be able to
have your student's attention for many of the lesson plans. I agree that one of the most important
things is for our students to feel cared for, so they care about the learned they must do.

e) Author 3 (three) OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS that would evaluate comprehension that
YOU would ask other students who might want to consider watching the same video.
Consider researching Bloom's Taxonomy from your text or online to choose different levels
of questioning and verbs typically associated with each.
1. Tell us how your specific tone will change once you’re in your classroom.
2. Discuss how a loud and fast pace tone may alarm the students in the classroom.
3. Compare how a student will know by your tone what type of activities will entail next.
a) Your name: Marylin Diaz

b) Title of the video you chose to watch: 60-Second Strategy: 3-Read Protocol

c) URL of the video you chose to watch:

d) One paragraph summary that details what you WATCHED, LEARNED, and
This video focuses on a three-step process to reading math problems out loud to the students.
The process is the teacher first reading the problem without any numbers, she then allows the
students to read the problem incorporating numbers and digging out important words. The last
step they do is read it together and get the questions of the problem out. This allows for students
to break down the problem instead of being confused right away. I personally agree with this
process because I am someone who needs to read things repeatedly because I try to grasp
everything at once and I simply cannot do that. Although not every student will need this. It is
okay for this to be practiced for the kids who do need the extra help.
e) Author 3 (three) OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS that would evaluate comprehension that
YOU would ask other students who might want to consider watching the same video.
Consider researching Bloom's Taxonomy from your text or online to choose different levels
of questioning and verbs typically associated with each.
1. Repeat what the 3-step protocol consist of.
2. Argue how the 3-step protocol might delay students in the classroom who don’t need this
3. Identify the benefits the 3-step protocol can have on students.
a) Your name: Marylin Diaz

b) Title of the video you chose to watch: A Student-Driven Approach to Experiential Learning

c) URL of the video you chose to watch:
d) One paragraph summary that details what you WATCHED, LEARNED, and
This video focuses on making learning by having the students lead the learning. The video also
mentions the 100 languages which symbolizes the curiosity and wonder all children are born
with. I do agree that all children are born with different degrees in curiosity and wonders of this
world. Allowing students to lead the learning allows for the teacher to know what students feel
comfortable with and what are areas the students can use a little extra help. They also speak
about a third teacher which is the environment the students are in. This is very helpful because as
a teacher we want to be able to allow our students to express themselves
e) Author 3 (three) OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS that would evaluate comprehension that
YOU would ask other students who might want to consider watching the same video.
Consider researching Bloom's Taxonomy from your text or online to choose different levels
of questioning and verbs typically associated with each.
1. Argue why it is important to take into consideration all different types of learning.
2. Name two areas the students have to develop their learning on their own.
3. Differentiate how the environment can help the students vs the teacher helping in the
a) Your name: Marylin Diaz

b) Title of the video you chose to watch: How to Keep Your Elementary Students Focused?

c) URL of the video you chose to watch:
d) One paragraph summary that details what you WATCHED, LEARNED, and
This video focuses on five different tips to helping teachers with keeping their elementary
students focused. One of the most important things I took away from this video is that students
are distracted 26% of the time which is a little more than an hour per day. With the amount of
time we have with our students this is a big deal. The video also talks about keeping the lessons
short, about 10-15 minutes and to also provide with regular breaks. One of the things I did not
agree with and this is simply a personal choice is that they recommend keeping your classroom
walls about 25-50% blank as it will allow for students to not be distracted by the walls. I
personally have always envisioned my classroom fun and full of color and many different areas
and things happening on the walls so this may be a hard tip to take in. I also agree with all the
tips in this video because they will assist with keeping our kids focused in school by
implementing small changes.
e) Author 3 (three) OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS that would evaluate comprehension that
YOU would ask other students who might want to consider watching the same video.
Consider researching Bloom's Taxonomy from your text or online to choose different levels
of questioning and verbs typically associated with each.
1. Explain how students being distracted takes away learning time for other students.
2. Justify how long you would make your teaching lessons.
3. Distinguish different tactic the teacher uses to keep students on track.
a) Your name: Marylin Diaz

b) Title of the video you chose to watch: Art as Text: Bridging Literacy and the Arts

c) URL of the video you chose to watch:

d) One paragraph summary that details what you WATCHED, LEARNED, and
This video focuses on how in any subject literacy can be included even in art. The idea is to have
students read a story or read a picture without a sentence. This can come from students seeing the
tone of a picture by the colors chosen, the people in the picture and the surroundings. I like that
the students would know that there is not one perfect answer as interpretation can vary by
students. What I found helpful and agree with doing is when the students would review each
other's work and try to visualize the tone in that specific artwork. This helped the students not
only give feedback but also obtain it back. I felt like the video also explain how it is important
for all teachers to support each other, meaning it is not only the English teachers' job to teach
literacy, but they make it a full circle of teaching.
e) Author 3 (three) OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS that would evaluate comprehension that
YOU would ask other students who might want to consider watching the same video.
Consider researching Bloom's Taxonomy from your text or online to choose different levels
of questioning and verbs typically associated with each.
1. Analyze how a class such as art can still teach students about literacy.
2. Evaluate how students providing criticism on each work helps with their literacy.
3. Identify at least two ways literacy teachers also help art teachers.
a) Your name: Marylin Diaz

b) Title of the video you chose to watch: Social Contracts Foster Community in the Classroom

c) URL of the video you chose to watch:
d) One paragraph summary that details what you WATCHED, LEARNED, and
This video focuses on creating a social contract for appropriate behavior and expectations in the
classroom. Some of the things I agreed with were to first allow the students to choose and
comment how they wanted to be treated, how the teacher wanted to be treated, how they would
treat each other and how violations of the contract would be handled. This would be allowing the
students to feel some sense of control in the classroom and not feel like the teacher is the only
one running the show. I don’t particularly agree with using the word contract, I feel perhaps for
the younger students it may be a little too much, perhaps by changing the word to agreement,
bond or deal.
e) Author 3 (three) OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS that would evaluate comprehension that
YOU would ask other students who might want to consider watching the same video.
Consider researching Bloom's Taxonomy from your text or online to choose different levels
of questioning and verbs typically associated with each.
1. How would you have a contract applied in your classroom?
2. Argue why you agree or disagree with having a contract in the classroom.
3. Explain what other words would you use other than contract.
a) Your name: Marylin Diaz

b) Title of the video you chose to watch: Morning Meetings: Building Community in the

c) URL of the video you chose to watch:
d) One paragraph summary that details what you WATCHED, LEARNED, and
This video focuses on introducing a morning meeting into your classroom each morning for your
students. I agreed with all the things said in this video. The important and probably the hard
thing to do as a teacher is to accommodate those 15 minutes in the morning to get your kids
ready. It is not about giving them a 15 minute but rather to use those 15 meetings to greet each
other, reflect on your weekend, provide tips to help each other feel better and unwind before the
start of the day. Part of what the students do it introduce each other differently each day. The
introduction can be a high five, a handshake or even passing a ball. I as someone who is timid to
begin with feel like this may make students that feel similarly a little more comfortable with their
peers throughout the year.
e) Author 3 (three) OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS that would evaluate comprehension that
YOU would ask other students who might want to consider watching the same video.
Consider researching Bloom's Taxonomy from your text or online to choose different levels
of questioning and verbs typically associated with each.
1. Recall different types of way the students can greet each other.
2. Discuss how you would incorporate these 15 minutes in your classroom.
3. Express how the students felt with having a 15-morning meeting.

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