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The Importance of Assesment in Online Learning Education




Assessment, Online Learning, Management Time, Technologically Illiterate


Assessment is a key component of learning because it helps students learn. When students are
able to see how they are doing in a class, they are able to determine whether or not they
understand course material. Assesment can also help motivate students. Assessing online
learning is an essential component of effective teaching and learning in the online

Assessment is simply the process of gathering information on what students know based on
their educational experince. Assessment results are typically used to identify areas for
improvement and ensure that online learning content meets learning needs.

Assessment is a critical component of the online classroom. It provides students with an idea
of their progress in a course, identifies individual strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately
serves as the measure of whether students achieve the course’s learning objectives. Although
each of these characteristics serves a valuable instructional or pedagogical function, it’s also
important that assessments engage students and prepare them with the skills they’ll need in
future courses, practicums, and even their careers.

Assessment isn’t just important from a student perspective. With the online marketplace
becoming increasingly crowded, it’s critical that institutions ensure they are offering the
courses and experiences that students are looking for.

Because the majority of online students are career-focused, courses and degree programs
must provide those ties to the real world for institutions to stand out in the online landscape.
Given its importance to the online classroom, assessment can be a great starting point for
integrating this type of relevance into your course.

As beneficial as authentic assessments can be, they do present challenges as well. First and
foremost, authentic assessments require more time for both students and instructors than
traditional assessments. For students, authentic assessments typically take longer to complete
than an average quiz or test. Because these types of assessments are task based, they might be
scaffolded over a number of modules or some other period of time. In addition, students
might be more accustomed to traditional assessment, meaning that despite the advantages
we’ve discussed, they might need some time to adjust to this new method.

Online learning is any form of learning conducted partly or wholly over the internet. Online
Mlearning is primally a mode of delivery, a way of delivering educations to learners , not a
particular method of teaching. Online learning can support a wide range of teaching methods.
For instance lectures can be delivered in class ( face-to-face ) or over the internet, as can
experiential learning, constructivist approaches and many other teaching methods.

Online learning is a form of distance learning or distance education, which has long been a
part of the American education system, and it has become the largest sector of distance
learning in recent years (Bartley & Golek, 2004; Evans & Haase, 2001). Online learning
become most popular form of distance education today.

Online learning is showing how technology is changing the way we teach. Online learning
are different because we are not in the same location. A theory of online learning can be seen
in the concept that the computer and internet are used to deliver course content in technology
enhanced learning environments and to facilitate communication and assessment using
synchronous and asynchronous communication, tools for collaboration, primarily
asynchronous methods.

Online Learning is the modern technology in the teaching and learning process. It can help
the students in education. The term online learning implies “that the learner is at a distance
from the tutor or instructor, that the learner uses some form of technology to access learning
materials” ( Anderson, 2008 ).

For learners, online learning knows no time zones, and location and distance are not an issue.
In asynchronous online learning, students can access the online materials at anytime, while
synchronous online learning allows for real time interaction between students and the
instructor. Learners can use the Internet to access up-to-date and relevant learning materials,
and can communicate with experts in the field in which they are studying. Situated learning is
facilitated, since learners can complete online courses while working on the job or in their
own space, and can contextualize the learning.

Good pedagogical practice has a theory of learning at its core. However, no single best-
practice online learning standard has emerged. This may be unlikely given the range of
learning and teaching styles, the potential ways technology can be implemented and the ways
in which educational technology itself is changing. Various pedagogical approaches or
learning theories may be considered in designing and interacting with online learning

There are many different theoretical perspectives on learning although it has been
acknowledged that many of the theories that have emerged during the 1990s share many
assumptions and common foundations (Jonassen & Land 2000). Nowadays, most researchers
agree that knowledge not only exists in individual minds but also “in the discourse among
individuals, the social relationships that bind them, the physical artefacts that they use and
produce, and the theories, models and methods they use to produce them” (Jonassen & Land
2000, p. vi).

The Covid-19 pandemic had a very significant impact on the educational aspect. This was
confirmed by Listiana (2020, p. 5) in an International Webinar Conference held by FKIP UM
Surabaya on May 20, 2020 that the impacts are: (a) Changing learning system from face-to-
face learning conducted as usual to a distance learning system (online); (b) Learning from
offline to online cannot necessarily be carried out effectively; (c) Online learning tools still
lack support; (d) Adaptation of students in the use of online media; (e) Network access,
additional costs for students; and (f) The competence of lecturers needs to be prepared in
designing online-based learning.

Distance education is a teaching technique that makes students and instructors physically
separated or separated by time. Usually students use various types of material, such as
electronic media, references, books and CD-ROMs. Instead of face-to-face learning, this
material and content is basically instructed by technology (Abuhassna & Yahaya, 2018, p.
It’s easy not the take online learning seriously. With traditional learning, you have a specific
place you need to be at a specific time. But, learning online requires you to set aside some
time on your own to study and go through the lessons. This requires discipline and a real
understanding about how to wisely use your time throughout the day.

The truth is that time is just like any other finite resource. If you don’t learn how to manage
your time wisely, you won’t be able to get things done as efficiently as possible. You may
miss out on meeting your goals, fail to study often enough, and get too far behind on your
lessons. Even if you don’t have those specific problems, time management is also about
helping you avoid stress while juggling everything.

If you’re always wishing you had more hours in the day, you don’t know where all your time
went, or you feel stressed by everything you need to do, learning time management might be
a solution to all of those problems.

Therefore, in this article we have identified the 3 major problems of online learning.

1. Online learning is boring

2. The difficulty of management time

3. Technologically illiterate


This article uses the literature review method and analysis online journal from the internet.
The literature review represents a method because the literature review chooses from an array
of strategies and procedures for identifying, recording, understanding, meaning-making, and
transmitting information pertinent to a topic of interest. Moreover, as asserted by
Onwuegbuzie, Leech, and Collins (2011), conducting a literature review is equivalent to
conducting a research study, with information that the literature review collects representing
the data.

The object of this study are journals. A journal is scholarly publication containing articles
written by researchers, professors, and other experts. Journals focus on a specific discipline or
field of study. Journals are intended for an academic or technical audience, not general

1. Online Learning is Boring

Online learning is indeed unpleasant. Bored is one of triggers which made the online learning
does not work well. We must finding the way how to connect the online learning and fun.
Fun is encompasses pleasure and enjoyment. However, there is a distinction between pleasure
and enjoyment: enjoyment involves active participation.

Online students often think that their learning resources will be delivered via email, or even
by snail mail! Most online institutions are moving away from this unreliable method of

The course or module’s learning resources will be delivered via the institution’s online
learning environment or platform. The learning platform will vary depending on the software
used, but it will usually consist of a central online platform that students can access from their
personal PC, mobile or tablet.

The biggest difference between online and face-to-face learning is that online students can
study from anywhere, and at any time. Tips for getting started with online learning.

In a classroom setting, both the instructors and the students have to be available in the same
place at the same time. But everyone involved in an online course has the freedom to work at
the time and place that best suits them.

Learners learn more and are more likely to enjoy a learning experience involving a good
instructor. Learners often learn more from each other than from an instructor, but
opportunities for meaningful peer interaction have to be designed into a course. Storytelling
is a great way to encourage participation in a course and can spark more active participation
among learners since stories are generally more entertaining to read than expository text and
require more creativity to write. Experiential storytelling can add an element of realism to
otherwise dry course materials. Opportunities to collaborate on projects can be rewarding and
fun as well. The underlying strategies of games can be applied, such as the use of challenge
levels and rewards, using stories or scenarios to place the learner in a particular context, and
using “what-if” scenarios to encourage the learner to think about cause and effect. Trying out
different roles can be very compelling.
The following example was shared from a workshop on social learning and gaming. A game
was developed to implement a therapy method, rather than a face-to-face session with a
therapist. An effect was leveraging the expertise of teenagers in game playing; they took on
more of a leadership role in the game than in a therapy session. The gaming approach
involved collecting stories from other people in the same situation--these experiences were
gathered for the teenagers to learn from others. As opposed to a face-to-face therapy session,
a 3-D environment and gamelike design were used, yet the most “fun” aspect of it was found
to be the storytelling and sharing of experiences rather than the “bells and whistles” of a

Learners can use the internet to access up-to-date and relevant learning materials, and can
communicate with experts in the field in which they are studying. The implications for online
learning are, firstly, learners should be told the explicit outcomes of the learning so that they
can set expectations and can judge for themselves whether or not they have achived the
outcome of the online lesson.

Secondly, learners must be tested to determine whether or not they have achieved the
learning outcome. Online testing or other forms of testing and assesment should be integrated
into the learning sequence to check the learner’s achievement level and to provide
appropriate feedback.

Thirdly, learning materials must be sequenced appropriately to promote learning. The

sequencing could take the form of simple to complex, known to unknown, and knowleadge to
application. And last, learners must be provided with feedback so that they can monitor how
they are doing and take corrective action if required.

Online learning strategies must present the materials and use strategies to enable students to
process the materials efficiently. Since working memory has limited capacity, information
should be organized or chunked in pieces of appropriate size to facilitate processing.
According to Miller (1956), because humans have limited short-term memory capacity,
information should be grouped into meaningful sequences. Online learning strategies must
present the materials and use strategies to enable students to process the materials efficiently.
Since working memory has limited capacity, information should be organized or chunked in
pieces of appropriate size to facilitate processing. According to Miller (1956), because
humans have limited short-term memory capacity, information should be grouped into
meaningful sequences.
Wilson (1997) has described three functions of a good educational theory. First, it helps us to
envision new worlds. Few of us need help envisioning new worlds in the midst of the hype
and exuberance of online learning proponents that flood the popular press, but we do need
theory to help us envision how education can best take advantage of the enhanced
communication, information retrieval, and management capability provided by the Net. It is
all too easy to consider new innovations in a “horseless carriage” manner, and to attempt to
develop new actions based on old adaptations to obsolete contexts.

Second, a good theory helps us to make things. We need theories of online learning that help
us to invest our time and limited resources most effectively. There are many opportunities,
but always a critical shortage of resources, a situation which demands that we maximize the
efficiency of our development and delivery efforts. Third, Wilson argues that a good theory
keeps us honest. Good theory builds upon what is already known, and helps us to interpret
and plan for the unknown. It also forces us to look beyond day-to-day contingencies and to
ensure that our knowledge and practice of online learning is robust, considered, and ever

Quality online learning provides many opportunities for assessment: not only opportunities
that involve the teacher, but also ones that exploit the influence and expertise of peers, others
that use simple and complex machine algorithms to assess student production, and, perhaps
most importantly, those that encourage learners to assess their own learning reflectively.
Understanding what is most usefully rather than what is most easily assessed is a challenge
for the designers of online learning.

Developments in cognitive learning theories and their application to assessment design are
helping us to devise assessments that are aligned with the subject content, and that assess
cognitive processes as well as end results. For example, Baxter, Elder, and Glaser (1996)
found that competent students should be able to provide coherent explanations, generate
plans for problem solution, implement solution strategies, and monitor and adjust their
activities. I am continually disappointed when reviewing assessments that my own children
are subjected to in school and at university to note the very high percentage of recall
questions and the lack of assessment strategies that effectively measure the four sets of
competencies identified by Baxter et al.
Thus, the challenge of online learning is to provide high quantity and quality of assessment
while maintaining student interest and commitment. These goals are often best achieved
through the development of a learning community, to which we turn next.

2. The Difficulty of Management Time

Online learning requires effective time management skills. You may not have the structure
of a weekly class to help you organize your time and prioritize your assignments. If you are
in a blended course, you will be responsible for a higher number of independent self-study
hours than in traditional classroom courses.

Regardless of your age, gender, working status, or otherwise, time is one of the most
important resources you have. Everything you ever hope to do or accomplish in your lifetime
will take some amount of time. This is something that’s especially relevant to those hoping to
study online. Because you’re in control of your own learning and pace, you need to
understand how to manage your time well to make enough room for your online learning and
the rest of your responsibilities.

Time Management is an answer to the issue of “not enough time”. Simply put, time
management revolves around the tools, skills, activities and mindset needed to work each day
in a more efficient manner. We must admit that wasting time is a favourite pastime for most
Senior Members, and it is important for Senior Members to acquire knowledge on time
management so that productivity could be improved.

Time Management is more important than money. The Importance of time and the ways to
manage it are often overlooked. There are a lot of Senior Members who often underestimate
the value of time. Due to the ever increasing competition in the work market today, any
Assistant Registrar who is able to apply the art of time management, has a brighter
opportunities of being successful in life.

Time is a very precious thing; it has wings and as such is passing very fast. Time
Management “is a set of principles, practices, skills, tools and systems that help us use time
to accomplish what we want. It refers to the techniques, and strategies that individuals use in
utilizing and maximizing the work that they do. Managing time effectively helps to develop a
better personality in an organization.
Time, once gone never comes back. Time plays very important role in the life of all Assistant
Registrars in the Registrar’s Department. It is important for Senior Members to factor time in
their daily activities. Senior Members, who manage time profitably, never feels any difficulty
in the performance of their duties and are always branded as the successful employees of the
University. Proper time management always results in contentment and satisfaction in daily
life. Assistant Registrars, who don’t bother to enhance their skills through free time
management, always cultivate the habit of doing things haphazardly without any proper
planning. Such Senior Members are always unable to enjoy life successfully. Time
Management is a set of tools which allows us to: eliminate waste, be prepared for meetings,
reduce excessive workload, monitor project progress and last, allocate resource (time)
appropriately to tasks.

Time Management Matrix is associated with Stephen Covey on his work in the book titled
“first things first”. Stephen, considered time management under four (4) quadrants, in which
task, responsibilities, and daily activities belong to. These are: urgent and important (guardant
1), not urgent but important (quadrant 2), urgent but not important,(quadrant 3), not urgent
and not important (guardant 4). According to Covey, one need to manage those listed under
“urgent and important” focusing on those under “urgent but important,” and simply avoid
those under quadrants 3 and 4.

Many managers have to find ways to improve their own time management skills and have
refined their working habits so they function more effectively. They have sharpened their
skills techniques and disciplines and can now focus on what count most. Managers have
learnt to cope with the changing conditions, interruptions, and the demands placed on them
by others. But even more importantly, some of these managers have shared the techniques
with others, particularly the people reporting to them. Active guidance of members in group
meetings and one-on-one counseling sessions has minimal frustration, and increased job
satisfaction for all. This makes so much obvious sense that, it is hard to believe that there are
managers who neglect this participatory approach.

Management time is important. The reasons why it is important to manage time

advantageously: time is limited, time is scarce, time helps to obtain what we want in life, time
helps to to accomplish more work with less effort, too many choices for time, time Keeps us
on track, time for Relaxation, and last, time Keeps things in context.
One of the biggest issues that impacts online learners is poor time management. Lack of a
schedule, too many distractions and multitasking can lead to poor time management. Another
factor that may lead to poor time management is the lack of a designated work space.

A lack of a schedule can lead to poor time management in online learning. When students are
enrolled in face-to-face classes, the instructor sets a predetermined schedule. Many online
courses are set up with a great deal of flexibility. There may be due dates built into the
course, but the student will need to set his own schedule for completing course work.
Flexibility -- while one of the greatest benefits of online learning -- can create issues for
students who have trouble maintaining a schedule. Students need to find a way to balance the
flexibility of online learning with a disciplined schedule to be successful online learners.

Because online learners use their computers and the Internet to participate in online learning,
they may be tempted with distractions. A student working on a challenging assignment may
find herself surfing the Web, checking social networking sites or catching the latest viral
video online. One way students can combat these distractions and more effectively manage
their time is to set aside breaks in between periods of work. This will allow the online learner
to focus on school tasks knowing that she can check social networking sites when she
completes her work.

In the age of technology, multitasking has become a way of life. People can use their
smartphones to pay bills or respond to emails during the morning train commute. They can
access endless information from anywhere at any time thanks to laptops and tablets. When it
comes to online learning, however, multitasking can lead to poor time management. A
student who is toggling between various websites -- some of which may not be related to the
task at hand -- while listening to streaming music and thinking about a clever status update is
not able to appropriately focus on schoolwork. Students should focus on successfully and
effectively completing a single task at a time to maximize productivity while learning online.

Not having a designated work space can lead to time-management issues for online learners.
When students go to a brick-and-mortar school building, they are entering a controlled
learning environment that is designed to be conducive to learning. Online learners, however,
often work on assignments at home or in public places like libraries and coffee shops. At
home, students may be distracted by family members, chores or television. In public settings,
students may engage in people-watching, become interested in someone else's conversation
or find it hard to concentrate because of background noise. Online learners should set up
work spaces that will encourage focus and diminish distractions

Time management works best when you start at the grassroots level. Do not try to replicate
the techniques that the billionaires and the celebrities use. Their situation, mindset, and
challenges are way different than yours. If you implement what Bill Gates or Warren Buffet
used to achieve success, you’ll barely see any results. Instead, look deep within yourself and
identify the areas that you need to work on. After all, your time management problems are
your own, and only you can solve them.

One issue many people encounter is trying to do too much at once. Because time
management is a very basic concept that’s easy to grasp intellectually, it’s easy to assume that
you can just start practicing it immediately. You may reorganize your entire schedule, set
your alarm for earlier, and plan every detail of when you’re going to go through coursework
or study in the coming days. But, taking such a large step at one time is unlikely to end well if
it’s too different from how you normally do things. By trying to do too much at once, you’re
setting yourself up for failure. It’s better to start small and work your way up, as you would
with any other skill you’re learning.

We can’t stop or control time. But, if you want to take control of your online learning and
make the best of it, you need to learn how to properly manage the time you have. Time
management is something that every student can and should learn; it’s not just for those who
are naturally gifted at planning and arranging. Take the simple step of utilizing your
commuting time to start on your way to learning time management skills as soon as possible

3. Technologically Illiterate

Technology literacy is a term used to describe an individual’s ability to assess, acquire and
communicate information in a fully digital environment. Students who possess technology
literacy are able to easily utilize a variety of digital devices (e.g., computers, smartphones,
tablets) and interfaces (e.g., e-mail, internet, social media, cloud computing) to communicate,
troubleshoot and problem solve in both academic and non-academic surroundings.
Technology literacy refers to a familiarity with digital information and devices, increasingly
essential in a modern learning environment. Technology literacy is similar to digital literacy,
in that an individual who is technologically or digitally literate is well-versed in thinking
critically and communicating by utilizing technology. These individuals understand how to
consume, create, authenticate and share digital content, and can easily adapt to new

Every day, hundreds of millions of students, teachers and support staff, are participating in a
learning revolution: the COVID-19 pandemic has upended the centuries-old tradition that
students travelled to a physical institution to learn. Now, in many places, school and
university classrooms are on laptops and smartphone screens, and the Internet has replaced
physical books.

In today’s society, it is virtually impossible for anyone to excel with the absence of two
things; education and computer literacy. Education is considered the great equalizer. Stated
differently, it’s the universal key that opens the proverbial door of opportunity. But what
happens when you don’t have the key?

It’s been an extraordinary — and extraordinarily fast — transition, affecting everyone from
the youngest children entering school right up to young adults in universities. Researchers are
starting to study its full impact and its implications — for students, for staff and for the
organizations that create and supply educational-technology platforms.

If online education is to become more inclusive, public educational institutions — and those
that fund them — must do more to ensure that more learners can benefit from new
technologies. That includes prioritizing access to broadband, smartphones and laptops —
something that is increasingly affordable in many countries.

Even on routine schooldays, teachers expect parents to be their partners in helping children
learn. That includes pitching in with homework and staying in touch with the school.
Teachers also criticize parents who provide less support, despite acknowledging that those
families might be struggling to make ends meet.

While it’s hard to predict how families will deal with this situation, evidence suggests that
low-income parents will have a harder time helping their children keep learning if schools
remain closed for weeks or longer. Encouraging kids to complete their homework, for
example, is often tough for families managing full-time work and family obligations on a
tight budget. That’s true no matter what’s going on.

Low-income families might also have trouble keeping their children learning because they
can’t afford the necessary technology. That digital divide – a measure of inequalities in
access to reliable computers or tablets and high-speed internet – becomes much more
problematic when kids need digital devices to learn at home. While some schools give
students laptops or tablets to use, those programs are far from universal. Instead, low-income
students are significantly less likely to have the equipment and bandwidth they need to
livestream classes from home.

Assessing online learning is important. From this article can be conluded that online learning
is a subject of this study. Bored, manage time and technologically illiterate are the problems
of online learning. Actually, online learning brought out effect for students achievement. It
has various benefits over the traditional techniques of learning. A lot of the students are
attracted because of it flexible, although they need pay for the cost to use the internet.

In this article, it explained that time management is important although it is hard to do. Time
management is important to a well- balanced life. The most importantly, to change
technologically illiterate is the technology literacy.

In terms of assessment, it is very likely to be problematic because of the difficulty of

conducting authentic assessments that refer to assessment standards, which consist of (1)
attitude competency assessment through observation, self-assessment, peer assessment by
students and journals, (2) knowledge through written tests, oral tests, and assignments, and
(3) skills through performance appraisal, namely assessments that require students to
demonstrate certain competencies using practice tests, products, projects, and
portfolio(Maryati et al., 2019, p. 130).

On campus, along with the Covid-19 pandemic case, the learning that has been carried out
using face-to-face or offline methods suddenly has to change to the online method.



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