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ISSUE 1 • VOLUME 1 • 2021

The TOP Saudi Arabia


Business Politics NGOs

People who feed us People who make decisions for us People who take care of us
The Sure and Free Way to Boost Your Success

By Christian Dillstrom – Editor-in-Chief of The TOP Person Business Magazine and a Global Business Influencer and Coach

bring you the results others are getting. That is where the real challenge
In today’s competitive world, you need to and opportunity lies.
be proactive to get offered opportunities Fortunately for you, most people have not
yet realized what the biggest obstacle on Influencing the decision makers, you are
and to win them. Passive approach is no the road to greater success is. not aware of but who need your offering,
longer an option as so many people com- can be crucial for you as the opportunities
It is awareness. they can offer you can be much bigger than
peting with you for the same opportuni- those offered by those you already know.

ties have found their way to be proactive. The decision makers important for you just
do not know enough or not at all about your The biggest leaps in success happen via op-
To beat your competition, you must be offering and your name. portunities you cannot even imagine, or
you think to be out of your reach.
more effective than your competitors, as
That is the root problem – you cannot be of-
it is impossible to be successful by losing. fered or chosen for the opportunity unless Solve your awareness problem and you can
your offering and name are known by the be even more successful than you thought.
decision makers important for you.
Effective, how? What is the root problem to AWARENESS SOLUTION
be solved?
The next level – unknown important deci- The best available solution for the aware-
Without understanding the root problem, sion makers for you ness problem today is content, since there
you will most likely focus your proactive ef- are so many new ways to distribute it
forts on the wrong things. among decision makers.
If you know all the decision makers you
need to influence, your task is much easier
Most competitive people are trying to do than if you do not know them all. Wait – you In the old days, it was much more difficult
different things to boost their chances, as cannot know who you do not know. to solve the awareness problem because
doing the same as others are doing will only you needed to be featured in respected
media or try to get speaking engagements
at major business events.

Today, you either create the content that

conveys various aspects of your offering
and who you are, or you get help in creating
that content.

Then you distribute your content in suita-

ble social media that you think will be con-
sumed by the decision makers important
for you.

Sorry, it is not that easy!

Today, anyone can write and publish as

much content as they want for free.

Only very, very few people have solved the

awareness challenge with it and have got-
ten great opportunities. The solution is to
make your content credible.

Today popularity equals credibility.

The idea behind it is simple; if you are not

popular in your own domain and network,
even they do not think that you are credi-
ble; why would anyone else?

The solution to popularity is very easy – ac-

tivate your network or join to a goodwill
community that will support you.

Activating your network means communi-

cating and making small favors to the inac-
tive members of your network so that they
feel at least a bit obligated to return a favor
to you.

It takes effort and time, but eventually the

members of your network will be used to
exchange small favors, and you will have an
active network that will support your con-
tent to make it popular, AKA credible.

Unfortunately, due to my demanding work,

I do not have the time to do the small favors
for thousands of people, and therefore I
joined a goodwill community that will sup-
port my content and me.

I am quite certain that many of

us are facing the same challenge.

My choice is the free The TOP Person Am-

bassador program. I am a member, and my
content is supported by 2,100+ fellow am-
bassadors with 14 million followers in total
who use their bespoken platform.

In addition, The TOP Person charity has

600+ local LinkedIn Company pages cover-
ing the World, and their global business
magazine receives over two million readers
per month.
The TOP Person Ambassador program credible content for years to generate the people they do not know. As a result, few of
truly deliver results – one of the latest con- results for you. them will take the action you ask them to
tent they supported received 477,000 take in your communication.
views in just over five days and over 1,000 Next, you need to define the target group
likes, comments, and share engagements. of decision makers for your content and This is even more true for the decision mak-
collect them in a database or in a list. ers because they are targeted by so many
Many posts they support are among top 1% different groups of people; salespeople
engaged posts in LinkedIn every day, and Do not be shy with the amount of decision from other companies, other people want-
their ambassadors engage up to 108,000 makers you will collect as any one of them ing to get their attention and employees of
times a day and over 2.3 million times in a may be important for you sooner or later. their organizations.
month to support their fellow ambassa-
dors. After all, they are decision makers, and they
More is more, and there are never too
many opportunities offered to you. have the power to make decisions to give
That popularity makes the content opportunities to the people approaching
as credible as it can be. them.
Rushing will decrease your results

In addition, this is a way to draw the atten- That is also the reason why

tion of unknown decision makers who are Your first instinct is to contact your target you are approaching them.
important to you, to notice your offer and decision makers immediately. That is to-
your name. tally understandable, as everyone else does
that although their results are not very Pre-connection actions
Those 477,000 views that credible content Pre-connection actions will make the tar-
received included many of them as it geted decision makers aware of your name
spread to people in my domain. They just do more and more of it to change
the situation, but of course that does not and they will learn roughly what your offer-
change the conversion rate. ing is.
TION Consequently, you are no longer totally un-
To maximize your results, and not waste
your valuable decision makers, known to them, and they are more likely to
Credible content is a necessary tool to do pre-connection with them. take the action you will ask them to take
raise awareness, but as with all tools, you when you communicate directly with them
must use it to get results. later.
Most people do not react very well to mes-
sages and phone calls they receive from
The good news is that you can use the same Firstly, visit their LinkedIn profile and
follow them so that LinkedIn will notify the established an initial relationship with The decision makers you know usually have
decision maker. them, and you can direct them to your cred- the decision makers of the same domain in
ible content by asking them for feedback. their networks including those important
67% of them will be notified immediately as decision makers you do not know.
they use LinkedIn via a mobile application. Asking is important – unless you make your
The rest of the decision makers will be no- connections familiar with your little re- Every like and comment your credible con-
tified the next time they visit LinkedIn. quests, it is difficult to get a positive answer tent will receive from the known decision
when you ask something bigger. makers will spread your credible content to
LinkedIn notification will show your name the people in their network.
as a link and most people will click on that After all, your main goal is
link to see who is following them, as we peo- always to ask something. As a bonus, your credible content will be
ple are vain, and we are interested in peo- endorsed by the respected and known de-
ple who are interested in us. Connection Actions cision makers, and that is very valuable, as
you cannot buy that, you can only earn that.
Secondly, wait a few days after the first Depending on the credibility of your
round and visit their LinkedIn profile and LinkedIn profile and target decision mak- Building Deeper Relationships
like their latest post, article or comment ers, a certain number of them will not react
and LinkedIn will notify the decision maker. at all to your pre-connection actions. Now that you have opened up communica-
tion with the decision makers important for
Thirdly, wait for a few days after the second As you have done three rounds of them you, and your credible content and your
round and visit their LinkedIn profile and over a period of one or more weeks, you LinkedIn profile has made them aware of
comment their latest post, article or com- can assume that they are aware of your your offering, it is time to deepen the initial
ment and LinkedIn will notify the decision name. relationship you have with them and to
maker. make the pay-out of the relationship more
You can also rely your name appearing mul-
Be honest and professional with your com- tiple times on their LinkedIn notification
ment, as the decision maker is professional page when they visit their LinkedIn profile. Remember that these people are decision
and can spot sugar-coating attempts. makers, so do not waste their time, and
therefore offer them something that will
Therefore, you can approach them via help them to further themselves towards
During the pre-connection action rounds, email or call them and refer to your engage-
many decision makers will send you an In- their goals.
ment on LinkedIn and ask them for their
Mail, or connection request, or email if your feedback on your credible LinkedIn post.
email address is visible in your LinkedIn If you cannot come up with anything, that is
profile, in case your profile is credible OK too, as they are already aware of your
enough and gives them a reason to do so. Again, do not be afraid to ask since it is dif- offering and your name.
ficult to achieve anything meaningful with-
out asking.
Those decision makers are now communi- This is how you solve the awareness
cating with you – congratulations, you have challenge to boost your success.
Main route to unknown decision makers
Become a Company Partner of Our Global Business Magazine and
Generate Sales Easily from Your 2,500 Dream Clients for Free

By Christian Dillstrom – The Global Business influencer, Coach, Growth Hacker and Editor-in-Chief of The TOP Person magazine

We all want to buy from the people we year. I founded The TOP Person charity as a
hobby in January 2020 to further people,
know and who we think are credible. That My work is mostly about creating large other charities, and organizations via pub-
quantities of business relationships with licity for free.
is one of the oldest secrets of generating a
the decisionmakers of companies that my
lot of highly profitable sales. On top of clients want to have as customers. I am very good at generating a lot of public-
ity in my work, so it was natural to do the
that, decisionmakers today are bom- I am not dealing just with dozens of deci- same for my charity.
sion makers, but with hundreds of them on
barded with a constant flow of contact ef-
each project. Making the right decisionmaker aware of
forts from salespeople and have to decide your offering and name makes it possible
The key to creating large quantities of busi- for them to offer you the opportunity you
which of them they will commit their ever ness relationships quickly is credibility and need.
too scarce working hours. a good reason to approach decision mak-
ers. This applies to jobseekers, those moving up
the career ladder, those looking for speak-
We offer your company a free and highly The good reason is something you offer to ing engagements, salespeople, and chari-
effective way to make your company a decision maker to make their personal ties looking for donations, among many
known and credible in the eyes of your brand or life better, and credibility is that other groups.
dream clients' decision makers and to by- they believe you can deliver your offer.
pass your competitors as our company The TOP Person charity is now global with
partner. My offer is visibility for the decisionmaker 2,132 Ambassadors from 118 countries
in the eyes of my millions of monthly busi- with 14+ million followers and with 600 lo-
ness readers. cal The TOP Person LinkedIn Company
My offer works very well and makes it easy pages.
My name is Christian Dillstrom, and I am a for me to connect and build business rela- The business magazines of our charity have
global business influencer. tionships with just about any decision- over 2 million monthly readers and our au-
maker I want. thors are from The Wall Street Journal,
Since February 2015, millions of business-
people have read my sales, marketing, and There can never be enough positive public- Business Insider, BBC, and Forbes as well
growth hacking texts every month and that ity for business decision makers as it brings as from LinkedIn Influencers, TopVoices
has made my name known to business deci- them many new lucrative opportunities. and TED.
sion makers around the globe.

As a result, over 2,000 businesses around THE TOP PERSON COMPANY PARTNERS
the World call to request my services every
Now we want to go local and therefore we
are looking for company partners around clients. perform all these actions themselves, so
the globe to reach 100 million followers by your time or resources will not be spent on
the end of 2021. That is why they are your dream clients. them.

We want to grow so that we have more Such message with your nominated em-
power to help even more people than we Building business relationships ployee as the sender will prompt your
are currently able to. Building business relationships with your dream clients to reply to your message
dream clients is made possible by their ea- and/or call the phone number provided to
The help of our company partner to in- talk with your employee.
crease awareness of The TOP Person char- gerness to appear in a business magazine
ity will be rewarded with easy, quick, and with millions of monthly readers. That was always the goal - to create a com-
effective method and tool to build relation- We will start the process by nominating munication channel between you and your
ships with up to 2,500 dream clients of our one of your employees as our special edi- dream client and build business relation-
company partner. tor. ships quickly, easily, and effectively.

A hefty increase in sales is usually That makes the nominated person credible Time of your employee is directed to build-
the best reward for any company. in the eyes of your dream clients to contact ing and deepening relationships with the

Both our and our company partners’ needs decision makers of your dream clients.
them about an appearance in our business
are served with a business magazine under
magazine and to start building a business
our global brand tailor-made for our com-
relationship with them. Generating sales
pany partner.
We will provide you with our secure online Your dream clients want to have free visi-
Among other content, the magazine will in-
tool you will use to notify each of your bility in a popular business magazine and, in
clude 2 articles from the company partner
dream clients with a tailor-made message exchange, do not mind hearing about your
and 2 articles we create from up to 2,500
for you about their possibility to appear in company's offering once their thirst for in-
dream clients of our company partner.
our business magazine for free. formation about their appearance in the
The first of the two articles we create is fea- business magazine has been quenched.
In the same message, your dream clients
turing your dream clients who will provide
will be given the possibility to edit their de- Talking about the offering of your business
the content they want for it.
tails, the option also to be featured in an ar- is easy as the decision maker has learned to
The second article we create is a more for- ticle or to decline all together. know you and you have established a natu-
mal list of future influencers of your se- ral and on-going communication channel
In that message, your dream clients will re-
lected industry, made up your dream with him or her.
ceive a secure link that will allow them to
Our charity and its free business magazine they cannot. business magazine has spread widely
have nothing to do with your business, so around the globe.
any sales you are able to generate while be- Having the decision makers of your dream
ing our company partner is totally yours. clients endorsing your company and put- Each company partner will spread our free
ting their own credibility behind it, that is business magazine to as many as 2,500
what will truly boost your company as its businesspeople, who, like the businesspeo-
Getting endorsed by your dream clients credible fame grows. ple before them, are enticed to also share it
on their networks and social media when
Once the magazine is published, you will they appear in it.
send a message about it to each dream cli- Why up to 2,500 dream clients?
ent with a link to the magazine and an en- This is where our interests are combined.
couragement to share the magazine with When you quickly approach a large quan-
their network and on social media. tity of dream clients, you will assure that We estimate that 100 company partners
there are enough of those who will need around the World will be enough for us to
The more dream clients share the maga- your offering straight away, and enough of reach our goal of 100 million followers by
zine with your articles and your name as those that will need your offering soon. the end of 2021.
the author of the most interesting articles
in the magazine, the more they endorse you The rest of them become aware of your of-
to their networks filled with other great po- fering and name via high-quality magazine What next?
tential clients. and you can build on that to turn them into
buying clients. If you are interested in receiving a free local
This is called earned media because you or partner magazine with the services de-
no one else can buy it, and therefore it is the scribed above, please connect with our Ed-
most valuable existing media. The biggest WHAT IS IN IT FOR THE TOP PERSON? itor-in-Chief Christian Dillstrom on
global brands would pay top dollar for LinkedIn and he will be happy to answer
We have grown rapidly because our free any of your questions.
earned media if only they could buy it – but
ISSUE 1 • VOLUME 1 • 2020


Business Politics NGOs

People who feed us People who make decisions for us People who take care of us
The TOP Person Charity and Magazine

The TOP Person is a global charity with a mission to help people and other charities and organizations to further
themselves for free. Our method of helping is to multiply the visibility of one's content in social media and to
increase one’s influence. The TOP Person was founded in January 2020 to further this mission.


Our main route to helping is to aid other charities. We are • We have developed a platform that utilizes the post
currently helping dozens of other charities and we are algorithms of several social media optimally.
talking with many more. • Ambassadors can earn up to 600 times more ability to
endorse any LinkedIn post than a regular LinkedIn user.
Together, these charities are associated with several • In addition, our platform is easy to use and offers
million people, so hopefully, we will keep on reaching our rewarding gamification, peer support, networking
annual goal of helping one million people. functions and popular, high-quality content to share.
AMBASSADOR ROUTE • Our content is written by authors from The Wall Street
Journal, Forbes, Business Insider business magazines,
Another way to help is our free ambassador program in BBC, LinkedIn Influencers & TopVoices, and TEDtalk.
which anyone can join. The ambassador program was • We are totally transparent, as all our actions take place
added because of the Corona pandemic to help people in on social media, where everything is public.
need directly. • Our program is free, and The TOP Person is fully
funded, so we are neither asking for donations nor
RESULTS OF OUR AMBASSADOR PROGRAM selling anything to anyone.
• In addition, everything in our free program is voluntary
So far, we have had quite good results:
- each ambassador is free to choose what they do to
• We have 2,100+ ambassadors with over 14 million support their brand or cause.
followers in total from over 118 countries using 600+
our local LinkedIn Company pages (May 6th 2020)
These are the reasons why we attract ambassadors and
• Our The TOP Person business magazine receives over
why they are so strongly committed to supporting each
two million readers per month.
• The most popular post by an ambassador received
471,000 views in just five days. The TOP Person Ambassador program is an easy and
• Multiple posts of our ambassadors’ are every single day supported route to becoming a business influencer.
among top 1% most engaged post in LinkedIn.
• Ambassadors engage up to 108,000 times a day and Connect with Christian Dillstrom on LinkedIn to join the
2.3+ million times in the month to support their peers. free The TOP Person Ambassador program.
From the Editor
Welcome to the first edition of The TOP Person magazine. I hope
that our articles will give you a new point of view on some issues
or at least deepen your already existing ones.

The journey that lead into publishing this magazine began five
years ago when I published my first ever blog-text on LinkedIn
Pulse. I am not a writer or journalist, and my sole purpose in pub-
lishing that blog-text was simply to get exposure in Google search
results for the launch of my third start-up.

I never expected my blog-text to get so many readers. After all,

almost all blog texts in the World have only very few readers.
Since I was busy with my startup, it took me a month before my
next visit to LinkedIn to find out that my first blog text had over
one million readers.

Being a growth hacker since early 2009, I analyzed the reasons

why my blog text was so popular and started posting many more
blog texts.

My reason for publishing more blog-texts was the realization that

in the future the content is the king if you can collect people who
like your texts in your database. It is very difficult to create texts
of the highest quality every time, but a big fan database will share
even mediocre texts and turn them into very popular ones.

Eventually, all that led into this magazine. The text format of the
magazine is different from that of my blog, and for a good reason:
My blog texts are for consumption and the articles of this maga-
zine are for enjoyment.

The Economist - I am a big, long-term fan and you can see the
style of this magazine to borrow a lot from it. This is not a copy of
The Economist as you can see, as there are some changes I made.
The changes I have always hoped The Economist would have

I am absolutely delighted about the authors of this magazine as

they are really experienced, and their texts are very interesting.
Hopefully, you will enjoy their texts too.

The TOP Person is a free, environmentally friendly and advertis-

ing-free magazine. It is not a business; it is part of my charity, and
it is my hobby. In order to save the environment, the magazine is
published in PDF format, and I hope that not too many people
print it.

On behalf of everyone who has contributed to making this maga-

zine possible - thank you for reading this magazine.

Christian Dillstrom
The TOP Person

The Global Business Influencer

3 From the editor 33 Swarm Robots Technology

Inspired by Nature
4 Contents
35 Why You're Not Getting
5 Become a Company Partner Promoted - 4 Career Growth
of Our Global Business Mistakes
Magazine and Generate Sales
Easily from Your 2,500 38 Partial Deduction of VAT and
Dream Clients for Free Financial Operations, Gross
or Net Amounts?
8 5 Surefire Ways to Get A
Raise and Earn More Money 40 5 Pre-Season Supply Planning
Tips for Your Wine Business
11 What Does A Business
Influencer Do? 42 Smart Clothing Is Merging
Fashion with Functionality
13 IoT Can Impact
Personalization in These 46 Addressing Africa’s Food
Ways Supply Challenge

15 The Perfect Resume A Step-

48 Finding Your Why and Being
By-Step Guide

17 5 Ways to Find the Best

51 Working with A Recruiter – A
Coach in The World for You
Love Story

20 If I Carry Out Financial

Operations, Am I Required to 53 Six Emerging Tech Trends in
Apply the Pro Rata Rule to The Healthcare Industry
Settle the Deductible VAT?
56 6 Mindsets That Will Help
21 Understanding Different You Achieve Your Biggest
Types of Chatbots Dream

23 Norway Understands the 59 Give Me Back My Leadership

Unique Economic Value of
Data 61 e-Invoicing in India

26 How To Make A Good First 64 Beware of Centralized

Impression In The Middle Procurement Structures

65 The Need of MaaS In Smart

28 Create the Right Habits and Cities
Achieve Your Objectives

68 How to Use Data to Find the

30 8 Things Nordic Companies Best Airbnb Rental Property
Must Know About Cross- to Buy
Cultural Sales
Become a Company Partner of Our Global Business Magazine and
Generate Sales Easily from Your 2,500 Dream Clients for Free

By Christian Dillstrom – The Global Business influencer, Coach, Growth Hacker and Editor-in-Chief of The TOP Person magazine

We all want to buy from the people we year. I founded The TOP Person charity as a
hobby in January 2020 to further people,
know and who we think are credible. That My work is mostly about creating large other charities, and organizations via pub-
quantities of business relationships with licity for free.
is one of the oldest secrets of generating a
the decisionmakers of companies that my
lot of highly profitable sales. On top of clients want to have as customers. I am very good at generating a lot of public-
ity in my work, so it was natural to do the
that, decisionmakers today are bom- I am not dealing just with dozens of deci- same for my charity.
sion makers, but with hundreds of them on
barded with a constant flow of contact ef-
each project. Making the right decisionmaker aware of
forts from salespeople and have to decide your offering and name makes it possible
The key to creating large quantities of busi- for them to offer you the opportunity you
which of them they will commit their ever ness relationships quickly is credibility and need.
too scarce working hours. a good reason to approach decision mak-
ers. This applies to jobseekers, those moving up
the career ladder, those looking for speak-
We offer your company a free and highly The good reason is something you offer to ing engagements, salespeople, and chari-
effective way to make your company a decision maker to make their personal ties looking for donations, among many
known and credible in the eyes of your brand or life better, and credibility is that other groups.
dream clients' decision makers and to by- they believe you can deliver your offer.
pass your competitors as our company The TOP Person charity is now global with
partner. My offer is visibility for the decisionmaker 2,132 Ambassadors from 118 countries
in the eyes of my millions of monthly busi- with 14+ million followers and with 600 lo-
ness readers. cal The TOP Person LinkedIn Company
My offer works very well and makes it easy pages.
My name is Christian Dillstrom, and I am a for me to connect and build business rela- The business magazines of our charity have
global business influencer. tionships with just about any decision- over 2 million monthly readers and our au-
maker I want. thors are from The Wall Street Journal,
Since February 2015, millions of business-
people have read my sales, marketing, and There can never be enough positive public- Business Insider, BBC, and Forbes as well
growth hacking texts every month and that ity for business decision makers as it brings as from LinkedIn Influencers, TopVoices
has made my name known to business deci- them many new lucrative opportunities. and TED.
sion makers around the globe.

As a result, over 2,000 businesses around THE TOP PERSON COMPANY PARTNERS
the World call to request my services every
Now we want to go local and therefore we

are looking for company partners around clients. perform all these actions themselves, so
the globe to reach 100 million followers by your time or resources will not be spent on
the end of 2021. That is why they are your dream clients. them.

We want to grow so that we have more Such message with your nominated em-
power to help even more people than we Building business relationships ployee as the sender will prompt your
are currently able to. Building business relationships with your dream clients to reply to your message
dream clients is made possible by their ea- and/or call the phone number provided to
The help of our company partner to in- talk with your employee.
crease awareness of The TOP Person char- gerness to appear in a business magazine
ity will be rewarded with easy, quick, and with millions of monthly readers. That was always the goal - to create a com-
effective method and tool to build relation- We will start the process by nominating munication channel between you and your
ships with up to 2,500 dream clients of our one of your employees as our special edi- dream client and build business relation-
company partner. tor. ships quickly, easily, and effectively.

A hefty increase in sales is usually That makes the nominated person credible Time of your employee is directed to build-
the best reward for any company. in the eyes of your dream clients to contact ing and deepening relationships with the

Both our and our company partners’ needs decision makers of your dream clients.
them about an appearance in our business
are served with a business magazine under
magazine and to start building a business
our global brand tailor-made for our com-
relationship with them. Generating sales
pany partner.
We will provide you with our secure online Your dream clients want to have free visi-
Among other content, the magazine will in-
tool you will use to notify each of your bility in a popular business magazine and, in
clude 2 articles from the company partner
dream clients with a tailor-made message exchange, do not mind hearing about your
and 2 articles we create from up to 2,500
for you about their possibility to appear in company's offering once their thirst for in-
dream clients of our company partner.
our business magazine for free. formation about their appearance in the
The first of the two articles we create is fea- business magazine has been quenched.
In the same message, your dream clients
turing your dream clients who will provide
will be given the possibility to edit their de- Talking about the offering of your business
the content they want for it.
tails, the option also to be featured in an ar- is easy as the decision maker has learned to
The second article we create is a more for- ticle or to decline all together. know you and you have established a natu-
mal list of future influencers of your se- ral and on-going communication channel
In that message, your dream clients will re-
lected industry, made up your dream with him or her.
ceive a secure link that will allow them to

Our charity and its free business magazine they cannot. business magazine has spread widely
have nothing to do with your business, so around the globe.
any sales you are able to generate while be- Having the decision makers of your dream
ing our company partner is totally yours. clients endorsing your company and put- Each company partner will spread our free
ting their own credibility behind it, that is business magazine to as many as 2,500
what will truly boost your company as its businesspeople, who, like the businesspeo-
Getting endorsed by your dream clients credible fame grows. ple before them, are enticed to also share it
on their networks and social media when
Once the magazine is published, you will they appear in it.
send a message about it to each dream cli- Why up to 2,500 dream clients?
ent with a link to the magazine and an en- This is where our interests are combined.
couragement to share the magazine with When you quickly approach a large quan-
their network and on social media. tity of dream clients, you will assure that We estimate that 100 company partners
there are enough of those who will need around the World will be enough for us to
The more dream clients share the maga- your offering straight away, and enough of reach our goal of 100 million followers by
zine with your articles and your name as those that will need your offering soon. the end of 2021.
the author of the most interesting articles
in the magazine, the more they endorse you The rest of them become aware of your of-
to their networks filled with other great po- fering and name via high-quality magazine What next?
tential clients. and you can build on that to turn them into
buying clients. If you are interested in receiving a free local
This is called earned media because you or partner magazine with the services de-
no one else can buy it, and therefore it is the scribed above, please connect with our Ed-
most valuable existing media. The biggest WHAT IS IN IT FOR THE TOP PERSON? itor-in-Chief Christian Dillstrom on
global brands would pay top dollar for LinkedIn and he will be happy to answer
We have grown rapidly because our free any of your questions.
earned media if only they could buy it – but

5 Surefire Ways to Get A Raise and Earn More Money, And Why So Many Don't

By Kathy Caprino - Finding Brave Expert | Career/Executive/Leadership Coach | Int'l Speaker | Writer dedicated to the advancement of women

mentors, and other key factors impacting her command more money than their peers at
The other day, a client shared with me level of success. the same level typically for these 5 reasons:
her financial situation at work, and asked
Over the years, I’ve heard a plethora of com- They’re influential, positive, and exceed ex-
some probing questions about money, mon misconceptions and misguided beliefs pectations consistently
salary, compensation and promotions from professionals about their financial situ-
ation, and I’ve seen that there are core rea- People who are compensated well have a
that revealed a good deal about her per- sons people don’t earn what they think they highly-effective way of getting things done,
deserve in their jobs. removing obstacles in the path, and accom-
sonal money story and behavior.
plishing important, mission-driven outcomes
I’ve also observed behaviors that help others that benefit the organization.
She shared this: easily command more and more money for
their work. And they reveal a positive, can-do atti-
“Kathy, I’m not earning nearly what I should tude and approach, behaving in a consist-
be, despite asking for a raise repeatedly (and What are the core factors behind why we’re ently high-level manner that exceeds expec-
being told “Not now”). able to consistently grow our salaries and job tations of the role and this contributes to
earnings? their being viewed as an important team
player and contributor.
I just don’t know what else to do. And I can’t
figure out why I chronically under-earn com- What many people don’t understand is that
pared to my peers at the same level. What they won’t be granted a raise just by doing a They have the ability to pave the way for suc-
should I do differently?” good job, or just by asking for one. cess where others fail.

Performing your job well is expected and a They demonstrate empowering leadership
We delved into her relationship with money
requirement for keeping your job, not a
overall, including the salaries she’s been
guarantee of a raise or promotion.
earning, how and when she asks for a Professionals who command great money
raise, ways in which she advocates and nego- regularly demonstrate the 7 positive
tiates for herself, if she has sponsors and People are typically granted raises and

leadership traits that encourage people to However, I’ve learned through 35 years in the
rally behind them and support their vision workforce (as a corporate professional, con-
and goals, and those of the company. sultant and coach, and small business owner)
Regardless of their level or rank, they reveal
their leadership know-how and their growth it is the quality and nature of relationships
potential is obvious. and bonds you forge that can catapult you to
higher and higher levels, not just the func-
They're also keenly aware of their own domi- tional work you do every day.
nant action style and are great at leveraging
it, but welcome working with those with a di- There’s tremendous power and opportunity
versity of styles. that come from knowing and being con-
nected with influential people who will gladly
They innovate powerfully and challenge the open doors and speak on your behalf (espe-
status quo in productive ways cially when you’re not in the room).

People who are rewarded financially don’t The quality of your relationships is one of the
just tackle the stated objectives of their role. biggest determinants of your success and the
They go beyond that every day. financial reward you receive.

They innovate, create, problem-solve, collab- On the flip side, why is it that so many people
orate, and bring to the table new ways to ad- don’t earn what they feel they deserve? Here
dress business challenges and dilemmas. are the 5 behaviors that hold professionals
back every day:
And these innovations pay off, making a dif-
ference in how the organization moves for- 1) They came in too low
I read a very surprising study revealing that
They are 10 steps ahead of their job 57% of men negotiate their very first salary,
while only 7% of women do.
People who are compensated more than oth-
ers are able to think ahead of where they are That means that out of the gate, women who
today. aren’t negotiating their salaries are falling be-
hind, and that gap is very hard to close.
They see a future vision of themselves and of
the organization, and operate at that level, Another recent survey shared that only 37%
consistently. of professionals always negotiate their sala-
ries — while a surprising 18% never do.
Rather than passively doing their work and
waiting to be recognized, applauded, or re- Further, 44% of respondents claim to have
warded, they jump in to tackle what needs to never brought up the subject of a raise during
be done. their performance reviews. The biggest rea-
son for not asking for more was fear.
They have passion for their work, and that
passion drives them to excel. They’re forward You need to negotiate and advocate for your-
thinkers who can’t help but plant the seeds self effectively and confidently, with every
for their future visions in everything they do. single new role and position you take, and
throughout your career.
They build strong, supportive and helpful re-
lationships – with mentors, sponsors and al- And you need to start this from Day 1 of your
lies working life. Otherwise, you’ll fall behind
your peers, and sadly, it gets harder and
I remember years ago when the President of harder to catch up.
a marketing company I worked for pulled me
aside and told me this: If you don’t brave up and ask (with powerful
metrics and measures that build a strong
“Kathy, it’s not just what you do in your work case for your higher compensation), you’ll
that will pave the way for more success. It’s leave thousands of dollars on the table.
the strength and quality of the relationships
you build.” 2) They don’t understand their true and
perceived value in the workplace
As a young person, I resisted that idea, be-
cause I believed we should be rewarded for When clients share with me their initial idea
the work we do, not the people we know and that they’re underpaid, I ask how they know.
who like us.

The vast majority (80%+) can’t substantiate Before you take a job, know concretely what other candidates.
their belief — they don’t have any data or in- you’re getting into by doing your research
formation to back it up. thoroughly. 5) They fail to plan for roles beyond this one
It just seems to them they haven’t been re- Don’t go in with blinders on, and don’t take a
warded as they think they should. job that you can’t thrive in, financially or oth- Finally, I’ve seen that professionals who think
erwise, no matter how desperate you feel of their current job as “forever” lose their
There are some critical ways to measure you are to take a job. edge, become complacent (or fearful of
you’re worth in the workforce, and you need change), and fail to plan forward and em-
to engage in finding out. Here are some great 4) They stay far too long brace their need to grow and evolve.
tips for this via
Another reason professionals fall behind in These are the same individuals who struggle
Another important step is to be interviewing their compensation is that they stay too long hardest when layoffs and firings come:
regularly (every 3-4 months) for roles you’re the same role or company. They’re often unprepared and emotionally
interested in and qualified for, to learn more devastated when change is foisted on them.
about how your skills are valued in the work- Remaining in the same job for years without
force. advancement, promotion or increase in re- They’re also not prepared to talk powerfully
sponsibility can hurt your chances for higher and compellingly about what they’ve done,
Don’t make the mistake of being years of out pay and more responsibility. the outcomes they’ve achieved, the talents
of touch with what the marketplace is typi- and gifts they have to offer, and the im-
cally paying for the skills and experience you In addition, I’ve personally lived (and ob- portant contributions they’ve made — in
offer, and how in demand your abilities are. served with my clients) that if you remain for measurable, concrete, verifiable ways that
over 10 years in one company, even if you would help them command more money
3) They walk directly into situations ripe change roles and grow, the perception of you with the next job.
with gender bias and discrimination by leadership and management can be lim-
ited. In the end, if you believe you’re worth more
The reality is that there are companies and money than you currently earn, this is a situ-
industries today still blatantly engaged in People who’ve known you for years at the ation you want to rectify as soon as possible.
gender bias and discrimination. company often view you as the younger,
more inexperienced version of yourself, even But to do so, you need to build a strong
The tech world is notorious for gender dis- when you have, in fact, grown and evolved. case, muster more courage and bravery, un-
crimination, but there are other industries derstand your value in the marketplace, and
and organizations that engage in hiring and Hiring managers can also view a long tenure speak up compellingly about your contribu-
promotion policies that lead to gender pay as a sign that you’re not as flexible, moti- tions.
gaps that you need to be aware of. vated, driven, or advanced in your skill set as

What Does a Business Influencer Do?

By Christian Dillstrom – The Global Business influencer

My name is Christian Dillstrom and I have important for his client is consumed by that I for example belong to the latter group of
decision maker and introduced to the cli- business influencers, and my reach is
been a global business influencer for the ent. global, as millions of C-level executives
last few years. From time to time I am have been reading my growth hacking and
Are there different types of business influ- business articles every month since early
asked – what does a business influencer encers? 2015.
do? What can a business influencer do for Yes, there are the business influencers What is the difference between the results
whose influence is restricted to their usu- of a salesperson and a business influencer?
our business?
ally vast network of decision makers.
Volume, speed, and quality are the differ-
What makes a business influencer? These type of business influencers are very entiating factors that separate their re-
powerful within their network, but they are sults.
For me, a business influencer is a person
not very useful beyond that.
who can influence the decision-making pro-
A salesperson struggles to get the atten-
cess of the desired target company. These business influencers usually have tion of the targeted decision maker and
had a long and respected career in leader- that’s why it takes a long time and a lot of
He does not make the decisions - he influ-
ship positions in big and known companies. effort to create a relationship needed to
ences the decision makers in such a way
that they can reach the desired decision. And then there are the business influenc- get the sales process started with the
ers who can easily connect with pretty sought-after client.
Marketing and salespeople distribute in-
much any decision maker in their region, In addition, decision makers of big compa-
formation important for them, but they can
country, continent or even in the World. nies are approached every day by so many
only hope that the wanted decision maker
will read it. They can easily and quickly create connec- salespeople that in most cases it is slow to
tions within the geographical reach of their further the sales process.
A business influencer either has a relation-
fame because the targeted decision makers This leads to lost sales and reduces sales
ship with the wanted decision maker or he
within their reach already have an idea who conversion to such an extent that sales-
will form one to make sure that information
they are through their publicity.

people are forced to turn to the decision for low value, single purchases. They do not put as much effort on making
makers of smaller but less profitable com- sure that their offering is endorsed so that
panies. Small value, single purchase influencing is it will be consumed properly by the correct
what consumer influencers like Kardashi- decision makers.
A business influencer bypasses all the ands do – they just do it for tens of thou-
salespeople competing for the decision sands of consumers at a time to achieve Building a trustful relationship is the key to
maker's attention as his messages, calls or high overall sales. high sales conversions on sizable deals.
invitations are quickly responded by the
decision makers. What size of business can benefit from the Can anyone become a business influencer?
services of a business influencer?
That is what makes them business influenc-
ers. Yes, as you only must be able to influence
The size of the business does not matter – business decision makers.
As a result, a business influencer can very in fact, startups and small businesses
quickly make a connection with many should use business influencers as they There are many ways to reach that posi-
sought-after decision makers in companies could speed up their growth very quickly. tion. For example, I myself achieved my
of all sizes. business influencing effectiveness via blog-
For example, I myself receive 10-20 calls a ging.
That is why results of business influencers day from startups and small businesses
are much higher in quality and volume and needing my business influencer services. Since the beginning of 2015, tens of mil-
are delivered much faster than what the lions of businesspeople around the world
salespeople could deliver the same results. Does a business influencer just create rela- have been reading my texts about growth
tionships with decision makers? hacking and business every month.
In addition, the business influencer is the
key to getting the decision maker to
There are of course many approaches to That built the name recognition for me and
properly study the offering of his client. business influencing, but for example, my associated my name with methods of in-
Are there different kinds of business influ- approach starts with defining the client’s creasing the sales of businesses.
offering, selecting the dream clients for the
offering and making sure that messaging As a result, only very few business decision
Absolutely. Some decision makers can be conveys the offering properly to those se- makers today will not respond to my mes-
influenced remotely, while others require lected dream clients. sages and requests to have a phone call or
one or more personal meetings. a meeting with me.
An initial consultation is always a part of my
It all depends on the client and the offering. services as I want to be certain that my cli- Is it expensive to use a business influencer?
ent will close the deal and my own reputa-
If the client is known and the offering is tion will remain intact.
easy to understand and accept, and the Business influencers are the fastest way to
proposed deal is relatively small in value, increase the sales of businesses on a large
If a decision maker I have connected with scale. That itself explains that business in-
remote influencing will be enough. does not make a deal with a client I have fluencers will bring in much more sales than
personally endorsed, I will also be branded their services cost.
The further away the situation is from the
with a failure.
description in the previous paragraph, the
more personal the business influencing Some business influencers will charge for
Is business influencing a new thing? their services on an hourly, daily, weekly, or
must be.
monthly basis. Some will charge a fixed fee
At the same time, so are the rewards of busi- Actually, it is not. Business influencing is a per project.
ness influencing for the client. very old trade that most businesspeople
have forgotten. There is also a group of business influenc-
What kind of industries can benefit from
ers that will charge a commission for sales
the services of a business influencer? Nowadays businesses put their efforts on and costs that have occurred. I myself do
creating nice marketing and sales materials both time- and commission-based deals.
Any industry where the dream client’s deci-
and blasting those to pretty much anyone
sion maker makes sizable purchases. There who could buy their offering.
is no point in utilizing a business influencer

IoT Can Impact Personalization in These Ways

By Naveen Joshi - Director at Allerin. Works on Data Analytics and Strategies, Process Automation, Connected Infrastructure (IoT)

The merge of IoT and personalization meet their customers’ demand for person-
IoT and personalization are two sides of a sin-
alized services.
gle coin, as the latter can be efficiently deliv- The increased competition within compa-
ered with the data collected from the former. nies in all industries has forced them to use Improved customer service
different tactics to get the upper hand. One
of these tactics is the personalization of IoT and big data can together help improve
Every company wishes for more customers services. customer service as along with gathering
and leads for their businesses. The sure- data, storing the huge volume of data is also
shot tip to achieve maximum leads is to All the businesses are trying to provide en- an issue and big data can solve this issue.
know the customer well and provide them hanced services to their customers, which
with customized services. has eventually increased customer de- Without IoT, customers’ data can be an-
mands for more personalized services. noying to customers themselves.
If companies can do that, then they can eas-
ily achieve their goal of finding new cus- IoT can come in handy to the companies to
tomers and retaining the old ones. For instance, if a customer purchases a

There are many technologies that can help

to provide personalized customer service.
But, the amalgam of IoT and personaliza-
tion is like a marriage made in heaven.

And, that’s because IoT facilitates data

gathering, and personalization offers an
opportunity to utilize the gathered data.

With IoT devices, enterprises can under-

stand the needs of their customers and
provide them with products that can fulfill
their specific needs.

From delivering relevant products to im-

proved customer engagement, IoT has had
a great impact on personalization

product from an online store, then he or sale. upon them during their sales pitch.
she may receive an email with other prod-
ucts that may be of no use to the customer. Companies had to collect the data gath- In today’s competitive marketplace, com-
ered from customers’ feedback, surveys, panies should use every possible tool that
But now, with IoT, companies can advertise and complaints to get an insight into their they can get, and IoT is one of them.
a list of products to the customers based on needs and behaviors.
real-world context. For marketers, IoT devices give an oppor-
But now, with IoT devices, businesses are tunity to go beyond the use of CRM data
For example, if the customer has bought able to collect real-time data about their for personalization and leverage the world-
any product, then a similar product or ac- customers and engage with them proac- wide network of 26.66 billion connected
cessories related to it can be offered in- tively. devices, which is expected to grow up to 75
stead of some random item that might not billion by 2025.
be useful to him or her. By analyzing the collected data, businesses
can predict and respond to their custom- Marketers can leverage the benefits of the
Improved customer engagement ers’ unspoken needs. merge of IoT and personalization to pro-
vide an overall enhanced experience to
The interaction between a firm and its cus- For example, the sales teams can use data their customers.
tomers used to be limited to the point of to understand customers’ needs and touch

The Perfect Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Karen Tisdell - LinkedIn Trainer / LinkedIn Profile Writer / LinkedIn Coach / LinkedIn Presenter & Speaker

you’re the right person to solve them. I always advise people to stick to three to five
In today’s competitive job market, it’s in each list – six at an absolute maximum.
more important than ever to stand out Copying and pasting as many keywords as
possible from job adverts into your resume There’s nothing to stop you including more
from the crowd. I’ve seen thousands of also helps you to get past Applicant Track- than one sentence per bullet point, as long
CVs in my career as a professional resume ing Systems (ATS). as they are grouped by common themes.

writer – and the good ones are always the These scan applications for relevant key- A list of random bullet points makes your
ones I remember. words to find out whether or not you will be resume look like an unmade jigsaw puzzle,
a good fit for the job before your resume with recruiters having to search through a
even gets seen by a human. mass of information to find the piece they
So if you’re wondering how to make re- want.
cruiters sit up and take notice, follow these If you’re unsure whether or not to include a
simple steps to create the perfect resume! particular skill, include the keyword any- The aim is to highlight the skills and experi-
way but change the font colour to blue. ences that can relate and transfer to the job
1) It’s all about the keywords you want.
This means it will stand out when you go
Your resume needs to offer exactly what back and edit your resume, so you can make By keeping your number of bullets smaller,
recruiters are looking for. So I suggest you a decision then about whether to keep it in you’ll give a stronger sense of your role and
should start by doing some research into or not. responsibilities, presented in a clear and
what that actually is. concise way.
There’s no point investing time construct-
Collect about 15 relevant job adverts and ing a perfect sentence around a word you This is what time-poor recruiters are looking
make a list of the key responsibilities they might not even use! for!
have in common.
2) A point about bullet points Remember, when you’re describing the
These are the keywords you need to be think- context of where you worked, your key re-
ing about when you’re compiling your resume. Some people go over the top when it comes sponsibilities and achievements, that it’s
to bullet points. Too many will clutter your important to start with HOW you achieved
layout and make the reader feel over- what you did.
Including them in your application, related
to your own experience, shows that you un- whelmed.
derstand the recruiter’s problems and This is the part that is transferable – em-
ployers want to see the process you took

that led to the results, as this will prove you favourite technique of mine as it takes the Make your role seem bigger, more important,
can resolve the pain points they are experi- reader on a journey of picturing you in the more crucial.
encing. role.
You won’t achieve this by using abstract
Be careful around describing the detail of Some examples are: phrases like 'assisted', 'liaised', or even
where you worked. worse, 'ability to'.
• Built strong relationships with subcon-
Some detail is crucial, however, don't bela- tractors and third-party suppliers, man- As I often cheekily tell people that my hus-
bour the detail so much that you appear ir- aging delivery times and controlling band has an 'ability to' empty the dish-
relevant. ie. If you don't want to be pigeon- quality. washer!
holed as the 'accountant who specialises in
mining', stop talking about mining, re- Leveraged connections, ensuring deliv- Be definite and positive about the things
sources and coal. ery times were met without incurring you’ve done: built relationships, grew mar-
additional costs. ket share, developed new products, identi-
Instead focus on what is relevant and relat- fied process issues, enhanced team capabil-
able - multi-site, third-party contract re- • Identified a gap in our service offering. ity, initiated change, shaped strategy.
views, investor attraction focus. Presented the business case to the sen-
ior leadership team, securing support You should also try and avoid shiny unicorn
3) Put your points in order and investment for a new growth strat- words such as 'unique' or 'extraordinary' –
egy. and never put two adjectives together, as
The first two to six words and the last two this looks over-emotional.
words of each bullet point have the most Developed the delivery framework -
impact, due to the way people skim-read. putting timeframes and measures in Stick to the facts.
place, mitigating risks through careful
planning, overseeing reporting. Collab-
It’s important to think about this when 6) Perfecting your resume
orated with marketing and sales in de-
you’re arranging the wording of your bullet livering the go-to-market strategy.
points. Once you’ve finished, you need to go
Generated $865,000 net revenue in 6 through your resume with a fine-toothed
If possible, try to make sure each point months, with predictions of... comb to check that it reads well and con-
starts with the Action (how you achieved in sistently.
your role, then the Context (the situation
and complication that you were tackling), • Managed a cross-functional team of en-
gineers and technicians. Coached to If a point isn’t relevant or doesn’t add value,
and finishes off with the Result (ideally in delete it.
measurable terms such as percentages, uplift capability and technical
profits or time saved). knowledge, putting KPI's in place that
improved transparency and under- If you’re really unsure, move it so that it
standing of outcomes isn’t your first, second or last bullet point,
4) Check your tenses so it won’t stand out so much when being
5) What are your words saying about you? skim-read.
You may have made your initial notes in the
present tense, but you should change them Repetitions also need to be deleted – check
to the past tense when you’re editing. Your choice of words is hugely important
that you haven’t repeated any information
when you’re writing your resume.
or used the same words too many times.
Psychologically this works better, as hiring
managers think past success = future suc- The more direct and to the point you can be,
Finally, if you have MS Office 360, check
cess = low-risk hire. the better.
out the CV Assistant tool - it may be able to
identify some keywords you’ve missed.
If you’re feeling clever, try using past-to- Use words that are proactive and aggres-
present – it takes a bit of practice, but it’s a sive – the reader should be able to visualise
your experience.

5 Ways to Find the Best Coach in The World for You

By Kathy Caprino - Finding Brave Expert | Career/Executive/Leadership Coach | Int'l Speaker | Writer dedicated to the advancement of women

their hearts and have the “chops” to suc- others because they desperately need
Several years ago, I was interviewed ceed and thrive, but many, sadly, don’t. healing themselves.
in U.S. News & World Report on “Should
If you’re looking for top-level coaching help Truthfully, I was drawn to my own therapy
You Hire a Career Coach” and it got me to move you forward, yet still don’t know if training in the months following 9/11 (and
thinking more deeply about what makes a it’s worth it, or where to find the best coach after my brutal corporate layoff) because I
for your needs (and the “best” for you means was in emotional pain and longed for heal-
great coach who will help you reach the a great fit with your unique, authentic values, ing myself, and to understand how I could
needs, visions and longings), I’d offer these have spent so many years (and gone so
highest level, versus someone who’ll take five signs below. adrift) in corporate work that was unhappy
your money and leave you high and dry and eventually meaningless to me.
Look for these to guide you on how to vet
(which happens all too frequently). the best coach for you, and to make sure Thankfully, the training and years of expe-
that the coaching you pay for will be a posi- rience as a therapist helped me heal those
tive investment that will return tenfold or wounds, which allows me to truly enjoy fo-
In my business as a career success coach, I more. cusing on serving others.
hear from hundreds of new coaches each
year who would like to be trained more
deeply in a process that helps clients grow MAKE SURE THE COACH HAS THESE The same is true for many new coaches.
and succeed, and also want help to stand FIVE INGREDIENTS:
out in their niche, because they're strug- There are hundreds upon hundreds of pro-
gling. They have a deep desire and commitment fessionals who are running from their cor-
to help others (not just a desire to heal their porate pain, thinking that just speaking on
They long to make a mark in their respec- own pain). the phone all day with people to offer them
tive worlds, and get “on the map” as a help sounds like heaven.
thought leader and a change agent. I learned in my therapy training about the
concept of the “wounded healer” – people The problem is - that's not the reality of be-
Some clearly come from the right place in who are attracted to healing or helping ing a coaching.

And hanging out a shingle (or website), say- about the exciting outcomes they've expe- Those new findings became the basis of my
ing “Hey, come to me – I’m a coach!” with lit- rienced with this coach. book and of the coaching model I use today.
tle or no training, expertise or experience
at all is unethical at best, deeply harmful at They’ve conducted their own proprietary Coaches who deeply care about helping
worst. research. others are excited (and compelled) to con-
duct their own, in-depth proprietary re-
Many don’t understand how to handle it When I was just starting out as a coach and search to uncover new ways to think, talk
when the client work gets “messy” and emo- writer and developing my first book Break- and teach about growth.
tional, which it inevitably will when dealing down, Breakthrough, I’ll never forget get-
with real change. ting the advice by a top editorial consultant They’re intensely curious about the inner
to go out and do some direct research on workings of their ideal clients, and of the
I was shocked recently to see a website of a my core topics. challenges that they’re helping these cli-
new coach who touted fabulous "proven re- ents face.
sults and guarantees," only to find out she I really didn’t know what she meant at first.
hadn't worked with a single paying client. “Research?” I asked myself. “Why do I need to They long to know more, every day. And
do that? I know everything I need to know they don’t stop learning.
Many coaches are drawn to the field because about professional crisis for women - I've lived
they subconsciously feel the need to be an it all!”

“expert” in someone else’s life, and because Turns out, that was the most instrumental What to look for: Check out the in-depth
their own life is in such chaos. advice I’ve ever received. research the coach has done personally
that furthers the progress of growth for
In 2006, I took a full year to interview over their clients.
These folks aren’t able to be their own best
coach or advocate, and don’t have the self- 100 women across the country about the
awareness, clarity or courage to guide their professional crises they’d faced, how they What new findings have they unearthed
own lives effectively, let alone support oth- got there and how they overcame these that will be helpful to you.
ers. challenges.
They’ve developed their own “model for
What to look for: Look for real, solid evi- Their advice and their personal stories change.”
dence that this individual is invested in the were riveting and powerful, and I learned
process of helping others move forward, what I didn’t even know I didn’t know. For coaches to make a powerful difference
and has had years of experience supporting in your life, they have to have developed
people. It turns out that 50% of my hypotheses their own, teachable point of view and their
about professional crises and how women personal model for change – not just a re-
Make sure they can share testimonials overcome them had been dead wrong. gurgitation of the great coaching concepts
from former clients who are happy to talk that others have put forward, but their own

These concepts and approaches to how running a business to make money and get through the challenges I’m facing, and over-
people change need to reveal the coaches rich. come them successfully.
own unique language, perspective, filter,
and ideas for how to move the needle on a And they aren’t just interested in working Otherwise, they have no clue of the inner
particular challenge or problem that no one with affluent people either – they long to and outer realities of the situations they’re
else has figured out yet or is talking about help (in some core way) a very wide array of working with.
in just that way. people from many walks of life who are
struggling with the same challenges they I once went to a coach to help me exponen-
While it’s been said that there are no “new know how to address. tially grow my business (the goal was micro
ideas” in the world, there are definitely new, to millions), and she’d never done it herself
powerful ways of sharing and teaching univer- What to look for: Check out their website,
sal truths and critical concepts that lead to blog, videos, and downloadable materials. It was a disaster (and complete waste of
positive life and career success. Read their free content. time).

For the coach to be a right fit with you, their Does it move the needle for you and reso- Imagine going to a Parenting Coach who’s
model for change needs to speak to you di- nate with you personally? Does it inspire never had children, or a Divorce Coach
rectly, and have proven efficacy in address- you to make change and take action, and who’s never been divorced.
ing the exact types of challenges you are ex- does it help you operate differently in the
periencing. world?
They just haven’t lived the realities of the
deep challenges of the situations they’re
What to look for: Look at the model for They have once faced what you are facing dealing with, and are coming from a place of
change the coach has developed. It should now and know what it feels like, personally. unknowing and inexperience, despite their
have specific steps and processes for mov- book learning.
ing you forward. Many coaching training organizations
share a belief that great coaches don’t need What to look for: Find a coach who’s not
If they can’t articulate their model for to know anything about what their clients only fabulous at the process of coaching,
change and the outcomes that they regu- are dealing with in order to be effective. I but also has achieved great success in exact
larly catalyze and help generate with their disagree wholeheartedly. areas that you dream of excelling in.
clients, then move on.
Today, it’s all about specialization and exper- It’s about both content and process:
They have lots of free materials, articles, tise rather than generalities. Their content should be aligned with what
resources and content that demonstrate you care about most, and their pro-
and share their thought leadership. I’d much rather go to a coach who not only cess should be one that you’ll enjoy and
knows how to conduct the process of thrive in.
The best of the best coaches aren’t just coaching powerfully, but also has lived

If I Carry Out Financial Operations, Am I Required to Apply
the Pro Rata Rule to Settle the Deductible VAT?

By Francisco Javier Sánchez Gallardo - Vocal de IVA en Tribunal Económico-Administrativo Centra

The ECJ justified its conclusion on the fact income higher than those produced for the
In the opinion of the ECJ, it depends. As is that said interest was the consideration of activity indicated as principal by the com-
well known, most financial transactions transactions which constituted the direct, pany concerned cannot exclude, by itself,
permanent and necessary extension of the the qualification of those as «incidental
are exempt from VAT, unless waived. This taxable activity. transactions», all of which corresponds to
assess to the national court.
results from VAT Directive art.135.1.(b)
The judgment of 29-4-2004, EDM, C-
to (g). It is also equally known that VAT ex- 77/01, is the opposite way. The outcome of 29-10-2009, SKF, C-
29/08, returned on the subject, stating
emptions can block the right to the deduc- that the transfer of shares in a company to
In a situation in which the financial transac-
tion of the input VAT by the way of its tions carried out only implied a very limited which services have been provided may be
use of goods or considered as a direct, permanent and nec-
mandatory inclusion in the terms of the essary extension of the economic activity,
capable to limit the input VAT by the way of
pro rata (more specifically, in its denomi- its inclusion in the terms of the pro rata.
Finally, we must take into account the judg-
ment of 12-14-2016, Mercedes Benz Italia,
In this comment we will focus on the deter- C-378/15, in which it was concluded that
mination the situations in which financial the aforementioned art.174 of the VAT Di-
income should produce this consequence rective does not preclude national rules
of limiting the right to deduction. and practice which require a taxable per-
son to refer to the composition of his turn-
This is what the VAT Directive refers to in over, in order to identify transactions
its art.174.2, which provides that the which may be classified as «incidental», in
amount of turnover attributable to the so far as the assessment carried out for
transactions specified in points (b) to (g) of that purpose also takes account of the rela-
art.135(1) shall be excluded from the calcu- tionship between those transactions and
lation of the deductible proportion insofar the taxable activities of that taxable person
as those transactions are incidental. and, as the case may be, of the use which
they entail of the goods and services which
services for which VAT is incurred, the ECJ are subject to VAT.
The ECJ has ruled in this regard on several noted that their amount had not to be in-
occasions, the first of which is the one that cluded in the calculation of the propor-
gave rise to the judgment of 11-7-1996, The situations that have been analysed by
tional deduction.
Régie Dauphinoise, C-306/94, in which it the ECJ are diverse, as are their pro-
was concluded that the interest realized by nouncements.
a company managing immovable property The ECJ added that although the magni-
on treasury placements made for its own tude of the income generated by financial
In any case, the truth is that any company
account of funds paid by the owners or les- transactions falling within the scope of ap-
that carries out financial operations must
sees is to be included in the denominator of plication of VAT may be an indication that
take into account the possibility that they
the fraction used to calculate the deducti- these operations should not be considered
limit their right to the deduction of the in-
ble proportion. ancillary within the meaning of that provi-
put VAT, in the terms set forth.
sion, the fact that such operations generate

Understanding Different types of Chatbots

By Naveen Joshi - Director at Allerin. Works on Data Analytics and Strategies, Process Automation, Connected Infrastructure (IoT)

chatbots use different methods to give ap- Mostly these are used where customers
The differing functionalities they pro- propriate responses to users' requests. are not supposed to type any questions. In-
vide and the methods they use to give stead, they are asked to select from a list of
Based on many other parameters, like questions that the bots understand.
responses determine different types whether they can or not learn by them-
of chatbots. selves, work as standalone applications, Listing down five most popular types of
and others, chatbots can be classified into chatbots
different types.
Chatbots provide many benefits to busi- Chatbots cannot be classified based on a
nesses, some of which are that they are Self-learning and non-learning chatbots single parameter. There are various param-
able to provide quick responses, easy to eters that can be considered before classi-
use, and increases customer engagement. fying different types of chatbots.
Chatbots can be broadly classified into self-
learning chatbots and non-learning chat-
As a consequence of these benefits, bots. Some of the parameters are functions they
smartphone applications are being re- are meant to serve, how they respond, and
placed by chatbots. And not only these ben- methods used to create them.
All self-learning chatbots use machine
efits, but also the diversity of their applica-
learning and natural language processing
tions is helping them gain a lot of traction.
to understand requests and provide appro- Scripted chatbots
priate responses.
These diverse applications are a result of
the diversity in the methods and tech- Scripted chatbots operate on a predefined
These chatbots store previous conversa- database of inputs and corresponding re-
niques of their creation.
tions with users and learn from those inter- sponses. They are mostly created on an if-
actions to become better over time in their else rule.
And if you think that all chatbots are cre- responses.
ated equally, you are wrong. Chatbots are
created for many different functionalities The if-else rule means that there is always
Non-learning chatbots, on the other hand, a predefined set of options given to users.
like assistance, transactions, information
answer only a predefined set of questions. And, further action is taken based on the
gathering, and others.
They may use machine learning algorithms option chosen by the users.
or can operate without the use of algo-
To be able to accomplish these functions, rithms.
For instance, if option A is chosen, then

action A will be initiated. And, if option B is Understanding the context of a conversa- personalized products to social media us-
chosen, then action B will be initiated and tion is one of the biggest reasons behind ers.
so on. Since these chatbots have a limited the success of conversational chatbots.
knowledge base, they are easy to create Social media chatbots can store previous
and implement. And, contextual chatbots are trained with purchase history of users, if any, and can
the help of natural language processing, also track digital footprints of them on so-
These chatbots can be used to gather feed- which is one of the most important technol- cial media to provide them with personal-
back, conduct surveys, and provide auto- ogies for chatbots that enables them to un- ized product recommendations.
mated newsletters. derstand the context of human interac-
tions. Enterprises can connect to potential cus-
One of the major drawbacks of scripted tomers, enhance engagement, improve
chatbots is that they can only respond to These chatbots, with the help of machine overall customer experience, and perform
questions from their database. learning algorithms, can also self-learn several other tasks with the help of these
from their past conversations with users chatbots.
If the user asks a question that is out of and become better in their responses with
their database, then they give a standard time. Several social media websites allow busi-
response such as “Sorry, I don’t understand nesses to develop their social media chat-
your question.” These abilities of contextual chatbots make bots and integrate it into their platforms.
them one of the most advanced types of
Hence, these chatbots can be best for some chatbots. Understanding context becomes And, since these chatbots are used only on
simple applications but they cannot be an key for enhancing customer engagement social media, they are mostly created in a
ideal solution for complex applications. and retaining new and current users. way that they cannot operate as a
standalone application.
Voice-enabled For instance, sending a perfect message at

You might have come across incidents

where people talk with their personal assis-
tants in smartphones. These personal as-
sistants are examples of voice-enabled

Voice-enabled chatbots use machine learn-

ing algorithms and natural language pro-
cessing to understand what the user is say-
ing, find the best response, and respond
back verbally.

These chatbots also use text-to-speech and

voice recognition APIs to function. Voice
recognition is used to understand the
user’s request, and text-to-speech is used
to convert the response text into speech.

These chatbots are the most preferred op- the end, according to the context of the en- Transactional
tion for personal assistants as they can pro- tire conversation, will increase the chances
vide the best user-engagement experi- of a user returning to a website. Transactional chatbots are trained from
ences. These are useful to provide hands-
structured data and are created to perform
free interaction to users. But, contextual chatbots do have limita- only a limited amount of specialized opera-
tions. A tremendous amount of data is re- tions that help to eliminate the need to in-
For instance, walking users through a rec- quired to train contextual chatbots. teract with an expert.
ipe while cooking. One of the most common
examples of these chatbots is Apple’s Siri. And, even if they are trained with a lot of These specialized operations mostly in-
data, they cannot completely understand volve interaction with other external sys-
But, voice-enabled chatbots are not ideal the context of human interactions, as even tems for transactions.
when users need to choose from many op- humans fail to do so sometimes.
tions. For instance, in a restaurant, text-
For instance, banking financial transactions
chatbots can easily display menu to cus- Social media that require interaction with gateway sys-
tomers and take their orders for the meal.
tems of card merchants.
Social media chatbots are more or less sim-
On the other hand, it could be frustrating
ilar to contextual chatbots except that they Transactional chatbots are assistive chat-
for customers to wait for chatbots to read
are only meant to be integrated into social bots that act on behalf of users to interact
the entire menu for them before placing an
media applications or websites. For in- with such other systems and perform
stance, Facebook messenger bots. transactions like placing an order

Businesses can leverage the benefits of
these chatbots by using them to provide

Norway Understands the Unique Economic Value of Data

By Bill Schmarzo - Chief Innovation Officer, Hitachi Vantara

The economic value attained through busi- want to trudge through the research paper).
I am always looking for examples to bol- ness productivity growth and the society
ster my University of San Francisco “Eco- value attained through welfare or society The big break-through for me on the research
benefits supports our research into the project was transitioning from an accounting
nomic Value of Data” research efforts, unique economic characteristics of a digital frame to an economics frame. Accounting is a
asset – data – that never wears out, never retrospective-looking methodology for de-
and I think I’ve found a good one. depletes and can be used across an unlim- termining asset valuation based upon the
ited number of use cases at a near zero acquisition cost of an asset.
marginal cost.
The NHO article “Is value creation with data
something Norway can live off of?” states that This accounting perspective frames the
Norway believes that This begs the real question about the eco- way organizations measure and manage
nomic value of data: Does the infinite re-usa- their business operations (e.g., balance
bility of data ultimately make it a more power- sheets, income statements, cash flow state-
1) the financial or economic value that
ful driver of economic growth than oil? ments, depreciation schedules).
Norway will be able to extract from
data is on a par with the oil, while
Understanding the Economic Value of Economics, on the other hand, brings a for-
2) the value of data is even more im- Data Research ward-looking perspective on determining
portant than oil when considering the asset valuation. Organizations that use an
broader society impact. I have written extensively about the eco- economics frame to measure and manage
nomic value of data, starting with the re- their business operations focus on the
Specifically, the article discusses: search paper that I published with Profes- value or wealth that an asset can generate
sor Mouwafac Sidaoui at the University of or create.
San Francisco titled “Applying Economic
• The productivity growth resulting from Concepts to Big Data to Determine the Finan- Not only does economics provide a for-
the use of resource data in the rest of
cial Value of the Organization’s Data and An- ward-looking organizational valuation
the public and private sectors, and the
alytics, and Understanding the Ramifications frame, but the unique characteristics of
economic value this generates in the
on the Organization’s Financial Statements digital assets (such as data, analytics and ap-
form of increased GDP.
and IT Operations and Business Strategies”. plications) exploit that economics frame
further (see Figure 1).
• The welfare increase that the use of re-
Yes, very long, formal sounding title makes
source data provides in the form of bet-
a big difference when publishing a univer- The problem with traditional physical as-
ter public services (or reduced public ex-
sity research paper! sets – cars, trains, machinery, CT scanners,
penditure), better health, fewer acci-
dents, reduced queues, reduced cli- oil – is that they wear out over or deplete
mate and environmental problems and By the way, the blog “Determining the Eco- over time.
many other socio-economic effects.” nomic Value of Data” provides more details
on the methodology (for those who do not Physical assets have a limited life, which is

why organization’s use accounting tech-
niques to financially account for the depre-
ciation or depletion of these assets.

However digital assets like data and analyt-

ics never wear out, never deplete and the
same digital asset can be re-used an infinite
number of times at near zero marginal cost

Try pulling off that trick with your wind tur-

bines, locomotives, compressors, chillers,
and industrial presses! Mastering the eco-
nomics of data is a great start, but why stop

Can Norway (or other countries) take the

economics of digital assets one step further
and validate “Schmarzo’s Digital Asset Valua-
tion Theorem” (and my bid for a Nobel Prize in
economics) by creating physical assets –
cars, trains, planes, elevators, compressors,
presses – that appreciate, not depreciate,
in value?

Let’s explore this further.

Tesla autonomous cars are exploiting the

capabilities of Deep Learning to create con-
tinuously learning autonomous cars that
get more reliable, more efficient, safer,
more intelligent and consequently more
valuable through usage…with minimal hu-
man intervention!

Norway and the Economic Value of Data


The NHO article states: “New enabling tech-

nologies such as big data analytics and artifi-
cial intelligence pave the way for a new data

In the years ahead towards 2030, Norway will

be able to realize large economic values from
the resource data. We have estimated that the
potential for data-based value creation will
reach approx. NOK 300 billion in 2030.

Based on available forecasts for Norwegian oil

and gas operations, value creation from data
will thus be able to pass value creation from
Norwegian petroleum activities.

It can therefore be argued that data actually

has the potential to become Norway's "new
oil" in the economic sense.

If we include the socio-economic gains beyond

the value creation that can be measured in
GDP (the "welfare increase"), the resource
data has a value to society that far exceeds the
petroleum resources.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself. So, how

valuable is data and analytics to the future
of your country, or company, or even your-

The TOP Person Charity and Magazine

The TOP Person is a global charity with a mission to help people and other charities and organizations to further
themselves for free. Our method of helping is to multiply the visibility of one's content in social media and to
increase one’s influence. The TOP Person was founded in January 2020 to further this mission.


Our main route to helping is to aid other charities. We are • We have developed a platform that utilizes the post
currently helping dozens of other charities and we are algorithms of several social media optimally.
talking with many more. • Ambassadors can earn up to 600 times more ability to
endorse any LinkedIn post than a regular LinkedIn user.
Together, these charities are associated with several • In addition, our platform is easy to use and offers
million people, so hopefully, we will keep on reaching our rewarding gamification, peer support, networking
annual goal of helping one million people. functions and popular, high-quality content to share.
AMBASSADOR ROUTE • Our content is written by authors from The Wall Street
Journal, Forbes, Business Insider business magazines,
Another way to help is our free ambassador program in BBC, LinkedIn Influencers & TopVoices, and TEDtalk.
which anyone can join. The ambassador program was • We are totally transparent, as all our actions take place
added because of the Corona pandemic to help people in on social media, where everything is public.
need directly. • Our program is free, and The TOP Person is fully
funded, so we are neither asking for donations nor
RESULTS OF OUR AMBASSADOR PROGRAM selling anything to anyone.
• In addition, everything in our free program is voluntary
So far, we have had quite good results:
- each ambassador is free to choose what they do to
• We have 2,100+ ambassadors with over 14 million support their brand or cause.
followers in total from over 118 countries using 600+
our local LinkedIn Company pages (May 6th 2020)
These are the reasons why we attract ambassadors and
• Our The TOP Person business magazine receives over
why they are so strongly committed to supporting each
two million readers per month.
• The most popular post by an ambassador received
471,000 views in just five days. The TOP Person Ambassador program is an easy and
• Multiple posts of our ambassadors’ are every single day supported route to becoming a business influencer.
among top 1% most engaged post in LinkedIn.
• Ambassadors engage up to 108,000 times a day and Connect with Christian Dillstrom on LinkedIn to join the
2.3+ million times in the month to support their peers. free The TOP Person Ambassador program.
How to Make a Good First Impression in the Middle East!

By Broné Ram - Start-up Talent Advisory - Scale with Skill!

can bear in mind in your next meeting with have reviewed the participants LinkedIn
“…The siesto, or afternoon’s nap of Italy, a Middle Eastern client or potential em- pages and articles that have written about
my most dear and Reverend Father, ployer them or interviews that they have partici-
pated in.
would not have alarmed you so much if 1) Research
you had recollected, that when we are at DO NOT Stalk Social Media pages like Fa-
Doing research (such as reading this article) cebook OR Instagram, or at least do not
Rome, we should do as the Romans do.” is not only a sure way to impress your audi- bring up data that has been posted here as
ence, with your knowledge and confidence this is regarded as personal
in the manner you present yourself, it is
-Interesting Letters of Pope Clement XIV, also a great show of respect. 2) Dress Code

Before your meeting, you need to have a Modesty in the UAE is extremely important
In the UAE, like any other region, there is an clear understanding of whom you are for women AND men. You need to dress to
expectation of etiquette within a business meeting, so research done on the company, impress:
and if you are new to the region and these the projects the company is involved in, ar-
expectations are not met, it can lead to ticles been written about the company and
missed opportunities and sometimes even Men should wear a fitted shirt, with tie,
employee reviews of the company is essen- smart shoes and dress pants.
have fatal consequences to your career. tial.

Thus, I’ve created this list of tips that you Wearing a dark suit and tie is always best,
In terms of the interviewer, it is good to

especially when meeting with senior exec- Women: If you are a woman greeting a man, considered poor etiquette.
utives or officials. it is best to wait for the man to extend his
hand for a handshake, otherwise avoid all Do not be afraid to use religious expres-
Women will be expected to wear a suit or physical contact. sions, such as Inshallah (God willing), and it
skirt with a hem below the knee. would be good to learn key words and Ara-
If you are greeting a woman, a kiss on the bic expressions prior to your meeting as
Non-Islamic women will not be expected to cheek is acceptable. this will help make a good impression.
wear the Hijab.
4) Conversation: See here for a basic overview of keywords:
3) Greetings:
Relationship building with new clients/em- bic/phrases.html
Men: If you’re a man greeting a man, a ployer is extremely important.
strong firm handshake is always used. 5) Meetings:
Thus discussing things like country of
Handshakes also last much longer than in origin, family (No direct questions regarding Middle Easterners often have a relaxed at-
the Western world, some individuals even daughter or wife), and the most appropriate titude when it comes to business meetings
hold your hand whilst leading you into a questions to ask is “Where did you study?” and may arrive late.
meeting room. OR “How many children do you have?”
It’s important not to follow suit as punctu-
This is a Middle Eastern custom that is a Remember that religion is well ingrained ality is expected of Westerners.
show of respect and hospitality. into the culture of the Middle East and that
titles are extremely important when appli- Decision-making can be slow and bureau-
cable. cratic formalities tend to add to delay –
It is in your best interest to not approach a
female Muslim colleague with a handshake keep this in mind throughout your business
or any other form of a physical greeting. If you are speaking to a potential employer transactions.
then always refer to him as Mr. (First Name)
unless advised differently. Meetings are usually always interrupted by
There is no touching between men and
women during greetings in public. phone calls and messages. Do not decline
For women, the title mam is often used, as any refreshments that are offered.
asking if a woman is married or not, is

Create the Right Habits and Achieve Your Objectives

By Karen Tisdell - LinkedIn Trainer / LinkedIn Profile Writer / LinkedIn Coach / LinkedIn Presenter & Speaker

prepared for the future so your career can the coming year.
Now is the perfect time to evaluate your weather any storms.
career progression so far. Here are my es- Reaching your career goals will involve
In addition, setting yourself goals is ex- adopting new habits and deciding which old
sential tips for keeping yourself on the tremely important from a personal point of ones aren't working for you anymore, so it's
right trajectory and achieving those all- view. a good idea to look at this if you want to im-
prove your focus.
important goals. It is only by critically evaluating your career
that you can truly decide if you are heading I have to do this all the time - with my busy
in the right direction, or simply coasting career as a writer of resumes and LinkedIn
Why do we need to set goals? without a destination in mind. profiles, and as a mother to two young chil-
dren, with a husband who travels exten-
Even if you’re really happy in your job, after Think of your career as a journey, and your sively, my life frequently gets derailed.
a while it can become a habit. goals as places that you want to visit on the
road to where you want to be. I have to prioritise, so I can concentrate on
You can stop asking yourself what you want the areas which are the most important to
out of life because you have become com- When is the right time to assess your ca- me. Defining your career goals and working
fortable in your present situation. reer? towards them doesn’t have to be daunting.

But nothing lasts forever, and unexpected But don't try to overstretch yourself as that
Certain milestones during the year (New
circumstances can come our way. will only lead you towards feeling that you
Year and birthdays, for example) can make
are failing on all fronts.
us sit up and take stock of our lives and ca-
Automation, in particular, is making the job reers.
market more uncertain than it has been in Choose a maximum of three goals and make
recent decades. these your clear focus.
With the Christmas break approaching,
now is a good time to start planning ahead
It is essential to make sure you are and deciding what you want to achieve in This might not always be easy – achieving

your goals always means redirecting your Asking yourself these questions will enable If you take the time and trouble to get to
attention and using your time more pro- you to create a personal mission statement, know people better, you are more memora-
ductively. which can be the basis of all the habits you ble, and therefore more employable.
need to put in place.
For example, I knew years ago that I Developing these habits does not have to
wanted to focus on my career while still be- What habits should you put in place? be time-consuming. All of these steps will
ing able to give as much time as possible to only take you a few hours each month.
my children. I’m a believer in being future-oriented.
Isn’t it worth it to be more prepared for the fu-
This meant I had to give up watching televi- Your resume should reflect this, it should ture?
sion. talk to who you are, not who you were, and
it should be updated once every three What would you like to change?
While I do miss knowing who the latest months based on job adverts that have in-
Prime Minister is, I realised time spent fol- terested you in the interim. If you need help defining your career goals, do
lowing news events was impeding on time not call me!
required to achieve my personal and pro- Make sure you skim your job alerts on
fessional goals. LinkedIn and Seek, and find the most prom- When I'm not running LinkedIn workshops,
inent keywords that recur in the ads for the I am improving LinkedIn profiles and writ-
I don't have time for television. Or the ra- jobs that interest you the most. ing resumes.
dio. Something has to give. But it’s worth it.
Then include these keywords in your re- I don't career coach. Ever. Wonderfully,
You just have to consider what you want sume to ensure you stand out as an attrac- there are many excellent career coaches in
most in your life. tive candidate who understands the role. Australia. I highly recommend visiting my
web site for a list of our top career coaches.
How to define your career goals Networking is also vitally important, both vir-
tually and in person. (If I've left somebody off the list please add
A good way to start is by asking yourself: their name in comments and I'll periodically
Spend a few minutes each week building edit the article to ensure no one is missed.)
• Are you happy with your career? your LinkedIn network, and foster these re-
lationships as you never know who could be These experts will help you define the
• What are your goals and values? a collaborator or employer in the future. things you want to achieve, and the habits
needed that will enable you to realise your
• What drives you to do what you do? Also, once a week, go for a coffee with a new purpose.

8 Things Nordic Companies Must Know About Cross-Cultural Sales!

By Priyanka Banerjee - CEO and Co-founder BusinessWiz Oy/Diversity & Inclusion Coach/ Keynote Speaker & Troy Woodson

• How will you select and manage them? 1) Starbucks in Israel:

Are you thinking of expanding your corpo-
rate footprint in a new country? Are you a Will you send your employees or experts Starbucks started its operation in Israel
onsite? in 2001 but soon after, in 2003, it de-
scale-up that just figured out their busi- cided to abandon its operations in the
ness model and received a whopping 2M country.
• How will you prepare them to sell in
the local market?
Euros to expand sales in the international Their expansion in Israel failed because
market? Or are you a startup aspiring to they did not understand the existing
The success of your international venture
coffee culture in the country.
depends hugely on the above answers and
impact the world one step at a time? the decisions you make for your company.
Israel has a strong coffee culture and
even the international coffee offerings
If you relate to any of these situations, the Make one wrong decision and risk the con-
include the intense Turkish flavours in
probability of you facing cross-cultural fidence of your investors or as an estab-
their coffee.
sales is inevitable. lished corporate ruin your reputation in the
new market.
Starbucks failed to understand and
Suddenly a plethora of questions dawn on adapt according to the local market,
you. Whoo, no pressure!
that consecutively led to a failed mar-
ket expansion in the country.
Will you hire new staff in the new market Some big companies in the past have un-
where you want to sell? derestimated the importance of cross-cul-
2) Walmart in Germany:
tural competence and have witnessed sig-
nificant fails.
• How will you manage them? Walmart has a vast chain of stores
across the world but it failed to expand
You can check out some examples here:
Will you use a sales-channel partner in the successfully in Germany because of
local market? poor adaptation of local culture.

Many factors and organizational cul- site called Taobao and introduced the partner, hiring a local team or sending ex-
ture Walmart was using in America did feature of guanxi using a chat platform perienced employees onsite to handle the
not fare well with germans. between buyers and sellers. operations.

Structuring the store with difficult nav- eBay not understanding the cultural in- In all of these strategies, the companies
igation methods so that customers tricacies in the market lost its chance to need to educate themselves with the cul-
spend more time in the stores is not a expand into the world’s largest con- tural aspects of the countries they are ex-
very german style. sumer market. panding.

Neither is the fake-smiling at strangers We see that even the big companies fail There are certain key aspects of cross-cul-
very german, unlike the smile at every when it comes to cross-cultural selling. tural selling that you can keep in mind if you
customer policy in America. are planning to expand your services into
So does this mean there is no hope? Are you the unknown territories
Many such small cultural details lead doomed to fail in any international market?
Walmart to fail in the German market. Some of them are listed below:
The answer is, ‘NO’.
3) eBay in China: 1) Selecting the target market:

eBay is one of the biggest online plat- In the world of globalization, companies The first step for a successful business
forms for selling and buying goods have been working in international markets venture is to select the target market
online. all the time. Some of them are super suc- carefully.
cessful and some are not.
Although it failed to expand into one of Understand what are the products or
the biggest markets in the world, China. The difference is how you proceed with services your company offers and
your international business and sales strat- which market has the demand for the
Not understanding the cultural aspect egy in foreign markets. same.
of business in China, eBay lost the com-
petitive advantage to its competitor Cultural competence is mainly a competi- Knowing the competitors in the mar-
Alibaba. tive advantage that every company ex- ket, the existing offerings and the open-
panding into foreign boundaries must aim ness of the market to accept your prod-
Alibaba realized that buying and selling for. ucts or services are essential to decide
in China depends on personal bonds your target market.
and relationships called guanxi. Most of the companies expanding abroad
often adopt different strategies like hiring a 2) Cultural self-awareness:
Alibaba launched a consumer auction consultant, partnering with local sales

Understanding your own cultural pref- upon immediately but the deep culture help you see various opportunities and
erences and bias helps you to make is something that would give you a com- ways to succeed in the local market.
conscious decisions in an international petitive advantage over others.
market. As business consultants, Troy and I recog-
The deep culture includes the behav- nised how our work, both in sales and man-
3) Watch your language: iour people exhibits in different situa- aging multicultural teams, had significant
tions, the decision-making process, the business merit for Finnish companies who
Language barrier is the first challenge values impacting business decisions, want to expand internationally.
you will have to face when you enter managing conflicts etc.
into a new market. Our discussion at an event in Helsinki
To create customer bonds that last, you brought forward some real challenges
Handling this first challenge by hiring need to understand their needs in a faced by companies today.
translators, local partners and creating way that fulfil their deeper values.
an organizational culture of using a Many of these issues were discussed ear-
common workplace language are some 6) Build trust: lier in this article in relation to larger com-
of the tips that could help bridge the panies.
gap. Trust is a primal human need.
However, the stakes are even significant
4) Strong Communication culture: The first things the human brain would for growth companies with less runway and
look for in a person is how trustworthy more to lose.
Misunderstandings are common in and credible he/she is.
cross-cultural selling. Both of us have worked with many multi-
The same goes with businesses; build- cultural teams and individually helped our
But sometimes, it could make or break ing trust and credibility early on is es- clients succeed in sales and in understand-
your position in the market. sential. ing multicultural aspects of a business.

To avoid this, make sure to have a 7) Respect: Therefore, we decided to join our forces in
strong communication culture within spreading our experiences and knowledge
the organization, with your employees, with companies to not just follow the criti-
Cultural differences sometimes come cal elements of cross-cultural selling but
stakeholders, customers and partners. as a shock. also to succeed in expanding into interna-
tional markets with issues like managing a
Also, learning about the body language, Therefore, while dealing business on an global workforce, dealing with cross-cul-
verbal and non-verbal cues of a specific international boundary, it is essential to tural clients and building cultural compe-
region is a part of creating a strong maintain respect for the local culture. tence.
communication culture.
8) Have patience: To spread awareness among Finnish com-
5) Decode the culture: panies about Cross-cultural sales and man-
Coming across a new culture gets you aging multicultural teams in a business en-
The most crucial aspect of making long- out of your comfort zone. vironment we decided to organize a series
lasting relationships is understanding of workshops where Troy and I will elabo-
the cultural aspects of a place. rate more on our experiences and learnings
You need to learn and adapt to differ-
on these topics.
ent situations.
There are certain aspects of a culture
that are very visible and can be worked .
Being patient in such a scenario might

Swarm Robots: Technology Inspired by Nature

By Naveen Joshi - Director at Allerin. Works on Data Analytics and Strategies, Process Automation, Connected Infrastructure (IoT)

neighboring robots and environment What are the properties of swarm robots?
The swarming nature of insects and birds based on a simple set of rules.
is inspiring researchers to implement it in Swarm robots have fault-tolerant, scalable,
The behavior of swarm robots for problem- and flexible properties.
robotics to create swarm robots that can solving by interacting and coordinating
work coordinatively to accomplish com- with neighboring robots is called swarm in- Swarm robotics is a multi-robot system,
telligence. hence the failure of a single robot will cer-
plex tasks. tainly affect the entire system to some ex-
With the help of swarm intelligence, swarm tent but will not cause the failure of the en-
robots can easily determine and investi- tire system.
Swarming is a collective behavior exhibited gate environmental parameters like
mostly by insects and birds when they ag- sources of chemical spills, gas spills, and
gregate together to accomplish tasks like Further, the use of swarm robotics would
other toxic pollutions. also increase the scalability of the systems
like the introduction or elimination of a sin-
And swarm robots can further communi- gle robot will not cause a drastic change in
Robots are already disrupting many indus- cate environmental information with the functioning of other robots.
tries, but there are certain tasks that can be neighbor swarm robots to assess the envi-
enhanced further with the help of multiple ronment.
robots working together. The nature of swarm robots is to

Take for instance the task of exploring a


For a single robot to explore a huge mine

can be time-consuming.

But if multiple robots explore a mine, it can

be done quickly.

Hence, inspired by the swarming nature of

birds and insects, a new field of robotics is
emerging that dedicates to making a multi-
robot system that can implement the
swarming nature in robots.

These swarm robots can interact with their

dynamically allocate themselves to differ- The coordinative nature of swarm robots Swarm robots can quickly communicate
ent tasks and communicate with neighbors can explore the toxic waste site without the with each other and adapt to the changing
on the completion of their tasks. need for human intervention. environment to efficiently complete tasks
like searching and rescuing victims.
Hence, swarm robotics enables flexibility Swarm robots can easily communicate with
because of these distributed and self-orga- neighboring robots and efficiently com- Swarm robotics is a new and developing
nized nature of the swarm. plete the toxic waste clean up. field of study. Although many ideas have
been proposed on swarm robot use cases,
What swarm robots are capable of? Swarm robots can be used to achieve tasks there has not been any practical use case
in an environment where no communica- yet.

Swarm robots can be helpful in achieving tion is available to control normal robots.
foraging tasks. Besides, algorithms for providing control
There is no need for any human communi- over swarm robots and the hardware com-
cation for swarm robots to complete a pro- ponents should need to be developed fur-
Take for instance the collective exploration ther for realizing swarm robotics systems.
for toxic waste cleanup. Toxic waste cess as they self-allocate themselves with
cleanup requires exposure to chemicals available tasks.
and other hazardous wastes. With further advancements in hardware
For instance, in a post-earthquake sce- systems and the general field of swarm ro-
nario, the landscape of the environment botics, swarm robots will surely see real-
Cleaning toxic waste can be dangerous for world adoption to achieve complex auto-
humans and a time-consuming task for a changes rapidly.
mated tasks.
single robot.

Why You're Not Getting Promoted: 4 Career Growth Mistakes

By Kathy Caprino - Finding Brave Expert | Career/Executive/Leadership Coach | Int'l Speaker | Writer dedicated to the advancement of women

So many professionals believe they're It’s not a solo endeavor to be recognized

Of the thousands of professionals I’ve ready for more, but haven't demonstrated as a stand-out performer, and to be sup-
worked with and heard from in the past it. ported to move to the next level.

11 years, a good percentage want help to They haven’t done the specific work re- We need the help of our colleagues, peers,
ascend the corporate ladder – to be pro- quired to grow their potential, to become managers and senior leadership to make
more of a leader, or apply their unique this promotion happen.
moted, recognized and rewarded for the skills, vision, and talents in new ways that
move the needle for their organization. And we won’t ascend if we’re alone and in
good work they’ve done and the contribu-
a vacuum, or if we’ve made bitter enemies
tions they’ve made. Many also want sig- Yes, they’ve done their job well, but they and burned bridges throughout the organ-
haven’t actually risen above it. ization.
nificantly more compensation, responsi-
bility and leadership authority as well. Performing our current role beautifully They don’t understand the ecosystem in
doesn’t necessarily mean we’re ready for which they’re operating.
As they share about their career trajectory People who are thwarted in their attempts
and the steps they’re taking to get noticed So, their request and desire to be promoted to climb the ladder often make the mistake
and promoted, I’ve seen four key blunders is, in fact, premature. of evaluating their work independently,
and blind spots that are in the way of their without understanding how the organiza-
advancement. tion truly works, and the system around
They haven’t built a sufficient support net-
work of mentors, sponsors, and ambassa- them assesses and evaluates value, im-
THE FOUR TOP BLUNDERS ARE: dors around them. portance, and contribution.

They ask for a promotion without having Critical to our success is the help of others. Ask yourself these questions:
done anything significant to warrant mov- We can’t achieve our big dreams without
ing up. support. 1) Do you know what your organization
deems as superior contribution –

exactly what attributes and behaviors The worst mistake you can make is to stay support you in a transition, and gain a
are required to move ahead from your at a job for 5-10 years, without ever having clearer sense of your essential value in your
level to the next? interviewed, networked or connected marketplace.
meaningfully with people outside of your
2) Are you supporting your employer’s organization. We need to be connecting, networking, social-
highest visions, mission and goals? izing and bringing ourselves to market in very
I see this error every week with folks I work proactive ways, all throughout the long arch
Do you even know what those are, spe- with, and their career is hurt by staying so of our careers.
cifically? insulated and disconnected from their field,
industry and other colleagues outside their
3) Have you achieved more than the goals employer. Recently I was asked by a top media chan-
of your role, and made a real difference nel to share my top three tips for women
in a bigger way? aged 30-40 who are seeking to get pro-
What often happens is when a layoff or fir- moted.
If so, how? ing comes, these folks feel completely iso-
lated and alone, and don’t know where to
begin to reach out, build a compelling THESE ARE MY TOP SUGGESTIONS FOR
4) Have you demonstrated that you can BOTH WOMEN AND MEN:
lead and effectively manage areas be- LinkedIn profile, network, interview, or
yond what you’re handling now? achieve a new role that they’ll find satisfy-
ing. Don’t wait for more leadership to come to
5) Do you understand what your boss and

senior leadership view as critical to the Nothing makes you more powerful and Go out and grab it.
success and growth of the organization, confident than interviewing outside your
and are you supporting those mandates employer and understanding where you Identify three core areas that you’re deeply
in important ways? stand in the marketplace. passionate about in terms of outcomes that
your organization is working toward (or
6) Finally, have you done a 360 assess- Every single professional should be inter- that outside organizations are involved in),
ment to understand exactly what oth- viewing regularly (every 4 to 6 months) out- and volunteer to offer your support – lead
ers around the company think of your side of their organization, no matter how a project, chair a committee, oversee a new
performance and contribution, and happy or unhappy they are in their jobs. direction or cause.
how they feel about working and col-
laborating with you?
But don’t just “kick the tires” – do the inter- Go out and claim what you want.
nal and external work required to find in-
(I once made the big mistake of not under- teresting leads that you’ll enjoy pursuing
standing just how I'd burned some key You will then gain more exposure, and be-
and benefit from learning about. come more visible, capable, confident and
bridges, and that blind spot contributed to
my being laid off after 9/11, even after more ready to take your career to the next
some stellar contributions.). Regular interviewing outside your com- level because you achieved a higher level of
pany also helps you understand the contribution.
changes in your industry, identify potential
They haven’t been interviewing and net- new opportunities that would be thrilling
working outside the company. Make your case, with the 20 “facts” of you.
for you, meet new people who can later

If you want to be promoted, it won’t just fall powerfully without bragging. above, you should be ready for advance-
in your lap. ment by:
Find influential sponsors who'll help you
You have to make a solid, well-validated when you're not in the room. • Demonstrating your potential to lead,
and well-formulated, irrefutable case for to more than just your boss or peers
why you should be promoted to the next Research shows that men are more natu- ▪
level. rally inclined to find “sponsors” (high-level, • Developing powerful sponsors who will
influential supporters) to catalyze their ad- vouch for your leadership capability
This weekend, sit quietly with yourself (dis- vancement and strength
traction-free – turn off all devices) and write ▪
• Building support throughout the or-
down the 20 powerful “facts” of you While women understand more than ever
ganization for your growth
that mentorship is critical, what’s still miss-

- what you’ve achieved, accomplished, ing is sponsorship – high-level, powerful
• Achieving important milestones and
made possible, and cleared the way for, leaders who will champion you when you’re
advancements and moved critical “nee-
that has made a big difference in your work not in the room.
dles” in the company or your division
and your company. that prove to the organization that it
Focus now on building relationships with a will benefit from your advancement
Make sure you punctuate the information few powerful sponsors to whom you’ve al-
with as many metrics as you can – the num- ready demonstrated your potential, and
If you’ve done that, and made a case for
ber of new clients you’ve brought in and the who will be thrilled to speak for you, open
your promotion in strong, confident and
dollar value of those clients, the percent of doors and make the introductions you need
clear ways, and you don’t get it, you should
revenue you helped generate, the fading to ascend to the next level.
ask for clear reasons why.
businesses you’ve revitalized, the impact
you've made on your industry as a whole, Another question I’ve been asked regularly
If there aren’t any, or they don’t make sense
the streamlining of processes you made is this:
to you, or your manager isn’t willing to cre-
happen that saved money, the new proto-
ate a development plan with you that you
col that you established that changed how “If I get passed over for a promotion once, support, then it’s time to actively seek new
your department operates, etc. how long should I wait until I try again? And employment.
when should I give up and start looking for
Understand very clearly what you’ve ac- work elsewhere?”
If your boss can’t give you a clear pathway
complished and the skills and talents you
for understanding how you can advance to
leveraged, and make your powerful case, The answer to that completely depends on the next level, it’s a sign that you’re ready to
with facts, data and metrics. how well you are poised for advancement. pursue growth and opportunity elsewhere.

Watch my TEDx talk "Time to Brave Up" for If you’ve done the work recommended
more on how to share about yourself

Partial Deduction of VAT And Financial Operations, Gross or Net Amounts?

By Francisco Javier Sánchez Gallardo - Vocal de IVA en Tribunal Económico-Administrativo Centra

part, the tax base is constituted by the net

One of the reasons that justify the exemp- derived from deducting from the amount of
tion of financial operations is the diffi- income what is destined to prizes.

culty of quantifying its taxable base (as in- The content of this judgment was strongly
dicated by the ECJ in judgments of 19-4-
qualified by that of 17-9-2002, Town &
2007, Velvet & Steel Immobilien und County Factors, C-498/99, in which the
Handels, C-455 / 05, or 12-6-2014, ECJ concluded that the tax base in the or-
ganization of a contest in which prizes are
Granton Advertising, C-461/12). awarded is constituted by the gross
amount of the bets, without being accepted
to deduct the amount of the prizes.
This is somewhat a misleading argument, as
far as if these operations can limit the right This conclusion was based on the fact the
to deduction of taxpayers who carry them organizer could freely dispose of the
out (we came on this issue in an article pub- amount of said bets.
lished on 12-1-2020), they are likely to be
Also in relation to gaming activities, in the
judgment of 19-7-2012, International
In this case, the question arises whether Bingo Technology, C-377/11, the ECJ
the amounts to be considered are the gross stated that in the sale of bingo cards, the
amounts obtained by taxpayers who carry VAT taxable base does not include part of
them out or if the expenses incurred, or the price of these cards, previously estab-
more in general, negative figures, can be lished by the regulations, which is intended
deducted, at least those directly related to for the payment of prizes.

Therefore, for the calculation of the pro

At the outset, the computation of opera- rata applicable to gaming activities, the
tions for their gross amounts is what re- amounts that, by regulatory imposition,
sults from the VAT Directive. must be intended to the payment of prizes
should not be taken into account.
Only in exceptional cases has something
else been allowed. It seems, therefore, that amounts in-
cluded in the price received by the opera-
The ECJ has referred several times to the tors for their services, but are such that the
possibility of taking into account net said operators cannot dispose of them by
amounts. The first of these is the judgment legal mandate, should be excluded from the
of 5-5-1994, Glawe, C-38/93. tax base and, equally, of the terms of the
pro rata.
The EJC declared that in the operation of
slot machines in which a part of the bets are More specifically for financial operations,
destined, by legal provision, to prizes, so reference should be made to judgment of
that the operator can never dispose of this 14-7-1998, First National bank of Chicago,

C-172/96, regarding foreign exchange Strikingly, the ECJ did not make a deeper obtained in a certain period of time
transactions. analysis of the real nature of this crossed (judgment of 14-7-1998, First National
schema, in which probably a double sense bank of Chicago, C- 172/96)
The ECJ provided that the currency ex- transaction should have been considered.
change operations in which one of the par- c) from the contracts awarded, it was
ties buys an agreed amount of one cur- Finally, we have to refer to the judgment of clearly that the agreed consideration
rency and in exchange sells to the other 22-10-2015, Hedqvist, C-264/14, in which took into account, in some way, opera-
party another agreed amount of another the ECJ pointed out that the exchange of tions of a contrary sign or directly a cer-
currency, so that both amounts are payable traditional currencies for units of the vir- tain commercial margin (judgments of
in the same value date, and by virtue of tual currency «bitcoin», and vice versa, 22-10-2009, Swis Re Germany Holding,
which the parties have agreed the corre- made in exchange for the payment of an C-242/08, and from 10-22-2015,
sponding currencies, the amounts of such amount equivalent to the margin consti- Hedqvist, C-264/14).
currencies that are bought and sold, which tuted by the difference between, on the
of the parties buys each currency and the one hand, the price at which the operator Apart from these situations, and another
value date, constitute supplies of services buys the currencies and, on the other, the similar ones that might arise, it seems that
rendered for consideration, although the price at which he sells them to his clients, the impact of financial operations on the
remuneration obtained by them is the mar- must be considered an exempt operation. right to deduction of taxpayers who carry
gin between the purchase price and the them out should be quantified by their
sale price. The ECJ has thus admitted the calculation gross amount, such as any other.
of net amounts in situations in which:
In these operations, the ECJ added, the tax This conclusion, however, can lead to situa-
base is given by the margin obtained by the a) there was a legal provision according to tions of clear distortion, taking into account
person who carry them out by reference to which a portion of the amounts re- the amounts of some of these operations
a certain period of time (something which, ceived from customers should receive a (for example, transfers of securities that, under
by the way, is the closest figure to the older specific purpose, such as their delivery the terms of the judgment of 29-10-2009,
commissions levied in these services). in the form of awards (judgments of 5-5- SKF, C- 08/29, should be computed for this
1994, Glawe, C-38/93, and of 19-7- purpose).
In the judgment of 22-10-2009, Swis Re 2012, International Bingo Technology, C-
Germany Holding, C-242/08, the ECJ 377/11, with the significant counter- In such cases, it seems that it would be the
stated that, in the context of a transfer for weight of the judgment of 17-9-2002, EU states that should react normatively, as
consideration of a portfolio comprising 195 Town & County Factors, C-498/99); authorized by article 173.2 of the Di-
life reinsurance contracts, the fact that it is rective,
i. referring this aspect of the VAT
not the assignee, but the assignor, who b) in cases in which the transaction sub- levying to other criteria, as well as indicat-
pays a consideration - in the case, by setting ject of the operation was a fungible (for- ing their mode of quantification.
a negative value for the transmission of 18 eign exchange) and the operations car-
of those contracts - does not alter the na- ried out could only be reasonably meas-
ture of the operations. ured by reference to the margins

5 Pre-season Supply Planning Tips for Your Wine Business

By Uri Rosenzweig - Head of Product at trellis.AI

(Check out the State of the Wine Industry target.

It’s that busy time of year again: pre-sea- 2020 report to see how challenging things are
son supply planning. Also known as “a sec- across the market). And come on, how can you possibly be ex-
pected to provide an accurate yield fore-
ond harvest,” to VP Winemaking and Sup- Leveraging your data in a smart way to cast months before there are even leaves
ply Planners. You’ve done this before - you cross this minefield of strategic planning is on the vines, let alone the impact of a po-
an extremely valuable resource. tential September heat spike?
take into account last year’s yields, your
inventory position, forecasted sales, and Accurate yield predictions early in the sea- Nevertheless, there are a few tricks you
son help you find the best sourcing chan- can keep up your sleeve that will serve you
you make some educated assumptions nels and purchase the right quantities at well in early season supply planning.
the price your company requires across
with hopes for a more balanced portfolio. your portfolio. Every year counts

Making these crucial business decisions for When these stars align, you save millions of Firstly, because of the multitude of nu-
a finished product that will only hit the dollars in storage, COGS and sales, while anced changes that occur over the years,
shelves three years from now is nearly im- reducing the months of undesired inven- businesses often utilize only a few years of
possible. tory moving forward. historical data to estimate their supply.

With supply and demand fluctuating dra- An “as-is” historical average means 30% However, if you have recorded more than a
matically each year, you are like an archer supply uncertainty few years of historical data, you should def-
trying to hit a moving target during an initely leverage it for your planning.
earthquake. The idea of estimating your 2020 supply
based on a historical three-year average More years of data can improve your esti-
This vintage it is especially challenging con- should work well enough… in theory. mates by 15%, get more granular infor-
sidering you and most of your competitors mation, and help you draw insights that will
are drowning in more months of inventory We all know that everything regresses to elevate your ability to confidently make
than you could give away as holidays gifts if the mean, and an average should provide those tough decisions.
you tried. stable enough ground to hit that moving

Those tough years of sweat equity have specific vine to quantify the volatility
earned their place in helping you improve across years can be neutralized, and adding
your future! this data to your estimate can do wonders
for your supply plan.
Don’t neutralize …normalize!
Happy Birthday, Vines!
What about the increased volatility that
comes with including more years of data? New vines? Old vines? Depending on what
percent of your portfolio are newly planted
Follow this advice, and you’ll easily clear or old vines, your season estimates can be
that hurdle, while benefiting from all the thrown off dramatically if you don’t remem-
advantages of the extra data. ber to account for their development.

Let’s take, for example, a year or two that For example, a multi-year average that the
experienced extreme weather conditions updated age of the vine will boost your ac-
such as 2015. curacy, as vines produce 20-40% less in
their first years and also begin to produce
less as they age (after 25 years or so).
Don’t leave those years out, but don’t leave
them “as-is” either, because that will com-
pletely throw off your estimates. Right wine, wrong label

Here is where normalizing the data comes

in handy.
Considering more data means you can get
more granular in your sourcing of optimal
For example, think of how a teacher might
quantities to best suit your portfolio,
account for some exams being more diffi-
whether by program, blend or grade.
cult than others during a semester to pro-
vide a final score for a student.
Hitting that nail on the head will reduce the
amount of down blending you will need to
Similarly, map the yields of those “outlier”
do come harvest, which can cut your wine
years to a more typical scale to get them
COGS dramatically.
closer to the average, and then include
them with the rest of your historical data in
order to gain greater accuracy. When using a limited data set, you don’t
separate your estimates, but rather group
all grape data into one average, which al-
Besides, a three year average where one of
lows a lot of irrelevant data to sneak its way
those years was an outlier (think 2018 vs.
into this calculation and the most valuable
2017) requires some normalization as well,
insights to get lost.
and with much less data to ensure you’re
getting a reliable estimate.
Happy planning!
Measure your measurements
If you’re looking for the best platform to
help you get the most accurate, timely pre-
Another way to work with a multi-year da-
dictions throughout the season, taking into
taset is to consider measurements and
account proprietary databases, is
samples that were taken in previous sea-
for you.
sons. Your team utilized that information
during those vintages to estimate that par-
ticular year’s supply, but it can contribute Trellis delivers predictions, insights and
to the coming year’s estimate as well. recommendations that maximize crop
yield, improve production efficiency.
Considering historical cluster counts for a

Smart Clothing is Merging Fashion with Functionality

By Naveen Joshi - Director at Allerin. Works on Data Analytics and Strategies, Process Automation, Connected Infrastructure (IoT)

smart clothing technology. the edge of thin metal sheets or with bun-
Unlike many wearables that are strapped dle drawing technology.
on the user’s arms or legs for pure func- Smart clothing can be explained as weara-
ble garments that function similar to other Metal fibers can help IoT devices to moni-
tionality, smart clothing technology is giv- IoT wearables and can sense and respond tor electrical physiological activities like
ing rise to comfortable garment weara- to particular stimuli like pressure or tem- electrocardiogram (ECG) by acting as elec-
perature. trodes.
bles that are tailored for form as much as
function. Smart clothing allows electronic devices Conductive ink
such as IoT devices, lights, and small com-
puting devices to be embedded into them, Conductive elements can be embedded in
When most people think about wearables, and are made of different fabrics, as fol- traditional inks that are used for printing
they think of IoT devices that are worn by lows: and applied to specific areas of garments to
users on their bodies that can monitor the make them conductive.
health and help fight against addictions. Types of fabrics that can be used in smart
clothing Elements like copper, silver, gold, nickel,
However, the wearables market has ex- and others can help improve the conductiv-
panded much beyond just these devices. All types of fabrics cannot be used to make ity of garments and can be used as switches
The wearables market is extending beyond smart clothes. Smart clothing requires spe- to activate IoT devices circuits in smart
healthcare and fitness into multiple other cial fabrics that can allow IoT devices to clothes.
industries. monitor different environmental and
health parameters and allow communica- Coating with nano-particles
One such industry that is currently being tion among these devices that are embed-
disrupted by wearables is the textile indus- ded in them.
Usual fabrics that are used to make gar-
ments can be coated with nano-particles.
Metal fibers
By implementing the use of nanotechnol-
Nano-particles have many benefits, includ-
ogy in the textile industry, textile manufac- Smart clothes manufacturers use threads ing micro bacteria-killing, stain resistance,
turers are creating garments of the future. that are made up of metal fibers to allow in- and waterproofing.
terconnection between IoT sensors.
These garments are termed as ‘smart
For instance, nanosilver particles release
clothes’ and are made with the help of Metal fibers are either created by shaving

positive ions that can stop microbial func- Military and defense some challenges that are holding back en-
tioning and kill them. terprises and the public from the mass
The environment of war zones consists of adoption of smart clothes.
Furthermore, silica nanoparticles can cre- air contaminated by the hazardous gases
ate enough surface tension to ensure that emitted from gunfire and bomb blasts. Challenges in the mass adoption of smart
liquid particles form beads and roll over the clothing
garments instead of being soaked into it. IoT sensors in smart clothes can determine
the presence and level of hazardous gas in Consumer concerns like price and durabil-
Chromic materials the environment and allow the military to ity of smart clothes and technical issues like
mitigate the harm caused by hazardous volume and complexity of unstructured
Chromic materials can change their color gases efficiently. data are some of the challenges faced by
based on external conditions. smart clothing technologies.
Smart clothes can also detect signs and
These materials are mostly used for fashion amount of blood loss of soldiers due to mi- Price and durability
to create entertaining color-changing de- nor injuries and send information to medi-
signs as a response to conditions like heat cal professionals so that they can take ap-
The cost of embedding IoT technology into
or electricity. propriate actions.
garments increases the manufacturing
price of garments, making them costly.
According to the type of stimuli, chromic Sportswear
materials can be further classified as pho- Many consumers will become ready to pur-
tochromic, thermochromic, electro-chro- Sports enthusiasts have for long been using chase smart garments if the prices de-
mic, piezochromic, and solvatochromic that IoT wearables around their arms or legs to crease to reasonable levels. And despite
responds to light, heat, electricity, pres- monitor their fitness and other health pa- the high price, there is no durability and re-
sure, and liquid or gas, respectively.

Many other fabrics can help create smart

clothes. Based on the fabric used and its
function, smart clothes have found a wide
range of applications in many industries.

Applications of smart clothing

The potential and benefits of smart cloth-

ing have made it beneficial in applications
across many industries-.


Similar to other IoT devices, smart clothing

can help keep track of an individual’s physi-
cal activities and monitor vitals levels.

Wearing smart clothes will eliminate the

rameters. liability of smart clothes.
need for frequent visits to clinics as people
can proactively monitor and take care of
their health themselves. But, smart clothing will eliminate the need For instance, smart clothes require IoT sen-
to wear extra IoT sensors on bodies as they sors to function, and washing IoT devices
will be embedded in their regular garments. may cause their failure.
Monitoring sensors can also be beneficial
during pregnancy. What do you think of
when someone says “life belt”? Sportswear is designed to provide comfort For smart clothes to be durable and relia-
to people during workouts or physical ac- ble, it should be embedded with IoT devices
tivities. Smart clothes can further enhance that are water-resistant and can be
A buoyant ring that is carried in ships to
the comfort of sportswear. washed.
help someone in an emergency in water is
what would probably come to your mind.
Australian engineers have developed a bi- Sensor accuracy
onic bra that can change according to the
But, smart clothing can help create life belts
movement of breasts. The conductive ink There are different types of sensors that
that can be worn around the abdomen by a
fibers mentioned earlier can help create can be embedded in smart clothes, but
pregnant woman.
such bras. their accuracy cannot be determined be-
fore their use.
Life belts use IoT sensors to monitor the
The smart bra can tighten or loosen its
health of both mother and fetus.
straps according to the movement of And, once embedded in garments to test
breasts, preventing any pain or sag. accuracy, changing IoT sensors would
For instance, the PregSense monitor is a
mean tearing the garments and again rec-
life belt that can not only monitor the
Despite the many benefits and applications reating them.
mother’s health but also project the image
of smart clothing technology, there are
of the fetus and measure its heart rate.

This means that the failure or inaccuracy of factors like DOD effect, temperature ef- The most popular among these smart
any single component of smart clothes will fect, and many others. clothes is the recently emerged Levi’s Jac-
fail the entire garment and increased cost quard smart jacket.
of manufacturing. If the battery life is shortened due to any of
these factors, then the life of smart cloth- These smart jackets allow the wearer to op-
Battery issues ing’s functionality will also reduce, and they erate a smartphone remotely by swiping on
would become ordinary clothes from smart his or her sleeves with the help of gesture
Most of the wearables have charging facili- clothes. recognition.
ties as batteries cannot be completely re-
lied upon. And, charging clothes does sound Smart clothes as of now are not very popu- Not only fashion giants, but also other fash-
weird. lar, and only a few of them created by fash- ion companies should start making smart
ion giants like Levi’s, Tommy Hilfiger, Un- clothes to provide a wide variety of options
If batteries are embedded, then again, it der Armour, and a few others, are being to the users and encouraging them to use
would raise durability issues similar to IoT widely used. smart clothes.
sensors. Battery life depends on various

The TOP Person Charity and Magazine

The TOP Person is a global charity with a mission to help people and other charities and organizations to further
themselves for free. Our method of helping is to multiply the visibility of one's content in social media and to
increase one’s influence. The TOP Person was founded in January 2020 to further this mission.


Our main route to helping is to aid other charities. We are • We have developed a platform that utilizes the post
currently helping dozens of other charities and we are algorithms of several social media optimally.
talking with many more. • Ambassadors can earn up to 600 times more ability to
endorse any LinkedIn post than a regular LinkedIn user.
Together, these charities are associated with several • In addition, our platform is easy to use and offers
million people, so hopefully, we will keep on reaching our rewarding gamification, peer support, networking
annual goal of helping one million people. functions and popular, high-quality content to share.
AMBASSADOR ROUTE • Our content is written by authors from The Wall Street
Journal, Forbes, Business Insider business magazines,
Another way to help is our free ambassador program in BBC, LinkedIn Influencers & TopVoices, and TEDtalk.
which anyone can join. The ambassador program was • We are totally transparent, as all our actions take place
added because of the Corona pandemic to help people in on social media, where everything is public.
need directly. • Our program is free, and The TOP Person is fully
funded, so we are neither asking for donations nor
RESULTS OF OUR AMBASSADOR PROGRAM selling anything to anyone.
• In addition, everything in our free program is voluntary
So far, we have had quite good results:
- each ambassador is free to choose what they do to
• We have 2,100+ ambassadors with over 14 million support their brand or cause.
followers in total from over 118 countries using 600+
our local LinkedIn Company pages (May 6th 2020)
These are the reasons why we attract ambassadors and
• Our The TOP Person business magazine receives over
why they are so strongly committed to supporting each
two million readers per month.
• The most popular post by an ambassador received
471,000 views in just five days. The TOP Person Ambassador program is an easy and
• Multiple posts of our ambassadors’ are every single day supported route to becoming a business influencer.
among top 1% most engaged post in LinkedIn.
• Ambassadors engage up to 108,000 times a day and Connect with Christian Dillstrom on LinkedIn to join the
2.3+ million times in the month to support their peers. free The TOP Person Ambassador program.
Addressing Africa’s Food Supply Challenge

By Peter Njonjo - CEO and Co-founder at Twiga Foods

For many people, these vendors are the up before the break of dawn to get a head
If you visit most African cities, you’re main channel by which they access the food start on liaising with brokers (middlemen)
bound to notice at least two things - the and drink they consume. who source directly from farmers and sell
to vendors.
unmissable sight of informal retailers that However, a fragmented market mean ven-
line the streets and marketplaces and the dors are left to do most of the legwork There is often no standardized pricing so
which inadvertently impacts their business vendors have to negotiate the best deal
abundance of arable land that the conti- performance. they can on the day.

nent is blessed with.

The African continent also has some of the Once that deal is negotiated, they then
most ideal conditions for food production have to find and pay someone to transport
However, despite the presence of these in the world. they goods to their stall.
two things, food production and distribu-
tion remains a challenge across the conti- According to Mckinsey, Africa has around In many cases, vendors source their goods
nent. 600 million hectares of uncultivated arable from multiple brokers which means they
land, roughly 60 percent of the global total. have to repeat this process repeatedly.
Most of the consumer spending in Africa
happens in informal, roadside markets, Of the land that is being used, outdated This fragmented marketplace inevitably
even in those countries with the most well- techniques and poor material handling leads to increased costs for vendors which
developed retail and distribution markets. means farmers are not getting the maxi- is then passed on to consumers.
mum dividends from the efforts.
The informal nature of their businesses As a result, spending on food in sub-Sa-
makes it difficult to ascertain the exact Understanding how the challenge affects haran countries are substantially higher
value of the sector but World Bank esti- farmers and vendors than in other parts of the world.
mates have suggested that this will be
worth $1Trn by 2030. For example, according to World Bank
If you take the average vendor in Nairobi as
an example, their day often involves waking Data, 55 percent of disposable income in

Kenya and 60 percent in Nigeria is spent on By aggregating a fragmented retail space, We are also tackling inefficiencies in the
food, compared to 8 percent in the UK. we are enabling the creation of an efficient supply chain and ultimately passing on the
There is also the looming prospect of a pop- domestic agricultural production industry, benefit by reducing food prices. Currently,
ulation boom. while generating incremental value for all between 30 to 50 percent of fresh produce
market participants. is lost through poor post-harvest pro-
Latest estimates suggest that the popula- cesses.
tion of sub-Saharan Africa is set to double Our proprietary technology aggregates
in the next 30 years. Lagos, Nigeria is set to tens of thousands of retailers onto one Through its investments in the supply chain
be the biggest city in the world by 2100. platform. and material handling, Twiga has signifi-
cantly reduced the level of food waste by
In fact, the top three most populous cities This then creates – for the first time ever – 70% compared to the market averages.
by 2100 will be in Africa, Lagos (88.3 mil- a volume market for efficiently produced
lion), Kinshasa (83.5 million) and Dar es Sa- domestic crops, with lower farm-gate Working with our partners to make things
laam (73.7 million) prices and reliability that enables farm fi- happen
nancing for the first time at scale.
Using technology to accelerate innovation This is why our latest round of funding ($30
and development We cover a range of fresh produce, as well million led by Goldman Sachs) is vitally im-
as a growing share of the overall shopping portant.
cart. Its main fresh produce includes bana-
When you consider all these factors, the
nas, potatoes, onions, tomatoes and water-
task of addressing the challenges of food The new funding will be invested in acquir-
melon - popular staples in Kenya.
production and distribution in Africa be- ing technology and equipment, developing
comes one that has to be addressed ur- an efficient logistics network and laying the
gently. More recently, leading Kenyan manufac- foundation to expand into other cities
turers have tapped into our technology-led within and outside Kenya.
distribution network, and we now distrib-
This is why we launched Twiga Foods in
ute a fast-growing range of processed food
2014 with the ambition of re-engineering This investment enables us to leverage
including rice, maize flour, cooking oil, milk,
the informal retail sector. technology in solving the challenge of inef-
juices, table sugar and snacks.
ficient food production and distribution
At Twiga Foods, we are using a mobile- across Africa, a $300bn market that is esti-
based, cashless platform to aggregate the mated to grow to $1trn by 2030.
demand of thousands of small and medium-
sized retailers in Kenya, enabling them to Working with our investment partners, we
order fresh and processed food, as and continue to tackle the challenges of food in-
when needed. security by using technology to develop
commercial solutions and work with exist-
As a result, farmers and food manufactur- ing industry players to deliver better qual-
ers have guaranteed access to a fairly- ity and lower cost food.
priced, transparent, mobile marketplace
and retailers can consistently source .
lower-cost, higher-quality produce, which
is conveniently delivered to their doorstep
within 18 hours of ordering.

Finding Your 'WHY' and Being Purposeful

By Karen Tisdell - LinkedIn Trainer / LinkedIn Profile Writer / LinkedIn Coach / LinkedIn Presenter & Speaker

wealthy maternal grandfather in the UK me. I seemed hard-wired to chase the al-
We all know 'what' we do for a living, but would step in to rescue us.) mighty dollar, and as a recruiter, I thrived in
when was the last time you asked yourself high-commission/low base environments.
At this time I was trying to decide what sub-
'why' you do what you do? Finding your jects to study for the last two years of high But I could never bring myself to whole-
'why' can be the key to a much more pro- school and everybody wanted to know my heartedly believe that pursuing money was
purpose, my plan for the future. meaningful, or being propelled forward by
ductive and fulfilling life at work, as I've fear of lack of money was purposeful

found out for myself in recent years. As the eldest in a suddenly single-parent
family that now had a cloud of shame hang- However I was naive and impressionable - I
ing over it, I felt my purpose was to make had been told greed was good and I
Why Greed Isn’t Good money - to somehow regain financial stabil- planned my career accordingly.
I grew up in the 1980s, when capitalism Fortunately, life teaches us many things
was king and Michael Douglas was proudly I finished my schooling and a couple of along the way, and while I was on maternity
telling us all that “greed is good” in the 1987 years later bought a suit with big shoulder leave I started a side-hustle that grew into
movie Wall Street. pads. I worked hard, very hard. a full time business.

I watched that movie at a formative time in I'd exaggerated my computer literacy to se- While I agonised in the early years over
my life, my jet-setting father announcing cure my first real job and left the office at how to turn my LinkedIn profile business
the same year that he wouldn't be return- the end of the day when everybody else did, into a face-to-face consultancy (achieved in
ing from his overseas trip and that he didn't had dinner in a food hall and returned to part with LinkedIn strategy sessions and taken
want the responsibility of a family any the office when everybody else had left, to to a whole new level more recently with B2B
more. upskill myself and ensure I was ahead with LinkedIn training) I re-assessed my values
my work. and how these align with what I do for a liv-
(This amounted to not paying child support as
he was under the mistaken belief that my My penchant for working hard never left

An avid reader I consumed everything I yourself, a new purpose-filled life in which Of all the questions Demartini recom-
could get my hands on from Simon Sinek, your career aligns with your values. mends we record our answers to, I found
Hugh Mackay, Alain de Botton, Viktor these the most interesting:
Frankl, Jeff Olson, John Demartini and per- If you are needing expert guidance on finding
haps the most surprising of all, Tim your why, don't call me! • Attention - What do we most notice
Minchin. around us?
I can capture all your strengths and skills in ▪
All of these bright minds purport that if we a LinkedIn profile that will win the hearts • Retention - What do we remember
focus solely on ourselves, we can’t find hap- and minds of potential clients/prospective most easily?
piness. As Frankl asserts: employers, and together we can shape ▪
LinkedIn content that highlights your ex- • Intention - What do we plan to act upon
" the true meaning of life is to be discovered in pertise. first?
the world rather than within man or his own
psyche... The more one forgets himself by giv- However, coaching to help you find what We can learn to understand our own inner
ing to a cause to serve or another person to you want, that is not my area of expertise... values by consciously recording our behav-
love - the more human he is." iour patterns – how we spend our time,
Getting to Know Yourself what we spend our money on, what inspires
Don't Ignore Your Inner Voice us, even our favourite books and topics of

Collecting evidence of what happens inter-

If you have a nagging feeling that your work Defining my true core values wasn’t easy nally by examining what we do externally
life isn't as fulfilling as it could be, please for me, I don’t think it is easy to drown out allow us to build an accurate picture of who
consider the ideas in this article. the voices of peers, parents, and societal we are unfettered by who we think we
expectations and I am not sure I could have should be.
As I struggled with indecision in the early found my path without the expert guidance
years of running my own then-small busi- of Russell Johnson. Lots of information is like lots of bread-
ness I read widely, listened to countless crumbs that can lead us to what our pur-
TedX talks, and found the exercises I'm list- The books Russell recommended to me pose is, if we are just brave enough to fol-
ing here the most valuable. were also a great help, especially John De- low the trail...
martini’s The Values Factor which revealed
(Time allowing, I would have added all the ex- that self-discovery needn’t be an uncom- A Framework For Finding Your 'Why'
ercises within the book Designing Your Life, by fortable journey into internal unchartered
Bill Burnett and Dave Evans; it hadn't been territory. Something else I found helpful was Simon
published when I first wrote this newly revised Sinek's 'golden circle' model that explains
and republished article.) Instead, we can understand what is inside how questioning is at the centre of our pro-
by looking outside for evidence of what we fessional development.
Try the below and shape a new future for pay attention to.

The outside of the circle is 'What', which discovered in my path from just a LinkedIn particular skill, I can type that skill into the
represents our goals and what we want to profile writer to a LinkedIn trainer and key- search bar, click on 1st to see who I know,
achieve. The next layer in is 'How' – how we note speaker, is that my personal 'why' is then click on 2nd to see who they know.
structure and plan in order to reach our ob- given deeper meaning and more fulfillment
jectives. when I'm focused on what I can give, not I meaningfully grow my network, to build
what I can get. collaboration, to give. Giving and accepting
At the very centre of the circle is 'Why'. help is not only a natural part of being hu-
I believe as humans, we are hardwired to be man, it’s also what makes us fulfilled and
These circles shows us that our own per- social. We are communal, group-orien- successful.
sonal values should be at the centre of what tated.
we do, and our actions should align with our By collaborating and using our own special
innermost beliefs. Of course, we are all individuals with our skills to help each other, we can cut down
own experiences, dreams and skills, how- on work we don't enjoy and focus more on
Sinek's TedX Talk, explains this concept in ever together we can achieve so much our strengths.
more detail, and it's well worth watching. more, and gain much more satisfaction
Finding your 'why' is what gives you insight when we work collectively to benefit the This way, we get to spend more time on ac-
into your character and the choices you group. tivities we are both good at, and that has
make. meaning for us. We all want to reach our
Thinking of 'the other' benefits us as individ- potential and feel our life has meaning.
By understanding what motivates you and uals, making us happier humans.
makes you happy, you can gain the courage Given the hours we spend in generating an
and understanding to realise which goals Evidence of this collective spirit is LinkedIn. income, it is important that you follow a ca-
you should pursue and what you should be This network connects people who share reer path that aligns with your beliefs and
saying no to. professional interests (or paths) with each principles.
In some cases, these discoveries can lead to You can do this by making the effort to fig-
a complete career change. However, even Part of my work is helping people to use ure out your why. This simple concept has
making small changes that align your day- LinkedIn to attract clients or job opportuni- been a massive force in shaping my own
to-day work with your motivators and ties - however along the way I have discov- business and ultimately my life.
strengths will lead to a more fulfilled life! ered it is a powerful tool to swap, give and
gain knowledge. If we all take the time to define our 'why', we
As comedian Tim Minchin tells us we don't will be more fulfilled as individuals and col-
have to be too narrow in considering what No longer do I have to attend countless lectively we will have created a more posi-
our purpose is. networking events to meet people who I tive and compassionate society, where we
can build services with, instead I can spend are all helping each other become the best
By doing great work, playing to our a few minutes on LinkedIn networking and that we can be.
strengths, listening to our inner voice and not even have to get out of my pyjamas.
being in service to others we can achieve Please start today...
flow, purpose and congruence with our As a solopreneur, LinkedIn gives me the
work and values. feeling that I have colleagues all over Aus- And remember if you get stuck, don't call
tralia, and we are all helping each other. me. Reach out to experts Fraser Cameron,
'Why' Comes From 'We' Russell Johnson or Australia's most fabu-
Using LinkedIn, when I need advice or want lous career coaches.
One of the most interesting things I've to outsource something to someone with a

Working with a Recruiter: A Love Story

By Nicole Smith - Senior Recruiter, Accounting at Boly:Welch

If you listen to all the buzz, recruiting pro- party.

The job search can feel a lot like dating fessionals seem to be more likely than a bad
sometimes. Bumble date to lead people on and ghost When you’re feeling vulnerable, frustrated,
them. and maybe even desperate in your search,
use as many resources as possible, because
You look online, reach out to friends, and go If you’ve ever been frustrated working with so much of the process is based on timing.
to places where you think you’ll meet just a recruiter or recruiting agency, there are
the right new partner. two probable reasons for that. As Boly:Welch’s founder, Pat Welch, likes
to say: “You don’t want to start dating the day
When you meet someone interesting, you Either you were working with a bad re- you intend to get married.”
arrange a date, dress up, and try to make an cruiter, or you had mistaken expectations
amazing first impression. about what working with a recruiter is re- I also know many candidates – especially
ally like. accounting professionals – are bombarded
Sometimes you wish you had looked more by recruiters looking for fill jobs. My favor-
closely at their profile. Here are three things you should keep in ite candidate to work with is someone who
mind when working with a recruiter is open to respectful outreach and willing
Other times, you think it went well but to have a conversation.
never hear from them again. And some- 1) Recruiters are most helpful when they
times, there’s a great connection! partner with a candidate for the long- If we’ve never talked, I won’t know exactly
term. what you’re looking for, or if the role I’m
The job search, like dating, can be over- working on is right for one.
whelming. And a recruiter can be your ca- Recruiters are typically not a good last re-
reer matchmaker. sort, but you’d be amazed at how many Having a conversation about your motiva-
people come to me with comments like, tions, salary expectations, location prefer-
You’ve probably heard negative stories “I’ve been looking for two years and I’m finally ences and more allows me to think of you
about recruiters who don’t return calls or reaching out to a recruiter.” for future roles that are the perfect fit.
“headhunters” who pursue a candidate ag-
gressively, only to disappear. Except perhaps in temporary placements, It might be tomorrow or six months from
this is the worst time to rely on a third now, but I’ll be a great, proactive resource

if you put in the time to establish and main- expert rather than someone who does a lit- compared to other candidates inter-
tain a long-term romance. tle bit of everything? viewing for a position.

2) Most recruiters are industry specialists 3) We’re not career coaches, but we can • Differentiate opportunities (and give
or only work on specific types of posi- offer you quite a bit of help in your job you the unposted details on a role).
tions. search! ▪
• Offer nuanced, current market insights
In fact, you want your recruiter to special- Recruiters are not career coaches. Work- on things like salary ranges for different
ize in what you do! ing with a recruiter should always be free roles.
for the candidate, but keep in mind that the ▪
employer is paying the bill. • Provide you with honest feedback on
If your experience or interests don’t align
your expectations.
with our specialty, we’re typically not as

useful to your search because we won’t If you want a career coach, there are some
have the connections, relationships, or ex- amazing coaches who have the tools and • Review resumes, prep for interviews,
perience to be a valued resource to either training to be a huge benefit to your search. and offer salary and benefits negotia-
you or the employer in that area. tion advice.

As expected, these personalized coaching • Tap into a huge network of employers.
There was a viral post by a recruiter on services do come at a cost to you. ▪
LinkedIn where he broke down this special-
• Give ongoing job advice and support.
ization (he’s an accounting recruiter too) and However, the best part of working with a
the comment section was flooded with re- third-party recruiter is that you both have
sponses like: “I graduated top of my class and And, if you meet with a recruiter, they’ll also
the same goal: finding you a job with a great
have 20 years of engineering experience! Are give you feedback – or they should!
employer that fits your skills, culture, and
you saying you wouldn’t place me?” background.
They can give you tips on your presentation
And the recruiter’s answer was an loud and and resume, assist you in strategizing your
A good recruiter can help you:
clear “No!,” because he didn’t work on engi- job search process, and give you an unbi-
neering roles. ased view of the market, just for taking the
• Keep your search confidential instead time to chat with them.
of sending your resume out into the un-
And you’d be amazed (or maybe not) at how known.
many people were offended by his answer. Sounds like a job dating expert to me!

• Similarly, recruiters are a direct conduit

I’m always a little surprised at how upset If you’re interested in chatting about re-
to the employer for your application,
people can get around this subject, but if cruiting, have an accounting need, or you’re
complete with recommendation and
you think about it – we don’t expect a per- looking for a new accounting position in the
son selling real estate in New York to find Portland Metro area, feel free to reach out!
us a house in Arizona, and we don’t expect
a tax attorney to handle our divorce.
• Tell you about unposted opportunities
Wishing you the best of luck on your job
(which are 80% of open roles out there).
Wouldn’t you rather work with a market
• Provide insight into where you stand

Six Emerging Tech Trends in the Healthcare Industry

By Naveen Joshi - Director at Allerin. Works on Data Analytics and Strategies, Process Automation, Connected Infrastructure (IoT)

market will give an insight into how fast the

The penetration of technology in the healthcare industry is adopting different The healthcare industry deals with large
healthcare industry is impacting nearly all technologies. volumes of data every day. The data can be
used to provide better healthcare services
the practices of healthcare professionals. An estimate shows that the digital to the patients if analyzed to gain insights.
The use of healthcare technology has healthcare market will reach a whopping
$509.2 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of Data might contain personal information
proven beneficial for doctors to provide 27.7%. and other critical information about the pa-
better medical services to their patients. tient and hence needs to be secured.
Healthcare technology is making medical
care equitable, affordable, interoperable, Technologies can help secure electronic
Remember the days when a person had to and accessible to people around the globe. health records and health information ex-
wait for days to get the results of any med- change between different healthcare sys-
ical test? Digital transformation is indeed revolu- tems.
tionizing every industry, but in healthcare
Even the doctors had to wait for the re- specifically, technology is helping people There are many technologies that are cur-
ports to diagnose a disease. But those days lead a healthier, safer, and more productive rently improving the healthcare industry.
are gone now. life.
Artificial intelligence
Driven by the need to provide a better pa- Nowadays, everyone uses wearable gadg-
tient experience, the healthcare industry is ets to monitor their health, and it can be
said that people have become more de- There are many ways AI is transforming the
experiencing a huge shift towards digital
pendent on technology to live a stress-free healthcare industry. AI-enabled robots can
life. help provide robotic surgery.

Technology is changing the way people live. Robots can move in compact space and
Since people have become so much de-
pendent on technology, it is important to reach further than what humans are capa-
And, when it comes to health, people al- ble of.
understand which technologies are impact-
ways seek the best technology to cure ill-
ing the lives of people in what ways.
nesses and get healthier. Surgeries can be done with small incisions,
Top six healthcare technology trends as robotic hands are smaller when com-
Just a glance at the digital healthcare pared to human hands.

AI healthcare is also useful in medical imag- growth of telehealth is its scalability. to sending prescriptions to them,
ing. The AI and deep learning can analyze smartphones can allow doctors to com-
CAT scans much faster than human radiol- Today’s telehealth technology is reaching plete small tasks from every corner of the
ogists, and detect diseases in just 1.2 sec- the patients in the most remote regions of world.
onds. the world to provide quality healthcare ser-
vices. Doctors are also using telemonitoring tech-
Healthcare institutes can educate people nology to monitor vital signs, symptoms,
about diseases based on their symptoms. Not all patients are able to meet the doctor and blood levels of patients through a wire-
For instance, AI chatbots can communicate in the scheduled time due to different rea- less network.
with people about their symptoms.

Based on the symptoms, chatbots can de-

tect the disease. Chatbots, on the basis of-
machine learning algorithms, can also de-
termine the severity of any disease and
whether a doctor’s consultation is required
or not.

People usually do not share their psycho-

logical status.

With AI chatbots, people get a platform

where they can discuss their emotions
without the fear of being judged.

Big data and the cloud

Data is used in every industry to make de-

cisions and grow businesses, and so is the
case with the healthcare industry.

Compiling and collating the healthcare data

itself is a huge challenge, and big data has
found its application in the healthcare in-
dustry to address this challenge.

Big data can be useful in maintaining elec-

tronic health records, giving real-time
alerts, and performing medical research.
Based on the medical data of the patients of
an area, big data can locate high infection

The healthcare institutes and governments

can then take initiatives to prevent the
spread of infection in real-time.

The medical data contains some infor-

mation like medical weaknesses and per-
sonal information that can be used against
the patient.

Hence, medical data should be kept confi-

dential. Transferring this data to the cloud
can help secure the medical data.

A combination of public and private clouds

can facilitate a more secure storage envi-
ronment and provide remote access to sons, and telemedicine can provide a solu- Blockchain
both patients and doctors. tion to the issue.
Electronic medical records are the current
Telemedicine Telemedicine technology can minimize the way of gathering and transferring medical
need for meeting the doctor by providing data across healthcare systems and service
The number of telehealth patients has at-home consultation through mobile de- providers.
shown a dramatic rise. The telehealth mar- vices.
ket size is projected to grow up to $16.7 bil- Blockchain systems can address the limita-
lion by 2025. The reason behind the From accessing patients’ medical records tions of electronic medical records and

make data accessible on multiple platforms. IoT is the use of various devices connected But, what’s interesting is that AR and VR
via the internet for remote monitoring of can be helpful in much smaller practices as
For instance, one of the limitations of elec- the patient’s well-being. well.
tronic medical records is that it requires
health institutes to use the same hosting For instance, ECG monitors, fitness track- VR can help in the recovery of Alzheimer’s
system to be able to connect and share ers, and smart sensors can measure pulse and dementia patients. Alzheimer‘s and de-
data. rate, heart rate, blood pressure, and even mentia patients can retrieve memories and
sugar level of a person. a sense of joy with the help of VR.
On the other hand, Blockchain technology
can allow the sharing of data across many With continuous monitoring that IoT pro- AR, on the other hand, can help improve the
systems, and send data wherever it needs vides, healthcare practitioners can keep a first stick injection success.
to be without any limitations. constant watch on their patient’s health.
Vein visualization is a technology that uses
The use of blockchain technology will also IoT in the healthcare industry provides in- AR to project veins on the surface of the
reduce the number of fake drugs and in- teroperability, end-to-end information ex- skin. It helps to find veins for blood draws,
crease transparency. change, and data movement, which helps in and IV starts.
making healthcare services delivery more
For example, what if a doctor needs to buy effective. What people have seen so far in healthcare
a drug and wants to verify the authenticity technology is just the tip of the iceberg.
of the drug before ordering it. The healthcare industry can also use IoT for
research purposes. IoT devices collect mas- The adoption of healthcare technology will
The doctor can use a blockchain-based ap- sive data about the patient’s illness, which eventually rise to a point where patients
plication to get the information on the jour- can be used for statistical study and re- will eventually demand its use for getting
ney of the drug from the manufacturer to search purposes. enhanced treatments.
the pharmacy.
AR and VR Thus, healthcare administrators should
If the drug is fake, then no information adopt healthcare technology to be ready
about the drug would be displayed in the The use of AR and VR technology is not for the future.
application. something new and earth-shattering. Eve-
ryone knows that AR and VR are used by
IoT doctors for even complex procedures like

6 Mindsets That Will Help You Achieve Your Biggest Dream

By Kathy Caprino - Finding Brave Expert | Career/Executive/Leadership Coach | Int'l Speaker | Writer dedicated to the advancement of women

MINDSETS ARE: They pursue every great new opportunity

Working with people who can't wait to that emerges and every door that opens in
“dig deep, discover their true self and illu- They believe that this dream is possible support of their big vision, even if that di-
with 100% of their being, but they don’t rection might look very different from how
minate the world with it,” we focus on not overly attach to the “hows.” they first saw it in their mind’s eye.
just landing a job, or making more money.
The people I’ve interviewed and worked They recognize that there’s a right time and
with who’ve done truly remarkable things a wrong time for this dream to hatch.
These folks are pursuing the BIG dream or in life don’t waste one second of their time
vision that will change everything for them, wondering if their dream is possible. When I look back at what I deeply, desper-
and bring the thrill, reward and impact that ately longed for in my life (for instance, leav-
they desperately long for. They’ve done the legwork, vetted the direc- ing my unhappy 18-year corporate life and
tion, and have no doubts that this is what starting my own private practice and consult-
In fact, this one dream has become a true call- they want to pursue and that the world ing business), I see that there was a perfect
ing for them. needs them to. timing for that and also a very imperfect
Over time, I’ve seen that there are six vi- But they make a point of not getting
tally important mindsets and ways of be- bogged down in the “hows” of the process. Personally speaking, when my children
having that pave the way for your huge were little, I simply didn’t have the energy,
dream or vision to come into being. stamina, bandwidth or focusing capability
In other words, they focus intensively on to launch them into the world as well as
what they want, but they realize that how birth my own business “baby” at the same
Without these mindsets, the dream may be they get there needs to be fluid, changing, time.
realized, but the path will be far bumpier, flexible and adaptable.
less direct, and more painful, with a greater
number of errors, setbacks and losses. I wanted to be there for my kids every mi-
They act, learn, and grow, and then inte- nute I could, and for that, my corporate
grate that learning. work followed by a period in which I earned
my masters degree in marriage and family

therapy provided a more structured oppor- if you’re already thinking about when to fantastic success on their dream path didn’t
tunity for that. throw in the towel, you shouldn’t start. have the knowledge or capability that they
“should” have had to achieve huge things
But as they grew and matured, and needed (take a look at billionaire Spanx Founder Sara
They don’t ask “Why me?” They ask “Why
me less, my time did come and I pounced on Blakely for one prime example).
not me?”
What they did have was an undying belief
Women I work with often share their
Knowing and honoring the best timing for that that their idea was necessary and ben-
doubts about their ability to make their big
your particular dream is vitally important if eficial for the world and nothing would stop
dreams happen.
you want it to be birthed in the most effec- them from being the one to launch it.
tive way possible.
When we peel the onion, they’re actually
They recognize what they don’t know and
revealing one core question: “Why me?”
They don’t bother themselves with “odds” move forward to close those gaps.
or “chances” of success.
They wonder why they should be so “lucky”
One of my biggest dreams for my life in re-
or blessed to live an amazing life, or why
Many people I know have a huge vision for cent times has been to write a screenplay
they deserve to have their thrilling dream
their life or work, but stab it through the depicting a powerful story idea that
come true when others can’t or don't.
heart with constant obsessing about the emerged in my mind five or so years ago.

odds of succeeding. Many doubt that they’re “good enough” to I knew I needed some help to make this
launch this exciting endeavor, or that they happen, so I pursued story-writing courses
They’ll say things like: “Do you know how “deserve” to have the success they long for. (one that was riveting was Robert McKee’s
slim the chances are of making it as an artist STORY), read screenplays, studied film and
(or actor, or writer, etc.)?" But that’s the entirely wrong question to worked with screenwriting software.
Or “I’m too old to start this now – the chance But still, I wasn’t moving forward.
of success is so much worse when you’re my The real question is, “Why not me?”
age,” or “90% of all startups fail– why should I In asking myself why this is, I recognized
put myself through this only to fail miserably?” Why can’t you build what you dream of? If that, while I write thousands of words a
you believe that everyone before you week for my various blogs, I’ve never writ-
If out of the gate you’re preoccupied with who's launched their big visions success- ten a screenplay and it feels daunting to me.
the odds or chances of succeeding or fail- fully were more deserving, smarter, tal-
ing, then you just don’t have what it takes to ented, or more qualified, you’re mistaken. I struggled with even how to begin.
make this thing happen.
You’ll find (if you do the research) that This year, I finally decided to go out and get
As comedian Monique Marvez shares in my many thousands of people who’ve created some tailored help from an expert to learn
book Breakdown, Breakthrough - more about the process of writing a

powerful story with rich, complex charac- forward and sharing it with the world. into your mind and your heart will abso-
ters. lutely influence your self-esteem, self-im-
They surround themselves with wonderful age, self-reliance, positivity, and alter your
I “braved up” and asked my inspiring enter- supporters who have the self-esteem and belief in your own ideas, intuition and capa-
tainment colleagues whom they’d recom- self-confidence to help others fly. bilities.
Finally, we’ve all heard the adage, “You’re Those who fly high and achieve their big-
Finally, this month I hired a wonderful writ- the average of the five people you spend the gest dreams surround themselves with
ing coach in L.A., and already this one small most time with.” people who are strong, positive and confi-
act has unlocked so much in me. dent, who have a bedrock of self-esteem to
stand on that allows them to happily sup-
Is it actually true? From my research with port the ascension of others.
I see the road ahead much more clearly now. thousands of professionals a year, I’ve seen
it is.
In fact, everyone involved in achieving big
I've seen thousands of people's dreams dreams (or supporting others to do it) under-
crushed into dust when they refuse to rec- And research studies have proven that stands that the more we help others soar,
ognize that they need a certain kind of help what you let into your consciousness and the more our entire civilization benefits.
to lift them off the ground. who you allow to influence you will dramat-
ically shape what you believe, feel and do.
I’d love to hear all about your big, inspiring
Special expertise – whether that’s creative dreams and how you’re bringing them into
support, business help, financial guidance, From allowing in negative news that ruins being this year.
marketing expertise, or other kind of train- your day, to letting naysayers and negative
ing – is often the key to moving your dream people shatter your hopes, what you allow

Give Me Back My Leadership!

By Paul Simard - Director, Community and Impact Partnerships at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

have seen this word exalted, dragged their own individual way of leading?
I will start this article the same way I have through the mud, and now, with the help of
done at some points in the past – with an “qualifiers”, it is being dissected, divided and I’ll come back to this later, but I’ve just given
reintroduced into what for me looks like a you a sense of what I see as a major prob-
apology, although I am not apologetic multi-headed hydra. lem going forward, and why we have a seri-
about my thoughts, I understand others ous lack of leadership being cultivated in al-
Here are some examples of what I mean. most every area leadership is exercised
might not necessarily agree with what I (which is to say, EVERYWHERE).

am about to say. Empathic Leadership.

I believe that the downfall of Leadership re-
Authentic Leadership. ally started when we began to celebrate the
I have friends and colleagues who work in hard-nosed, win-at-all-costs, get-out-of-
areas that are directly linked to what I want my-way, eat-your-young –type leaders.
Compassionate Leadership.
to talk about today, and some of it directly
speaks to the very work that they do and One of the most recognizable and famous
the language they use. Feminine Leadership. is Jack Welch, former CEO of GE.

But, if nothing else, the fact that they are Conscious Leadership. Now, do not get me wrong, what Mr. Welch
friends and colleagues means that in the did with GE is impressive.
end, I believe that this post could lead us to Transformative Leadership.
some wonderful discussions. He grew the value of the company by
Strategic Leadership. 4,000% - an impressive number for any
And in today’s world of “likes”, “hearts” and company, never mind one that is the size of
“thumbs up”, conversations are a rare treat. Those are the positive ones, and I could GE.
keep going, for a lonnnnnnnng time.
So bring them on. One of his most famous practices, however,
My first question when I see this list is: Why was to cut the bottom 10% of performers
Leadership. It seems as if the past 20 years do so many types of Leadership exist, and in the company across the board.
why do they all seem to be coming to life as

This may have been a beneficial way to in- Masculine Leadership in particular is an inter-
crease a sense of competition and activity esting one.
among employees, but I can only imagine
the sense of fear that must have been tan- The very word masculine has taken a beat-
gible for workers in that environment. ing over the recent decade, no thanks to
men like Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and
Over time, more and more leaders began to many, many others.
take on this style of leadership, hoping to
emulate not only his success, but his per- Thanks to them, all things masculine have
sona. become toxic, and in fact, the term Toxic
Masculinity is so prevalent right now, many
One could easily argue that the ultimate men that I speak to fear exhibiting any kind
breakdown of what it means to demon- of masculinity for fear of being thrown into
strate “leadership” has now gone beyond that boiling vat of oil.
the corporate world, and is now penetrat-
ing everywhere from the non-profit sector More on this subject in a future article.
and, of course, our politics, as well.
I have had women as my boss in the past.
And so it was that those who did not want And I can tell you this: there were times
to be associated with this trend began ap- when I absolutely wanted her to demon-
plying qualifiers to the word Leadership, strate masculine leadership.
hoping to clarify and differentiate them-
selves from these most narcissistic, mega-
lomaniacal blowhards. Hard discussions, hard decisions. Tough talk.

In interviews, it has even become a stand- But there were times when I also needed
ard question to ask someone taking on a the feminine. Compassion. Empathy.
management role: “What kind of leader are
you?”, thereby forcing the candidate to “pick But men who are leaders must also strive to
a side” knowing full well that the simple an- demonstrate these qualities.
swer of, “I try to be one who demonstrates
leadership” would not be enough. I do everything I can to demonstrate and
develop both sides, all sides, of leadership.
I’ve been there, done that, guilty as charged.
So here is the point: In the end, I believe we
At this point, I would invite you to scroll need to Reclaim Leadership.
back to the top and look at that list of differ-
ent types of leadership. Because, when you think about it, Leader-
ship that does not, when necessary,
Now, ask yourself: Are there any one of demonstrate compassion, empathy, au-
those qualities that you would NOT want thenticity, strategic thinking, or conscious-
your manager, boss or even a member of ness, not to mention the feminine and the
your family to demonstrate? masculine, well, it is not leadership at all, is
Would you want someone who was Com-
passionate but not Authentic, Feminine but
not (gasp!) Masculine? No? I did not think

e-Invoicing in India

By Ridvan Yigit - CCO - Tax Technology, Indirect Tax, Regulatory Reporting

A big step into a digital economy to be overloaded and uneven technological in- invoicing requirement was the decision
frastructure. taken by the GST Council at its 37th GST
completed in 2020 Council Meeting. It is being rolled out in
This means that the planned mandatory B2B and B2G transactions only.
India and the whole APAC region are rec- real-time verification of invoices will not
ognized as a developing market in e-invoic- only hit fake GST (Goods and Services Tax) It shall not apply then to B2C (at least not to
ing compared to EMEA, NAM (average) and invoice operations and other GST fraud- the same extent).
LATAM (leaders). sters but also regular taxpayers, especially
MSMEs which cannot afford the fully- Although the requirement is mainly putting
fledged software solution. effort on the suppliers, the buyers would
However, the Indian e-invoicing regulation
definitely qualifies as a leading develop- also be interested.
ment. Although e-invoicing is the major change in
2020, a number of e-tax developments are The invoices they receive are in line with
also scheduled for 2020. regulations, as the input VAT deduction will
Taking its own steps to develop e-invoicing,
India is especially dynamic in choosing the only apply provided that invoice is a valid e-
TAX CLEARANCE model. In addition to e-Invoicing, there is also a pi- invoice using IRN (Invoice Reference Num-
lot pending for automated tax clearance on ber).
the importation of goods.
At this point, this is the most advanced so-
lution for e-invoicing in the world (already in The e-invoicing will serve all types of GST
place in LATAM countries – Mexico, Chile, At the same time, due to large-scale upload documents, including invoices, credit notes
Peru). of GST returns and submission portal over- and debit notes.
load, a new development allows for stag-
gered (staged) filing. It may also cover other supporting docu-
This is no surprise, as we are talking about
a country with wide-spread tax fraud and mentation that may be required by law. The
huge potential savings for the government. e-Invoicing Obligation – Basic Information e-invoice schema already foresees such a
At the same time, it also suffers from an The legal basis for introducing the e-

The obligation to issue e-invoices is di- Within this format, the taxpayer shall in- This information along with numerous op-
rected to taxpayers registered under GST clude all the required fields (34 fields) out of tional fields allows for simplification of the
exceeding a certain turnover. a total of 133 fields that have been mapped invoicing process for all businesses.
in the invoice structure.
You will find more details on the implemen- e-Reporting via e-invoicing
tation schedule below. The mandatory fields include the typical in-
voice information such as supplier’s and The e-invoicing system was introduced
e-Invoice – Format and Content buyer’s data, amounts and dates. with two main objectives: to cut down on
tax frauds and simplify the administrative
The invoice shall be uploaded by taxpayers Interestingly, within this list are also fields burden related to the invoicing process.
using JSON format. JSON is generally sim- allowing users to identify types of transac-
ilar to XML, which nowadays is commonly tions in terms of GST (export, import, bonded The solution is comprehensive and ad-
used across jurisdictions for e-invoicing warehouse, reverse charge, own use, etc.). dresses a number of business areas (not
and e-tax requirements but is less flexible. only tax-related).

GST return (GSTR) filing currently involves information on the e-Way Bill based on in- Hopefully, some of these may become inva-
a great deal of manual work and it is far formation provided in the e-Invoice. lid in the next months or in the upgraded
from being error-free. version of the e-invoicing system.
The e-invoicing schema already includes
E-invoicing is designed to ease the process the information related to transportation First of all, the modifications of e-invoices
and improve its quality. (Transporter ID, Vehicle number) to enable in IRP will not be possible through automa-
full automation of e-Way Bill, although this tion.
Once IRN is issued, it will generate infor- information is not mandatory at this stage.
mation in the sale and purchase registers Therefore, full cancellation will be required
(Anx-1 and Anx-2) automatically. Integration and Compliance Challenges in order to modify the document in case of
even minor mistakes or omissions.
Data provided in the e-invoices and up- Although the development is far-reaching,
loaded into the GSTN portal (IRP) will also there are several challenges that busi- There will only be a 24-hour (counting from
be used to pre-populate the GST return nesses will have to face. upload) window for verification and modifi-
(RET-1). cation of e-invoices in IRP.
They will definitely require additional ERP
The e-invoicing system will also deliver a development or external provider support Another thing is that archiving of e-invoices
set of information to be used for the pur- in order to enable smooth e-invoicing un- will not be possible in the portal. The in-
poses of the Electronic Way Bill (e-WayBill der the new regime. voice will only be available in the IRP portal
– goods movement tracking system). for 24 hours.
There are, however. a few facts that are
Once the e-invoice is uploaded into the worth pointing out as the system entails However, it will be archived in the GST sys-
portal, it will enable population of several challenges. tem during the financial year. Therefore,

the taxpayers’ software must be able to e-Invoicing Implementation Schedule within the first half of 2020, starting with a
store e-invoices during the statute of limi- 3-month trial period and launching manda-
tations period. e-Invoicing will be implemented in stages tory e-invoicing as of April 2020.

What may pose a significant issue (espe-

cially for large businesses producing large
numbers of documents on a daily basis) is that
bulk upload will not be available.

Invoices will have to be uploaded one by

one. However, this possibility has been pro-
vided in the API-based mode.

Finally, there is also a challenge in terms of

compliance and the available infrastruc-

There is growing anxiety regarding the abil-

ity of the IRP to serve e-invoicing, keeping
in mind that the GSTN portal has been fac-
ing overload glitches, resulting in a modifi-
cation of the law allowing the GST submis-
sion in stages.

e-Invoicing – Summary implemented: system or via external providers.

There is no doubt that the development will • ability to issue an invoice in a standard- The JSON of the e-invoice may be up-
require a technical upgrade of the ERP or ized format (JSON) according to the loaded directly onto the IRP (via ERP inte-
the accounting systems in order to meet published schema, gration), through ASP/GSP or through a
the requirement. Regardless of the system third-party
▪ provided application.
currently in place, each taxpayer will have • ability to report the e-invoice to the
to ensure that these two developments are central system (GSTN) directly from the

Beware of Centralized Procurement Structures, Exempt Services and VAT

By Francisco Javier Sánchez Gallardo - Vocal de IVA en Tribunal Económico-Administrativo Centra

been declared by the ECJ in its judgment of as insurance), should, as a general rule, be
The issue I want to talk about is the risk 25-2-1999, CPP, C-349/96. computed in terms of pro rata in their gross
that, for the purposes of VAT, entails the amounts, as explained in the article of last
In the commentary of “If I carry out financial January 26, unless the national rules other-
implementation of centralized structures operations, am I required to apply the pro rata wise, it can be concluded that the parent
rule to settle the deductible VAT?”, I explained entity of a group that centralizes financing
for the provision of services when they are or insurance for its subsidiaries could be
how the jurisprudence of the ECJ has un-
exempt from VAT and may therefore limit derstood that financial operations that in- obliged to include in its pro rata the
volve the direct, permanent and necessary amounts received from its subsidiaries
the right to deduction of those who oper- prolongation of the activity of the taxable when the corresponding amounts are re-
person must be included in the terms of its invoiced, even in the case that it is limited
ate in this way. to impact the cost of its supplies.
pro rata, thus limiting the right to deduc-
These are very common structures in Certainly, in the concretion of the above
groups of companies, in which the head of This has been concluded when considering considerations, national specificities must
the group, which usually has easier access that these operations could not be classi- be taken into account, which art.173.2 of
to the financial markets, receives third- fied as accessory and, according to the VAT Directive propitiates (separated
party financing, then directing it to the sub- art.174.2 of the VAT Directive, they should activities, special treatments for distortion sit-
sidiaries that need it. The same can happen be computed for the calculation of the pro uations, etcetera).
in insurance services. rata.
It is no less true, however, that what we
Except for better opinion, and in the case of In the case of insurance contracts, there is have just explained can generate important
chain supplies, with the ECJ you never not even a rule that allows exclusion if they surprises to groups of companies that, of
know, this chain operation should lead to can be classified as accessory, so this risk is theirs, do not engage in exempt operations
the conclusion that whoever mediates in even greater. and consider that the limitations on the
his own name receives and provides the right to deduction of a borne VAT are alien
corresponding service. This is also deduced to them.
Also found that financial operations (as well
from art.18 of the VAT Directive and has

The Need for MaaS in Smart Cities

By Naveen Joshi - Director at Allerin. Works on Data Analytics and Strategies, Process Automation, Connected Infrastructure (IoT)

With active mobility and effective public as a service has gained the attention of in-
New modes of personal mobility are transport as its base, MaaS offers the best vestors to invest in it.
emerging in smart cities with the imple- route and travel option as per the need of
commuters. With increased investment, the MaaS mar-
mentation of autonomous vehicles. Add- ket is estimated to reach a whopping
ing to this, a new model of personal mobil- And, it also provides an integrated platform $230.4 billion by the end of 2025, at a
to book and pay for the rides. MaaS is trans- CAGR of 32.6%.
ity known as mobility as a service. forming travel in a way that probably no
one would have thought of a decade ago. But, the outcomes of implementing MaaS,
its impacts on sustainable mobility, and the
Everyone, at some or the other point, might The output of experimenting with mobility need for implementing it may still not be
have been in a situation when they had to
call their senior at work to inform them that
they will be late, all because of the ineffi-
ciency of public transport.

Mobility services in cities are deteriorating

with every coming day due to traffic con-
gestion caused by the mismanagement of
the flow of public transport vehicles.

But, that won’t be a problem now as the of-

ficials of smart cities have started imple-
menting a new way of mobility, which is
termed as mobility as a service.

MaaS can overcome the challenge of decid-

ing the optimal route to travel, that is faced
by commuters.

clear to governments and enterprises. For instance, both the service providers will increase the response of commuters to
will know the route of the commuter but initiatives like car-pooling and ride-sharing.
Mobility as a service infrastructure their personal information will not be
shared with the other service providers. More and more people will leverage the
The working of MaaS relies on collabora- benefits of sharing a ride.
tion between the commuters, aggregators, The transparency of blockchain technology
and service providers. will also allow service providers to know Reports show that the use of mobility as a
that the use of the bicycle for that person service has the potential to create more
will become obsolete at point A. sustainable travel behaviors.
Aggregators are those who collect the re-
quired data and create or provide a plat-
form to create applications for mobility ser- So the service providers can find another For instance, research based on the MaaS
vices. commuter who wants to travel from point implementation trial carried out in the city
A to point B with a bicycle and share the re- of Greater Manchester shows that 26% of
quired information to both commuters for commuters were more willing to use public
The alliance of commuters, aggregators, the seamless exchange of bicycles.
and service providers structures the life cy- transport.
cle and ecosystem of mobility as a service.
Towards the end of travel, MaaS providers And 21% were willing to take a bicycle or
also provide many options for payment walk with mobility as a service infrastruc-
The ecosystem of MaaS starts with collect-
ing data to provide personalized mobility
services to the users. And, what better than
IoT devices for collecting data?

IoT devices can collect data relating to

travel like frequency, mode, and payment

Devices can also collect data related to in-

frastructures like EV charging points, park-
ing spaces, road conditions, and congestion

MaaS service providers and aggregators

can then optimize the usage of mobility by
analyzing the data gathered.

Using the data collected by IoT devices,

service providers can also provide the best
mode and route of travel for every individ-

The infrastructure-related data can help

government officials to understand the
changing needs of commuters and manage
the demand and supply of transportation methods so that financial transactions be- ture.
more efficiently. come smooth and trustworthy for both
commuters and service providers. The arrival of AI-based autonomous vehi-
Once the data is collected, aggregators can cles can act as a game-changer to bring the
build platforms and applications that oper- IoT technology-based payments can help ride-hailing services to mainstream.
ate on the blockchain technology and pro- secure transactions.
vide a user interface for commuters to The use of ride-hailing services will in-
choose end-to-end travel options. Impact of mobility as a service on sustaina- crease vehicle occupancy, but it will reduce
bility the cost of travel and provide a mode of
The decentralized ledger technology al- door-to-door transport for commuters.
lows all the service providers to integrate
From a government’s perspective, MaaS
into a single platform to provide enhanced Mobility as a service trends to look out for
can be a tool to achieve sustained mobility
customer service.
and the environment.
The implementation of mobility as a service
For instance, a commuter wants to take a
For a sustained environment, it is obvious is forcing travel service providers to
cycle ride to point A and then wants to
that the use of MaaS will reduce the use of change their business models that can com-
travel via car from there.
private vehicles. plement it.

A blockchain-based MaaS platform will al-

And, reduced private vehicles will eventu- The emergence of MaaS service is giving
low the commuter to book a bicycle and a
ally reduce the amount of carbon gas re- rise to the following trends in the smart city
car simultaneously from the same applica-
leased from vehicles. transportation system:
tion, either from a single vendor or two dif-
ferent vendors, and at the same time can
offer transparency too. For instance, if executed correctly, MaaS Growth of micro-mobility

With MaaS in effect, companies are trying Blockchain technology, in the meanwhile, the networks to make them more accessi-
to provide different options for traveling. will improve data transparency. ble to commuters while improving their
overall travel experience.
Travel industry giants like Uber and Lyft Open data will help commuters adopt
are investing in e-scooters as a travel op- MaaS to a great extent as commuters can For instance, governments are taking initi-
tion for short journeys. easily see the options available to them. atives to build more EV-charging spots to
cope with the increasing number of e-vehi-
E-scooters are a viable alternative for in- Proliferation of autonomous vehicles cles made by auto manufacturers.
ner-city travel, particularly for frequent
and short journeys, as they can help reduce AI-based autonomous vehicles and IoT de- It is clear that we are at the beginning of a
traffic congestion. vices are making transportation smarter as new era in terms of mobility, but are we
we move towards shared transportation. ready to embrace it?
Increased focus on open data
AI-based self-driving cars are made with a Instead of being a spectator of the revolu-
The success of MaaS depends on interop- vision to minimize accidents, and MaaS in- tion, it is time for city administrators and
erability and open data. frastructure will minimize road accidents transport agencies to act now and steer de-
with the integrated use of many technolo- velopments in the right direction.

The focus on interoperability and open gies and ensure a mobility system with
data are increasing the use of IoT and fewer accidents and low congestion. It is clear that mobility as a service is surely
blockchain technology in the mobility sec- going to be the travel model for the future.
tor. Rise of public-private collaboration
It can not only help travel service providers
IoT devices can increase interoperability to handle commuters’ expectations effec-
The emergence of MaaS can foster greater
between vehicles and smartphones of com- tively but also help these businesses to stay
collaboration between governments and
muters and service providers. relevant and profitable as the transporta-
private sector companies to distribute the
tion industry evolves.
burden of travel expectations and balance

How to Use Data to Find the Best Airbnb Rental Property to Buy

By Siavash Saki - Data Scientist

With a size of 891 km², this means roughly 1) Berlin Airbnb listings: I was lucky to find
This report is a summary of my IBM Data 27 homes are being rented out per km² in this dataset already scraped on a web-
Science Capstone Project, which leads to Berlin on Airbnb! site called insideairbnb. This saved me a
my IBM Data Science Certificate. The lot of time.
So it seems like a promising idea to make 2) List of apartments for sale in Berlin:
whole code (written in python) and com-
this investment, but we cannot just take it This time I had to scrape data directly
plete Jupyter Notebook is available at my from a website called Immo-
for granted. We have to do some financial
GitHub profile. It goes deep into data analysis and find out if this investment is bilienScout24, which is an online mar-
analysis and uses different machine right for us. After proving this point, the ketplace for real estate in Germany.
most important question will follow: which 3) Popular Venues in Berlin: This data is
learning algorithms, both supervised and extracted from Foursquare Database
apartment should we buy? There are thou-
unsupervised learning as well as Classifi- sands of apartments in Berlin. using their Rest API.
cation and Regression algorithms. 4) Geo-location Data: Using HERE Rest
API, we could access a geocoder, which
The key to the success of any real estate in- can extract coordinates of apartments.
#1: Introduction vestment business is finding the right prop-
erty in a top location. The same holds true
for investing in an Airbnb rental property. The data-driven solution is to use Airbnb
For a long time, my girlfriend and I have data to build an income prediction model.
been discussing to invest in real estate. No matter how great of a property man-
ager and an Airbnb host we are, we cannot Then get the real estate data and apply this
One idea we came up with is to buy an model to predict yearly incomes. Using our
apartment and rent it out on Airbnb. do well and make a lot of money unless we
buy a profitable property first. model, we can predict the yearly income of
each apartment.
Airbnb is an online marketplace that lets
people rent out their properties or spare Having described our business problem,
the following question will drive this pro- These Incomes alone are not enough for
rooms to guests. It has successfully dis- decision making. We then perform a finan-
rupted the traditional hospitality industry ject:
cial analysis to determine the profitability
as more and more travelers decide to use of properties. This project calculates Re-
Airbnb as their primary accommodation Is an Airbnb Investment Right for me? if turn On Investment (ROI) to evaluate the
provider. yes, how can I find the best Airbnb rental efficiency of an investment. After calculat-
properties in Berlin to buy and which prop- ing this metric, a strong model is generated
Since its inception in 2008, Airbnb has seen erty should I buy? which answers our questions.
enormous growth, with the number of
rentals listed on its website growing expo- Well, that doesn’t seem like an easy ques- #2: Exploring Airbnb Data
nentially each year. tion to answer. (It’s pretty hard actually!)
But we have a savior, who comes to rescue.
The Berlin Airbnb dataset has details of
In Germany, no city is more popular than That’s right. It is Data! And luckily enough,
about 22,000 listings in Berlin and 106
our home town, Berlin. It is one of the hot- it is all free.
data-points for each listing. We select only
test markets for Airbnb in Europe, with the columns that think we may need and
over 24,000 listings as of November 2019. The datasets we use in this project are: look if there is any missing data.

As expected there are many missing data, or we drop the whole square_feet column. outliers. For example, here is a box plot for
which we have to deal with. There are dif- Price distribution. There are listings with 0
ferent methods to take care of them. For After that, it is time to clean the data. We €/night and more than 1000 €/night.
example, we can fill cleaning_fee with zero, correct the data-types and get rid of

We remove outliers by the commonly used Also, If we look at some examples, we can • 33qm
rule that says: a data point is an outlier if it identify a pattern. • 110 sqm
is more than 1.5*IQR above the third quar- • 90 sqm
tile or below the first quartile. If I search for double-digit or three-digit
numbers which are followed by m, s, q, with m2 and sqm are abbreviated forms of
Once the data is cleaned, we start feature or without space but not followed by mb or square meters and qm is short for Quadrat-
engineering. The first and maybe the most mi, I most probably find the living area. meter which is the german word for square
important feature we need is apartment liv- meters. The reason for neglecting mb and
ing area. You may ask why. I tell you why: mi is that they are used as short forms for
Mbits and Minutes.
This can be highly correlated to price. But If we look at several texts, we see, the living
unfortunately, it is not directly given in the area is mentioned in them in these ways: As shown by the graph below, the results
dataset but I figured it is usually mentioned are excellent.
in the apartment description or summary.
• 40 m²

The next feature to extract is the list of amenities. We select only the ones which may make a difference. For Example, balcony, stairless
entry or elevator.

The third feature is distance from the Berlin City Center, which can be calculated using the longitude and latitude of the apartments. After
that, we categorize apartments by neighborhoods. Let’s take a look at hot neighborhoods with the most listings.

That helps us to group apartments. Listings that are very far from City Center mostly in Zone B of Berlin are grouped under Other. On the
map below we can see some samples grouped by neighborhoods:

To make the prediction model even more accurate, we download information about nearby venues from Foursquare for each listing and add
it to our dataset. Then, we group this data by categories and finally, it can show us the total number of each kind of venue in its 500meter
radius. Here is an example of an apartment in Neukölln.

To investigate this location data and to find out how much they make sense, we ran an unsupervised machine learning algorithm called K-
Means-Clustering. First, we specified the number of clusters using the Elbow method.

Regarding the Elbow method, we grouped data into 5 clusters. The location of the labeled data can be seen in the graph below.

The clustering makes much sense. Cluster Cluster 3 is Business districts with many of- Instead, we assume that we have one week
0 has apartments far from the city center in fices and hotels. Cluster 4 is also a residen- of vacancy each month.
residential areas with the fewest number of tial area but inside the city, where you can
restaurants, bars and coffee shops, but still find some bars, restaurants or bakery Then we multiply the price per night in the
most supermarkets nearby. shops. number of occupied days and voilà! There
we have our yearly income!
Cluster 1 is the cool part of the city (mainly The next feature is the Yearly Income. That
Kreuzberg) with an average of 23 bars and is also our target to predict. The feature engineering is done!
12 coffee shops nearby.
Since we have the intention to use the In the next step, we make exploratory plots
Cluster 2 is kind of downtown with an aver- apartment as an Airbnb rental property, we of data to gain a better understanding. Let’s
age of 35 restaurants. don’t build an occupancy model. begin with Yearly Income Distribution.

The distribution is right-skewed with a median of about 19,000 €. Let’s see if it differs for different room types. The pie chart below shows
that there are two major room types: Entire Home/Apt and Private Room. The histograms show hosts who offer entire home/apt tend to
have a higher income.

Let’s see which are the most and least expensive districts of Berlin regarding price per night.

Sorting districts by median price per night, Pankow, with the very popular neighborhood Prenzlauerberg, is the most expensive and
Spandau is the cheapest district of Berlin.

In the next step, let’s investigate the relation between the living area and price per night. First, let’s take a look at living area distribution.
According to the graph below, most of the apartments are between 25 and 75 square meters, which seems reasonable.

Plots below visualize linear relationship as determined through regression, between living area and price. By looking at the correlation co-
efficient and p-value, we can certainly say there is a strong relationship between these two and the relationship is stronger for apartments
offered as entire home/apt.

Before we go to the next step, let’s find out how the chosen amenities affect yearly income median value.

Obviously, offering these amenities can be positively correlated with a higher yearly income. Let’s do this also for different cancellation

It seems like having a strict cancellation policy can help hosts to Airbnb data is ready for our machine learning algorithm. Before
make more money. Maybe because you lower your chance of get- jumping to building our Income Prediction Model let’s also explore
ting canceled and having a longer vacancy. Strict policy can kind of Real Estate Data.
guarantee your income for already booked days.

#3: Exploring Real Estate Data values, get rid of outliers, correct format- real estate data. This is downloaded using
ting and clean the data. HERE Rest API which has a strong geo-
I scraped this data from the Immobilien- coder that converts address into longitude
Scout24 website. It contains details about One missing feature is the neighborhood. and latitude.
6000 apartments in Berlin which are cur- Unfortunately, location platforms do not
rently for sale. provide this information for free. But what Using the K-Nearest-Neighbors algorithm,
we have, is a rich Airbnb dataset of 22000 we build a model to predict neighborhoods.
Living Area, ‘Number of Rooms’, Amenities, coordinates and their neighborhoods. Running the model for different k values
Address, and Price are the features in our and comparing errors, helps us to deter-
dataset. Like always, it has missing and un- With this data, we can build a classification mine optimum k value.
usual values. First, we deal with missing model. Still, we need coordinates for the

At k equal to one, the accuracy score is equal to 99.1% which is great. Let’s look at decision boundaries and compare them to a real Berlin

The model did a very good job. I can barely distinguish between the We continue by doing more EDA. First, let’s take a look at the price
plot and the real map. and living area.

The median price of an apartment in Berlin is 330,000 € and the median living area is 70 sqm. Besides, we can investigate how these are
correlated. As shown by the graph below, Price, living area and number of rooms have a strong relationship.

Let’s find the most and least expensive districts of Berlin. First, we plot price per square meter and then the median price of an apartment
for each district.

In both, Charlottenburg-Willmersdorf is the most expensive and Using a 2D kernel density plot, we can find out which areas have
Spandau is the cheapest district in Berlin. the most available apartments for sale.

The hot spots on the map are all areas, which have been facing construction for a few years.

The plot below shows the relationship between the distance from the city center and the price per square meter.

Apartments tend to get more expensive, as the southwest part of the city which has We successfully collected and explored our
they get closer to the city center. Except for many luxurious apartments and houses. data. It is time to build our ML model.

#4: Building formal statistical models • Polynomial Regression Moreover, to see how much Foursquare
• Random Forest Regression Dataset will help to refine the model, we
In order to predict a quantity, we need to • Support Vector Machine Regression build all the models with and without FS
build a regression model. In this project, dif- Data and compare the results.
ferent estimators are used and compared. The measure used for comparing these al-
These are: gorithms is Root Mean Square Error The RMSE values can be seen in the graph
(RMSE). The lower the RMSE, the better below.
• Linear Regression the model.

The best performance among all was in the Foursquare data set. How many of So it turns out, too many features cannot be
brought by Random Forest Regression them do we need? good. They add a variance error to the
with foursquare data. model and make the total error larger.
We can run our model for different values
There is still another variable to determine. and compare the results. The graph below shows RMSE for different
There are more than 300 venue categories numbers of features

As can be seen, 8 features produce the least RMSE. Let’s compare the predicted and real values as well as Residuals for our test subset.

Everything looks fine, we can now use all the data to build the main model.

#5: Results and Discussion

We use the model to predict yearly incomes for all the apartments. Let’s look at the predicted values.

The median is 31,000 and the values look reasonable. Let’s see how they are related to the living area and the number of rooms.

Highly correlated as expected. Also, let’s look at the price and yearly income.

The scatter plot below shows that there is start to cost more than 600 k€. I won’t get into the details of the financial
a positive relation between apartment analysis (they are in the Jupyter Notebook
prices and their yearly income on Airbnb. To do the financial analysis, we assume that if you are interested).
The more you pay for the house, the higher we pay 20% of the apartment price as
is your income. Down Payment. After all the calculations, Return On Invest-
ment is obtained for all of the apartments.
That makes sense. But this holds true to a The rest amount of the price plus the addi-
certain amount. It is observed that income tional buying fees should get loaned. Let’s look at the ROI values.
will not get much higher as apartments

The median value for ROI is about 15%, ROI value down to -20%. That means not all Let’s look at the top 50 apartments in tour-
which means generally speaking that's a of them would be profitable and we can not ist-friendly neighborhoods of the city with
good idea to invest in this business. But as just buy any property. the largest ROI Values.
can be seen, there are properties with an

As can be seen in the above table: would probably rather stay near the city • It costs 74,000 € which is a very rea-
center than have a 100 sqm apartment. sonable price
• The median ROI is 89% • It is 36 sqm. which would be great for a
• The median size is 33 sqm The number all add up, and I believe they single or a couple to stay
• The median price is 100,000 € make total sense. • It is located in Tiergarten in the middle
• The most frequent neighborhood is of the city, and the location on the map
Tiergarten, Mitte In case we want to buy a property, we can shows that it is near a subway station
check the top apartments’ profiles on the • It has a balcony
ImmobilienScout website and finally make
It means our model suggests that it is bet-
a decision.
ter to buy a small and relatively cheap
apartment in a good location. 35 sqm
seems to be perfect for two guests who Let’s look up the first apartment on the list.

Here is a photo of the apartment:

The picture is good. The apartment looks • ROI is 138%! comparing price per night for this apart-
nice. Let's take a look at numbers: • monthly cash flow is 1713 € ment and similar apartments on Airbnb.
(The apartment is marked with the red lo-
• Down Payment is only 15,000 € cation marker on the map).
This is all very promising. Let’s make sure if
• monthly mortgage is only 344 € our predicted yearly income is true, by

The search result on Airbnb (price per night rent per night starts from 91 €. Our pre- All in all, the analysis makes sense and buy-
for a couple looking for an entire place ) dicted value of 92 €/night looks to be a rea- ing the 36 sqm flat in Beusselstr, Tiergar-
shows that in this location the apartments' sonable price. ten is an interesting investment

The TOP Person Charity and Magazine

The TOP Person is a global charity with a mission to help people and other charities and organizations to further
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