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1. The avantages and disadvantages of VIDEO CALLING and SOCIAL NETWORKING:

In my opinion, VIDEO CALLING is one of the best methods of communication, since it allows you to
interact with people all around the world in a realistic way. Of course, it is possible to communicate
with somebody who is distant not only through VIDEO CALLING; You may make a phone call to
somebody and not open your camera and you still will be able to communicate with them. You may
also write a letter to a loved one and send it through courier and you will also be able to be in touch
with this person. Even though it is possible to use previous mentioned methods of communication
to be in touch with somebody, VIDEO CALLING has so many advantages, and of course some
disadvantages. For instance, the VIDEO CALLING method allows you to have a video conference
using platforms such as ZOOM and TEAM, and it allows you to have a virtual meeting without having
to spend your time to travel in order to meet with that group. Especially now that the world is going
through a pandemic, VIDEO CALLING method has been revolutionary for those who have business
meetings in a regular basis. In addition, VIDEO CALLING has facilitated the communication between
many couples around the world which are in a long-distance relationship. The disadvantages of
VIDEO CALLING are that it depends on your internet connection, both parties must have relatively
good internet connection in order to have a stable conversation. Anyway, in the current modern
world, it is easier than before to have access to internet and, therefore, VIDEO CALLING is better
than many other communication methods. SOCIAL NETWORKING has also incredibly facilitated
people’s communication; It has helped many people around the world to reconnect with the people
they thought they would never see them again; it is also a perfect tool for those who want to create
their business connections and/or find job opportunities. One of the notable negative sides of it is
that social networking users are not always safe with regard to their privacy. It has also been
affecting negatively people who are obsessed with their appearance and see somebody online who
seems to be cooler than him/her. Overall, SOCIAL NETWORKING has been a great tool for huge part
of the humanity, and thanks for that many people around the globe were able to open their mind
and know about the truth. In the social media platforms like Instagram, you may follow accounts
such as CNN and BBC and get informed. Thus, SOCIAL NETWORKING method is definitely the fastest
way to find breaking news.

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