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Task 6: Installation of Software (VLC Media Player).

To install VLC Media Player in Windows XP.

Step 0: Download and launch installer

Download the installer package from the VLC download page for Windows web site. Once
downloaded, double click it to begin the installation process. If you're using Windows XP, 7 or 8
and have UAC enabled, you may be prompted to grant the program administrator permissions.
Clicking Yes will allow you to continue.

Step 1: Select installer language

Select the language that you want the installer to be displayed in.

Step 2: Welcome screen

Like millions of people before you, your love affair with VLC begins with an ominous warning
about closing all other applications before installing it. You can just go ahead and click Next.
Step 3: Licence agreement
You should think about reading the Terms of Service prior to clicking Next.

Step 4: Select components

This menu provides you with the ability to customize your install. You choose all the
components you wish to install and whether you want VLC to be your default media player or
not. Once you are done, feel free to click Next.

Step 5: Pick a location

You choose the installation folder with Browse... and when you are ready you click Install.
Step 6: Now installing
Wait as VLC begins installing.

Step 7: Installation complete

Once installation is completed, you may choose to run VLC, read a bunch of boring release
notes, or do nothing at all. Nothing at all. Nothing at all.
Task 7: Accessing Internet &Email.
Internet access is the ability of individuals and organizations to connect to
the Internet using computer terminals, computers, and other devices; and to access
services such as email and the World Wide Web. Internet access is sold by Internet
service providers (ISPs) delivering connectivity at a wide range of data transfer
rates via various networking technologies. Many organizations, including a growing
number of municipal entities, also provide cost-free wireless access.

What is Email?

 A Electronic mail, abbreviated e-mail or email is a

method of composing, sending and messages over
electronic communicationsystems.
 Quickly delivered in seconds or minutes (if withoutproblem).
 What you needis
 The E-mail address of therecipient.
 user@host
 “" is the domain name of the mail server,
which handles the recipient'smail.
 “john" is the user name of therecipient.
 User name and hostname are separated by"@".
 Carbon CopySection
 Send a message to more than one person; all the
recipients will see the list of email addresses.

 Blind Carbon Copy Section

 When email is sent to a large group of people

who don’t knoweach other. When email is sent
to a large group of people who don’t knoweach

Email Service Providers:

 Yahoo! Mail
 Gmail
 Hotmail

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