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Hannah Mae Elliott

Vicky Laurita

AP Language

November 30, 2018

Portrait of Madame X

I. Superiority envelopes the woman

Herself so egotistical
Empathetic for those unlike her

II. Surround by average

The royal wear the crown
Having full control of society

III. Ivory white skin

Simple yet bold
Ebony black dress
She shines through the drab

IV. Such an elegant one

Looking back
Hatred and pain infuriates

V. Standing tall
Like a goddess
Rising above the clouds
Looking down
Among her people

VI. Small crown

Little gold
She desires change

VII. Her eyes peering

Observing society
Wishing she was like them
A desire to be normal

VIII. Holding herself high

She is not high
She is equal
Everyone is equal

IX. Looking in the past

Wanting to change it all
She knows she can’t
She chose this

X. Remembering Narcissus,
Known for his beauty
She wants to be known
But not for her beauty

XI. Skin as white as snow

Once cold hearted
But is no more

XII. Standing stall

Piercing eyes
Gleaming skin

XIII. I am an elite
I can change
And I will become
One of them

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