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Education Historical Timeline

1600s Education in the Colonies. During this period the first approach to education that
children had was homeschool or also known as “dame school” where parents and grandparents
taught their children reading, values, social grades and vocational skills that will help them in
their future lives as wives and husbands during their first years then the lessons become more
specialized with classes of writing, computation, etc. But the homeschool was not the only
resource of education also children were sent to traditional schools where the scholar curriculum
was focus on the school subjects as reading and reading but also was more focused in the study
of the bible. Christopher Lamb was a very important character for education in the sixteenth
century. During his time as a teacher, he introduced the thought of no violence in the classroom
that more often was used for teachers as an apprenticeship method.

1619 Blacks and Native American Classes. Since 1619 blacks and native Americans were
denied education opportunities therefore in rare cases some religious imparted classes among
these groups of people. The goals of this group were to teach poor children especially girl to
read, to write, to be good Christians and sometimes the skills need for the roles as future wives
and mothers.

1635 Establishment of the Boston Latin Grammar School. Puritans established their first
Latin Grammar School in Boston fifteen years later of they arrived in America Boston Latin
grammar School was exclusive for boys. Its school curriculum was similar to the European root
therefore students were expected to read and recite in Latin.

1636 Harvard College Foundation. Harvard was the first college in America, this
was founded with the purpose to prepare the minister.

1642 Massachusetts Passed Law. Demands that parents and master apprenticed were
periodically check to ensure that children were receiving an appropriate and right education.

1647 Old Deluder Satan Law. Puritans with the purpose to keep the citizen aware from Satan’
trickery established a law that requires every town with fifty to hundred households to pay for
writing and reading lesson and also those towns must provide Latin grammar school a five euro
penalty must be payable in case of do not do so. By 1680 in many communities and town after
have learned how to write and read girls were sent to their home for learning the art of
housekeeping and boy who cannot afford they education were sent to a grammar school.

Northern and Middle Colonies education. Various religious groups established communities
school and apprenticeships groomed youngsters where a variety of careers were taught. Also in
these colonies, the demand for commerce and mercantile promoted the formation of a private
school devoted to job training.

1700s American education was reconstructed. Thomas Jefferson fought for free access to
education for white children to all economic and social novels.

Private Teachers and Night School. Private and night classes were functioning in New York
and Philadelphia teaching accounting, navigation, French, Spanish, etc.

Education in English Colonies Plantation. By a way, wealthy plantation owner taught their
children not only basic school subjects like math, reading, writhing if not also they taught their
children social communication skills and slave management. On the other hand, poor children
were taught by the parents to read and write.

1740 Prohibition of slaves educación. A law that does not allow African slaves to be educated
was passed in South Carolina in 1740.

1749 Benjamin Franklin Proposal. He suggested replacing the Latin Grammar School with a
new kind of secondary school.

1751 Establishment of the Franklin Academic. The school curriculum this time was free of
religious influence and it offered a variety of academic subjects like mathematics, astronomy,
navigation, etc and some other programs and elective courses also Franklin Academic was
available for boys and girls who could afford the tuition. Eventually Franklin Academic made
possible the establishment of six thousand other academics in the following century.

1800s Reforms and establishment of free education. During the first decades of this century
many farmers, immigrants, and urban laborers became in the democracy meanly they demanded
access to education.

1837 Horace Mann and Free Access to Common School. He was an activist for the common
school movement to free education for everyone more often known as the “Father of Public
Elementary School” also he as superintendent in school tried to establish a common though of
equality between poor and wealthy children. Besides Mann fought for better conditions for
public school, more effective teaching training programs and more stringent teaching licensing
procedures. Another Mann’s contributions to education were preparing teachers in pedagogy
instant to the physical punishment as a method of apprenticeship and he introduced useful
subjects of study to replace the study of Greek and Latin.
1821 Foundation of the English Classical School. Established in Boston in 1821 English
Secondary School enrolled 176 male students and it was not until 1852 that Boston could afford
a similar school for girls.

1822 Invention of the Cherokee Syllabary. With the invention of the Cherokee syllabary, the
Cherokee language was written and books and newspapers were published and as a result,
Cherokee school become Bilingue.

1823 Mississippi Law. Prohibited education to black students.

1824 Establishment of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).This establishment began placing
whole tribes of Native people in reservations. BIA continue to see education as a tool to make
possible the approach of young Native American into the dominant European American school

1830 Louisiana prohibited give classes to slaves. Law imposes prison sentences to anyone who
was caught teaching slaves to read or write.

1830 Prudence Crandall brought education to African American girls. After her graduation
from Brown Seminary, she decided to teach black women and later she founded her own African
American School.

1833 Black Law. After three years that Crandall had has created her black school the
Connecticut Legislature passed a law that promotes the creation of black schools in other states.

1837 Friedrich Froebel Founded the First Kindergarten. He founded this with the purpose to
cultivate children’s development and socialization. Proving games and assignments that promote
and improve kids education.

1850 Establishment of the Miner Normal School. This school was established for colored girls
thank you to the work and persistence of other women as Harriet Beecher Stowe and Myrtilla
Miner. Providing new educational opportunities for African American women.

1874 Kalamazoo Michigan case. The court ruled that taxed could be used to support secondary

1880 Horace Mann education achievement. More than ten millions of Americans of all social
levels were enrolled in upper in advance elementary school classes thank you to the efforts of
Horace Mann.
1892 The ( NEA) Established the Commit of Ten. The National Education Association
established a policy for high schools that requires teachers in high school to teach required
college courses to make sure students were well prepared for their transition to college.

1896 Plessy vs Ferguson. By a Supreme Court decision segregation in schools become legal
they called “separate by equal.” But certainly, the trait and care for a group and another was not

1900s Teaching a Male Career. In the mid-nineteenth century, the masculine sex was a
predominant gender in the teaching career. Although some women taught at home they were not
allowed to teach in a regular school and earn a public salary if so they were viewed as gender

Catherine Beecher. Was a feminist activist for the equal treatment of women in the teaching
career, highlight of their domestic skills and continue their preparation for marriage.

By the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, unmarried female was highly hired
becoming now a problem of the gendered female. This concern was brought to debate where it
was considered to bring back males to the teaching career. administration, coaching and high
school departments were designed for male bastions. At the end of World War Two married
women were employed by many school districts.

1908 Maria Montessori. Her contribution to education was the establishment of the children's
school called Casa Dei Bambini created with the purpose to educate children with disadvantages
from the slums of Rome.

1909 Establishment of First Junior High School. The first Junior High School was founded in
Columbus, Ohio offering classes to 7, 8, 9 grades covering the needs of preadolescents with
more emphasis in guidance, counseling and school curriculum focus in physiological, social and
psychological activities.

1918 (NEA) Establish a policy to prepare high school students for live roles. This policy
sought for heath, worthy home membership, command and fundamental academic skills,
vocation, etc for all secondary school students.

1920-1930 John Dewey. He started to spread the word for the educación movement all over the
world. Dewey was considered for many as the savior of school and many others as the guilty to
the loss of traditional American values.
1920 Mary McLeod Bethune. McLeod was the first children of her family born not slave given
the educational opportunities that she had she was able to help other black girls establishing a
black college against other who opposed to give educational opportunities to color women.

1930 Kenneth Clark. His work studying the consequences of racism in the educational system
create a great impact on the scholar community. Brown vs the Board Educacion case Supreme
Court decision had highly persuaded in the study of Clark declaring the separation by equal an
illegal practice in the United States.

1950 Unfair Farewell of Teachers. During the Cold War and McCarthy anti-communism.
Teachers could be fired for being a card carried anti-communism, another unfair reason was to
be homosexual among another. During this time the number of married teachers doubled.

1952 Sylvia Ashton-Warner. Her passion was the art of painting, drawing and wringing she
was a teacher in New Zealand classrooms and due to her creativity, she developed innovative
teaching techniques that influenced professors all over the world and especially in the United

1954 Brown vs Board of Education in Topeka. In this case, the Supreme Court decision was
the desegregation of all public schools given that they considered separation by equal an activity
that had not to place in the current educational system of that time.

1958 National Defence Educación Act. With the purpose to enhance national security and
development of resources and technical skills of his men and women. NDEA supported the
introduction and curriculum improvement, founded teacher training and provided loans to
college students that allow them to major in demand in national defense.

1964 Civil Rights Act. President Lyndon B Johnson and congress worked together to eradicate
racial segregation. The Civil Right Act gives the government the power to help school districts to

1983 Educational Reform. Given the lower test scores and the weak performance of the
students in United States schools compared to the performance of students and other
industrialized countries. The states started to implement more courses take required for
graduation and required more tests for teachers and students.

2000s Educación System Reforms and Equal Educación.

2007 Supreme Court Ruled. In this year the Supreme Court further away from desegregation
efforts by striking down plans in Seattle and Louisville that use race to assign K-12 students to
public school.

Sadker, David M. & Zittleman, Karen. (2018) Teachers, Schools, and Society A Brief
Introduction To Education (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

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