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: MCT/MST Formative Teaching Observation Feedback & Assessment Rubric

Al Afaaq
Course Code & CRN Placement School

Student Name & Reem Abdulla Musaed Date of 20/04/2021

HCT ID Ali(H00330578) Observation
MCT / MST Name Michelle Walsh Observation # 3
The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback based on
the selected teaching competencies. NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric
included in the TP Booklet.

Commitment to the Profession (15%) F D C B A

Reem shows enthusiasm and dedication to her practice.

Planning for Learning (15%) F D C B A

Lesson was well planned with clear structures. Teacher has clearly researched her topic.

Managing Learning (15%) F D C B A

Good time management and attention to detail. Transitions are very good. Teacher is showing increased

Implementing Learning (20%) F D C B A

Students were engaged and working well.

Assessment (15%) F D C B A

Live worksheet to check for understanding.

Reflection on Practice (20%) F D C B A

Reem is keen to receive feedback and use this to improve subsequent lessons. I think this shows great

Action Plan:
Reem has implemented all my suggestions and modified her lessons accordingly.

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