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Make A Model Of The Human Body

Let’s Read

E very day, you have to do many activities. You walk, you run, you eat
and you exercise. To do these activities, the skeletons inside your body
helps it to move. The skull, the ribs, the vertebrae and the thigh bone as
some of the main bones of the human skeleton, and the spine is a main part of
the human skeleton. Bones cannot move by themselves. Humans and many
animals have muscles under their skin that help them move in different ways.
Some muscles are attached to bones
to make them move. Muscles are very
flexible. Muscles can pull but cannot push,
so they always work in pairs. One muscle
contracts and pulls a bone and this makes
the bone move. At the same time, the other
muscle relaxes. Then, to make the bone
move in the opposite direction, the muscle
that relaxed the first time contracts and
pulls the bone, while the other muscle
When a muscle contracts, it gets
shorter and thicker and pulls the bone it is
attached to. When a muscle relaxes it goes
back to its normal size (it looks longer and
thinner). When one muscle contracts, the
other muscle of the pair relaxes.
Let’s Explore

1. Peserta didik dapat menunjukkan bentuk-bentuk tulang utama manusia
dengan tepat. (KI. 3 dan KI. 4)
2. Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan mekanisme kerja otot dengan tepat. (KI. 3
dan KI. 4)


1. Gunting
2. Lem Kertas
3. Alat Tulis
4. Lembar project

1. Persiapkan alat dan bahan sesuai dengan yang tertera di atas.
2. PRINT terlebih dahulu lembar project ini.
3. Membuat model model of the arms:
a. Gunting bagian-bagian dari model of the arms di lampiran. Guntinglah
mengikuti garis putus-putus.
b. Susunlah dan tempelkan bagian bagian tersebut di lembar Worksheet.
4. Membuat model of the human body :
a. Gunting bagian-bagian dari model of the human body dan gambar the
human skeletons di lampiran. Guntinglah mengikuti garis putus-putus.
b. Susunlah dan tempelkan bagian bagian model of the human body
tersebut di lembar Worksheet.
c. Explore the bones you can feel in your body. Kemudian tempelkan gambar
the human skeletons diatas model yang sudah kamu buat. Pastikan
posisinya tepat sesuai dengan tulang yang kamu punya.
5. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di lembar Worksheet dengan tepat.
6. Apabila telah selesai kumpulkan hasil pekerjanmu dengan cara difoto
lembar worksheetnya kemudian kirimkan kepada guru paling lambat
tanggal 28 Agustus 2020.


A. Models of the human arms

1) Lengkapi paragraf di bawah menggunakan salah satu kata berikut :
Ketika lengan menekuk maka otot 1________ akan 2____________. Sedangkan
otot pasangannya yaitu otot 3_________ akan 4_____________. Ketika lengan
kita posisinya lurus maka otot 5________ akan 6____________. Sedangkan otot
pasangannya yaitu otot 7_______ akan 8_______________.
2) Tempelkan models of the human arms yang telah kamu gunting, lalu
tunjukkan letak otot biseps dan triceps nya!

OTOT ___________

OTOT ___________
B.Model of the human skeletons
Tempelkan models of the human skeletons yang telah kamu gunting, lalu tunjukkan
letak Tulang tengkorak (the skull), tulang rusuk(the Ribs), ruas tulang belakang (the
vertebrae bones), dan tulang paha (the thigh bone), dan tulang belakang (the spine)!

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