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- versus - SP.PROC.No. ______________



PETITIONER, by counsel respectfully alleges that:

1. Petitioner Juan Santos Dela Cruz (hereafter referred to as

“Petitioner” for brevity) is of legal age, Filipino, married and with
residential address at ____________________________, Manila.

2. Respondent Jane Doe-Dela Cruz (hereafter referred to as

“Respondent” for brevity)is likewise Filipino, of legal age, married and
with residential address at
__________________________________, where she may be
served with summons and processes from the Honorable Court.

3. Petitioner and Respondent are spouses, having been

married under Catholic rites on February 14, 2004 at the San Agustin
Church, Manila.

A copy of the parties’ Certificate of Marriage is hereto attached

as Annex “A” and made an integral part hereof.

4. Petitioner and Respondent begot two children, namely

John Paul, 5 years old, having been born on October 1, 2009 and
George Ringgo, 2 years old, having been born on September 1,

Copies of the children’s Certificates of Live Birth are hereto

attached as Annexes “B” and “C”, respectively, and made integral
parts hereof.
5. Petitioner and the Respondent met sometime in the
month of May in 2002, where they were both students taking up a
course in Engineering in Alabang University. When they transferred
to Korea University in 2003 to pursue a more advanced course
inChemical Engineering, Petitioner and Respondent became
roommates. Although they were not exclusively dating at that time,
the two became intimate, as they were spending a lot of time

6. Sometime at the end of 2003, the two found out that the
Respondent was pregnant. Although the Petitioner realized the
shame that the Respondent will endure as soon as the news that she
got pregnant out of wedlock comes out, Petitioner himself was
confused because he could not know for sure if he was the father of
the child, since the Respondent was dating and was having pre-
marital sex with other men at that time. Not knowing what to do, the
Respondent went back to the Philippines. Thereafter, the Petitioner,
still confused by the situation,followed and likewise came home.

7. Back in the Philippines, meetings were had between the

families of the Petitioner and the Respondent. In order to keep the
peace between both their families, Petitioner and the Respondent
finally decided to get married.

8. Since the time of their marriage, the Respondent has

always been a supportive father to their children, providing his family
with a comfortable life by working as the Vice-President for Marketing
of Manila Projects Corporation. Although charged with the task of
being the provider in the family, the Respondent still sees to it that he
spends the necessary quality time with their children. There was even
a time that the Petitioner braved heavy storm and flood just to come
home in time to have dinner with the children and spend quality time
with them.

9. The Respondent on the other hand, struggled to adjust to

married life. She unforgivingly maintains a carefree disposition and
prioritizes her friends and social life over her family. In the process,
Respondent has failed to take good care of their children. Worse,
Respondent has neglected the children’s health and well-being and
even exposed the children to life-threatening situations.

10. The Respondent often leaves the children alone with little
and at times without adult supervision. The children are mere toddlers
and accidents are bound to happen when they are left alone, even for
just a brief period of time.

a. Sometime in the latter part of 2011, the Respondent

went to the house of Petitioner’s mother bringing with her their

youngest child, George Ringgo. However, she left their oldest
son, John Paul, with the maid inside their car, while it was
parked in front of the house of Petitioner’s mother, with the
windows closed and with no air-conditioning. For some reason,
the maid left the car, leaving John Paul, all alone inside, without
adult supervision. Thus, John Paul almost suffocated, so much
so that the child, only 2 years old at that time, was madly
banging the car in order to get out of it. It was then that the
Petitioner’s sistersaw John Paul, and opened the car finding the
child soaked in sweat and gasping for breath.

b. On another occasion, the Petitioner’s mother saw

George Ringgo playing all alone by the window at the third floor
of their house. Upon checking, Petitioner’s mother discovered
that the door of the fire escape, which was next to the spot
where the young boywas playing, did not have any lock, placing
him in grave danger of falling, had he accidentally pushed said

c. In another incident, Respondent left John Paul

alone inside the bathroom where he was taking a bath. The
child slipped and bumped his head causing a huge swelling.
Respondent did not even bring John Paul to the hospital to
have him checked for any internal injuries. Instead, Respondent
kept the incident secret from the Petitioner and it was only
when the Petitioner noticed the swelling on his son’s head did
he know of the incident. Even then, the Respondent refused to
bring the child to a hospital for an X-Ray Examination and
insists that the swelling would heal naturally. In a similar
incident, the second child, George Ringgo, was also left alone
playing in the bathroom. Seconds later, the child got his fingers
squeezed by the door, causing bruising and discoloration for

d. When they sleep at night, their children would often

sleep in between the Petitioner and the Respondent. The
Respondent would always wake up and leave her side of the
bed without any buffer or safeguard to prevent the children from
falling off the bed to the floor. The Petitioner always
reprimanded the Respondent telling her to put at least a
cushion to prevent the children from falling or wake him up so
he could be the one to put the necessary safeguard. The
requests fell on deaf ears and the Respondent refused to
change her ways. As a result, both children have had
experience falling off the bed at least once, and in one instance,
two consecutive falling incidents occurred in the same week.
Petitioner then just placed a rocking chair on Respondent’s side
of the bed to prevent the children from falling off the bed.

e. The Respondent has been so neglectful and
inattentive that the teat of the feeding bottle of George RInggo
has had a huge cut for some time before it has been
discovered. This could have caused asphyxiation to a feeding
toddler because of the milk that spurts out of the huge cut. It
may even cause choking in the event that the child finally bites
off the cut teat.

11. The Respondent does not care if the children sleep or eat
on time or if they are getting enough sleep or proper nutrition. She
spends so much time chatting in the internet or watching television or
hanging out with her friends that she neglects to perform her
obligations to her children.

a. Respondent would always keep to her room, in front

of the computer, chatting with her friends. This has been
Respondent’s routine, so much so, that she often neglects
feeding their children on time. The children would always eat
past meal times because she is too busy to be bothered.

b. Respondent also fails to pick up John Paul from

prep-school on time. While John Paul’s class ends by 1:30 in
the afternoon, Respondent would pick him up by 2:30 pm,
sometimes, even much later, all because Respondent spends
too much time chatting with her friends. In one instance,
Respondent even totally forgot to pick John Paul up from
school and it was only when Petitioner’s sister noticed at
around 4:30 in the afternoon that the child was not yet home did
they realize that he was still in school and the Respondent
forgot to pick him up.

c. Worse, the Respondent refuses to pack lunch or

even snacks for John Paulwhen he goes to school, her reason
being that he would no longer eat at home if he eats in school.
Although the Petitioner would buy biscuits or sandwiches for
John Paul to bring to school, Respondent refuses to pack John
Paul’s “baon” in the morning and insists that he should eat at
home instead.

d. The Respondent also deprives their children of

much needed sleep as she would normally read a book at night
before going to sleep. She does not care that she keeps the
light on inside the room disrupting the sleep of the children.

e. As if the children are not deprived of sleep enough,

Respondent would even bring the children to her social
gatherings, whenever she goes out with her friends, exposing

them to harmful elements present in an adult environment such
as parties. Respondent also refuses to go home early from
these parties further depriving her children the much needed
rest and sleep necessary for the children’s growth and
development. She would often go home from these parties by
midnight or even past midnight.

12. The Respondent also refuses to give the children the

proper medical attention necessary to ensure their proper
development. She rationalizes that any sickness or injury that the
children may have will heal naturally.

a. The Respondent was so much a believer of natural

methods of healing that she refuses to apply even common
medication when the children would get sick, not even when the
child is burning with fever. In fact the Respondent refused to get
the children vaccine for immunization and it was only when the
Petitioner and the Respondent had a huge fight over it that the
Respondent was forced to have the children vaccinated.

b. There was also an occasion when the younger

child, George Ringgo suffered from extreme rashes. Despite
the pitiful appearance of the child who was then covered by
rashes all over his body and very irritable and restless due to
the itch caused by the rashes, Respondent, once more insists
that the same would subside and heal naturally. Since the
Petitioner could not stand seeing his child like this, he brought
him to the dermatologist who right away noted that the allergy
of the child was so extreme that the skin was literally “crying out
loud” for help.

13. Finally, the Respondent’s lack oflove and care for her
children is manifested by her failure to take time out to teach and
educate her children during their cognitive years. She would lock
herself inside the office room in the third floor so that the children
could not bother her.

a. Respondent would delegate the task of teaching the

children basic lessons and skills to the maids even though the
maids themselves lacked training.

b. In fact, since the Respondent took the children with

her last year, the children have stopped schooling because the
Respondent is too busy and too lazy to bring the children to

14. What is apparent is that, since the marriage, the

Respondent refuses to change her lifestyle for the children, or for

family life for that matter. She expects the children to adjust to her
lifestyle even if it means sleep deprivation, undernourishment and
poor mental and psychological growth. The environment that the
Respondent has created for her children is overly inimical to their
health and well-being that the best interests of both children are best
served if they stay with the Petitioner, with temporary visitational
rights from the Respondent.

15. The Petitioner and the Respondent admittedly married in

haste. But while the Petitioner has taught himself to accept the
situation and adjust to married life and to being a family man, the
Respondent continued to maintain a single and carefreelife,
prioritizing mostly her personal and selfish interests, instead those of
her children. It is as if, she refuses to recognize and perform her
responsibilities as a mother.

16. Due to Respondent’s extreme obsession for chatting over

the internet, Petitioner suspected that Respondent was engaging in
extra-marital affairs. He would often get jealous and they often fight
about it. While the Petitioner is adamant that they should not fight in
front of the children, Respondent would most of the time start a fight
for the children to see, which, needless to say, causes emotional
scars on the children.

17. Respondent, on many occasions, threatened to leave the

house because of their constant fights over Respondent’s extra-
marital activities and on how to raise their children properly. Then, on
November 1, 2013, while the Petitioner was at the cemetery, the
Respondent decided to leave the household for good, bringing the
two children with her.

18. Since then, Respondent had forbidden Petitioner from

seeing their common children. On June 12, 2014, the Petitioner, with
his mother, went to Respondent’s house in Makati to see the children.
In the brief moment that the Petitioner saw his children, he noticed
right away that their youngest child had scratches on his face which
had scarred already. Petitioner surmised that this was caused by the
harsh way that the Respondent normally treats their children,
especially so since the Respondent has long nails and refuses to cut

19. It was then clear that the Respondent wishes to deprive

the Petitioner of his right to the care and custody over the children. In
fact, had he not stood his ground and insisted on seeing his children
that day, the Respondent would not allow him see his children.
Respondent even called security guards to make sure that the
Petitioner does not take the children away. The Respondent claims

that since she is the mother of the children, the latter should stay only
with her.

20. Article 211 of the Family Code of the Philippines provides

that, “the father and the mother shall jointly exercise parental
authority over the persons of their common children.” Parents’ right
to custody over their children is likewise enshrined in law. Article 220
of the Family Code provides that parents and individuals exercising
parental authority over their unemancipated children are entitled,
among other rights, “to keep them in their company.”  In legal
contemplation, the true nature of the parent-child relationship
encompasses much more than the implication of ascendancy of one
and obedience by the other.  As explained by the Supreme Court in
the case of Santos, Sr. v. Court of Appeals1, to wit:

“The right of custody accorded to parents springs from the

exercise of parental authority.  Parental authority or patria
potestas in Roman Law is the juridical institution whereby
parents rightfully assume control and protection of their
unemancipated children to the extent required by the
latter’s needs.  It is a mass of rights and obligations
which the law grants to parents for the purpose of the
children’s physical preservation and development, as
well as the cultivation of their intellect and the
education of their heart and senses.  As regards
parental authority, “there is no power, but a task; no
complex of rights, but a sum of duties; no
sovereignty but a sacred trust for the welfare of the
minor.” (Emphasis supplied)

21. Thus, parental authority and responsibility are

inalienable and may not be transferred or renounced except in
cases authorized by law.  The right attached to parental authority,
being purely personal, the law allows a waiver of parental authority
only in cases of adoption, guardianship and surrender to a children’s
home or an orphan institution.2 

22. Evidently, Petitioner has been unjustly and unlawfully

deprived by Respondent of his vested right of parental authority over
histwo children and has been ruthlessly deprived of his children’s

23. Thus, in view of the above-mentioned circumstances,

Petitioner should immediately be allowed to have the company of
their common children and to have their custody to make up for the
G.R. No. 113054, March 16, 1995.
Tonog vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 122906, February 7, 2002.

time he had been deprived of their company. The Honorable Court
should likewise order that the parties equally share parental authority
and custody over their minor children.

24. The Respondent has the means and the capacity to bring
the children out of the country to the extreme prejudice of, and
injustice, to herein Petitioner. It is thus prayed that the Honorable
Court immediately issue a Hold Departure Order to prevent either of
the parties from bringing the children out of the country without the
consent of the other parent and the Honorable Court.


WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, Petitioner respectfully

prays that the Honorable Court:

1. Issue an Order to the Respondent to

bring the minor children John Paul Dela Cruz and George Ringgo
Dela Cruz to this Honorable Court at the hour and date to be set by
this Honorable Court and, that immediately thereafter, order that the
custody of the minor be turned over to herein Petitioner to allow him
to make up for the lost time with his children.

2. Issue an Order awarding custody of

their children to the Petitioner, with regular visitational rights to the
Respondent, or directing the Respondent to allow Petitioner equal
parental authority over their minor children.

3. Issue a Hold Departure Order

addressed to the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation, directing it
not to allow the departure of John Paul Dela Cruz and George
RinggoDela Cruzfrom the Philippines without the permission of the
Petitioner and this Honorable Court.

Other reliefs, just and equitable under the premises, are

likewise prayed for.

Makati City for Manila, October 13, 2014 .

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