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Philosophy of Management
As an educator it is important to consider every aspect that goes into teaching. It’s
important to make sure that I am being the best teacher I can be to my students by providing
them a fun and safe environment in my classroom that enriches their learning experience. It is
also important that I am staying on task and teaching the standards and curriculum that I need to
teach in order to ensure that my students will be prepared to move onto the next grade and that
they are prepared for a new year of learning. Without having a solid plan in place for my
classroom management none of the important things that I mentioned will get accomplished. As
much as the classroom sounds like heaven on earth I have to remember that children will also be
a part of my heaven on earth. What’s important to remember about children is that even though I
imagine they will be angels in my classroom it's simply not the truth. Children are going to be
children and they will always act like children in my classroom. However, there will inevitably
be days where the children will go above and beyond the expectations of being children and they
will misbehave and that is why it is so important to have a management plan in place.
I always want my classroom to be a safe space where students feel free to express
themselves. I think the most important aspect of being a teacher is being a teacher who is trusted.
I want more than anything for my students and students' families to feel like they can trust me to
be their teacher. I will do that by creating an open and honest classroom environment where me
and my students can talk to me about anything that involves our classroom and classroom
procedures. I think a great way to set that relationship up with my students is following through
with my First Days of School Plan. It’ll ensure that I set up the relationship I want with students
and their families. I will also use my Letter to Parents as a way to initially establish trust with
my families so that they know that they are sending their students to a trusted educator. Other
ways that I will set this tone is using my Prevention Plan in the classroom. My prevention plan
is a fun way for students to stay interested in class time while also staying on task. I will take
time during class to take the brian breaks that we need and make the class and responses fun and
interactive for the students. One way that I will continue to establish trust throughout the year is
following through with my restorative intervention plan. I want students to know that I will never
humiliate them in class even when they are misbehaving. I think it is also important to note that
an aspect of having trust is knowing that even when you make a mistake the people you trust are
always going to be there for you. That is why with my Intervention Plan students will always
feel supported by me and their classmates even when they have had a lapse in judgment.
It is also important to note that during these unprecedented times of virtual learning my
expectation for the classroom and how I hope to manage my classroom are the same. I think all
of my ideals can be translated into the virtual classroom. I have seen it work so far and am seeing
it work in hybrid learning currently.
At the end of it all, I just want my students and families to know that they are loved by
me. I am honored and humbled to be in the position that I am in and I’m excited to try all these
management plan ideas in the classroom.

First Days Of School
The first days of school are some of the most important days not only for the students but
for the teachers. We all get those butterflies in our tummy the night before and we can’t sleep in
anticipation. We lay out the best first day of school outfit with our finest new clothes. The
excitement of seeing our friends and meeting the teacher never gets old. This time around I AM
the teacher. While I have always experienced the first day of school from the student perspective,
for the first time I’ll be on the teacher side. The first days of school are the most formative days
for how the classroom environment will be for the rest of the year. Here’s a list of what I hope to
do during the first days of school:
Learning my students names (pronunciation, why it's important to them)
● Some of the bulleted list above does change in terms of remote learning. Learning my
students names including how to pronounce them and why they’re important is possible
in both an in person and remote setting.
● I envision it as an assignment where they write down their name and explain why their
family gave it to them. Then we could each share and learn something about each other
which also gives us the opportunity to begin creating a safe space in our classroom.
● I also want to establish a great deal of respect in my classroom and I believe that one way
to ensure that the people around you are truly respecting each other is by learning how to
properly say someone’s name.
Establishing a safe environment with students
● Establishing a safe environment by first using the name activity
● I also imagine that I will let them know that my classroom is a safe space created for
them to learn and flourish.
● Ensure that my classroom is a good balance of colorful and welcoming. For some
students, a classroom that has walls covered can be distracting so I want to make sure that
I have a good balance of interesting and not distracting.
● Always welcome my students at the beginning of each day with an excited and warm
attitude. Students will bounce off of my energy and enthusiasm and I want to make sure
that I am exemplifying that each day.
● Read books that will comfort students on their first day
○ Ex: Mae’s First Day of School
Providing information about classroom policies
● At the beginning of the year we will work together as a class to set the ground rules for
what we expect from each other throughout the course of the year.
○ That could be accomplished through a class meeting brainstorming session where
we write down what we feel and create a promise to each other that we will
follow through on that promise for the rest of the year. I am all about mutual

● Make sure that my expectations are clear by already having them written out for them
● Classroom REPS
○ All of my students will be classroom REPS where they will constantly practice
Respect, Empathy, Patience, Success.
Have Fun!
● Play games, sing songs, and dance like crazy! There's nothing better than feeling excited
to come to school everyday and have fun.
● Take time to learn songs that we will be singing throughout the rest of the school year
● Have a dance break to shake out those first days of school jitters
● Give students the opportunity to let loose and really show who they are during these
● Play games that involve all students
○ Ex: Find a Friend Bingo, First Day of School Scavenger Hunt

Prevention Plan
In every classroom, having a prevention plan is essential to classroom management. In
teaching, one of the most important things to note is that things are not always going to go our
way. Sometimes technology may not be working properly and the beautiful presentation that I
created is no longer able to be viewed. The question now is how am I going to adjust and
continue teaching. That is why it is so important to have a solid prevention plan in place, so that
when life gives you lemons and you can’t make lemonade you can sure make some other kind of
● Classroom Policies: Every single student will practice,
○ Respect: always show respect for your peers and your teacher at all time, this
includes coming to school everyday ready to learn!
○ Empathy: understand that every student is different and they may have different
needs than you. Showing your classmates that you care to understand their
feelings will help us all feel safe in our classroom.
○ Patience: we must make sure that we have patience with each other. There may
be days where we’re frustrated with each other but we must always remind
ourselves to have patience with each other because flipping our lid helps no one
○ Success: we will show up to class every day ready to be successful!

Classroom Procedures:
Class Running Procedures:
● Morning Greeting: Every morning we will have morning greetings from the teacher at the
door as they enter and they can say hello and see a smiling face before the students start
their day.
○ Ex: What Do You Need Today where the students can choose if they need a high
five, hug, fist bump, or dance.

● Beginning of the Day: during this time the students are free to put their backpacks away
where they need to be. They can take this time to collect any materials they will need for
the day and then meet me on the carpet for the Morning Meeting. This should take no
longer than five minutes.
● Morning Meeting: students will meet me on the carpet so we can talk about how
everyone is feeling that day.
○ The students will first give me a thumbs up, sideways, or down to indicate how
they are feeling
○ Then we will go around the room and give each student the opportunity to share if
they want to
○ When students are sharing we will encourage them with little saying such as
“Hope you have a great day!”
○ This will also be the time where I explain the daily schedule and our objectives
and purposes for the day.

● Materials Wall: there will be a place in the classroom where all the needed materials for
the day will be. Included will be crayons, markers, color pencils, white boards, white
board markers, so on and so forth so that we stay organized.
● Clean Up: at the end of the day we will sing the song of the week to clean. We will have
as much time as the song of the week to place all items that need to be returned to the
materials wall back. Pick up any miscellaneous items and make sure that the floor is
clean of any trash.
Lesson Running Procedures:
● Sign Language/Hand Signals: While a lesson is running I will be able to communicate
with the students via sign language and hand signals. Simple ASL signs such as sit, stand
up, thank you, you're welcome. Hand signals such as crosses fingers for restroom, pinky
up for comment, and raised hand for questions.
● Sing Songs for Transitions: everytime we make a transition we will sing a song so
students can stay on task with something while making the transition to complete a
different task.
○ Ex: Days of the Week, Colors of the Rainbow, Song of the Week

● Think Pair Share: Students will take the time to think about a discussion point and then
share it with a partner or multiple group members. We want the students to be able to
communicate to their partners efficiently and effectively.
● “If you can hear me..”: as a call and response I will do the if you can hear me clap once
and the students clap back. I will do this until I have the attention of all students.
Eventually they will understand that when I call for them it’s time to pay attention.
● Finish Work Early: When students finish their work early they will get an opportunity to
work on something that may be more challenging than the assignment they just
completed was. They will have to report to me before they can continue with the extra
Interaction Procedures:
● Music Countdowns: Students will have to give me their attention by the time the song
that I played for them is finished. This will give them enough time to recognize that we
are meeting back and they still have a few minutes to finish what they're doing and be
ready to learn
● Bubble Gum Cheer: An easy way to get their attention is announcing that we’re going to
do the bubblegum cheer before we move to the next thing. It goes; “Get out your
bubblegum! (the kids will then mimic unwrapping the gum and putting it in their mouth)
Chew, chew, chew (now we pretend to blow a bubble) Whoo. whoo, whoo (put our hands
together and clap) POP!”
● Yodel: you do the first half of the traditional yodel lay he hoo! You start the song and
they finish it. It's easy to teach and they most likely are familiar with the tune of the song
● Sing song: start to sing a short song that the class already knows and until all students are
singing along then we can transition into the next step.
● Claps: the traditional clap that they do at basketball games is easy to do! This is like a
traditional you clap the beat and they repeat it until we have attention from everyone.
Effective Teacher Praise:
● Cheers: There are a variety of short cheers that students can do to encourage other
students. For example, we say “Brillar, Brillar, Shine!” It's just shine in Spanish, it a way
to encourage students. I love the Spanish/English!
● Addressing Mistakes: I want to always address mistakes as opportunities for learning. So
if a little one makes a mistake we’ll say, “That's okay because mistakes are an
opportunity to learn something new!”
● Effective Thanks: assuring that students are thanked by me effectively. I want to make
sure that students are getting praised when they really deserve it.
○ Ex: If they completed a favor is asked of them, or if they settled down quickly
when I asked them to.

● Celebrations: allotting time where every now and then students will get a surprise
celebration from me to acknowledge their hard work. The key is that these celebrations
will come as a surprise to the students. For example,
○ Acknowledging Hard Work: saying things such as “I can see how hard you
worked on this!” or “Wow I can really see those pencils moving!!”
○ Surprise Pizza Party: Randomly rewarding the students with a pizza party for their
hard work
○ Treasure Box: Giving the students an opportunity to pick from the treasure box
when I feel like they have been working hard and practicing our classroom policy
Relieving Energy
● Go Noodle: Go Noodle is a great website to find fun songs and dances to do in class that
are easy to follow. So if the kids are starting to look like they need a break we can find a
fun video to move around to.
● Timed Chats: I think it's great when students are given the opportunity to to simply talk
with their friends for a few minutes. It helps them to give their brain a break for a few
minutes and they'll be refreshed and ready to continue to learn.
● Calm Down Corner: If students during a lesson feel like they just can't sit in their seat any
longer they can go spend some time in the calm down corner. Filled with everything
fluffy they can set a timer for how much time they feel they need before returning to the
● Coconut Stretch: a guided stretch practice that will get our bodies moving and will take
less than two minutes. Can be really effective especially when the students seem restless.
● Free Time: this is a time where students have the choice to do as they please. They can
work on their assignments or do something recreational.

Letter to Parents
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Hello! My name is Stacy Delgadillo and I am so excited to introduce myself as your
child's student teacher this year! My love for education began in high school after having a
teacher who changed my life and educational career forever. I quickly decided that I wanted to
be like her but in the elementary school space. Once I graduated high school I started my college
career at Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, CA. After my sophomore year at APU I decided to
take the plunge and transfer to Westmont College and finish off my degree there. I graduated
from Westmont with a Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Studies with a concentration in Social
Science/History. While at Westmont I was able to intern in two classrooms at Canalino
Elementary in Carpinteria, one second grade class and one first grade dual immersion class. I
was also able to take classes at Westmont that enriched my learning experiences in education and
history. I am currently working towards getting my teaching credential at Westmont while
teaming up with my cooperating teacher, Andrea Lauderdale, to provide the best learning
experience for your child. I hope to influence your children in a positive manner to foster a safe
learning environment.
I would like to make it abundantly clear that your child's safety and comfort are of the
utmost importance to me. In my classroom we will respect each other, show empathy towards
each other, be patient, and work towards success. Your child's individual needs will be attended
to because every child matters. I hope to share with your children the joys of learning. All the
while I'll be learning from your children the joys of teaching.
I am thankful that you are entrusting me with teaching your children this year and I am
honored to have the responsibility. I know that it is a big job being a parent and wanting to
provide the best for your child each and every day. I hope that in this journey I can be a
productive member of your child’s learning community. What we both share in common is that
we want the best for your child academically. I hope that I can provide a great learning
experience for the whole class.I would like to extend my hand unto you as someone you can
communicate to openly and honestly as we begin this year's journey. Feel free to contact me at
my school email any time and I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner.

Stacy Delgadillo
Kindergarten Teacher

Intervention Plan
Everyday is unpredictable especially in a classroom. I have designed a prevention plan to
hopefully maintain the order in my classroom however, things don’t always go according to plan
and that is why it is so important to have an intervention plan in place. As much as I want our
students to be perfect angles for us the truth is that they are children and some days they are
going to misbehave. For the days when students aren’t being their best selves there needs to be
some clear and most importantly kind intervention.

Use a Non-Invasive approach

● Non-Verbal: There are times in the classroom when I will be able to correct students
without calling them out in front of the entire class and these below are some of the ways
I will do that.
○ Using our sign language cues such as “sit” “stand” “quiet”
○ Giving the students a warning look
○ Utilizing a behavior worksheet where the students can write to me what's going
○ Moving around the classroom and using proximity to get close to the students
who needs correction
● Focus Cues
○ Saying “I need everyone's eyes… i'm waiting for two more…”
○ Utilizing clap calls for focus
● Private conversation
○ Asking the student to come for a walk with me so we can converse on what's
going on
○ Beginning our conversation by asking the students if everything is okay
○ Allowing the students to explain their behavior to me and we’ll work together to
work on what we can to do correct it
Using Student Reflection
● Written Reflection
○ Having students write about their misbehavior in order to process their own
○ In the written reflection students will be able to write about how in the future they
could self correct their actions

● Guided Paragraphs
○ Having sheets available to students with instructions and the basic structure of a
paragraph already on the page to make their writing seamless
○ Ensuring that the pages are accessible to all and easy to understand so that all
students regardless of their standing can participate in this way
Teach Self Regulation
● Cool Off Corner
○ Allowing the students to send themselves to the cool of corner when they feel like
they are going to flip their lid
○ This allows for students to take time for themselves to self regulate their own
emotions without shame
● Not as Punishment
○ Sending the students to the cool off corner niot as a punishment but as a time for
the student to have time for themselves
○ It's important to recognize that the students are children and they have a complex
set of emotions that are not to be punished.
Provide Logical Consequences
● Warning System
○ Instead of just jumping the gun and giving students a consequence, providing
ample warnings before it gets to that level
○ Giving them a verbal warning, then moving to a written warning, and then a final
● Call’s Home
○ The final warning in my classroom will most likely lead to a call home.
○ Instead of flipping my lid and sending them away to the office I will make time to
make a call home and have them talk to a parent or guardian about their behavior.
● Not Keeping Students from Recess or Lunch
○ It is so important for students to have break times to recharge so I will never
punish a student with losing recess or lunch.
○ That is why it is important to have a cool off corner when students flip their lid so
that they can try and cool off.
Utilizing Teaching Moments
● Corrections During Class
○ If a students seems to be off task or not following directions, using that moment
as a teaching moment for the class to clarify what the directions are
○ It takes the heat off of one or two students and makes it a whole class correction
● Individual Corrections
○ Taking the time to go up to a student and remind them quietly that they need to be
on task
○ It's a less harsh way of approaching a corrections without announcing it to the
whole class
○ Allows for the students to feel less called out, ensure that the student will not be
humiliated in front of the class


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