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Everything revolves around the technologies nowadays.

Every business, huge or small has a net website

so that you can visit their business. Unlike before, information technology was at some sort limited in
every sector but nowadays, we are extensively feed up with technology of information all around us. In
the article of Nicholas Carr,"IT doesn't matter" he points out that information technology becomes
ubiquitous that they become commodities. He also added that companies will just purchase from 3rd
parties to fulfill IT requirements. Carr introduced the idea that information technology (IT) does not
provide a competitive advantage to companies in a strategic manner. Carr argues that IT has become a
commodity, and because the very nature of strategy requires differentiation, Information technology
cannot possibly qualify.

As I finished reading his article, I disagree with his major point that IT doesn't matter in competitive
advantage because in 21st century, information technology plays a major role in improving and
enhancing our lifestyle. According to,The importance of information technology in
business, it was stated there that workplaces cannot function without Information Technology and
Information System professionals. The a're a valuable part of every office and business environment.

Carr's statement about IT doesn't matter doesn't exist in todays world. Maybe in the year 2003,
Information technology is so readily available and the software used so easily copied, businesses cannot
hope to implement these tools to provide any sort of competitive advantage. Carr goes on to suggest
that since Information technology is essentially a commodity, it should be managed like one: low cost,
low risk. But today, Information technology helps to build and grow the commerce and business sector
and generate maximum possible output. In the blog "Importance of information technology in todays
world" from, the time taken by different sectors to generate business is now
minimised with an advancement in information technology. It provides electronic security, storage, and
efficient communication.

We live in the world of information, information technology has become a part of our daily lives.The
importance of Information Technology in business is vast. It helps each and every business sector in
automating their processes and their systems to target objectives, generate revenue and reduce
inefficiency of their work. The value of Business information technology is increasing day by day in areas
such as in commercial transactions, to fulfill demands of customers and regulatory requirements. The
purpose behind Business Information Technology is to fulfill the everyday growing needs of industries
and to fulfill the growing expectations of customers of every field. Moreover, it helps to speeds up
operation and create reports in just one click. Thus, making use of the time in an efficient and effective

Carr advocated spending less on IT, both to reduce costs and to decrease the risk of buying soon-to-be
obsolete equipment and applications. For me, companies should not spend less in information
technology bht instead improve their strategies and planning because even computer programs need an
update in order to create an output that is timely.
In 2008, Brynjolfsson and McAfee published a study in the Harvard Business Review on the role of IT in
competitive advantage, entitled “Investing in the IT That Makes a Competitive Difference.” Their study
confirmed that IT can play a role in competitive advantage, if deployed wisely.

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