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Super Smash Bros Infinite V. 3.

0 (November 2016)

Welcome and thank you for downloading version 3.0 of Super Smash Bros Infinite!

I had originally thought this would be finished around summer time, but with a few last minute
breakthroughs in the Brawl modding community I decided to extend the date for awhile to really beef up
this release.
And so how beefed up is it exactly? Well the costume count has increased, 3 new characters have been
added and a good deal of others have been updated to newer and better move sets. Stability has been
improved and many bug reports have been fixed up from the last release (no more landmaster crashes!).
Oh yes and stages. Lot's and lot's of stages, more stages than you can think of.

With this big update finally out the door, I also want to take this time to thank everyone who has been
following me recently. We got a big surge of popularity over the summer and to be perfectly honest it's
been really hard for me to keep up with it all. I'm only 1 guy who manages the pack after all, but I've
tried my best to answer all of your comments, address issues and help troubleshoot for those who
couldn't get the pack to load properly. I also want to thank Vinesauce for giving us that big boost of
attention, I watched your first stream of the pack and it was really awesome to see you enjoying and
figuring out all of the extra features each step of the way, it reminded me exactly why I wanted to
distribute this pack in the first place.

This is a compilation of various mods produced by the community, I have made personally very little of
what is contained within, however I have set it all up together and provided numerous tweaks, fixes, and
edits to ensure stability and compatibility for it to all work together. I really want people to experience
the joy and excitement of the Brawl modding community, much of which I feel has been overshadowed
by the big mod projects out there. I feel like this is sort of my personal "best of" compilation of all my
favourite things the community has made over the years, and it's great to be able to share that with so
many people. Proper credit for each individual mod is found beside each of them throughout the
documentation. If you feel you've been wrongly credited or have been denied credit please contact me
immediately through my account on the KC-MM forums (Secretchaos1) or on the Smash Bros. Infinite
facebook page and I will make any appropriate changes to this documentation.

And lastly, I'd like to announce my retirement from Smash Bros Infinite. It's been a crazy few years since
I've started releasing my pack and before that I've been following and setting up mods for Brawl as early
as when Syntax Error used to be the big players, showing off their set of texture hacks back in the earliest
days of Brawl modding. I probably started playing around with my own stuff and minor edits back when
Phantomwings first made it accessible with his File Patch code. It's been a long time going, and it's been
tons of fun but with the community begining to wear down and move on ahead to Smash Bros for Wii U
I feel it's finally time for me to take a rest.
I don't plan to make a Smash Bros Infinite for Wii U, I do plan to stick around and monitor the progress of
3.0's release to ensure any game breaking bugs are fixed. I may in the future do some personal tweaks to
improve balance, or maybe even include one of the extra characters I didn't get time to squeeze in, but I
don't plan to work adamantly on a 4.0 version. Life has gotten very busy, I continue to balance college,
work, home and my free time. Unfortunately time for improving Infinite really just isn't there anymore,
and come next year my course load will be getting heavier so I very much doubt I'll have any time to
work on it then.
And so, I've dedicated the last few weeks before the launch of 3.0 to cleaning everything up as much as
possible, getting some menu updates done and new bgm as the old character select themes were
starting to wear on me. I also finally put together a proper title screen and logo, I didn't quite get the
intro done as much as I'd liked, but I still think it looks nice and gives a fresh feel to Infinite 3.0.

Anyhow, I'm rambling on now. I'm sure lot's of you will be disappointed in my departure but don't fret,
the included documentation is here to make Smash Bros Infinite as flexible for you as possible. Between
it and the guides available on the KC-MM forums I'm sure there's lot's of changes and additions you can
make to your own personal versions to keep things interesting, and as always I don't mind answering
questions about the pack when I have time. Most often I redirect people to check out guides on the
forums, but if there's something that seems a bit different or unusual in Infinite's setup I don't mind
clearing things up to how I work my magic. Well, that's going to be all for my personal rambling here, the
next couple paragraphs are just the usual disclaimers from the previous builds!

This pack is not designed for tourney play, I have not tested its compatibility with wiimmfi. This is simply
a personal set of mods I use for fun that I decided to share with the community, since after putting it all
together I've realized how long setting something like this up and fixing all of the bugs and crashes that
result can actually take.

This isn't a single massive game changing mod like Project M. It's a compilation, a collection of smaller
mods. All default costumes, stages and movesets have been left as vanilla as possible with few

If you have any questions, issues, or concerns please either contact me on KC-MM (Secretchaos1) or
leave a comment on the release video on Youtube (should you have found it there) or on my facebook
page ( and I'll try my best to
get back to you and help asap.

I highly encourage anyone to play around with this, tweak it to your own preference. Try putting in new
costumes, switching around stages and characters. The experience can be quite fun and rewarding,
especially in small chunks.

It's truely been a wonderful experience getting to share the world of Brawl modding with you all.
Enjoy and have fun!


====Main Features====
- 14 Alternate costumes for most base fighters, an average of 9 or more for most extra fighters

- 65 Additional Characters

- Customized Menus and Menu BGM

- 450+ Additional Stages

- Project M's Stamina Mode

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