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1.) What is quality? How does your company interpret the term: ‘quality’?

There are various definations of quality. For every products and services
defination of quality varies. Quality is achieved when the needs and
satisfactions of customers are met with their requirement. To satisfy any
customers need we have to understand the need of customer and then we
have to plan how we achieve that quality level. In short, quality means
good service, best product , reasionable cost and function of product.
For an example, gear used in sugarcan juice machine doesnot require high
accuracy but when we used different gears in any vehicle engine than it
should be of high accuracy and good material.
Quality defined by different people and business groups in different
In my opinion quality means free from defect, on time delivery and

Company Customer
offer requirement

Unsatisfied customers

Satisfied customers
Fig. 1.1.1 Customer requirement ( image by myself:-vraj patel )


- My company depends on quality. So my company put to many efforts on
quality management. In my comapany there are main 3 department for
quality management. First department looks during production for
quality control with the production team . Second department is for
customer’s feedbacks they view and analyse the feedbacks from
customer and give data to the first department. And third department is
specially for quality research, they do research on different topics like
how to maintain quality and how to provide best products to the
customers considering green sustainbality.

2.) What is TQM?

TQM means Total Quality Management. It is the continoous
improvement of quality of any product or service offered by company. It
is combination of quality and management tools aimed to increase
business and the reducing waste. And nowadays one more factor attched
with TQM is sustainable green focus.
TQM process focus on many steps like:
- Focus on customer
- Employee involvement
- Process centered
- Integrated system
- Decision making based on facts
- Communication
- Continous improvement

TQM involves everybody that is involved in product making or service

offering.  TQM is a short form of Total Quality Management, which is an
approach to dealing with an organization with zero defects overall
improvement. By continuously improving the system, people and
product, it helps to improve the overall business.
      Total Quality Management uses the decision-making scientific
method. TQM focuses on everything that is primarily customer-focused
before purchasing any products from the particular company, where
everything is Policies, People, and Processes. TQM also requires, by
command, problem-solving, collaboration and independence.
      Customers are mainly focused on 3 things Systems, people and
processes and Total Quality Management (TQM) means enhancing all
these 3 areas for which customers are mainly focused, the actual
definition of Total Quality Management can be understood by the
following figure:

client focused



Fig 1.2.1 Tool for Quality Management ( image by myself:- vraj patel)

3.) How can we achieve organizational excellence with quality?

Organizational excellence means ability to provide superior quality, cost

and service to the customers. If we focus on quality of product or service
than it satisfy all other requirement of customers. Good quality
management and quality includes all of these factors. Also, TQM is a
broad based approach that encompasses all of these elements. Also any
organisation can survive in global market by having organizational
Only by pleasing customers or providing value to a customer can
operational excellence be accomplished, and it is important to provide
superior value to a customer in this global marketplace. Quality is a major
component that provides a customer with great value, and total quality is
the best way to deliver that value to a customer. Three basic elements of
superior value are superior quality, superior cost, and superior
service. Total output is a wide-ranging approach that combines these
three elements. Organizations that are most likely to achieve operational
success consistently apply the full performance approach to
management. When all these items satisfy or meet the needs and desires
of consumers through a product, service, price, quality, the company can
achieve excellence.

FOR MY COMPANY: I will hire a employees for a company's think

tank. I inform them to find a best wa to improve the quality of our
automobile vehicles. I schedule weekly meetings with BOD- Board of
Directors, Supervisors and Senior Engineers to enhance the
organizational performance of my business. After heard from each and
members of the Board of director our think tank team will do more
resaerch on each and every opinions and make their decisions

4.)  What is the Deming cycle? How is my company doing this?

W.EdwardS Deming was the founder of this method. It is continous
quality improvement process. This method can be use continously until
we get certail level of quality. It has mainly four steps:
 Plan
 Do
 Check
 Act

Fig 1.4.1 Deaming Cycle ( Image By myself:- Vraj Patel)

->Plan: deside where to improve. How to solve that problem. And what
problems can be arrise during change of process.
->do: implement the plan to improve quality. Implement it into small
-> check: inspect the product and service so that it can be checked that it
is according to customer requirement or developed plan.
->act: sell the product in market and take feedbacks so it can improve in
next steps.
 How my company doing this?
First of all, one team of my company collect the feedback from maket and
customers. And then send this data to the quality check team. They check
for the where the product is lacking then they decide where we have to
improve or at which stage we have to modify production process. Then
they make all the detail plan about the methods where and how to
implimet. Send the report to the production team. Production team
impliment that methods according to plan. After the completation of
product quality team check the product again and then they provide
approval to the product or service to sell that in the market or to the

5.) What are the most common errors when starting quality initiatives?
There are various errors organisation do when starting quality initiatives:
- Senior management delegation and poor leadership. Some organisations
depends on outter expert for quality check rather than that they can
choose the leader from the company and involve everyone.
- Team mania: By putting everyone into team without knowing the
abilities of people can lead harmful effects to projects. Before adding
member into same team we have to develop one relationship and good
communication between them according to their role.
- Deployment process:
Many compnies impliment quality improvement system without any
research about the need of that and some time they just implement it for
some elements of company.
- Taking a narrow, domestic approach:
Some organisations are determind to take few different approach
principles only. Some times even experts encourage organizations to
tailor qualitty programs to their individual needs.
- Confusion about the differences among education,awareness,inspiration
and skill building:People must have the skills to apply the fundamental
tools of quality to do their part in making the total quality approach work
effective.Making them aware of quality and inspiring them to accept it at
a philosophical level are good and necessary steps in the right direction.
But helping them develop the actual skills necessary to implement the
concept must also be part of the transnational process.
- Lack knowledge: lack information about the product or process in the
staff or worker working on it. If the worker has inadequate knowledge of
the system then the worker can not perform effectively and efficiently.
Likewise, if the worker is not properly educated, then the quality of the
product directly affected the company.

6.)    Explain the cost of poor quality . How is your company doing this? 
In simple words cost of poor quality means costs that are pumped up due
to producing defective material.
This costs includes the cost involved in filling the between actual and
produced quality. It also includes all labor cost, rewoek cost, material cost
that are used for reproduction or modification. But it does not include
detection or prevention cost. Because it is basic necessary for
organization to detect poor quality.
Poor quality also leads to less customer satisfaction and that can be lead
to lose of market for the product or service.
Most companies in their tough time cut the cost of performance. With
that, some overhead costs can be avoided. But each company faces
certain unplanned problems and repercussions for poor quality. Besides
unhappy customers, much more a drop in a company's reputation. Poor
quality leads to unsatisfied consumers, diminishing due to these company
revenues and experiencing the same financial problem at the last
organization. So it's nice for an established loss associated with poor
value rather than cutting costs in an important part of a company. Such
costs may include: waste, rejection, testing, rework, customer returns,
inspection, recall, overtime, pricing errors, billing errors, excessive
turnover, premium freight costs, failed product development costs, on-site
service costs, overdue receivables,Complaints handling, acceleration,
system costs, delays in scheduling, late documentation, lack of follow-up,
excess inventory, customer allowances and unused power. 
      When we clarify this with an example, two companies follow one and
like to achieve good performance and in the quality department, the
company B cuts costs. Company B saves initial costs at the beginning,
but with time due to poor performance, they lose their customer due to
customer in satisfaction. When other companies A spend money to
achieve good quality, making more money and getting more prestige
because of the good quality. Like because of the poor quality of the stuff
and the screw, the consumer will never be able to buy this company brand
and tell others not to buy it.

Fig 1.6.1 poor quality work ( image by myself:- Vraj Patel)

 How my company doing this?

My company is very concern about quality because parts made in my
company is used in marine, aircrafts and at many important places. So my
company invest to much forr quality improvement and quality check.
In my company there is department for quality Inprovement. They
collects data from feedback collection and processing team. Then they
identify the activities that exist only or primarily because of poor quality.
Then they estimates the cost of these activities. After that analyze the
result and take necessary actions in proper order for improvement.
7.) What are the quality characteristics of world-class organizations?
A organizations that compete in global market should have some quality
characteristicas in following areas:
I. Customer service
II. Innovations
III. Reliance on consulting service
IV. Manpower planning
V. Outsorcing and contracting
VI. Adopting new technologies
VII. Worker productivity
VIII. Conflict solution
IX. Employee satisfaction
X. Management, union
XI. Political lobbying
XII. Social work
XIII. Employee-employer relation
XIV. Customer fullfillment

8.) Responsibility and total quality . How is your company doing this?

Accepting responsibility is part of ethical behavior. This is crucial in the
modern workplace as human nature is one that tends to ignore
responsibility and commitment, and looks to blame others for
shortcomings and failures. In a total quality setting, individuals are
responsible for their own actions and accountable for their performance,
including both failures and successes. This builds trust, integrity, and
other elements of ethics that are crucial in the total quality environment.
A “we” attitude is developed rather than a “he,” ”she,” or “them” attitude.
Responsibility plays important role in organization as well as individuals
life. In personal life we have to take many responsibility to improve our
life style as well as for social work. In organizations responsibility plays
vital role because every person works in organization are resnponsible for
some work as well as quality. For example, sweeper works in any
organization has rensponsibilty to clean the area which is one type of
quality. When someone fails to achieve quality they blaim other for their
failure which is not good for any organization. In TQM individulas are
responsible for for their own work and accountable for their performance.
This builds trust , self motivation which are crucial in the quality
enviornment. Responsibility increase as we move upward in the

clear values

helpful frame

commitment to
follow through

Fig 1.8.1 Responsiblities And Quality ( image by myself:- Vraj Patel)

 How my company doing this?

Responsibility and quality are connected to each other. As an owner of
company I gave the responsibility to employees according to their
position in company. Once in a month I make sure that every person
works according to work assign to them and give rewards them if they do
good in their work and give them suggestion if they lacks somewhere in
their works. This thing also makes me responible to do something new.

9.) Discuss some models for ethical quality decisions . How is your company

doing this?
There are various models that organizations use widely:

o Categorical imperative model: According to this model, right

is right, wrong is wrong. No other gray areas.
o Full disclosure model: In this model, an organizational action
is considered ethical only is it satisfies the broad cross-section
of stakeholders. In other words, the values of the stakeholders
are used to determine what is ethical.
o Doctrine of the mean model: In this model, the moderate
middle option in any situation is considered the ethical option.
In other words, moderation is ethical.
o Golden rule model: This model is based on the golden rule:
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It takes
the viewpoints of stakeholders into account in deciding what is
o Market ethic model: This model is profit orianted. This model
is based on the notion that any legal action that promotes
profitability is ethical. It is based on the assumption that in the
long run, the market will reject unethical corporate behavior,
thereby making it unprofitable.
o Organizational ethic model: this model is depnds on loyalty
to the organization. This model assumes that ethical decisions
are ones that best serve the organization’s interests.
o Equal freedom model: In this model, organizations have the
freedom to behave as they wish unless their actions infringe on
rights of stakeholders. Any action that may violate the rights of
stakeholders is considered unethical.
o Proportionality ethic model. This model assumes that
decisions are rarely clearly right or wrong. Hence, the best an
organization can do is make sure that the good outweighs the
bad when making decisions.
o Professional ethical model. In this model, organizational
decisions are considered ethical only if they are approved by a
broad cross-section of professional peers. A professional code
of ethics usually guides this model.

 How my company doing this?

My company’s product are mainly quality focused that’s why it follows
mailnly 2 models for ethical decision. One of this is categorical
imperative model because we have to provide good quality and it is
necessary to work according to propar morals. And second model which
company follows is professional ethical model because sometime we
have to take idea of experts accordings to order and business and
continous quality improvement.

10.) What is the engineering manager’s role in quality ethics?

Engineering manager plays vital role in making decisions.It is a
manager's responsibility to do ethical things and set an example to others.
And when something unethical happens, it is also the responsibility to
stop or take action.
To aid the manger in his decision making the book presents three

 The Best-Ratio approach: Belief that all people are inherently good and
will always behave ethically.  This approach functions under the
assumption that people are generally good and will behave ethically
under the right circumstances. However, under certain conditions, they
can be driven to behave unethically. Hence, it is the manager’s
responsibility to promote conditions that encourage ethical behavior.
When hard decisions are required, the manager must make the choice that
serves the greater good.
 The Black and White approach: Principle of what is "right is right" and
"wrong is wrong" and conditions are irrelevant to the decision process.
Under this approach, right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of the
conditions. The manager must make ethical decisions, carry them out and
encourage employees to act ethically. When hard decisions are required,
the manager must make the fair and impartial choice without regard to the
outcome or short-term circumstances.
 The Full-Potential approach: Allows employees to reach their full
potentials. Under this approach, decisions are made based on how they
will affect the ability of those involved to achieve their full potential.
Ethical decisions are those that achieve this without infringing on the
rights of others. 

11.) Sustainable green focus:

 I have attached 6 video clips of Paul ranky's YouTube Chanel.Look at

those mesmerizing locations.Look at those beautiful species in the ocean
how beautiful and fearless they are.But unfortunately by rapidly growing
industries all around the world harming these natural environment and
these species badly.Initially nature has ability to hill and clean itself but
as we humans dumped waste so much that nature can not cope up with
it.Recently in newspaper i show one article that thousand of fish found
dead because of toxic waste from industries.We are making irreversible
damage to the nature. 
      So dear Board of directors and shareholders please take personal
interest in this issue and take necessary step towards it.We should strictly
follow the laws made by government for environment.We should
approach Green way.Use as many solar panels and wind mill as
possible.We should design our engine as most fuel efficient and
environment friendly.We should highly emphasizes on hybrid and
electric car in this way we can reduce toxic waste.We should reuse and
recycle as many parts as possible.We should not dump waste directly to
the environment. it should be go through some waste elimination
process.We should also build waste management plants and runs it
efficiently.Time has come to look about this otherwise in a long time to
come there will not be much of a planet to enjoy.We as a leading
company should set standard to the world in the field of green and
sustainable approach.

12.) Social networking assignment:

GM To Phase Out Gasoline-Powered Cars

And Trucks By 2035

My comment: from this article we can say that world is on the way to find an
option of gasolin for fuel. But from shifting the trend is not the only possible
way we have to find other options also. Nowadays electric vehicles are in
demand but end of the day most of the electricity produce from the coal or
nuclear which is also harmful for the environment.


We can move to the gasolin free world but we have to do other things to
improve the worlds environment which is affected by use of gasolin. There are
various options of gasolin like hydrogen , electricity and solar powered also
useful. GM should impliment this methods from onwards why they have to wait
till 2035. It become too late if we wait till 2035 because day by day number of
vehicles increasing.

Saudi Arabia Plans a Zero Emission City

My comment:
This article teach us that nothing is impossible. Saudi arabia is the country
where there are less trees and most of the part is dessert. Anything happen if we
have technology. They are planning to make city without any road and cars so
they have to find the solution of transportation. We can use bicycle but not all
the people are able to use bicycle for routine life. Also if there are some
emergency then what can we do without transportation. So I think that there are
to much invention required for this things to actually happen.


King of saudi says that there are zero carbon emission which is nearly
impossible because there are various things we required for living. And for
production of that thing carbon emission is done so it is difficult to find option
of this. If there are no cars then how people travel from one place to other
place. How people go for fun for job. So we have to find diffrenrt ways to
reduce carbon emission.

EU Approves Plan To Provide State Aid To

Tesla, Enel X And Other EV Battery Makers

My coment:
I think all country around the world should follow this step. By doing this
compnies encoourage to do more research and produce EV. Which will lead to
improvement in climate change. I personally thinks that they have to develop
such type of batteries which can rapidly charge in fraction of seconds. This
things encourage cutomers to buy more EV.
I think that government should give subcide to buy EV. Which can increase the
buying of EV. This step also is one of the good step and it can lead to great
future. But I think that there should be more research should be done in battery.
In current situation EV battery,s take around 1 hrs to fully charge. In this
phenomeanon it should be improved.

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