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Internal Assignment for December 2023 Examination

“World Class Operations”

Q. no.1 Introduction: - The fundamental objective of total quality management, or

TQM, is to involve all organizational levels and functions in consistently achieving and
exceeding the expectations of customers regarding their day-to-day activities, goods, and
services. The outdated idea that the quality department bears exclusive responsibility for
ensuring that the product or service fulfils quality requirements is nevertheless prevalent
in a lot of organizations today. Organizations are seen in TQM as a collection of
processes that need to be continuously enhanced by utilizing associates' expertise and
experience across all levels and functions. According to the TQM principle, every
employee in the company should concentrate their efforts on satisfying customer
demands and accomplishing organizational objectives.

Concept and application: - The goal of total quality management, or TQM, is to

continually improve the quality of processes and goods to the level at which customers
expect them to be. TQM is a complete approach to managing a company, not just a
collection of methods or processes. The TQM principles are listed as follows: -

1. Customer Orientation: - Customer orientation is a fundamental principle of Total

Quality Management (TQM), emphasizing the significance of understanding and
meeting customer needs and expectations. Here's a detailed explanation of
customer orientation as a TQM principle and the measures for customer
satisfaction: -

 Listen to the voice of the customer: - Create processes for gathering and
evaluating consumer input, such as focus groups, questionnaires, and
complaint channels. Pay attention to what clients are saying to figure out
their opinions, preferences, and worries.
 Determine Customer Expectations: - Carry out market research to
determine and evaluate consumer expectations. This means being aware of
the consumers' deeper, often unsaid demands and desires in addition to their
fundamental needs.
 Design Products or services: - Create goods or services that meet the
established expectations of your customers. Utilize the data acquired to
create features, quality standards, and characteristics that either match or
exceed the demands of the client.
 Focus on Process and People (Planning): Include a customer-focused
approach in your strategy planning. Align company objectives with client
demands, and make sure that procedures are created with the intention of
providing value to clients. Acknowledge that staff play a critical role in
meeting client expectations.
 Design Customer-Focused Processes (Cross-Functional): Establish
cross-functional teams to work together on process design and
improvement from a customer-centric perspective. Remove departmental
silos and make sure all teams collaborate to provide a smooth and uniform
client experience.
 Involve People through Internal Customer Systems: Acknowledge that
staff members are internal clients. Create internal customer systems that
allow easy departmental collaboration and communication. This internal
customer-focused approach raises the standard of the goods or service
 Train and Empower People: Offer training courses to improve staff
members' abilities and expertise. Give them the authority to decide in ways
that will improve the customer experience.
 Measure Results and Gaps: Use performance measures that are in line
with what customers anticipate. To find gaps and areas for improvement,
evaluate and analyze performance against these indicators on a regular
basis. Utilize data to guide decisions and continuously enhance procedures.
The above-mentioned actions support a continual development of culture. Through
attentively listening to consumers, establishing their expectations, and engaging staff,
companies may identify opportunities for improvement and gradually introduce
Value that satisfies consumer expectations is produced by a customer-oriented approach.
This can include innovations that improve the overall client experience, new features, or
higher-quality services.
Enhanced customer satisfaction is the result of these actions taken together. Positive
customer experiences and loyalty are the result of meeting or exceeding customer
expectations, including staff in the process, and constantly offering value.

2. Strategic Planning: - In Total Quality Management (TQM), strategic planning

includes an extensive plan to match organizational objectives with customer
satisfaction and quality enhancement. A manufacturing organization that
implements Total Quality Management (TQM) concepts, for example, can
proactively plan to improve product quality by putting strict quality control
systems in place all the way through the production process. This strategic focus
makes sure that the company's objectives and mission are directly related to
meeting or surpassing consumer expectations with high-quality products. Long-
term views are also considered in TQM strategic planning, such as spending
money on R&D to create novel goods or services and maintain market
competitiveness. The achievement of total excellence is guided by strategic
planning, which performs this through incorporating quality improvement into the
organizational framework and matching strategies with customer requirements.
3. Continuous Improvement: -Another pillar of TQM is continuous planning,
which represents a flexible and dynamic method of improving organizational goals
and procedures. Consider a customer service division applying TQM techniques.
This department uses continuous planning to identify service delivery pain areas,
evaluate customer input on a regular basis, and modify methods as necessary. For
example, ongoing planning enables the team to quickly modify operations,
enhance training initiatives, and deploy technology updates to address consumer
complaints regarding long response times. Planning, feedback, and adjustment are
continuous cycles that help the department continuously improve service quality
and adapt in real time to changing customer demands.

4. Employee Empowerment: - Giving staff members the knowledge, power, and

desire to actively participate in quality improvement projects is known as
employee empowerment in the context of the Total Quality Management (TQM)
model. Employee empowerment at a TQM-adopting software development
company could involve allowing developers the freedom to find and fix software
issues on their own, without constant managerial clearance. Faster decision-
making, more innovation, and increased overall efficiency are all advantages of an
organization's culture where staff members are encouraged to share their
knowledge and skills. The value of empowerment in developing a proactive and
driven workforce is further reinforced by the recognition and prizes given to staff
members who actively participate in quality initiatives. In this sense, TQM's
employee empowerment program not only raises workers' own job satisfaction
levels but also helps the company.

Conclusion: - To sum up, Total Quality Management (TQM) is a dynamic and

comprehensive approach to organizational success that places an intense focus on
employee empowerment, continuous planning, and strategic planning. By using strategic
planning, organizations can balance their objectives with the demands of their clientele,
cultivating an atmosphere of enhanced quality and contentment. With this strategic focus,
all organizational components work together to create goods and services that not only
exceed but also beyond customer demands. One essential aspect that encourages
responsiveness and flexibility is continuous planning, which creates an atmosphere that is
always open to innovation, adaptation, and feedback. Organizations can handle new
difficulties, keep ahead of the market, and improve their performance as time passes
because of this iterative method.

Q. no.2 Introduction: - Making businesses work for their stakeholders is the goal of
quality management. This involves making sure every aspect of the business is efficient
and fit, as well as enhancing systems, procedures, goods, and services.
Maintaining quality continually strives for perfection: ensuring that the work your
organization does is appropriate for the purpose it was created and not only remains so
but also continues to advance.
For most firms, customers will be the most significant stakeholder group; however, other
stakeholders include investors, employees, suppliers, and members of the public. To
provide your company with acceptable quality, you must identify your stakeholders,
understand their demands, and meet or better surpass their expectations both now and in
the future.

Concept and application: - A holistic strategy is necessary for the complicated

discipline of quality management, which considers multiple components that work
together to establish and maintain high standards in processes, goods, and services. These
elements—often referred to as the 6Ms: money, material, management, men, markets,
machines, and methods—have different effects on the quality of results produced by a
company. These components are explained in more detail using examples as below: -
1. Money: - One of the most significant assets that has an enormous effect on an
organization's ability to improve and maintain quality is money. Sufficient
financial resources are required to carry out technology advancements, staff
development initiatives, and quality improvement projects. Take a manufacturing
corporation that wants to raise the caliber of its output, for example. It is crucial to
set aside money for investments in quality control systems, cutting edge
production equipment, and thorough employee training on quality assurance
procedures. By ensuring that the required equipment and technology are available
to support quality objectives, these financial resources enable the organization to
promote a culture of quality.

2. Material: - Material quality is essential, especially for industries where the raw
materials used have a direct impact on the final product's quality. The final product
or service quality is greatly influenced by the quality of the inputs. For instance,
employing premium materials during construction guarantees the long-term
viability and structural soundness of structures. Companies can raise the overall
quality of their projects by using superior-grade building materials that not only
satisfy industry standards but also surpass client expectations.

3. Management: - The most important aspect of quality management is effective

management. Crucial aspects involve creating strong quality management systems,
establishing specific quality objectives, and showing leadership commitment. In
software development, for example, effective leadership skills are essential to
ensuring the quality of the final product. A leader's commitment to quality can be
seen by the implementation of strict testing protocols, frequent code reviews, and
conformity to coding guidelines. Well-defined quality goals, including decreasing
software flaws or enhancing user experience, direct the software development
process and enhance the final product's quality.
4. Men (Human Resources): - The workforce, or human resources, has an essential
part in deciding the outcome of quality programs. Process, product, and service
quality is greatly enhanced by competent and driven staff. Human resources play a
crucial part in the healthcare industry, for instance. Patient security and the overall
level of healthcare services are improved by medical professionals who have
received proper training and follow established protocols. Programs for ongoing
training and development guarantee that employees stay current on industry
standards and best practices, which improves their capacity to provide high-quality

5. Markets: - It is essential for businesses to understand consumer demands and

market dynamics to create excellent products and services. Businesses may
identify trends, consumer preferences, and new needs by conducting market
research. For example, market dynamics have a big impact on product
development in the food business. Businesses that carry out in-depth market
research might modify their product lineups to satisfy the expanding consumer
demand for organic and healthier food items. These businesses not only meet
consumer expectations by matching their products to market trends, but they also
establish themselves as leaders in the field by producing high-quality, in-demand

6. Machine and methods: - The tools and methods used in production processes
have an enormous impact on the final product's quality. The reliability and
uniformity of products are improved by efficient and standardized manufacturing
procedures combined with modern, well-maintained technology. For instance, the
precision and accuracy of automobiles are enhanced using robotic assembly
techniques and sophisticated production technologies in the automotive sector.
Employing state-of-the-art equipment and streamlining production processes helps
companies guarantee that their goods fulfil consumer requirements and strict
quality standards.

Conclusion: - In conclusion, an organization's procedures, products, and services are all

impacted by the 6Ms taken as whole. These elements are considered simultaneously in an
integrated approach to quality management, recognizing how interconnected they are.
Sufficient financial resources, for example, make it possible to invest in superior
materials, efficient management methods, qualified labor, market research, and cutting-
edge equipment and processes. Companies can meet or exceed customer expectations in a
competitive market by achieving and maintaining high levels of quality through the
careful integration and control of these variables. Companies may build a strong quality
management framework that penetrates every part of their business by taking a
comprehensive strategy that takes these variables into account simultaneously. This
approach will ultimately lead to long-term success and satisfied customers.

Q. no.3 Introduction: -Quality awards are essential for developing a high-performance

and continuous improvement culture in organizations. These awards act as strong rewards
for companies to follow strict quality guidelines and industry standards. The
acknowledgment and validation of an organization's quality commitment, providing
outside verification of its commitment to excellence in procedures, goods, and services, is
one of the fundamental values.

Furthermore, industry benchmarking and knowledge exchange are facilitated by quality

awards. Successful individuals frequently turn into role models, exhibiting efficient
methods and strategies that other seekers of excellence can follow. This information
sharing encourages a more widespread culture of education and creativity.
a). Concept and application: - Quality awards, which recognize outstanding
accomplishments in quality management, are important in motivating companies to
maintain manufacturing standards which are online with international standards. The
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the Deming Prize are two notable
examples, one domestic and one globally. Quality awards, which recognize outstanding
achievements in quality management, are essential in encouraging businesses to maintain
manufacturing standards that are on par with international standards. Two notable
examples, one international and one domestic, are the Deming Prize (international) and
the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) (domestic).

1. Deming Award: The renowned Deming Prize is an international award named for the
well-known statistician W. Edwards Deming. Established in Japan, the award has been
honored globally for its outstanding achievements in total quality management (TQM) by
companies all over the world. Deming's contributions to statistical techniques in quality
management are shown in his strong focus on statistical quality control.

Categories and Requirements: There are multiple categories in which the Deming Prize
is awarded, such as individual, statistical research, and comprehensive TQM. Its
standards focus on the use of statistical techniques, quality assurance, and general TQM
practice excellence. This award is recognized on a global scale as a standard for
businesses dedicated to the ideals of excellence in quality and ongoing advancement.

2. The MBNQA, or Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award: -

To encourage and recognize performance excellence, the United States' desired Malcolm
Baldrige National Quality Award was created. The MBNQA, which is administered by
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), aims to improve the
performance and competitiveness of American companies. It honors companies in a
range of industries, including small businesses, manufacturing, services, healthcare, and

Criteria: The MBNQA utilizes an extensive set of criteria which include worker
involvement, results, strategic planning, measurement and analysis, leadership, and
customer focus. This holistic approach guarantees a comprehensive assessment of an
organization's performance in several areas, promoting a well-rounded dedication to
quality and excellence.

Differences: -
1. Geographical Scope: Their geographical span is the main distinction. The
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is more domestically oriented,
recognizing achievements within the United States, whereas the Deming Prize is
global in nature, recognizing organizations across the globe.

2. Emphasis on Criteria: The Deming Prize shows an intense dedication to certain

approaches by stressing statistical quality control and the practical use of Deming's
ideas. On the other hand, the MBNQA ensures a more thorough review by using a
wider range of criteria that address various aspects of organizational performance.

3. Public-Private Partnership vs. Global Recognition: Working as a collaboration

between the public and private sectors, the MBNQA promotes industry and
government cooperation for quality improvement in the US. Despite its Japanese
origins, the Deming Prize is acknowledged worldwide, as evidence to its global
view on excellence in quality.

4. Award Categories: The Deming Prize comprises categories for individual

achievement, research studies, and overall TQM initiatives. On the other hand, the
MBNQA honors companies across a range of industries, promoting
competitiveness in the US commercial market.

b). Concept and application: - The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
(MBNQA) utilizes the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence as an assessment
framework to evaluate organizations that aim for excellence. This set of criteria, which
includes seven different categories, is essential for thoroughly assessing an organization's
performance in relation to important aspects. This is a summary of how organizations are
evaluated for the award using the Baldrige Criteria:

1. Leadership: - This category evaluates the way the highest-ranking executives lead
and maintain the company, stressing their accountability for establishing the goals,
principles, and standards of performance.
2. Strategic Planning: - The strategy category examines how a company generates,
carries out, and changes its strategic goals and plans of action. It considers
elements like resource allocation and strategic performance.
3. Customer and market focus: - This category evaluates a company's capacity to
interact with and satisfy its customers. It examines the desires, expectations, and
satisfaction of the customer as well as the development and maintenance of
customer relationships.
4. Measurement, analysis and knowledge management: - In order to promote
organizational learning and performance enhancement, this category evaluates
how well the company uses measurement, analysis, and knowledge management.
5. Workforce focus: - This area includes work environment, leadership
development, and workforce competency. It focuses on how an organization
interacts, grows, and manages its personnel.
6. Process management: - Operations examines how a company plans, controls, and
enhances important procedures that offer value to stakeholders and customers. It
covers innovation, process management, and the provision of goods and services.
7. Business results: - This area focuses on the results that the business has attained,
such as financial and market outcomes, workforce and leadership outcomes,
customer-focused outcomes, and so on.

Evaluation Procedure: Organizations go through an exhaustive assessment procedure

that requires them to submit an application that covers all aspects in detail. This
application provides proof and performance samples. These applications are examined by
inspection teams, and on occasion site visits are made for confirmation.

Feedback and Scoring: The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is given to the
organizations that receive the highest scores, which are determined by applying the
Baldrige Criteria. Even those who do not win the award get valuable input in the form of
a thorough evaluation report that outlines their strengths and opportunities for
development according to the Baldrige Criteria.

Advantages of the Baldrige Criteria: The criteria promote excellence and sustainability
by acting as a comprehensive framework. Organizations guarantee a thorough and well-
rounded approach by addressing leadership, strategy, customer focus, worker
participation, and results.

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