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1.) Discuss the eight principles of the ISO 9000 standard.

ISO 9000 is a set of standards used for quality management system and
quality assurance.
The eight principles of ISO 9000 standard are as per the following:-



continual ISO 9000 engagement

improvement principles of pepople

decision process
making approach


FIG 4.1.1 PRINCIPLES OF ISO9000 (image by:- vraj patel)

 Customer focus:- Any business cannot exist without customers.

Therefore organisations should try to understand their current and
future customer in order to meet their requirement.
Main benefit of of good relation with customer helps in the form of
increase in market share and increase profit. Also it build loyal
customer base for company’s product.
 Leadership:- Leaders are responsible for good productive and
increasing business atmosphere in the company or project.
Eastblish unity of purpose and organisational direction and
provide an environment the promotes employee involvement and
achievement of objectives.
 People involvement:- Employees of company has same important
as customers of company. They plays vital role in every project to
become successful. Take point of interest of completely included
workers, utilizing every one of their capacity for the advantage of
the association.
 Process approach:- It can help companies to avoid any logical
problem that arise from confusion over the right way to do things.
It also ensures that resources are used most effectively, resulting in
cost effective and consistent result.
 Systematic approach to management:- This principle is connected
with previous principle. It states that identifying, understanding
and managing processes using a system will help to streamline
company’s business. By ensuring that team mmembers are
dedicating the right amount of attention to key tasks it will
elinimate unneccesary time and improves the project.
 Continual improvement:- Improvement with time is law of nature.
You can see it in technologies as well as in human also. A quality
always be pushing for improvements because if it will not done by
your company then your compititors will do it. You can take
example of Google, Tesla any many other companies though they
are top in the their business but they continous improve their
services to remain in the market.
 Factual approach to decision making:- Decisions must be based on
the analysis of accurate, relevant, and reliable data and
information. Before making any decision make sure that you have
all the facts.
 Mutually beneficial supplier relations:- This principle states that
relationships between company and suppliers must be mutually
beneficial in order to value to both parties. It helps to react more
quickly and flexibly to customers demand.
How my company dong this?
My company mainly follows all the principle which is listed above. In my
company there is a manual whichis known as quality policy manual. It
reflects the elements of ISO 9000 requirement that apply to my company.
This manual includes operating procedured that identify function within
the company and the responsible personnel for those functions. Also my
company runs internal audit every year to check that all the requirement
runs properly and done in proper way. Also my company is very concern
about quality and company used to familiarize all employee about it evry
six month. Also my company organize different workshop to educate the
employees about quality improvement. Also my company shares some
data with suppliers to maintain good quality of product as well as
maintain realtions with supplier.
2.) Discuss pareto charts.

Pareto chart is one of the seven basic tool of quality control. This chart is
very useful tool whenever we needs to seprate important from the trivial.
The chart, first promoted by Dr. Joseph Juran, is named after Italian
economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923). It is a graph that
indicates the frequency of defects , as well as their cumullative impact. It
is useful to find the defects to prioritize in order to observe the greatest
overall improvement.
The Pareto chart provides a graphic representation of the Pareto principle,
a theory whereby 80 percent of the output is produced by 20 percent of
the input in a given situation or system.
 One of the seven basic quality control tools is the Pareto chart On the
horizontal axis are shown the independent variables on the chart and the
dependent variables are represented as bar heights.A point-to-point graph
can be superimposed on the bar graph, showing the cumulative relative
frequency.Because the values of the statistical variables are placed in
order of relative frequency, the graph clearly shows which factors have
the greatest impact and where the greatest benefit is likely to come from
 The Pareto chart's aim is to highlight the most important among a set of
factors (typically large).It is often the most common source of defects in
quality control, the highest occurring type of defect, or the most common
reasons for customer complaints, and so on.

It is possible to use a Pareto map to quickly identify the business issues
that need attention. There can be no doubt about what problems most
impact the result by using hard data rather than intuition. In the example
below, there was a steady decline in the XYZ Clothing Store business.He
concluded that the drop was due to customer dissatisfaction with the
clothing line he was selling, and blamed his supply chain for his issues
before the manager did a customer survey.Nonetheless, after charting the
intensity of the answers in his customer survey, it was very clear that his
supply chain had nothing to do with the real reasons for the decline of his
company.By collecting data and displaying it in a Pareto chart, the
manager was able to see the most influential variables. In this example,
his business was most hurt by parking difficulties, gross sales and poor
lighting.Following the Pareto Principle, those are the areas where he
should focus his attention to build his business back up.

3.) Discuss fishbone diagrams.

When it comes to quality and efficiency, variation is our enemy. Fishbone

diagrams help us to determine the variables that may enter the equation.
They allow us to make our plans so that we know how to deal with them
in such a way that the quality of our final product is still up to standard
and without significant variation.
A fishbone diagram, also referred to as a cause and effect diagram or
Ishikawa diagram, is a visualization tool to categorize a problem's
potential causes to identify its root causes.A fishbone diagram, typically
used for root cause analysis, combines brainstorming practice with a kind
of mind map template.
A fishbone diagram is useful for focusing conversation in product
development and troubleshooting processes.After all possible causes for a
problem have been brainstormed by the group, the facilitator helps the
group rate potential causes according to their level of importance and a
hierarchy diagram.The diagram's design looks much like a fish skeleton.
Typically, fishbone diagrams are worked from right to left, with each
large fish "bone" branching out to include smaller bones with more detail.
Main category source of variation:
1. Methodologies: Here, we will consider the need for policies, rules,
regulations, or procedures to ensure consistent quality.
2. Machinery: This could be anything from assembly line robots to
tools or even computers.
3. Materials: The materials needed to produce a quality product can’t
be overlooked.
4. Measurements: How is the process measured and monitored to
evaluate quality?
5. The Environment: This includes anything outside the company’s
control that may impact on results.

Method to create fishbone diagram:-

Fishbone diagrams are typically drawn on a flipchart or whiteboard
during a team meeting.Once a problem has been identified that needs
further study, teams can take the following steps to create the diagram:

1. The fish's head is created by highlighting the problem and drawing

a box around it in a statement format. A horizontal arrow with an
arrow pointing to the head is then drawn across the section, which
serves as the fish's backbone.
2. Then at least four "causes" that could contribute to the problem are
listed. Tools, abilities, equipment, individuals, products, climate or
measurements may include some standard categories to begin
with.These reasons are then drawn to branch off from the spine
with arrows, making the first bones of the fish.
3. eam members must discuss any supporting information that can
add to it for each underlying purpose.It typically involves some
kind of questioning strategy to keep the conversation focused, such
as the 5 Why's or the 4P's (1.Policies, 2.Procedures, 3.People and
4.Plant). To branch off their underlying source, these contributing
factors are written down.
4. this process of breaking down each cause is continued until it
identifies the root causes of the problem.The staff will then discuss
the diagram before agreement is reached on an outcome and next

How my company doing this?

by : vraj patel)

4.) Discuss Histograms.

Histograms are mainly used to record frequency of occurrence, meaning

the number of times something is done is recorded by the Histogram. It is
an estimate of the probability distribution of a continuous
variable (quantitative variable) . The data are represented on a chart by
columns that differ in height based on the frequency the specific data set
exists. Histograms approximately measure the distribution of probability
of a given parameter by displaying the frequencies of events that occur in
certain value ranges.Any histogram analysis should begin with an
understanding of the two types of data commonly associated with
processes: data attributes and variables.
 An attributes:- Attribute is something that the output product of
the process either has or does not have. The measure of electrical
resistance in ohms would be used by a system used to produce
electrical resistors; another method could use a height scale, and so
 Variable data:- Variables are data resulting from the measurement
of something. A histogram is a scale of easing across one axis and
on the other a frequency of similar measurements.
To create a histogram from a continuous variable you first need to break
the information into intervals, called bins. Now, count how many values
fall into each interval. Generally the bins are defined as consecutive, non-
overlapping variable intervals. A rectangle is drawn with height
proportional to the number and width equal to the length of the bin and
rectangles are drawn around each other. A histogram may also be
normalized displaying relative frequencies. It then indicates the
proportion of cases falling into each of multiple categories, the number of
heights being equal to 1. The bins (intervals) must be adjacent and are
often (but not necessarily) of the same scale. Notice that, unlike a bar
chart, there are no "gaps" between the bars (although some bars might be
"absent" reflecting no frequencies). This is because a histogram
represents a continuous data set, and as such, there are no gaps in the

Here, in fig I represent normal example of histogram about averegae

number of defects found after the production line of gear devision of my
company. The toatl number of observation is 73. You can notice the
range on the x-axis while total number of defective parts in that range on

5.) Discuss control charts for variables.

The control chart is a graph used to study how a process changes over
time. Data are plotted in time order. A control chart always has a central
line for the average, an upper line for the upper control limit, and a lower
line for the lower control limit. These lines are determined from historical
data. By comparing current data to this line we can say that whether
process variation is in control or out of control.
(UCL) and the lower control limit (LCL) while varying about the
centerline or average only so long as the variation is the result of common
causes (i.e., statistical variation). Whenever a special cause impacts the
process, one of two things will happen: Either a plot point will penetrate
UCL or LCL, or there will be a “run” of several points in a row above or
below the average line. Control charts are the appropriate tool to monitor.
There are many benefits of using control chart:-\
 We can understand the variation that are always present in process.
 when something is going wrong or may go wrong. These problem
indicators let you know that corrective action needs to be taken.
 The patterns indicate possible causes, which can help us to find
possible solutions.
 Generate new ideas for improving quality based on our analysis.
How my company doing this?
My company mainly use control chart method in manufacturing units.
 First, engineers selct the process for examination.
 Then thay collect data on spreadsheet.
 After that they construct the chart and analyze the data.
 If there are any out of control signal on control chart then they contact the
department to which this issue is connected and find out the solution for
that with help of experts and solve the problem as soon as possible.

6.) Discuss flowcharts.

It is a picture of the steps of a process in sequential order. It is used to

descibe the various process such as manufacturing, management, plan of
project and many more.
We can use flowchart for many purposes like:-
 When we are planning for any project or process.
 When there is a need for improvement we buid flowchart for
analyses purpose.
 To know how the process from start to end is done.
 To plan any production or to elinimate any unneccessary activity
during project or any production.

Process to build flowcharts:-

 Identify the process for which flowchart is to be made.

 Define the start and end time of the different processes, also note
where all that process is done.
 Brainstrom the activities that will be invoved.
 Determine and sequence the step.
 Draw the arrows to show the flow of process.
 Finalize the flowchart with the help of teammembers, suppliers,
supervisiors and management.

Symbols used in flowchart:-

oval shows the beginning and end of the process.

It shows an operations or activity that needs to be done.

It represents the direction of flow.

It shows a point where decision is to be made.

It shows inputs or outputs.


Difference between flowcharts and oour object oriented process


In flowchart there is no data in detail about any object or process

while in object oriented process models such things are in detailed
Flowcharts is suitablle for well defined projects with stable user
requirement. While object oriented process models are suitable for large
project with changing user requirement.
In flowchart risk is high while using analysis technique while in latter
method risk is low.
7.) Explain what is a FMEA.

Analysis, or FMEA, is a methodology aimed at failure during the design

stage by identifying all of the possible failures in a design or
manufacturing process. It is a structured approach to discovering potential
failures that may exist within the design of a product or process. Failure
modes are the ways in which a process can fail. Effects are the ways that
these failures can lead to waste, defects or harmful outcomes for the
customer. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis is designed to identify,
prioritize and limit these failure modes.

There are many benefits of FMEA analysis:

 Lower cost solution.
 Improved design for manufacturing
 Collobrotation of design and process of product.
 Higher capability of verification and validation of changes.
 Multiple choice for lower the risk.
 Good work utilization.

Types of FMEA:-
 System – focuses on global system functions
 Design – focuses on components and subsystems
 Process – focuses on manufacturing and assembly processes
 Service – focuses on service functions
 Software – focuses on software functions

How my company doing this?

My company use FMEA may times during the process. When there is a
process, product or service is being designed or redesigned we use FMEA.
When we do a exisiting process or service in new way we use FMEA. Also we
use it at periodically throughout the lofe of new project, process, product. Also
we use it when we set higher goal for any project or process.
8.) Provide an overview of Toyata practical problem solving process.

Toyota Way is a cyclical process of achieving stability, standardizing

practices, and then continually squeezing the process in order to expose
the obstacles . The Toyota philosophy relies on the “system,” and
adhering to its concepts will force people supporting the system into
uncomfortable situations. The choices presented then are to either remove
the obstacles or to fail. For this reason, possessing the skills of solving
problems and the ability to continuously improve are crucial to survival.
toyota's useful critical thinking procedure has seven primary steps. This
procedure is proper for all circumstances and is plot in the accompanying

See the Initial Problem: The activity in this stride is to simply essentially
see that an issue does truth be told exist. One may be conveyed to this
consideration by an alert, a fizzled examination, a point of confinement
being broken, a quest for potential future disappointment modes, or
different occasions. 

Elucidate the issue: Before move can be made, issue solvers must
comprehend the circumstance. So as to do as such, one must see with a
receptive outlook, contrast the genuine circumstance with the standard,
asses if one or more differences exists, organize, and set a change

Decide the Point of Cause: One must decide the area of the issue cause
geologically and whether it is inside of an item or procedure. 

Decide the Root Cause Using the Five Why Analysis: The essential
objective of the this stride is to decide the underlying driver of an issue by
rehashing the inquiry "Why?" Where every inquiry shapes the premise of
the following inquiry. The "5" in the name means the quantity of
emphasess ordinarily required to determine the issue 

Create and Implement a Countermeasure: The group must familiarize

administration with the countermeasure. Administration should then thus
focus on and support the countermeasure. A method ought to then be
actualized to guarantee comprehension of the requirements for the
Decide the Effectiveness of the Countermeasure: The group ought to now
figure out whether the change target is being fulfilled by the execution of
the countermeasure. 

Change the Standard: The group must upgrade the standard to mirror any
progressions made amid the countermeasure

9.) Explain total quality decision making process.

decision making is the process of choosing one course of action from one
or more different options. Decision making is a very difficult and critical
task in a total quality setting. In an organization that plays fuel in an
automobile engine, decisions play the same role: they keep it running. An
organization's work will not proceed until decisions are made. Managers
should be well prepared and equipped in difficult situations to have their
actions judged and even questioned after the fact. Decision making is
very crucial and important to the company's survival and growth as a key
management role and system.
 An organization's work can not proceed until decisions are made
properly. It is like a system to make decisions. It is a set of logically
sequenced activities that make decisions. Managers must be prepared and
even questioned after the fact to have their decisions tested.
But it is a reality that decision-making model can help most of the
managers to understand the system flow and then they can make the right
decisions according to the severity of the problem after the flow is
How my company doing this?
My company will follow exact the same model as shown in the
textbook. first I would try to identify the problem then I will decide what
are the fact and causes of the problem and then I will start working to find
the solutions of the problem. My company thinks that this is the best way
to find any solutions. I should consider the alternatives of the problem
causing factors when evaluating the solutions and options and then
choose the best alternative among them. This will help my company a
lot. Once I decided the alternative that will apply then I will implement
the alternative in the system. My company will monitor and adjust the
new implemented decision model.

10.) Explain why quality tools are important.

Quality tools are not necessary to run an organization
that isn't established in a total quality environment. However, if an organization
wants to make the transition or start to total quality then these tools become
essential. As it was explained in the previous points, each tool has a purpose,
and each one of those purposes are necessary to maintain a top notch quality.
These tools make the live of an organization simpler and more innovative, it
takes huge problems and simplify them into solvable problems. Without these
tools i don't think quality can be maintained in an organization, these tools are
the fuel that keep in improving an organization. 
There are so many benefits to apply quality tools in any organization. Some of
them are listed below.
 It also helps to know about being a controlled or uncontrolled process.
 Quality assessments help managers make a decision and let them identify
where changes are needed to improve a product's process or quality.
 Flowchart allows system and goods to be analyzed, recorded and
 Tools of reliability such as Failure Mode and Results Analysis help to
identify possible failures.
 For many purposes, performance metrics are critical, such as helping to
capture and display information so that we can understand it quickly and
thoroughly, helping to recognize problem areas and providing
opportunities for potential development, allowing employees to do their
job effectively.



Voice Technology Is Making Healthcare

Easier Than Ever at Home
My point of view:-
This is one of the great findings in the world. In current time you can
notice that healthcare is becoming more and more cheap day by day. This
technology helps patients in their financial way also. Leading mobile tech
companies providing many helth related applications in their mobile phne
inbuilt e.x. samsunghealth. You can measure your Blood pressure using sensors
through this app. This type of innovations change the healthcare system in the

Sushil kumar’s point of view:-

I think that we are too behind from implemating this technology with full
poof in our day to day life. Because if human take care of patient than some
emotional feeling is attached with it but in this type of technology we cannot
feel any type of feelings.

JetBlue Sets Big Goals for Emissions,
Recycling and Sustainable Aviation Fuel
My point of view:-
I think we have to say this goal is not big but it is small because there are
so many chnages to be made in aviation industry for the less pollution. I
think that now this is time to do more research about to run the plane on
solar energy or wind energy on behalf of Fuel. If we take this matter till
2040 then at that time we damage to much to the enviornment.
Sushil kumar’s view:-
I think this is one of the best toward green world. Nowadays there is
more and more planes are flying in the sky. And we are movig towards
flying car also. So we have to invent some technology by which we can
run our vehicles using wind or solar energy.

UK plastic plant is ‘world-first’
commercial-scale chemical recycler
My point of view:-
I think that the worst thing we have invented untill this time is PLASTIC.
It is the thing that can never be destroy. If you dig it in land than after a
decade you find it in same condition. This thing pollute the environment
also. And plastic is very harmfull for marine life as well as human beings.
We have to remove the plastic in some way that it can not harmfull to
environment. And this is the good move towards that goal.

Sushil kumar’s point of view:-

I agree with vraj’s point of view. We have to apply this method at very
small level also. I saw many news and photos about plastic is swallen by
sidh, animal and birds which are very harmful to us. In simple view, in
india we can see that many cows eat plastics on the roads and people
drink milk of that cow at the end of the day that plastic goes into human
body and affect our health.

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