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Preceptor Evaluation of Experiential Teaching

Date of evaluation Preceptor Comments

(8/14/20) A lot of students around - you have done a nice job balancing layered
learning. However, we will focus on getting you some clinical days that are
just about you in the next half. Also, good job with starting to teach DM
classes. Feedback from Dr. Gildea has been very favorable. Looking
forward to seeing what you do on your own
(9/24/20) Really strong work with students and patient-learners this quarter. You've
done a nice job of balancing all of this, and its been no light-load. This pace
will likely continue as you will be precepting more students. You've done a
nice job of precepting the medical residents. Some find this very
intimidating, but that is not the case for you. Your feedback to the learners
has been appropriate. Teaching philosophy, in my opinion, was very strong
for a first draft. It'll be fun to see if it applies as time goes on and your
experiences round out a portfolio.
(11/11/20) As far as precepting APPE students, the biggest thing is you are a GREAT
(emphasis on great) advocate for students and is committed to making
sure they have a great rotation. In GENERAL (emphasis on general), the
residents tend to let the students just float around for awhile instead of
finding someone to help them when they are busy so make sure to use
preceptors for support if you need to.
(12/30/20) Molly has developed her own cadence in allowing students to go through
different phases of independence. You are wise in your ability to discern
when learners are ready to handle more on their own. You assess the
learners baseline knowledge and match instruction with where they are at.
Molly was able to give a great rotation to a MUS student this quarter. You
were able to hand over independence with clinical activities and then
provide solid and meaningful feedback.
(2/17/21) In didactics, you have a highly confident amiable teaching style. You had
an academic rotation through MU and were well received
(3/31/21) Based on evaluation and self reflection, teaching didactically as well as
experientially is both a strength and a passion. I appreciate the work you
have done this quarter looking forward to your second year experiences.
Great leadership and foresight. Keep looking looking at the current
rotations we run and make suggestions or plan how to make them better
for the different learners.

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