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Document type: Technical Document

Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

Written by: Status: Code Version Date

TIM ITALIA VALID N/A 1 31/08/2020


Management Department Reference


VERIFIED TIM ITALIA Gianfranco Cocchieri



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Document type: Technical Document

Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

Written by: Status: Code Version Date

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Ver. Description Date

1 First version 31/08/2020

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Document type: Technical Document

Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

Written by: Status: Code Version Date

TIM ITALIA VALID N/A 1 31/08/2020


1. SCOPE........................................................................................................................................................................4

2. DASHBOARD HIERARCHY...................................................................................................................................4

2.1 MAP LEVEL.........................................................................................................................................................5

2.2 MAP DETAIL LEVEL..........................................................................................................................................7

2.3 DEVICE DETAIL LEVEL....................................................................................................................................8

2.4 SERVICE DETAIL LEVEL..................................................................................................................................9

2.5 WHAT CAN DO.................................................................................................................................................10

2.6 DISCOVERING DEVICE...................................................................................................................................12

2.6.1 VDSL DEVICE..........................................................................................................................................12
2.6.2 GPON DEVICE..........................................................................................................................................13

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Document type: Technical Document

Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

Written by: Status: Code Version Date

TIM ITALIA VALID N/A 1 31/08/2020


This guide has the scope to introduce you to the use of NGASPEVO dashboard and to go drillthrough the reporting
hierarchy implemented to have an idea on what you can do with these reports with a sort of training on the job to the use of
the system. So it is better to proceed with an account on the system and training yourself using the dashboards, following
this guide step by step.
The first rule that guide the implementation of NGASPEvo is the concept of “metric”.
At the moment, the followings metrics have been developed:

1) Temperature. Is the value of the temperature of the device.

2) Status. Is the status of the port/ont for the VDSL/FTTH device

3) OPC. With this term we indicate the variability of the status of the port/ont. This is an indicator of a not stable
port/ont of the customer service line when there are a lot of changing status working / not_working / working…
a relative amount of time.

4) Certifications. Number of certifications done.

5) Others

These metrics are only a part of the metrics that can be implemented. Other metrics should be: restarts, kl0, bitrateUp,
bitrateDown, saturation, %occupacy and so on. Depends on you. It depends on what you are interested on and what you
want to control. If you are looking for candidate metrics you can find them inside the panels of the device detail
dashboards. We have implemented a “standard” to check the metric with the same approach given by the Dashboards


This paragraph describes the hierarchy concept; to do it, it is possible to use one of the implemented metric: status
metric. What is explained in this case for this metric could be easily extend on the other metrics.
All the dashboard implemented on metrics have something in common.
1) The Hierarchy of dashboards that can be navigated and investigated. The Hierarchy starts from a top level
dashboard, 1.1 Map, that is a sort of supervisor view of the problem (the metric where we are interested on) a

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Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

Written by: Status: Code Version Date

TIM ITALIA VALID N/A 1 31/08/2020

middle level dashboard, 1.2 Map Detail, that is a classic table view of the previous dashboard and then in detail on
the bottom level dashboard, 1.3 DeviceDetail, that is the dashboard that represent the “picture” of the status of the
device. Is possible to move from the Top of the dashboard level through the Bottom of the dashboard level
clicking on hyperlinks and switching on different dashboard trough the tabs of the browser. There will be another
level of reporting. What we are going to do is to build another dashboard level, another step under Device Detail
that should be 1.4 ServiceId dashboard where you are able to see the history of the status of a particular ServiceId,
diagnosis, and so on. So the target will be:

1.1 Map (Top Level)

1.2 Map Detail (middle Level)
1.3 Device Detail (middle Level)
1.4 ServiceId (Bottom Level)

All the dashboard 1.x are designed and developed in terms of service with parameters so that is possible to link
each other and are reusable everywhere also outside grafana environment, for example NGASP, trough hyperlink.

2) The Threshold. The value of this parameter gives you the ability to check where are the main important problems
related to the metric selected.

3) The TimeFilter. This could be a present period, last 3/6/12/24/n hours or days…. This could be also a period in the
past so that you are able to understand what was the situation in that moment in the past setting a custom
from_DateTime to_DateTime parameters.


The MAP Level is the top one of NGASP-Evo dashboards; an example of it is showed in the following links

In the Figure 1: Map Level two maps are visible

1. The left map represents the status of VDSL. The right map represents the status of FTTH.
2. On top of the maps the are some filters. From left to right:

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Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

Written by: Status: Code Version Date

TIM ITALIA VALID N/A 1 31/08/2020

Figure 1: Map Level

“StatoONU” is a filter, it is the status label of VDSL device status, for example not_working. “StatoOLT” is a
filter, it is the status label of FTTH device status, for example not_working.
“SogliaONU” is the threshold of the number of customers in status, for example not_working for VDSL device.
“SogliaOLT” is the threshold of the number of customers in status, for example not_working for FTTH device.
Limit Filter: it gives the possibility to limit the detail output. If the generated query result gives a large data
output of 10.000 rows this number of rows is high, take long time, is heavy to represent on the map or on a table.
With this limit parameter we makes the system lighter to avoid heavy and not useful high number of details. Could
be useful to represent 10.000 point on the map? You can do that, but probably could be useful to represent the top
severity 1.000 points. You do not waste time on large numbers of data output and you are able to manage focused
infos in place of large data, that you are able to manage, check and to investigate.
Time filter: It is possible to choose from last 5/15/30 minutes, last 1/3/6/12/24 hours, last 1/2/3/…days, custom
data range and so on.
Refresh and time Interval: Possible values are off that means no auto refresh. All the other values are auto
refresh time interval: 5s/10s/30seconds 1m/5m/15m/30minutes 1hours…ecc.
The hyperlink on the left top corner of the map that gives you the possibility to go to the next level MapDetail
dashboard VDSL or FTTH depending on left or right map, in another new tab.

 You can move inside the map using + / - zoom level. Sometimes the severity balls representing the device
metric could be overlapped. It depends on the zoom level and the device coordinates in terms of lat long.
Zooming and moving on a particular area of the map correspond to point the focus of the metric on that


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Document type: Technical Document

Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

Written by: Status: Code Version Date

TIM ITALIA VALID N/A 1 31/08/2020

The MAP Detail is the second layer one of NGASP-Evo dashboards; an example of it is showed in the following

Figure 2: Map Detail Level

This dashboard (Figure 2: Map Detail Level) represents the previous map level in a classic tabular view. This is
a list of the selected devices that corresponds to the selected parameters for the given metric. Through the link on the
name of the device you are able to go to the next level and check the value of the metric on the device selected. For
example, in this case the metric is the number of customers in not_working status.
Normally we use this level to give the possibility to different users to check the items they are responsible for,
based on area/city/field competency that is implemented with a specific filter so that every user is able to check the
area which is responsible for.
The parameters are the same of the previous level.
This dashboard is a single table panel. For every table panel, in every dashboard, there is the possibility to export
the data in csv format. All you have to do is to click on the title of the panel, at the center on top of the panel, it will
open a menu with some voices. On the voice “More…” there is the option “Export csv”. This menu option is visible in
the figure


The Device Detail is the lower layer one of NGASP-Evo dashboards; there are two types of dashboard
depending on network access technology

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Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

Written by: Status: Code Version Date

TIM ITALIA VALID N/A 1 31/08/2020

Describe the details of MSAN with VDSL Card (Figure 3: Device Detail Level - VDSL)
An example of it is on the following link:

Describe the details of MSAN with VDSL GPON (Figure 4: Device Detail Level - GPON)
An example of it is on the following link:

Figure 3: Device Detail Level - VDSL

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Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

Written by: Status: Code Version Date

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Figure 4: Device Detail Level - GPON

The two dashboards are similar but instanced specifically for the technology: one for VDSL and the other for
GPON. This dashboard is a sort of service. Its goal is to show a picture of the status of the device at 360°. The main
parameter is the name of the device. The other parameters are status, limit, TimeFilter….
Normally you are guided onto the dashboard VDSL or GPON following the link and the parameters of the
previous level. Otherwise, you can go directly to the dashboard and insert the name of the device In the device
paramenter text field. In this case you have to know which dashboard use regarding the technology of the device
VDSL (onudevicedetail) or GPON (oltdevicedetail).
Note that in some situation VDSL technology should be named FTTc and GPON technology as FTTh; as internal
identification, MSAN with VDSL port should be named as ONU while MSAN with GPON port should be named


At the moment the status of this dashboard is “Working in progress”. You will be able to see the actual status and
the history of the ServiceID and you are able to make some diagnosis on it.
An example of it is on the following link:

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Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

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Figure 5: Service Detail Level


Keep in mind that bigger is the period, larger is the amount of data that are involved in the generated query. So, you
have to move between time filter and threshold to find the right data you want to investigate. Thousands and thousands of
output rows could be not useful because is difficult to manage so many “problems”. Could be useful to understand where
are the main big problems, the top 10, 100 for example, solve them and then manage the others in a top-down view with a
priority order that is filtered by the threshold value.
If I have a problem of temperature on devices, I would like to understand if there are devices with very high
temperatures. Could be useful to understand if there are devices with temperature higher that 90°, for example. Having an
output of thousands of devices with a temperature from 40° to 60° could not be an interesting information.
Real example on device RJRJO_MSAN1424. Metric = not_working status (Figure 6: Metric Status)
You can change the threshold as like you want, but a lower threshold like 10, 20, 50, 100, in this case, should be
unuseful if there are devices with 300,400,500,600,700 not_working status.
The best thing to do is to try a threshold that gives you the possibility to discover where are the main problems.
How many customers are in not_working status for each device gives you a device order to check based on how
large is this metric number.
NGASP-EVO discovered on 4/08/2020 that the main problem was on this device that had the larger number of
customer offline. There were 784 customers in not_working status. Now you can check what happened in the past setting
the right time filter like the picture with the custom date above the yellow line

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Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

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TIM ITALIA VALID N/A 1 31/08/2020

Figure 6: Metric Status

You have to set different time filters to understand when there was such a peak of not_working status and when the
customers return online.
You are able to discover, directly on Device Detail dashboard (1.3 of reporting hierarchy) that there was something, a
vandalic act was discovered later, between 4.30 and 4.32 on august 4. Before that moment there where 169 not_working
but in about 2 minutes the not_working customers becomes 784.
In the same manner, you can monitor when the customers becomes online later.
Obviously, there were a team that worked on field to solve this problem. What we can say, checking the dashboard
with the time filter, is that from 14:40 to 15:30 the 600 customer that were offline becomes progressively online (from
not_working status to working status). So this problem causes a lack of the service for about 10-11 hours.

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Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

Written by: Status: Code Version Date

TIM ITALIA VALID N/A 1 31/08/2020

Figure 7: Status Graph

The system gives you the possibility to check what happened in the past, what is happening in the present and you are
also able to discover the problems near real time when the problem happens. You have only to open the map, you have
to set the time filter in autorefresh mode (red arrow of the picture) with a proper refresh time interval, 5 minutes for
example. What will happen is that the coloured ball “light on” the map and the color of the ball gives the idea of the
severity of the problem. So if the map was opened on 4 august you were able to catch the vandalic act when it happen, early
in the morning. With 5 minutes of refresh interval you are able to catch it with 2.5 minutes later, on the average.
Time interval, T, must be not too much short. It depends on the amount of time needed, E, to execute the generated
query, and the amount of users configured N. So, in general, T>>>E. (* rule 1). T must be greater than E considering also
N. Larger is N and larger must be T compared to E.
If time filter is quite short and time execution is a few of seconds you can have a strict near real time with only 1
minute time refresh interval. If execution time E is very fast, in terms of few seconds, you could use a Time Interval of
seconds, but the rule (* rule 1) must be valid and a short refresh time MAKES NO SENSE. A refresh time of 15min
could be reasonable, BUT it is a function on E, T, N.



Let’s go in detail on the device dashboard. There are many panels in both dashboards let’s start with VDSL (rif.
Figure 3: Device Detail Level - VDSL).
There are some filters. The main filters is the device name. There is a filter about the status of the ports that is a multi
option filter and limit, time filter as already discussed.
There are some information about the device, vendor, model, firmware release, location address, last temperature and
timestamp of the temperature for the time filter selected.
There is a little panel with restarts events and 2 panels about cards, kind of cards, number of ports.
The main important panel are 2 and they are related on the status. at the left the Summary panel of last status of the
device that counts how many ports are in a given state and then the Detail Panel of each status. If you are interested in a
particular status you can use the multi option filter “Stato”.
Inside the Detail panel there are some infos about the status of the port, the KL0 in meters, the bitrateUp and the
bitrateDown. After the status there are some counters. OPC is an indicator about the instability of the line. Higher is this
value higher are the variability of the status of the port and so many changes of the status of the report for the time filter
used. After the OPC the are the counters #W: number of Working state, #-W: number of not_Working state, #-L: number
of no_Link status, #-P: number of no_Power status, #U: number of Unavailable status, #L: number of Lock status always
for the time interval related to time filter.
#S is an auxiliary column that maps the string status to a number status. The current version of Grafana is able to color
a field/row only on a number data not on a string data.

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Title: NGASP-EVO User Guide

Written by: Status: Code Version Date

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After this Detail panel there are 3 gauges. They are all AVERAGE of of the metrics of the device. They are KL0,
bitrateUp, bitrateDOWN and they are calculated on all the data available in the database so without the time filter condition
so that you have an idea on the behavior of the device and you are able to compare the “performance” of each line versus
the average of the device for these 3 metrics.
Going down there is a ES-SES panel that is default closed. You can open it and you can see some infos VDSL specific
about the performance of each line every 15 minutes (900 seconds).


Let’s go in detail on the OLT dashboard (rif. Figure 4: Device Detail Level - GPON).
There are some filters. The main filters is the device name. There is a filter about the status of the onts that is a multi
option filter and a multi option filter on portid and a multi option filter on ontid without the All option because the ontid
coul be use for diagnosis. A limit filter, time filter as already discussed.
There are some information about the device, vendor, model, firmware release, location address, last temperature and
timestamp of the temperature for the time filter selected.
There is a little panel with restarts events and 3 panels about cards, kind of cards, number of ports, number of onts per
port e %occupation because we can have max 64 onts per port.
The main important panel are 2 and they are related on the status. at the left the Summary panel of last status of the
device that counts how many onts are in a given state and then the Detail Panel of each status. If you are interested in a
particular status you can use the multi option filter “Stato”.
Inside the Detail panel there are some infos about the status of the ont. After the status there is a duration field that
count the time that the ont is in working or not_working status. In similar way like for the VDSL device there are some
counters related to Optical or Other, non-optical, problems related to the different infos depending on vendors ftth
implementation. OPC is an indicator about the instability of the line. Higher is this value higher are the variability of the
status of the ont and so many changes of the status of the report for the time filter used. After the OPC the are the counters
#W: number of Working state, #-W: number of not_Working state, #-P: number of no_Power status that is the same of
dyingasp ftth events, always for the time interval related to time filter.
Going down there are other panels that are default closed. You can open it and you can see some other infos FTTH
Panel ports saturation
Panel ONTID diagnosis
Panel TX-RX
Panel DownTime
Panel Alarms


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