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Nama : Louis Lamya Fanotti

Kelas/NPM: 6IC/061830800591

MK : Bahasa Inggris 6

Tugas Membuat Surat Lamaran

4th of May 2021

Louis Lamya Fanotti

Jl. R.A. Hanan No.630 Kemalaraja Baturaja Timur

PT.Zaini Auto Motor

Palur Wetan, Palur, Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah

Telp (0274) 688 1003

Dear, Sir.

I’m interested in applying for the position of Development or Coding that your
company advertisement at the internet in website today on may 4, 2021.

I’m fresh graduated from Management Informatic D3 at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic

in 2021.
in accordance with the qualifications listed on the job vacancy, I am a graduate
Management Informatic D3 at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic in 2021. and I can also use
JavaScript, PHP, Database. and I also know about stuck developers and Ionic.

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