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Please answer the following questions thoughtfully and use complete sentences except for #2

which should be an amount of $:

1) Please list one of the careers you are considering for the future

Sports Medicine Physician

2) Indicate the potential starting salary for this career. To do this accurately,
Visit PayScale’s Salary Data & Career Research Center. (click)

To locate the salary for your future career:
● Type the career in the box and push SEARCH.
● Use the lowest entry in the given salary range, because you’ll be making the
starting salary at first.

3) Will the amount above be the same amount you actually receive in paychecks?
Why or why not?

No it will not be because money will be deducted for federal income taxes
as well as other taxes.

4) What are 4 expenses you will need to plan for each month when you are

Food and grocery shopping, phone bill, water bill, and rent.

5) When you played the games in 3.1.D, which category did you spend the most
money in and which did you spend the least amount in? Why?

I spent the most money in housing and for the car because it is important
to have those two things. I spent the least amount of money in clothes,
grooming, and entertainment because I think there are ways to still have
nice clothes and do fun things while not paying a lot for them.

6)Why is it a good idea to put money in savings and retirement FIRST before paying
for everything else?

Because it is important to make sure you have money saved incase an

emergency comes up, or you need money for something important. It is also important to
be saving for retirement so you do not run out of money once you are no longer working.
7) What was something you learned from this Module about Budgeting?

I learned that monthly costs can be expensive and it is important to budget

properly so you use your money in the right way. I also learned that it is very important to
save and have money put aside for emergencies and retirement.

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