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Clinical Field Experience C: Early Intervention

Deborah Lane

Grand Canyon University ECE-220

Professor: Rima Shuayto

During my observation I observed a little boy that had an IEP for autism, he is 5-year old

and his name is Jay. As I observed Jay and his speech therapist Mrs. Katrice who is an employed

by the Turner County BOE. I watched as she begin working with jay. She stared by showing him

different pictures and slowly sounding out the name of the picture and the vowel sound it made.

After working one on one with Jay she would add three more student from the class and have a

small group session, where each of the student were given the chance to ask each other to sound

out the vowel sound while making a funny face. The teacher was teaching the lesson of the day

to the rest of the class at the learning carpet. And the co-teacher was taking the kids to the

bathroom one by one to wash up and get ready for lunch. After lunch I observed the teacher and

her students swing on the swings on the playground and the co-teacher was sliding down the

slide with some of the other students. Then I noticed Jay, Chris, Susie and Mrs. Katrice at the

play library coloring pictures, talking, and laughing out loud. After recess everyone went inside

used the bathroom, got their mates out, and then the co-teacher put on a lullaby song and the

children took a nap. It took Mrs. Katrice rubbing Jay’s back, but he finally dosed off as well.

During this time I observed the teacher and the co-teacher getting their lesson prep for tomorrow

by making sure they had everything that they would need to make their day workout without any

problems. They would move about the classroom checking on the students while they were

asleep, making sure that they had their towel, that they were not choking or anything else

preschoolers get in to when they are supposed to be taking a nap. To me all in all I believed that

Jay had a good day today and was making some improvements and he was learning from not

only Mrs. Katrice, but his classmates and the teachers as well. I enjoyed observing my mentor

teacher and her co-teacher their techniques and partnership makes their classroom atmosphere
flow. I pray that when I have my own classroom that I will try to use some of the techniques that

I learn and incorporate them into my room and pray it be a success for me like it is for them.

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