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Crime is a big problem in the world; many believe that

nothing can be done to prevent it. To what extent do you

agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.

It is a fact that criminal acts are constantly occurring in everyday

life. Can it be overcame or not is a matter of dispute. I think that there
are several types of crimes and many of them can be discouraged by
little help from society.
To begin with I will talk about thieves and robbers. I consider
those illegal acts as crime which can be recovered due to the fact that
people start stealing stuff when they are lacking in something.
Majority of people live in poverty and do not have ample food for
their families and therefore they start stealing money, food and other
stuff in order to survive starvation. If governments worked
sufficiently and developed countries from economy perspective and
helped citizens of their countries to get jobs and have controversial
living conditions they would not have to steal and crime would have
been prevented.
Secondly, other more serious types of crime including killers,
narcotic dealers or mobsters are thought to be the most difficult to
prevent. I think that mobsters and influential people like Al Capone
or mentally disordered killers can not be dealt with and therefore I
agree with people saying that crime can not be prevented.
Authorities should try to their best to avert breeding crime by good
education and society culture but there are times when even
professional criminologists do not know how to control illegal acts or
spreading felony.
All things considered, I would say that we ought not to be
pessimists about improving criminals into better people, some are
just one because they are hungry. But we should also not forget about
mentally handicuffed people who can ton possibly be changed.

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