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 1。不好意思

 Originally meant : to feel shy, or to find it

embarrassing to do something.
 不好意思说,不好意思问,不好意思吃。
 At present, this phrase is often used to
express apology.
 不好意思,我的宿舍很脏。
 不好意思,让你们等我很长时间。
 2。这两天我太忙了,我想星期六一起洗。

 I have been very busy during the last few

days, I want to wash them all on Saturday.
 3. 他让我问你们好。

 She asks me to give her greetings to you.

 问+ Pr/NP + 好
 Is a construction used to convey greetings.
 他问你好
 我请你问他好。
 问他们好
 4。你住的宿舍大不大?

 Is the dormitory you live in big?

 When the subject-verb phrase is used as an

attributive, 的 must be placed between the
attributive and the head word in modifies.
 他租的房子怎么样?
 这是谁给你的书?
 他常去买东西的商店很大.
 5。我们留学生楼两个人住一间。

 Two students live in a dormitory in our

international student building.
 动词谓语句:
 Sentences with a verbal predicate
 动词作为谓语的句子

 The ,majority of Chinese sentences have a

verbal predicate and are relatively complex.
 Sentences with a verbal predicate
 动词作为谓语的句子

 林娜的男朋友是医生。
 他有一个姐姐
 我们学习汉语
 我回学院上课
 我们请他吃饭
 Sentences with an adjectival predicate
 形容词作为谓语句。

 我很好
 他这两天太忙
 我也很忙
 Sentences with a nominal predicate
 名词作为谓语句

 他二十二岁
 一斤苹果两块五
 现在八点半
 今天星期五
 宋华是北京人
 Sentences with a subject-predicate phrase as
 主谓短语作为谓语的句子

 你身体怎么样?
 我头疼
 她学习很好
 Six question types:
 1. 吗- 问句
 2. 正反疑问句 V/A- not- V/A question.
 3.疑问代词问句。
 4. 还是-的选择问句。
 5. 好吗/是不是/可以吗?问句
 6. 呢省略问句
 This is the most commonly used type of
 The person who asks this kind of question
has some idea concerning the answer.

 您是张教授吗?
 你现在很忙吗?
 明天你不来学院吗?
 This type of question is also frequently used.
 The person who asks this kind of question
has no idea concerning the answer.
 你认识不认识他?
 他有没有弟弟?
 他去没去上课?
 Questions with an interrogative pronoun.
 By using
 谁 什么 哪 哪儿 怎么 怎么样 多少

 This type of question specifically asks who, what,
which, where, how, how about, or how many .
 今天几号?
 你是哪国人?
 你的身体怎么样?
 你住在哪儿?
 你们班有多少个学生?
 谁是你的老师?
 Alternative questions with 还有
 There are two or more possibilities in this
type of question for the person addressed to
choose from.
 他是中国人还是日本人?
 我们上午去还是下午去?
 你喜欢香蕉还是苹果?
 Tag questions with 好吗?是不是?是吗?可以吗?
 Question with 好吗?可以吗?Are usually used
to ask someone’s opinion concerning the
suggestion put forward in the first part of the
 They are usually used to confirm the judgment
made in the first part of the sentence.
 我们去游泳,好吗?
 你学习汉语,是不是?
 我想提问,可以吗?
 Elliptical questions with the question particle

 The meaning of this type of question is
usually illustrated clearly by the previous
 我很好,你呢?
 我上午没有课,你呢?
 我们今天有时间,他呢?



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